A message to America from Black America.

7 seconds in, I've heard all
I needed to hear.

Same old nonsense. Got a problem black America? Look in the fucking mirror.

Way to go champ. 7 seconds and it hurt your whiteness

No, I'm not white moron. It hurt me with its stupidity.

Thats what you always say when you run out of shit to say

No, when idiots like you run out of shit to say you resort to race every time.

PF thinks a point is when you quote someone and tell them in differing ways what you think of their intellect is.
7 seconds in, I've heard all
I needed to hear.

Same old nonsense. Got a problem black America? Look in the fucking mirror.

Way to go champ. 7 seconds and it hurt your whiteness

NOpe. 7 seconds and it hurts our patience.

Is this where you pretend you had patience before the awful cries of rights by blacks MADE you lose it? That ole chestnut?

How long do we have to listen to this crap?

8 seconds...but you quit because it hurts to listen to it. And while it hurts for you to listen to it you simultaneously scream for the people living it to forget about it.

See? You hearing is worse than someone else experiencing it. Sorry.

You're black. YOu don't know what it is like to be held responsible for the crimes of people who sort of looked like you centuries before you were born, crime committed against other people who have been dead for centuries.


This is the whitest comment ever. Here you are crying about racial prejudice while telling blacks THEY DONT EXPERIENCE RACIAL PREJUDICE>?!??!

LOL...Lemme guess the worst thing you've experienced. A black dude called you cracka once and it hurt soooo bad? No, a black girl called you white boy...prolly said something about dick size and you;ve forever been scarred? lol

Litttle shit like that. Or are you going to bust out the old "We dont have White Entertainment Television!!!" :lol:
CC, are you getting a bit riled? Maybe because someone told you to get a job and create your own future? And that hurt you sooo bad? You were offended that conservatives don't understand "we ,poor" don't want to work but we want it all? Maybe some girl observed your $%#& and was surprised at how small it is? Little shit like that?
7 seconds in, I've heard all
I needed to hear.

Same old nonsense. Got a problem black America? Look in the fucking mirror.

Way to go champ. 7 seconds and it hurt your whiteness

NOpe. 7 seconds and it hurts our patience.

Is this where you pretend you had patience before the awful cries of rights by blacks MADE you lose it? That ole chestnut?

How long do we have to listen to this crap?

8 seconds...but you quit because it hurts to listen to it. And while it hurts for you to listen to it you simultaneously scream for the people living it to forget about it.

See? You hearing is worse than someone else experiencing it. Sorry.

You're black. YOu don't know what it is like to be held responsible for the crimes of people who sort of looked like you centuries before you were born, crime committed against other people who have been dead for centuries.


This is the whitest comment ever. Here you are crying about racial prejudice while telling blacks THEY DONT EXPERIENCE RACIAL PREJUDICE>?!??!

LOL...Lemme guess the worst thing you've experienced. A black dude called you cracka once and it hurt soooo bad? No, a black girl called you white boy...prolly said something about dick size and you;ve forever been scarred? lol

Litttle shit like that. Or are you going to bust out the old "We dont have White Entertainment Television!!!" :lol:
CC, are you getting a bit riled? Maybe because someone told you to get a job and create your own future? And that hurt you sooo bad? You were offended that conservatives don't understand "we ,poor" don't want to work but we want it all? Maybe some girl observed your $%#& and was surprised at how small it is? Little shit like that?

Maybe your way to ignore what I say is to ascribe feelings to me through the internet. I didnt mention the poor at all. Again you must be seeing things or this is your feminine way to deflecting.
doesnt get much funnier than seeing a bunch of most-likely mostly white, self-hating, pandering Progressive losers lecturing others on white privilege!!!


idiots and hypocrites
"My last name doesn't even belong to me. Let that sink in." - Powerful.

Watch the whole thing before commenting.

I hope someone gets to this guy and lets him know that never in any instant of history has begging the oppressor to stop oppressing worked. Forsake white culture. Teach your children the truth about who they are. Kings and Queens. Build your own community. Spend your money there first and if possible only there. Never quit.

