A message to America from Black America.

When blacks are done complaining I'd like to talk about how us short people don't get a fair shake.

And I want reparations because I understand blondes have more fun.

Ahhh, white people. Seeing physical stature as being the same as Govt oppression because thats really all they have.

Oh and that they arent having as much fun. Real important stuff there, good point
Actually I don't disagree with black people that America hasn't given them a fair shake. That much I get.

Here comes the but....

But how have blacks responded? Thug mentality, gold teeth, baby mamas, pants low, eubonics, high crime rates, not taking school serious, poverty and welfare etc. They arent improving as a society despite us.

Thats just the stuff racist pricks like you like to focus on. Its like if I presented Meth and incest as being the legacy of whites. Or rape and molestation the legacy of Catholics.

I like how you said "Hey you guys were oppressed for generations I get it....but what about your gold teeth" Pretending that gold teeth is akin to the level of having the military and govt hold your head under water.

Just like the person above pretended that being short is the same as slavery. Thats all you guys have.
I think you get the point. Take the gold out your grill pull your pants up and learn to speak.

And stop being so malcom x and be more mlk. Actually a combo of both. Malcomb made good points too like start your own business'

And when I pull mah pants up will racism be over then? DURP!!
For you it will. You'll see cops and employers treat you better.

I can't promise you won't run into a racist cop. I can only advise you to do what he says.
"My last name doesn't even belong to me. Let that sink in." - Powerful.

Watch the whole thing before commenting.

All our last names never belonged to us until we were given them.

You got your last name from a slave owner?

If you don't like your name, change it to anything you want. It just takes a couple hundred dollars for a lawyer and a day off of work to go to court.

And that sort of went over your head.

Most folks in this country, start out life with some sort of "inheritance" from their family. And it's not just wealth, it's history. Folks can talk about how their ancestors came to this country, worked hard and thrived.

That's not the black experience. They were kidnapped, forced into slavery, became property, for generations, were bred, had families broken apart, had their women raped by slave owners and took on the names of their oppressors. It's only within the last several decades (And not really) that things have sort of gotten better. But racism is still inherent in this country, in a very big way and there has been little or nothing done in terms of remediation for some really awful behavior.

Who cares how you got here? I mean you personally? My Spartan ancestor was sold to the Romans to be a gladiator. My other ancestor was raped by a turk. That's my mom's side of the family. Greeks suffored for 500 years under the Turks. All that led to me being born in Detroit, America in 1970. Not a bad place and time to be born in history. Oh don't get me wrong Detroit sucks but its not the worst place in time you can end up.

My parents and many blacks too went to work for the big three and made something of themselves.

Many blacks left Detroit to come live and work with the rest of us in the burbs. 700,000 left. Let's see if you can take the ghetto out of the blacks if you take the blacks out the ghetto.

Or will they continue their thug ways and blaming whitey for why she has 4 kids and two dead in the freezer.

Who cares?

Well folks that believe in civil society. Part and parcel with that is equal treatment before the law, economic empowerment and access to resources.

When these things aren't available to certain segments in society, then violence generally erupts.

As a non-religious person, I don't believe in violence.
"My last name doesn't even belong to me. Let that sink in." - Powerful.

Watch the whole thing before commenting.

Utter nonsense. Asian Americans were legislatively discriminated against and Jews were openly discriminated against, yet these groups are some of the most successful in the country.

Blacks in many ways have more advantages. 1. They get affirmative action preference, 2. They get unfair economic favoritism via minority owned business title, 3. Favoritism in government job hiring, 4. The most protected class in housing, credit and job discrimination and 5. Get special treatment in college acceptance. Yet the community as a whole keeps sinking!

The black view is to blame others, but in reality they need to look inwards.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Most folks in this country, start out life with some sort of "inheritance" from their family. And it's not just wealth, it's history. Folks can talk about how their ancestors came to this country, worked hard and thrived.

That's not the black experience. They were kidnapped, forced into slavery, became property, for generations, were bred, had families broken apart, had their women raped by slave owners and took on the names of their oppressors. It's only within the last several decades (And not really) that things have sort of gotten better. But racism is still inherent in this country, in a very big way and there has been little or nothing done in terms of remediation for some really awful behavior.
Bullshit. I haven't inherited anything and won't. What I have I earned. My mother isn't from this country and my dad only goes back two generations. Blacks are much better off here than in their ancestral country, that's why so few move there.

