A Male Fold-Out In Playboy Magazine

Thank you playboy!!!

One of the greatest freedom fighters this country has! Fuck the prudes!

Fuck religion and its fascist attitude.
SCIENCE tells us these are not women. Do you also believe the earth is flat?

Fuck the queers (not literally).

Fuck atheism and it's fascist attitude.
I haven't purchased Playboy magazines in many, many years, however, if I were still purchasing them, that is one issue I would not purchase and if I were on a subscription, it is one issue I would return, unopened. I draw the line at purchasing pictures of naked individuals with xy chromosomes.
I wonder how many other buyers have to have an opinion like yours in order for this to be the last time an issue like this one is released.

God bless you always!!!

Hugh is dead!

It's probably what killed him.


Don't try to project your sexual fears onto others.

Hugh Hefner, although a man with many faults, was a supporter of LGBT rights for his entire life.

The first nude pictorial of a trans woman in Playboy was in 1981.

Hef's masculinity wasn't as fragile as yours. Don't try to speak for others.

No fear. I prefer truth in advertising, and stopped visiting carnival freak tents back in the 60s.

Or, perhaps not. Today we have the Democratic Party. Never mind.
truth in advertising





They remain what they are, enhanced or not. They remain women.

Transexuals are creatures devised by the use of pharmaceuticals and cosmetic surgery. Essentially a nose job taken to extremes, along with a few hormones.

A man having undergone such procedures remains a man, albeit one wearing a mask. DNA does not change.

Such individuals have every right to do whatever they like, but as the old saying goes, don't piss up my leg and tell me it's raining, and don't expect me to buy into the delusion.
By your own reckoning, the same is so with transsexuals....
[Women with breast implants] remain what they are, enhanced or not.
A [transsexual] man having undergone such procedures remains a man
...You claim they both are what they were before the procedures, and, clearly neither appears as they did before the procedures, yet your forbearance appears not to apply equally to each. There's no principle to such a position. It's merely wanton discrimination applied capriciously.
It's probably what killed him.


Don't try to project your sexual fears onto others.

Hugh Hefner, although a man with many faults, was a supporter of LGBT rights for his entire life.

The first nude pictorial of a trans woman in Playboy was in 1981.

Hef's masculinity wasn't as fragile as yours. Don't try to speak for others.

No fear. I prefer truth in advertising, and stopped visiting carnival freak tents back in the 60s.

Or, perhaps not. Today we have the Democratic Party. Never mind.
truth in advertising





They remain what they are, enhanced or not. They remain women.

Transexuals are creatures devised by the use of pharmaceuticals and cosmetic surgery. Essentially a nose job taken to extremes, along with a few hormones.

A man having undergone such procedures remains a man, albeit one wearing a mask. DNA does not change.

Such individuals have every right to do whatever they like, but as the old saying goes, don't piss up my leg and tell me it's raining, and don't expect me to buy into the delusion.
By your own reckoning, the same is so with transsexuals....
[Women with breast implants] remain what they are, enhanced or not.
A [transsexual] man having undergone such procedures remains a man
...You claim they both are what they were before the procedures, and, clearly neither appears as they did before the procedures, yet your forbearance appears not to apply equally to each. There's no principle to such a position. It's merely wanton discrimination applied capriciously.

It is not the same thing at all. Puhleese. :bs1:
It's probably what killed him.


Don't try to project your sexual fears onto others.

Hugh Hefner, although a man with many faults, was a supporter of LGBT rights for his entire life.

The first nude pictorial of a trans woman in Playboy was in 1981.

Hef's masculinity wasn't as fragile as yours. Don't try to speak for others.

No fear. I prefer truth in advertising, and stopped visiting carnival freak tents back in the 60s.

Or, perhaps not. Today we have the Democratic Party. Never mind.
truth in advertising





They remain what they are, enhanced or not. They remain women.

Transexuals are creatures devised by the use of pharmaceuticals and cosmetic surgery. Essentially a nose job taken to extremes, along with a few hormones.

A man having undergone such procedures remains a man, albeit one wearing a mask. DNA does not change.

Such individuals have every right to do whatever they like, but as the old saying goes, don't piss up my leg and tell me it's raining, and don't expect me to buy into the delusion.
By your own reckoning, the same is so with transsexuals....
[Women with breast implants] remain what they are, enhanced or not.
A [transsexual] man having undergone such procedures remains a man
...You claim they both are what they were before the procedures, and, clearly neither appears as they did before the procedures, yet your forbearance appears not to apply equally to each. There's no principle to such a position. It's merely wanton discrimination applied capriciously.