Kids should be built up, not torn down and given excuses why they cant succeed

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7 seconds in, I've heard all
I needed to hear.

Same old nonsense. Got a problem black America? Look in the fucking mirror.

Extremist don't want to listen or care. Blacks need to fix their own mess and stop living in the 60's.
When blacks are done complaining I'd like to talk about how us short people don't get a fair shake.

And I want reparations because I understand blondes have more fun.
lynchings???? Blacks kill far more whites than whites kill blacks.
Could be they're trying to play catch up for the last few hundred years.
I started out in prison. Took me a FEW years. Just how stupid are they?
Not what I was trying to say...

But anyways you are fortunate to not have grown up black in the inner city to parents who were raised under a government that considered them subhuman. Millions of black people were only granted the right to vote 50 years ago. Blacks in this country will be fine in a couple generations. Many are fine right now.

Theres always going to be people who are NOT fine. Regardless of their color or race. trying to attribute it all to racism and trying to find some utopia is like shoveling sand out of a hole in the sahara. People do it to themselves
"My last name doesn't even belong to me. Let that sink in." - Powerful.

Watch the whole thing before commenting.

Our name is what we make it. Some people are born blind or with no legs
"My last name doesn't even belong to me. Let that sink in." - Powerful.

Watch the whole thing before commenting.

All our last names never belonged to us until we were given them.

You got your last name from a slave owner?

Every black should thank god their ancestors were captured and suffered for hundreds of years. If that never happened their parents would have never met and they would never have been born.

Hey black people! You are lucky you were born in this country and in this century. Sure things aren't perfect but only you will solve your own problems. And you have about 80 years to live the best life you can. If you can't get your shit together then don't have kids. Don't pass on the poor to your kids. Don't have kids. But if you have kids teach them life is short and respect for others.
The education problem is not just with blacks but also with economically deprived whites. Kids see their economic futures on their way to school and that future is their neighborhood. As Kozol said, I can walk in your neighborhood and tell you want kind of schools you have. I would suspect many schools, white and black, experience the same educational problems, with many students exhibiting little desire to learn Wordsworth or discuss Jefferson. They ask what role does learning the Constitution have on their earning power or on the jobs they see open to their kind?
The education problem is not just with blacks but also with economically deprived whites. Kids see their economic futures on their way to school and that future is their neighborhood. As Kozol said, I can walk in your neighborhood and tell you want kind of schools you have. I would suspect many schools, white and black, experience the same educational problems, with many students exhibiting little desire to learn Wordsworth or discuss Jefferson. They ask what role does learning the Constitution have on their earning power or on the jobs they see open to their kind?
I think poor people should know this and think twice before having children.

It may have been OK for the poor to have multiple kids in the 1900's but is it in 2015?

Anyone can do it in America if they don't pick up baggage along the way.

Want out of poverty? Don't have kids and get an associates degree at a community college.
"My last name doesn't even belong to me. Let that sink in." - Powerful.

Watch the whole thing before commenting.

All our last names never belonged to us until we were given them.

You got your last name from a slave owner?

If you don't like your name, change it to anything you want. It just takes a couple hundred dollars for a lawyer and a day off of work to go to court.
I see hundreds of blacks every day. 90% of them sell drugs or have convinced themselves or some one else that they should sell their bodies for an income.

The ones I see are as a whole the most immoral group of people you could ever imagine.

Now I ask you WHO'S fault is THAT?

I'm up in mostly white North Seattle and this is what most white people in North Seattle see blacks doing.

No one has a gun to these people's heads. Blacks are making the choice to be douche bags on their own.

This is not one white man's opinion. It is one white man's OBSERVATION.
7 seconds in, I've heard all
I needed to hear.

Same old nonsense. Got a problem black America? Look in the fucking mirror.

Extremist don't want to listen or care. Blacks need to fix their own mess and stop living in the 60's.
Racism is still alive and well. In fact, it is still systemic. That's the mess.

It's big business. How else would Sharpton and Jackson make money. Booker T. Washington was a visionary and prophet when it comes to this crap.

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