Remediation? Oh you mean reparations. You are welcome to give your money but if you want mine you have to come get it.
All our last names never belonged to us until we were given them.

You got your last name from a slave owner?

If you don't like your name, change it to anything you want. It just takes a couple hundred dollars for a lawyer and a day off of work to go to court.
And that sort of went over your head.

Most folks in this country, start out life with some sort of "inheritance" from their family. And it's not just wealth, it's history. Folks can talk about how their ancestors came to this country, worked hard and thrived.

That's not the black experience. They were kidnapped, forced into slavery, became property, for generations, were bred, had families broken apart, had their women raped by slave owners and took on the names of their oppressors. It's only within the last several decades (And not really) that things have sort of gotten better. But racism is still inherent in this country, in a very big way and there has been little or nothing done in terms of remediation for some really awful behavior.
Who cares how you got here? I mean you personally? My Spartan ancestor was sold to the Romans to be a gladiator. My other ancestor was raped by a turk. That's my mom's side of the family. Greeks suffored for 500 years under the Turks. All that led to me being born in Detroit, America in 1970. Not a bad place and time to be born in history. Oh don't get me wrong Detroit sucks but its not the worst place in time you can end up.

My parents and many blacks too went to work for the big three and made something of themselves.

Many blacks left Detroit to come live and work with the rest of us in the burbs. 700,000 left. Let's see if you can take the ghetto out of the blacks if you take the blacks out the ghetto.

Or will they continue their thug ways and blaming whitey for why she has 4 kids and two dead in the freezer.
Who cares?

Well folks that believe in civil society. Part and parcel with that is equal treatment before the law, economic empowerment and access to resources.

When these things aren't available to certain segments in society, then violence generally erupts.

As a non-religious person, I don't believe in violence.

there goes the Left admitting they failed the very people they claim to care about the most.
this idiot doesnt speak for all Black people; or even most of them. they only claim to be.
most of the Black people i know dont spend their lives or even waste their time, blaming people who share ONLY SKIN COLOR with people who abused their ancesters.
Ahhh, white people. Seeing physical stature as being the same as Govt oppression because thats really all they have.

Oh and that they arent having as much fun. Real important stuff there, good point
Actually I don't disagree with black people that America hasn't given them a fair shake. That much I get.

Here comes the but....

But how have blacks responded? Thug mentality, gold teeth, baby mamas, pants low, eubonics, high crime rates, not taking school serious, poverty and welfare etc. They arent improving as a society despite us.

Thats just the stuff racist pricks like you like to focus on. Its like if I presented Meth and incest as being the legacy of whites. Or rape and molestation the legacy of Catholics.

I like how you said "Hey you guys were oppressed for generations I get it....but what about your gold teeth" Pretending that gold teeth is akin to the level of having the military and govt hold your head under water.

Just like the person above pretended that being short is the same as slavery. Thats all you guys have.
I think you get the point. Take the gold out your grill pull your pants up and learn to speak.

And stop being so malcom x and be more mlk. Actually a combo of both. Malcomb made good points too like start your own business'

And when I pull mah pants up will racism be over then? DURP!!
For you it will. You'll see cops and employers treat you better.

I can't promise you won't run into a racist cop. I can only advise you to do what he says.

I realize this is from personal experience, but what the heck..

I have a friend from Jamaica that I worked with at the NYSE for 11 years. He started his own technical business and moved to Jamaica. He came back last year because of his business. At a dinner party at my place he told me he was tossed up against a car, hand cuffed and frisked. When he asked the police why this happened, they didn't answer but let him go. This is a college educated guy, clean cut, intelligent, and a business owner. He's also a sci fi nerd mixed with gym rat (We use to work out together at the Polytech Gym).

There was only one reason that happened.
You got your last name from a slave owner?

If you don't like your name, change it to anything you want. It just takes a couple hundred dollars for a lawyer and a day off of work to go to court.
And that sort of went over your head.

Most folks in this country, start out life with some sort of "inheritance" from their family. And it's not just wealth, it's history. Folks can talk about how their ancestors came to this country, worked hard and thrived.

