A message to America from Black America.

You did not BUILD YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS ON THIS BOARD YOU DUMB ASS. Read what I said again and pull your foot out of your mouth.
Nonsensical as the first post

You said "I don't see that attribute on this board at all." The attribute in question was press on knowing life isn't always fair, keep working at it.

My point is people don't work "on" this board. People post on this board. You are looking for an attribute regarding work ethic "on" this board. But people don't work on this board they post on it. Many people have talked about work ethic. You have. I have. Even Jackass has.

Understand yet?

My post was that i don't see the attribute in people because of all the woe is me nonsense. Almost every single thread on this board boils down to people wanting shit handed to them. And many of those who rightly oppose such nonsense don't even know what it means to come from the bottom because of your own hard work.
It's easy to say the right things

I don't see it in you either. What does that tell you?
That you're a terrible judge of character
lol... We have a word for people like you... delusional.
"My last name doesn't even belong to me. Let that sink in." - Powerful.

Watch the whole thing before commenting.

So, 99% of that rot is history. The Black history that forgets Martin Luther King and his marches that included white people; Civil Rights; Affirmative Action; BET; Black Caucus in Congress; NAACP; You are no longer "part of a person." You are regarded as a whole person rather than 3/5ths, so it's time you stand up and meet the responsibilities of a whole person.

If you father a child, SUPPORT IT and GIVE IT A HOME. Be a father. If you are a woman, you wait to have children until you're married and have a decent job. You ignore the fact that a majority of negroes do not finish school. But you are fully aware of every indecent thing done TO YOUR People generations ago... for a hundred years that did not happen to YOU while you forget to be a decent person to others, many your brothers.

You get unhappy with things and you loot, burn businesses and riot. And you want a decent break now? There has been reversed discrimination for the last 20 years. Why don't you talk about that?

Looking for sympathy?... Go to another country and try looting, rioting and burning homes and businesses. Maybe another country will grant you your wishes as we did and see what they do to you when you show them your "thug side." See what happens to you in another country. We don't need it here.

Oh, I watched the whole video. Loved the ending. Hands Up. Please "Don't shoot." We won't shoot you when you stop going for officer's guns and assaulting them. Deal? Deal!
To the O. P.

(I haven't read all the stuff that came after.)

Boo Fucking Hoo!

W.E.B. DuBois, a noted Black educator, said in 1906 that the Black man needs to learn not to blame every bad thing that happens in his life on the White man.

Over a century later, and after half a century of The Great Society, the War on Poverty and Affirmative Action...well, the sad fact is that too many Blacks have chosen to place their livelihoods in the hands of their Democrat Caretakers...who continually assure them that they are helpless victims of the White Man.

So Dubois, and the rest of America, are still waiting on the Black man to shed the his supine and helpless obsequiousness to the Democratic Party, and take up his rightful place as an American citizen...accepting its responsibilities, as well as its benefits.
"My last name doesn't even belong to me. Let that sink in." - Powerful.

Watch the whole thing before commenting.

I hope someone gets to this guy and lets him know that never in any instant of history has begging the oppressor to stop oppressing worked. Forsake white culture. Teach your children the truth about who they are. Kings and Queens. Build your own community. Spend your money there first and if possible only there. Never quit.
ROFL only morons, criminals, and dumb ass democrats think the way to economic parity is redistribution of assets and income. HOW ABOUT YOU GET OFF YOUR ASS AND WORK FOR IT, YA LAZY ASS BASTARD.
I think Sallow has a pretty good job. His problem is the bubble he lives in. In fact i think MOST OF YOU live in similar bubbles. Very few of you have lived & overcome a life of hardship but all of you seem to know more about it than those of us that have.

Not saying you but the board in general
I think you get that impression just because most of the people on this board don't sit on here and belly ache about their trials and tribulations. They just press on knowing life isn't always fair, and if you want to get ahead you just have to keep working at it.
I don't see that attribute on this board at all. I see people aspousing that attribute with no real knowledge of what it means.
I see a mix. People don't work on this board. You know why? ... Easy... Because of people like you.
People like me? WTF does that even mean? I have run a top rated remodeling business for 20+ years. A business i built myself.

