Zone1 A lot of people here suffer from CDS: Catholic Derangement Syndrome

Then perhaps i rewrite the sentiment Misery

God granted humanity free will , although He got in a bit of a tiff with Satan over it

Humans have taken His 'word' , (along with his son) , and have had their way with it

Usually rediting towards their bias , for their control of the 'flock'

Ergo, the 'word of God' can be seen passed around through millennia of campfire scenario

Until it sounds like nothing of it's origin

Then perhaps i rewrite the sentiment Misery

God granted humanity free will , although He got in a bit of a tiff with Satan over it

Humans have taken His 'word' , (along with his son) , and have had their way with it

Usually rediting towards their bias , for their control of the 'flock'

Ergo, the 'word of God' can be seen passed around through millennia of campfire scenario

Until it sounds like nothing of it's origin

How do you know? Did you live in the days when the Original was exactly as you say it should be? And how do you say it should be?

But I guess we have to agree to disagree on this following

God protected His Word. There really are and were people who are trustworthy. I KNOW it's hard to believe, but it happens to be true. They are normally called Saints.
How do you know?
Simply reading history Misery
But I guess we have to agree to disagree on this following
As you wish....
God protected His Word
Not from the machinations of humanity

Free will is what God granted us

If you agree with that, then maybe you can see it

But you're talking to someone who's seen too much of 'humanity'

In my EMS tenure i saw many many folks pass on Misery

and there is nothing as moving as that of a child one can not save

"suffer the children to me" :rolleyes: It'll rip yer heart out....

imagine yourself in the back of a meatwagon begging and cursing God for the life of a child

It's an epiphany

Free will is God's plan

God just isn't a fascist for now, and Satan is somewhat the libertarian red headed step child....

Yep, true story.

There's something about Catholicism that drives some anti-Catholic Protestant zealots to... loony tunes.

I mean, one anti-Catholic poster here comes to mind, but will remain un-named, but really they all say about the same thing... over and over and over ad nauseum, in fact

It's always: You Catholics worship Mary, not Jesus! (Who knew??)
and stuff like: You follow the pope instead of Jesus! (Who knew??)
and: You make up stuff that can't be found ANYWHERE in Scripture.

Then when you show them that Scriptures actually DO exist that support Catholic beliefs, like Mt 18:23 re Purgatory and etc,

What do we get in response


You're obsessed. The Catholic Church portrayed as a hated victim is all you write about.

“Catholic Derangement Syndrome”?​

A lot of “derangement syndromes” supposedly going around these days…

Everybody’s got their grievances, it seems. Historical ones. Even supernatural ones. “My God was mistreated by yours”? “My Church is better than yours”?

… An Orange Prophet is being persecuted right now. Patriots and co-religionists are being “held hostage”! We need to do something!!!

If you want to be Catholic, go ahead. It’s a free choice, Catholics aren’t any different from many organized religions.

That's the way it used to be until it became politically correct to be intolerant of anyone who disagreed with your opinions about anything.

Yep, true story.

There's something about Catholicism that drives some anti-Catholic Protestant zealots to... loony tunes.

I mean, one anti-Catholic poster here comes to mind, but will remain un-named, but really they all say about the same thing... over and over and over ad nauseum, in fact

It's always: You Catholics worship Mary, not Jesus! (Who knew??)
and stuff like: You follow the pope instead of Jesus! (Who knew??)
and: You make up stuff that can't be found ANYWHERE in Scripture.

Then when you show them that Scriptures actually DO exist that support Catholic beliefs, like Mt 18:23 re Purgatory and etc,

What do we get in response


Clue, no one cares.

That's the way it used to be until it became politically correct to be intolerant of anyone who disagreed with your opinions about anything.

People can no longer just disagree with another, it all is confrontational. Sad that those claiming to worship a loving God, can‘t show love, compassion and tolerant of those that disagree with them. Not God or Christ like.
Christ said 'do this as a memorial to me' regarding the bread and wine. He didn't say the bread was actually his flesh and the wine was actually his blood. Paul said that the bread was really flesh and the wine was really blood.
Did you take pictures?
No? Why not?
He lives on the inside of me not in a building. He's everywhere I go- I cant escape Him! Psalm 139-
7Whither shall I go from thy spirit?
Or whither shall I flee from thy presence?
8If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there:
If I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.
Christ said 'do this as a memorial to me' regarding the bread and wine. He didn't say the bread was actually his flesh and the wine was actually his blood. Paul said that the bread was really flesh and the wine was really blood.
exactly- He said fruit of the vine.
He lives on the inside of me not in a building. He's everywhere I go- I cant escape Him! Psalm 139-
7Whither shall I go from thy spirit?
Or whither shall I flee from thy presence?
8If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there:
If I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.
So, no pictures.
and if you are correct "God" is also with me all the time.
I checked, he ain't there.
But you know what is there for both of us?


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