In your humble opinion, of course.

All things are not relative.
I don't know who the liberals think they are fooling with this nonsense. Breast enhancement surgery is not even remotely equatable to trying to come across as if you are the opposite sex and getting extremely complicated, very invasive, and potentially life threatening cosmetic surgery done, sterilizing yourself in the process. Ridiculous comparison. Breast enhancement surgery is slipping a couple of water bags underneath the skin and perhaps muscle tissue of the patient. It takes probably an hour or two and the patient usually can go home the same day or the next day. There are usually not many serious lifelong complications or implications.
The fake boobs are not real on either man or woman, but the man is still a man and the woman is still a woman.

Don't try to project your sexual fears onto others.

Hugh Hefner, although a man with many faults, was a supporter of LGBT rights for his entire life.

The first nude pictorial of a trans woman in Playboy was in 1981.

Hef's masculinity wasn't as fragile as yours. Don't try to speak for others.

No fear. I prefer truth in advertising, and stopped visiting carnival freak tents back in the 60s.

Or, perhaps not. Today we have the Democratic Party. Never mind.
truth in advertising





They remain what they are, enhanced or not. They remain women.

Transexuals are creatures devised by the use of pharmaceuticals and cosmetic surgery. Essentially a nose job taken to extremes, along with a few hormones.

A man having undergone such procedures remains a man, albeit one wearing a mask. DNA does not change.

Such individuals have every right to do whatever they like, but as the old saying goes, don't piss up my leg and tell me it's raining, and don't expect me to buy into the delusion.
By your own reckoning, the same is so with transsexuals....
[Women with breast implants] remain what they are, enhanced or not.
A [transsexual] man having undergone such procedures remains a man
...You claim they both are what they were before the procedures, and, clearly neither appears as they did before the procedures, yet your forbearance appears not to apply equally to each. There's no principle to such a position. It's merely wanton discrimination applied capriciously.

You claim they both are what they were before the procedures, and, clearly neither appears as they did before the procedures, yet your forbearance appears not to apply equally to each. There's no principle to such a position. It's merely wanton discrimination applied capriciously.

In your humble opinion, of course.

All things are not relative.
IMHO? No. An opinion on my part has nothing to do with it. You are the one who quoted "V," the protagonist from V for Vendetta and asserted, that you'd, with regard to transsexuals, to "vanquish these venal and virulent vermin." Forbearance isn't what one who would vanquish another has toward that other individual whom they refer to as vermin. I have no need to opine. You've directly stated your intention and hung by the petard of your own words.

Don't try to project your sexual fears onto others.

Hugh Hefner, although a man with many faults, was a supporter of LGBT rights for his entire life.

The first nude pictorial of a trans woman in Playboy was in 1981.

Hef's masculinity wasn't as fragile as yours. Don't try to speak for others.

No fear. I prefer truth in advertising, and stopped visiting carnival freak tents back in the 60s.

Or, perhaps not. Today we have the Democratic Party. Never mind.
truth in advertising





They remain what they are, enhanced or not. They remain women.

Transexuals are creatures devised by the use of pharmaceuticals and cosmetic surgery. Essentially a nose job taken to extremes, along with a few hormones.

A man having undergone such procedures remains a man, albeit one wearing a mask. DNA does not change.

Such individuals have every right to do whatever they like, but as the old saying goes, don't piss up my leg and tell me it's raining, and don't expect me to buy into the delusion.
By your own reckoning, the same is so with transsexuals....
[Women with breast implants] remain what they are, enhanced or not.
A [transsexual] man having undergone such procedures remains a man
...You claim they both are what they were before the procedures, and, clearly neither appears as they did before the procedures, yet your forbearance appears not to apply equally to each. There's no principle to such a position. It's merely wanton discrimination applied capriciously.

You claim they both are what they were before the procedures, and, clearly neither appears as they did before the procedures, yet your forbearance appears not to apply equally to each. There's no principle to such a position. It's merely wanton discrimination applied capriciously.

In your humble opinion, of course.

All things are not relative.
IMHO? No. An opinion on my part has nothing to do with it. You are the one who quoted "V," the protagonist from V for Vendetta and asserted, that you'd, with regard to transsexuals, to "vanquish these venal and virulent vermin."

