A Male Fold-Out In Playboy Magazine

Yes, but the person doing the "change" gets help from their own bone structure in how their face is as well as their bodies. Some change and look like a man trying to be a woman. Jenner comes to mind with that one. Then again, RuPaul looks awesome as a woman. And still looks like a man when he wants to be.

Really hard to tell with Asians though. They are called "lady boys." :lol:
Hugh is dead!

It's probably what killed him.


Don't try to project your sexual fears onto others.

Hugh Hefner, although a man with many faults, was a supporter of LGBT rights for his entire life.

The first nude pictorial of a trans woman in Playboy was in 1981.

Hef's masculinity wasn't as fragile as yours. Don't try to speak for others.

No fear. I prefer truth in advertising, and stopped visiting carnival freak tents back in the 60s.

Or, perhaps not. Today we have the Democratic Party. Never mind.


Of course it's fear. It's always about fear.

You're afraid that you'll find a transgender attractive.
Hugh is dead!

It's probably what killed him.


Don't try to project your sexual fears onto others.

Hugh Hefner, although a man with many faults, was a supporter of LGBT rights for his entire life.

The first nude pictorial of a trans woman in Playboy was in 1981.

Hef's masculinity wasn't as fragile as yours. Don't try to speak for others.

No fear. I prefer truth in advertising, and stopped visiting carnival freak tents back in the 60s.

Or, perhaps not. Today we have the Democratic Party. Never mind.


Of course it's fear. It's always about fear.

You're afraid that you'll find a transgender attractive.

and top of that if you are drunk you'd do a Christmas tree too....:dunno::(
Yes, but the person doing the "change" gets help from their own bone structure in how their face is as well as their bodies. Some change and look like a man trying to be a woman. Jenner comes to mind with that one. Then again, RuPaul looks awesome as a woman. And still looks like a man when he wants to be.

There is a real surgical procedure to feminizing or masculinizing facial features. Bruce Jenner was feminized. There are implants to define most musculature.
Yes, but the person doing the "change" gets help from their own bone structure in how their face is as well as their bodies. Some change and look like a man trying to be a woman. Jenner comes to mind with that one. Then again, RuPaul looks awesome as a woman. And still looks like a man when he wants to be.

There is a real surgical procedure to feminizing or masculinizing facial features. Bruce Jenner was feminized. There are implants to define most musculature.

they all end up dead in the end :dunno:

That's a picture from the first Playboy pictorial of a trans woman, in 1981.

How does that make you feel?
I was curious, so I looked on google to see how its done from male to female. In essence, they whack off the balls, then empty out the penis of muscle then shove it up inside the body inside out so there is a tube for another penis to enter.
But it didn't show a nude after of a man turned to woman that would be acceptable for a mans magazine that wants to look at women. And why would playboy do this when their magazine is aimed for heterosexuals? Man wanting woman. Not man wanting woman that was a man.

For real yuck, a child with abusive deranged parents put a boy on hormones when he's young. The penis doesn't grow. It can't be used to shove back up in there.

In that case, they do a bowel resection. They take a section of bowel and use that to form the vaginal canal. But, the bowel produces its own mucus to ease elimination. It has a distinctive odor. The man's pussy forever smells like ass and the ass doesn't work too well with a hunk missing.

Do not give children hormones or hormone blockers.
Just think how it will feel when you men are jerking off to another man lmao. Gawd the sickness.
Seeing them all decked out in an edited photo with a shit ton of makeup, makeup artists (who can create science fiction critters!), professional hair stylists, etc., etc., is not an accurate representation of what they actually look like though. It's when you wake up to the person in the morning and they have no makeup on, and there is no photo editor, that you would probably notice little "things" about them. Lol. Demeanor and size too. Big giant hands and feet. If they stop taking hormones, they will start to grow a 5 o'clock shadow again. Muscle tone on some body parts, such as the legs. There are definitely ways to tell, I think.
Hugh is dead!

It's probably what killed him.


Don't try to project your sexual fears onto others.

Hugh Hefner, although a man with many faults, was a supporter of LGBT rights for his entire life.

The first nude pictorial of a trans woman in Playboy was in 1981.

Hef's masculinity wasn't as fragile as yours. Don't try to speak for others.

No fear. I prefer truth in advertising, and stopped visiting carnival freak tents back in the 60s.

Or, perhaps not. Today we have the Democratic Party. Never mind.
truth in advertising






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