That's not the black experience. They were kidnapped, forced into slavery, became property, for generations, were bred, had families broken apart, had their women raped by slave owners and took on the names of their oppressors. It's only within the last several decades (And not really) that things have sort of gotten better. But racism is still inherent in this country, in a very big way and there has been little or nothing done in terms of remediation for some really awful behavior.
Who cares how you got here? I mean you personally? My Spartan ancestor was sold to the Romans to be a gladiator. My other ancestor was raped by a turk. That's my mom's side of the family. Greeks suffored for 500 years under the Turks. All that led to me being born in Detroit, America in 1970. Not a bad place and time to be born in history. Oh don't get me wrong Detroit sucks but its not the worst place in time you can end up.

My parents and many blacks too went to work for the big three and made something of themselves.

Many blacks left Detroit to come live and work with the rest of us in the burbs. 700,000 left. Let's see if you can take the ghetto out of the blacks if you take the blacks out the ghetto.

Or will they continue their thug ways and blaming whitey for why she has 4 kids and two dead in the freezer.
Who cares?

Well folks that believe in civil society. Part and parcel with that is equal treatment before the law, economic empowerment and access to resources.

When these things aren't available to certain segments in society, then violence generally erupts.

As a non-religious person, I don't believe in violence.

there goes the Left admitting they failed the very people they claim to care about the most.
"The left failed"?

We have a President who is black.

That wasn't because of anything the right wing did..
Extremist don't want to listen or care. Blacks need to fix their own mess and stop living in the 60's.
When blacks are done complaining I'd like to talk about how us short people don't get a fair shake.

And I want reparations because I understand blondes have more fun.

Ahhh, white people. Seeing physical stature as being the same as Govt oppression because thats really all they have.

Oh and that they arent having as much fun. Real important stuff there, good point
Actually I don't disagree with black people that America hasn't given them a fair shake. That much I get.

Here comes the but....

But how have blacks responded? Thug mentality, gold teeth, baby mamas, pants low, eubonics, high crime rates, not taking school serious, poverty and welfare etc. They arent improving as a society despite us.

Thats just the stuff racist pricks like you like to focus on. Its like if I presented Meth and incest as being the legacy of whites. Or rape and molestation the legacy of Catholics.

I like how you said "Hey you guys were oppressed for generations I get it....but what about your gold teeth" Pretending that gold teeth is akin to the level of having the military and govt hold your head under water.

Just like the person above pretended that being short is the same as slavery. Thats all you guys have.
I get you had a shitty past doesn't mean you have to have a shitty future. Me and Ben carson made it out of Detroit. We didn't forget where we came from. In fact we will never forget. Unacceptable.

My past was cool...Future looks good. And who made it out of where ever has never been a topic.

We need to see more effort from within the black community.

Dude, you just laid out what you thought was the totality of the black community and all you came up with is gold teeth and baby mamas. So excuse me but its not that blacks dont try...its that you dont see it, because how could you say something that dumb if you knew better?

If I were a business owner I wouldn't want to open up a business near you people. That's why Kroger Walmart and meijer don't. Neither do manufacturers. So like I said, I'm OK if blacks come out where the jobs are. Just don't bring the crime and ruin our neighborhoods like you did Detroit.

Is this your way of ignoring the topic that the government held down blacks for years. I mean you acknowledge it happened but pretend that those actions had no effect on the black community and everything is the fault of some attitude reader you possess or pants saggin. Its silly white boy logic that if you had to bet on it you'd put your money on govt being MORE responsible
If you don't like your name, change it to anything you want. It just takes a couple hundred dollars for a lawyer and a day off of work to go to court.
And that sort of went over your head.

Most folks in this country, start out life with some sort of "inheritance" from their family. And it's not just wealth, it's history. Folks can talk about how their ancestors came to this country, worked hard and thrived.

That's not the black experience. They were kidnapped, forced into slavery, became property, for generations, were bred, had families broken apart, had their women raped by slave owners and took on the names of their oppressors. It's only within the last several decades (And not really) that things have sort of gotten better. But racism is still inherent in this country, in a very big way and there has been little or nothing done in terms of remediation for some really awful behavior.
Who cares how you got here? I mean you personally? My Spartan ancestor was sold to the Romans to be a gladiator. My other ancestor was raped by a turk. That's my mom's side of the family. Greeks suffored for 500 years under the Turks. All that led to me being born in Detroit, America in 1970. Not a bad place and time to be born in history. Oh don't get me wrong Detroit sucks but its not the worst place in time you can end up.