You can fuck off with your idiot right wing garbage. In fact why don't you worry about your peeps instead of me.


just remember old man YOU did not build it! How do i know? Your democratic president Barry said so!
"My last name doesn't even belong to me. Let that sink in." - Powerful.

Watch the whole thing before commenting.

I hope someone gets to this guy and lets him know that never in any instant of history has begging the oppressor to stop oppressing worked. Forsake white culture. Teach your children the truth about who they are. Kings and Queens. Build your own community. Spend your money there first and if possible only there. Never quit.

It's kind of tough to "forsake white culture" in a country where the majority of folks are "white". And this video isn't "begging", it is explaining things.
"My last name doesn't even belong to me. Let that sink in." - Powerful.

Watch the whole thing before commenting.

I hope someone gets to this guy and lets him know that never in any instant of history has begging the oppressor to stop oppressing worked. Forsake white culture. Teach your children the truth about who they are. Kings and Queens. Build your own community. Spend your money there first and if possible only there. Never quit.

That's good advice, Asclepias! Don't depend on government or others when you are able to make a plan and create your own future. We agree!
you haven't changed since you left and came back. still blaming all the ills of black people on everyone else. What's unfortunate is they've bought into being fed how they are the forever victim and nothing is their fault by the likes of, Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, the Obamas, you............ You all fit into this, instead of giving them hope.
7 seconds in, I've heard all
I needed to hear.

Same old nonsense. Got a problem black America? Look in the fucking mirror.
Not even going to give it one second.

Blacks destiny is in their own hands. Hold them out for a handout of use them for school & work. Their choice

Even better...Who needs to hear what others say when you already know all about them. Its Obama's fault!
"My last name doesn't even belong to me. Let that sink in." - Powerful.

Watch the whole thing before commenting.

So, 99% of that rot is history. The Black history that forgets Martin Luther King and his marches that included white people; Civil Rights; Affirmative Action; BET; Black Caucus in Congress; NAACP; You are no longer "part of a person." You are regarded as a whole person rather than 3/5ths, so it's time you stand up and meet the responsibilities of a whole person.

If you father a child, SUPPORT IT and GIVE IT A HOME. Be a father. If you are a woman, you wait to have children until you're married and have a decent job. You ignore the fact that a majority of negroes do not finish school. But you are fully aware of every indecent thing done TO YOUR People generations ago... for a hundred years that did not happen to YOU while you forget to be a decent person to others, many your brothers.

You get unhappy with things and you loot, burn businesses and riot. And you want a decent break now? There has been reversed discrimination for the last 20 years. Why don't you talk about that?

Looking for sympathy?... Go to another country and try looting, rioting and burning homes and businesses. Maybe another country will grant you your wishes as we did and see what they do to you when you show them your "thug side." See what happens to you in another country. We don't need it here.

Oh, I watched the whole video. Loved the ending. Hands Up. Please "Don't shoot." We won't shoot you when you stop going for officer's guns and assaulting them. Deal? Deal!

Please point out the part of the video where the victim goes for the gun..

7 seconds in, I've heard all
I needed to hear.

Same old nonsense. Got a problem black America? Look in the fucking mirror.

Way to go champ. 7 seconds and it hurt your whiteness

NOpe. 7 seconds and it hurts our patience.

How long do we have to listen to this crap?

You're black. YOu don't know what it is like to be held responsible for the crimes of people who sort of looked like you centuries before you were born, crime committed against other people who have been dead for centuries.
"My last name doesn't even belong to me. Let that sink in." - Powerful.

Watch the whole thing before commenting.

So, 99% of that rot is history. The Black history that forgets Martin Luther King and his marches that included white people; Civil Rights; Affirmative Action; BET; Black Caucus in Congress; NAACP; You are no longer "part of a person." You are regarded as a whole person rather than 3/5ths, so it's time you stand up and meet the responsibilities of a whole person.