His use of "verisimilitude" just dragged the quote right out of me. :laugh2:

You really should cut down on the anal retentiveness.
The whole transsexual situation is just weird. Don't even try to tell me that it isn't really weird because it is. I don't want to harm them or see harm come to them. Just don't expect others to buy into your weird BS. If you were born a man, then you are a man. If you were born a woman, then you are a woman. Period. You don't get to pick your sex. You just don't. Nope, life isn't always fair. That's just the way it is. If one of these MTF transsexuals was to die and the body wasn't discovered until only bones remained, guess what? The forensics examiner would determine it to be a male based on it's skeletal structure and other features that are biologically ingrained into each of the sexes.
No fear. I prefer truth in advertising, and stopped visiting carnival freak tents back in the 60s.

Or, perhaps not. Today we have the Democratic Party. Never mind.
truth in advertising





They remain what they are, enhanced or not. They remain women.

Transexuals are creatures devised by the use of pharmaceuticals and cosmetic surgery. Essentially a nose job taken to extremes, along with a few hormones.

A man having undergone such procedures remains a man, albeit one wearing a mask. DNA does not change.

Such individuals have every right to do whatever they like, but as the old saying goes, don't piss up my leg and tell me it's raining, and don't expect me to buy into the delusion.
By your own reckoning, the same is so with transsexuals....
[Women with breast implants] remain what they are, enhanced or not.
A [transsexual] man having undergone such procedures remains a man
...You claim they both are what they were before the procedures, and, clearly neither appears as they did before the procedures, yet your forbearance appears not to apply equally to each. There's no principle to such a position. It's merely wanton discrimination applied capriciously.

You claim they both are what they were before the procedures, and, clearly neither appears as they did before the procedures, yet your forbearance appears not to apply equally to each. There's no principle to such a position. It's merely wanton discrimination applied capriciously.

In your humble opinion, of course.

All things are not relative.
IMHO? No. An opinion on my part has nothing to do with it. You are the one who quoted "V," the protagonist from V for Vendetta and asserted, that you'd, with regard to transsexuals, to "vanquish these venal and virulent vermin."

His use of "verisimilitude" just dragged the quote right out of me. :laugh2:

You really should cut down on the anal retentiveness.

Oh...so now you assert that you quoted "V" as a joke? That is presumably the point of your emoji? But you didn't see fit to make that clear then so that readers would not misconstrue your intent.

I'm not being anal retentive. I merely read what you wrote and observed you made no effort to indicate you were merely and for entertainment's sake amusing yourself by citing v-alliterative remarks you'd encountered elsewhere. You quoted someone else's words in presenting your own POV, not I, and you didn't bother to put any sort of disclaimer -- emoji as you've used above, a short statement indicating you don't/didn't intend all that those sentences state, or some other form of qualification of the statement -- and your failure to have done constitutes is my being anal retentive because I took your remarks as authentically representative of your views . Try again. I've seen enough of your posts to know that you write what you mean and don't write what you don't mean.

They remain what they are, enhanced or not. They remain women.

Transexuals are creatures devised by the use of pharmaceuticals and cosmetic surgery. Essentially a nose job taken to extremes, along with a few hormones.

A man having undergone such procedures remains a man, albeit one wearing a mask. DNA does not change.

Such individuals have every right to do whatever they like, but as the old saying goes, don't piss up my leg and tell me it's raining, and don't expect me to buy into the delusion.
By your own reckoning, the same is so with transsexuals....
[Women with breast implants] remain what they are, enhanced or not.
A [transsexual] man having undergone such procedures remains a man
...You claim they both are what they were before the procedures, and, clearly neither appears as they did before the procedures, yet your forbearance appears not to apply equally to each. There's no principle to such a position. It's merely wanton discrimination applied capriciously.

You claim they both are what they were before the procedures, and, clearly neither appears as they did before the procedures, yet your forbearance appears not to apply equally to each. There's no principle to such a position. It's merely wanton discrimination applied capriciously.

In your humble opinion, of course.

All things are not relative.
IMHO? No. An opinion on my part has nothing to do with it. You are the one who quoted "V," the protagonist from V for Vendetta and asserted, that you'd, with regard to transsexuals, to "vanquish these venal and virulent vermin."

His use of "verisimilitude" just dragged the quote right out of me. :laugh2:

You really should cut down on the anal retentiveness.

Oh...so now you assert that you quoted "V" as a joke? That is presumably the point of your emoji? But you didn't see fit to make that clear then so that readers would not misconstrue your intent.