My parents and many blacks too went to work for the big three and made something of themselves.

Many blacks left Detroit to come live and work with the rest of us in the burbs. 700,000 left. Let's see if you can take the ghetto out of the blacks if you take the blacks out the ghetto.

Or will they continue their thug ways and blaming whitey for why she has 4 kids and two dead in the freezer.
Who cares?

Well folks that believe in civil society. Part and parcel with that is equal treatment before the law, economic empowerment and access to resources.

When these things aren't available to certain segments in society, then violence generally erupts.

As a non-religious person, I don't believe in violence.

there goes the Left admitting they failed the very people they claim to care about the most.
"The left failed"?

We have a President who is black.

That wasn't because of anything the right wing did..

of course you failed dummy; if you didnt you wouldnt be pointing fingers at others; projecting and in denial
Actually I don't disagree with black people that America hasn't given them a fair shake. That much I get.

Here comes the but....

But how have blacks responded? Thug mentality, gold teeth, baby mamas, pants low, eubonics, high crime rates, not taking school serious, poverty and welfare etc. They arent improving as a society despite us.

Thats just the stuff racist pricks like you like to focus on. Its like if I presented Meth and incest as being the legacy of whites. Or rape and molestation the legacy of Catholics.

I like how you said "Hey you guys were oppressed for generations I get it....but what about your gold teeth" Pretending that gold teeth is akin to the level of having the military and govt hold your head under water.

Just like the person above pretended that being short is the same as slavery. Thats all you guys have.
I think you get the point. Take the gold out your grill pull your pants up and learn to speak.

And stop being so malcom x and be more mlk. Actually a combo of both. Malcomb made good points too like start your own business'

And when I pull mah pants up will racism be over then? DURP!!
For you it will. You'll see cops and employers treat you better.

I can't promise you won't run into a racist cop. I can only advise you to do what he says.

I realize this is from personal experience, but what the heck..

I have a friend from Jamaica that I worked with at the NYSE for 11 years. He started his own technical business and moved to Jamaica. He came back last year because of his business. At a dinner party at my place he told me he was tossed up against a car, hand cuffed and frisked. When he asked the police why this happened, they didn't answer but let him go. This is a college educated guy, clean cut, intelligent, and a business owner. He's also a sci fi nerd mixed with gym rat (We use to work out together at the Polytech Gym).

There was only one reason that happened.

did you cry for him?
Actually I don't disagree with black people that America hasn't given them a fair shake. That much I get.

Here comes the but....

But how have blacks responded? Thug mentality, gold teeth, baby mamas, pants low, eubonics, high crime rates, not taking school serious, poverty and welfare etc. They arent improving as a society despite us.

Thats just the stuff racist pricks like you like to focus on. Its like if I presented Meth and incest as being the legacy of whites. Or rape and molestation the legacy of Catholics.

I like how you said "Hey you guys were oppressed for generations I get it....but what about your gold teeth" Pretending that gold teeth is akin to the level of having the military and govt hold your head under water.

Just like the person above pretended that being short is the same as slavery. Thats all you guys have.
I think you get the point. Take the gold out your grill pull your pants up and learn to speak.

And stop being so malcom x and be more mlk. Actually a combo of both. Malcomb made good points too like start your own business'

And when I pull mah pants up will racism be over then? DURP!!
For you it will. You'll see cops and employers treat you better.

I can't promise you won't run into a racist cop. I can only advise you to do what he says.

I realize this is from personal experience, but what the heck..

I have a friend from Jamaica that I worked with at the NYSE for 11 years. He started his own technical business and moved to Jamaica. He came back last year because of his business. At a dinner party at my place he told me he was tossed up against a car, hand cuffed and frisked. When he asked the police why this happened, they didn't answer but let him go. This is a college educated guy, clean cut, intelligent, and a business owner. He's also a sci fi nerd mixed with gym rat (We use to work out together at the Polytech Gym).

There was only one reason that happened.

Why would I possibly have a problem with a racist cop? Its not like he can do anything to ruin my future or anything. Now I understand that pulling mah pants up and smiling more is the way prevent being the victim of racist cops and racism
"My last name doesn't even belong to me. Let that sink in." - Powerful.