If you father a child, SUPPORT IT and GIVE IT A HOME. Be a father. If you are a woman, you wait to have children until you're married and have a decent job. You ignore the fact that a majority of negroes do not finish school. But you are fully aware of every indecent thing done TO YOUR People generations ago... for a hundred years that did not happen to YOU while you forget to be a decent person to others, many your brothers.

You get unhappy with things and you loot, burn businesses and riot. And you want a decent break now? There has been reversed discrimination for the last 20 years. Why don't you talk about that?

Looking for sympathy?... Go to another country and try looting, rioting and burning homes and businesses. Maybe another country will grant you your wishes as we did and see what they do to you when you show them your "thug side." See what happens to you in another country. We don't need it here.

Oh, I watched the whole video. Loved the ending. Hands Up. Please "Don't shoot." We won't shoot you when you stop going for officer's guns and assaulting them. Deal? Deal!

Please point out the part of the video where the victim goes for the gun..

Eric Garner did not start the meme, "Hands Up, Don't shoot."
"My last name doesn't even belong to me. Let that sink in." - Powerful.

Watch the whole thing before commenting.

So, 99% of that rot is history. The Black history that forgets Martin Luther King and his marches that included white people; Civil Rights; Affirmative Action; BET; Black Caucus in Congress; NAACP; You are no longer "part of a person." You are regarded as a whole person rather than 3/5ths, so it's time you stand up and meet the responsibilities of a whole person.

If you father a child, SUPPORT IT and GIVE IT A HOME. Be a father. If you are a woman, you wait to have children until you're married and have a decent job. You ignore the fact that a majority of negroes do not finish school. But you are fully aware of every indecent thing done TO YOUR People generations ago... for a hundred years that did not happen to YOU while you forget to be a decent person to others, many your brothers.

You get unhappy with things and you loot, burn businesses and riot. And you want a decent break now? There has been reversed discrimination for the last 20 years. Why don't you talk about that?

Looking for sympathy?... Go to another country and try looting, rioting and burning homes and businesses. Maybe another country will grant you your wishes as we did and see what they do to you when you show them your "thug side." See what happens to you in another country. We don't need it here.

Oh, I watched the whole video. Loved the ending. Hands Up. Please "Don't shoot." We won't shoot you when you stop going for officer's guns and assaulting them. Deal? Deal!

Please point out the part of the video where the victim goes for the gun..

Christ that guy is fat. I understand he was a smoker too?

People on the verge of dying from natural causes shouldn't start fights.
7 seconds in, I've heard all
I needed to hear.

Same old nonsense. Got a problem black America? Look in the fucking mirror.
Not even going to give it one second.

Blacks destiny is in their own hands. Hold them out for a handout of use them for school & work. Their choice

Even better...Who needs to hear what others say when you already know all about them. Its Obama's fault!
Listen dumbass, "they" are no different than me. We all have the same chances to do something with our lives. Unless you're implying that blacks are less intelligent than everyone else and can't make it happen.
7 seconds in, I've heard all
I needed to hear.

Same old nonsense. Got a problem black America? Look in the fucking mirror.

Way to go champ. 7 seconds and it hurt your whiteness

NOpe. 7 seconds and it hurts our patience.

Is this where you pretend you had patience before the awful cries of rights by blacks MADE you lose it? That ole chestnut?

How long do we have to listen to this crap?

8 seconds...but you quit because it hurts to listen to it. And while it hurts for you to listen to it you simultaneously scream for the people living it to forget about it.

See? You hearing is worse than someone else experiencing it. Sorry.

You're black. YOu don't know what it is like to be held responsible for the crimes of people who sort of looked like you centuries before you were born, crime committed against other people who have been dead for centuries.


This is the whitest comment ever. Here you are crying about racial prejudice while telling blacks THEY DONT EXPERIENCE RACIAL PREJUDICE>?!??!

LOL...Lemme guess the worst thing you've experienced. A black dude called you cracka once and it hurt soooo bad? No, a black girl called you white boy...prolly said something about dick size and you;ve forever been scarred? lol

Litttle shit like that. Or are you going to bust out the old "We dont have White Entertainment Television!!!" :lol:

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