I'm not being anal retentive. I merely read what you wrote and observed you made no effort to indicate you were merely and for entertainment's sake amusing yourself by citing v-alliterative remarks you'd encountered elsewhere. You quoted someone else's words in presenting your own POV, not I, and you didn't bother to put any sort of disclaimer -- emoji as you've used above, a short statement indicating you don't/didn't intend all that those sentences state, or some other form of qualification of the statement -- and your failure to have done constitutes is my being anal retentive because I took your remarks as authentically representative of your views . Try again. I've seen enough of your posts to know that you write what you mean and don't write what you don't mean.


This guy . . . .:rolleyes: He's about as much fun as a sandpaper dildo.

They remain what they are, enhanced or not. They remain women.

Transexuals are creatures devised by the use of pharmaceuticals and cosmetic surgery. Essentially a nose job taken to extremes, along with a few hormones.

A man having undergone such procedures remains a man, albeit one wearing a mask. DNA does not change.

Such individuals have every right to do whatever they like, but as the old saying goes, don't piss up my leg and tell me it's raining, and don't expect me to buy into the delusion.
By your own reckoning, the same is so with transsexuals....
[Women with breast implants] remain what they are, enhanced or not.
A [transsexual] man having undergone such procedures remains a man
...You claim they both are what they were before the procedures, and, clearly neither appears as they did before the procedures, yet your forbearance appears not to apply equally to each. There's no principle to such a position. It's merely wanton discrimination applied capriciously.

You claim they both are what they were before the procedures, and, clearly neither appears as they did before the procedures, yet your forbearance appears not to apply equally to each. There's no principle to such a position. It's merely wanton discrimination applied capriciously.

In your humble opinion, of course.

All things are not relative.
IMHO? No. An opinion on my part has nothing to do with it. You are the one who quoted "V," the protagonist from V for Vendetta and asserted, that you'd, with regard to transsexuals, to "vanquish these venal and virulent vermin."

His use of "verisimilitude" just dragged the quote right out of me. :laugh2:

You really should cut down on the anal retentiveness.

Oh...so now you assert that you quoted "V" as a joke? That is presumably the point of your emoji? But you didn't see fit to make that clear then so that readers would not misconstrue your intent.

I'm not being anal retentive.

In your humble opinion.
They remain what they are, enhanced or not. They remain women.

Transexuals are creatures devised by the use of pharmaceuticals and cosmetic surgery. Essentially a nose job taken to extremes, along with a few hormones.

A man having undergone such procedures remains a man, albeit one wearing a mask. DNA does not change.

Such individuals have every right to do whatever they like, but as the old saying goes, don't piss up my leg and tell me it's raining, and don't expect me to buy into the delusion.
By your own reckoning, the same is so with transsexuals....
[Women with breast implants] remain what they are, enhanced or not.
A [transsexual] man having undergone such procedures remains a man
...You claim they both are what they were before the procedures, and, clearly neither appears as they did before the procedures, yet your forbearance appears not to apply equally to each. There's no principle to such a position. It's merely wanton discrimination applied capriciously.

You claim they both are what they were before the procedures, and, clearly neither appears as they did before the procedures, yet your forbearance appears not to apply equally to each. There's no principle to such a position. It's merely wanton discrimination applied capriciously.

In your humble opinion, of course.

All things are not relative.
IMHO? No. An opinion on my part has nothing to do with it. You are the one who quoted "V," the protagonist from V for Vendetta and asserted, that you'd, with regard to transsexuals, to "vanquish these venal and virulent vermin."

His use of "verisimilitude" just dragged the quote right out of me. :laugh2:

You really should cut down on the anal retentiveness.

Oh...so now you assert that you quoted "V" as a joke? That is presumably the point of your emoji? But you didn't see fit to make that clear then so that readers would not misconstrue your intent.

I'm not being anal retentive.

Oh...so now you assert that you quoted "V" as a joke? That is presumably the point of your emoji? But you didn't see fit to make that clear then so that readers would not misconstrue your intent.

I'm not being anal retentive. I merely read what you wrote and observed you made no effort to indicate you were merely and for entertainment's sake amusing yourself by citing v-alliterative remarks you'd encountered elsewhere. You quoted someone else's words in presenting your own POV, not I, and you didn't bother to put any sort of disclaimer -- emoji as you've used above, a short statement indicating you don't/didn't intend all that those sentences state, or some other form of qualification of the statement -- and your failure to have done constitutes is my being anal retentive because I took your remarks as authentically representative of your views . Try again. I've seen enough of your posts to know that you write what you mean and don't write what you don't mean.

In your humble opinion.
No opining on my part. I merely observed what you chose to write to express yourself and confronted you with those words.

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