Watch the whole thing before commenting.

All our last names never belonged to us until we were given them.

You got your last name from a slave owner?

If you don't like your name, change it to anything you want. It just takes a couple hundred dollars for a lawyer and a day off of work to go to court.

And that sort of went over your head.

Most folks in this country, start out life with some sort of "inheritance" from their family. And it's not just wealth, it's history. Folks can talk about how their ancestors came to this country, worked hard and thrived.

That's not the black experience. They were kidnapped, forced into slavery, became property, for generations, were bred, had families broken apart, had their women raped by slave owners and took on the names of their oppressors. It's only within the last several decades (And not really) that things have sort of gotten better. But racism is still inherent in this country, in a very big way and there has been little or nothing done in terms of remediation for some really awful behavior.

The simple fact is that I respect people who respect others. My "ancestors" arrived here from Alsace Lorraine because of the Franco-Prussian War. They never owned slaves. And so I really do no accept any responsibility for Blacks who once were. During the darkest part of the Depression, my grandfather (a veteran of the Great War) walked the railroad tracks picking up stray coal to keep his family warm. I might add that my grandfather once lied about his age so that he might enter the US army at 15. He was an orphan whose parents had died during an epidemic and had limited schooling.

The problem that Blacks can face are mainly the result of wasted opportunities that they themselves throw away daily. Drugs, prostitution, gang violence, school dropouts, drinking, smoking, lying, cheating, gambling, stealing; these oppresses individuals --- and not ancient history. Unrealistically placing all one's eggs in a singing, sports, or movie career is childish and unrealistic. One needs to learn and get educated and established before running after "good times."

If a Black individual is seeking handouts from "white" society, that individual will remain a slave of his own choosing to that "society". For the most part, Democrats have done more to keep Blacks under their thumb when they do not insist that one needs to step out on one's own two feet with God's help and not governmental subsidies. Then and only then, will a Black person come to accept himself for the individual he can be (who happens to be black), and not a victim who can only heap blame and make excuses for his predicament on others without implicating himself.
And so I really do no accept any responsibility for Blacks who once were

Is there some note stuck to white people's door that says ANYONE wants them to take responsibility for slavery? What the fuck does that even mean?

seriously are you retarded? it is a given that left-wing nutjobs want White people TODAY to pay for sins of people IN THE PAST they only share the same skin color with.
I realize this is from personal experience, but what the heck..

I have a friend from Jamaica that I worked with at the NYSE for 11 years. He started his own technical business and moved to Jamaica. He came back last year because of his business. At a dinner party at my place he told me he was tossed up against a car, hand cuffed and frisked. When he asked the police why this happened, they didn't answer but let him go. This is a college educated guy, clean cut, intelligent, and a business owner. He's also a sci fi nerd mixed with gym rat (We use to work out together at the Polytech Gym).

There was only one reason that happened.
Yep. Because so many blacks are involved in the crime culture.
There are very few whites that actually admit they get it. The rest have to put down Blacks in order to feel good about themselves. So the question to other Blacks is this. Do you think whites are going to sacrifice their self esteem and standing in society so you can be viewed as an equal?
There are very few whites that actually admit they get it. The rest have to put down Blacks in order to feel good about themselves. So the question to other Blacks is this. Do you think whites are going to sacrifice their self esteem and standing in society so you can be viewed as an equal?
I get it just fine. People are trying to use their skin color to justify bad behavior. Why should anybody sacrifice their observations in favor of propaganda?
I realize this is from personal experience, but what the heck..

I have a friend from Jamaica that I worked with at the NYSE for 11 years. He started his own technical business and moved to Jamaica. He came back last year because of his business. At a dinner party at my place he told me he was tossed up against a car, hand cuffed and frisked. When he asked the police why this happened, they didn't answer but let him go. This is a college educated guy, clean cut, intelligent, and a business owner. He's also a sci fi nerd mixed with gym rat (We use to work out together at the Polytech Gym).

There was only one reason that happened.
Yep. Because so many blacks are involved in the crime culture.

Translation: Profiling is ok, as long as its not ME they profile. "Why does the TSA have to search ME? IM WHITE!! Waaaaa!

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