A message to America from Black America.

Would you admit that a lot of our racial problem comes from black hatred of whites? Lets be honest, you don't see whites burning down stores in rage.
If the answer is America has a racial problem then we should define the problem and the possible answers, but so many are so busy venting their racism, black and white, that we can't even define the real problems. Yet we have made such progress in just a few years that we should have some hope. Think of the strides we have made: blacks play pro football and baseball, drinking fountains are not marked white only, schools are no longer limited to one race only. No more back of the bus, some neighborhoods are even integrated and on and on. One of the major problems I would put down for today is education.

I would say this is true. But there is another component. The economic parity that needs to be addressed. Without that, meaningful change will take a very long time.
ROFL only morons, criminals, and dumb ass democrats think the way to economic parity is redistribution of assets and income. HOW ABOUT YOU GET OFF YOUR ASS AND WORK FOR IT, YA LAZY ASS BASTARD.
I think Sallow has a pretty good job. His problem is the bubble he lives in. In fact i think MOST OF YOU live in similar bubbles. Very few of you have lived & overcome a life of hardship but all of you seem to know more about it than those of us that have.

Not saying you but the board in general
I think you get that impression just because most of the people on this board don't sit on here and belly ache about their trials and tribulations. They just press on knowing life isn't always fair, and if you want to get ahead you just have to keep working at it.
I don't see that attribute on this board at all. I see people aspousing that attribute with no real knowledge of what it means.
If the answer is America has a racial problem then we should define the problem and the possible answers, but so many are so busy venting their racism, black and white, that we can't even define the real problems. Yet we have made such progress in just a few years that we should have some hope. Think of the strides we have made: blacks play pro football and baseball, drinking fountains are not marked white only, schools are no longer limited to one race only. No more back of the bus, some neighborhoods are even integrated and on and on. One of the major problems I would put down for today is education.

I would say this is true. But there is another component. The economic parity that needs to be addressed. Without that, meaningful change will take a very long time.
ROFL only morons, criminals, and dumb ass democrats think the way to economic parity is redistribution of assets and income. HOW ABOUT YOU GET OFF YOUR ASS AND WORK FOR IT, YA LAZY ASS BASTARD.
I think Sallow has a pretty good job. His problem is the bubble he lives in. In fact i think MOST OF YOU live in similar bubbles. Very few of you have lived & overcome a life of hardship but all of you seem to know more about it than those of us that have.

Not saying you but the board in general
I think you get that impression just because most of the people on this board don't sit on here and belly ache about their trials and tribulations. They just press on knowing life isn't always fair, and if you want to get ahead you just have to keep working at it.
I don't see that attribute on this board at all. I see people aspousing that attribute with no real knowledge of what it means.
I see a mix. People don't work on this board. You know why? ... Easy... Because of people like you.
I would say this is true. But there is another component. The economic parity that needs to be addressed. Without that, meaningful change will take a very long time.
ROFL only morons, criminals, and dumb ass democrats think the way to economic parity is redistribution of assets and income. HOW ABOUT YOU GET OFF YOUR ASS AND WORK FOR IT, YA LAZY ASS BASTARD.

Well part of that is the point. They did WORK FOR IT. They didn't get much in the way of remuneration..

This country was built on the backs of slaves and near slaves. And it seems you are calling for a meritocracy without knowing it. Most of today's rich folks are the lazy bastards. And their ancestors? Were ruthless bastards.

This country was not built on the backs of slaves. That's one of the biggest lies ever told. In fact, slavery retarded economic growth where it was practiced.

Actually no it isn't.

The country's initially economy was agrarian. And it was cotton that fueled the Textile industry.

Slaves and immigrants built this nation. And they didn't get a fair share of the generated wealth.

That's funny since the textile industry continued to expand all through the Civil War and afterwards when slavery was abolished. Your theory appears to have a big gaping hole in it.

Slaves did not build this nation. They just made a very few Southern plantation owners rich. They didn't build any railroads or steel mills or textile mills.

An agrarian economy is a stagnate economy. It's not growing. Capital investment and technology is what makes an economy grow.

You should read up on history.


Because you really don't know what you are talking about.
I would say this is true. But there is another component. The economic parity that needs to be addressed. Without that, meaningful change will take a very long time.
ROFL only morons, criminals, and dumb ass democrats think the way to economic parity is redistribution of assets and income. HOW ABOUT YOU GET OFF YOUR ASS AND WORK FOR IT, YA LAZY ASS BASTARD.
I think Sallow has a pretty good job. His problem is the bubble he lives in. In fact i think MOST OF YOU live in similar bubbles. Very few of you have lived & overcome a life of hardship but all of you seem to know more about it than those of us that have.

Not saying you but the board in general
I think you get that impression just because most of the people on this board don't sit on here and belly ache about their trials and tribulations. They just press on knowing life isn't always fair, and if you want to get ahead you just have to keep working at it.
I don't see that attribute on this board at all. I see people aspousing that attribute with no real knowledge of what it means.
I see a mix. People don't work on this board. You know why? ... Easy... Because of people like you.
People like me? WTF does that even mean? I have run a top rated remodeling business for 20+ years. A business i built myself.

You can fuck off with your idiot right wing garbage. In fact why don't you worry about your peeps instead of me.

If the answer is America has a racial problem then we should define the problem and the possible answers, but so many are so busy venting their racism, black and white, that we can't even define the real problems. Yet we have made such progress in just a few years that we should have some hope. Think of the strides we have made: blacks play pro football and baseball, drinking fountains are not marked white only, schools are no longer limited to one race only. No more back of the bus, some neighborhoods are even integrated and on and on. One of the major problems I would put down for today is education.

I would say this is true. But there is another component. The economic parity that needs to be addressed. Without that, meaningful change will take a very long time.
ROFL only morons, criminals, and dumb ass democrats think the way to economic parity is redistribution of assets and income. HOW ABOUT YOU GET OFF YOUR ASS AND WORK FOR IT, YA LAZY ASS BASTARD.
I think Sallow has a pretty good job. His problem is the bubble he lives in. In fact i think MOST OF YOU live in similar bubbles. Very few of you have lived & overcome a life of hardship but all of you seem to know more about it than those of us that have.

Not saying you but the board in general
I think you get that impression just because most of the people on this board don't sit on here and belly ache about their trials and tribulations. They just press on knowing life isn't always fair, and if you want to get ahead you just have to keep working at it.
I don't see that attribute on this board at all. I see people aspousing that attribute with no real knowledge of what it means.
Funny... I do see it, because the board isn't filled with whiny threads from members about how hard they have it, or have had it.

Only from some people, like the moron that started this thread.
A message most Black Thugs won't mention!

ROFL only morons, criminals, and dumb ass democrats think the way to economic parity is redistribution of assets and income. HOW ABOUT YOU GET OFF YOUR ASS AND WORK FOR IT, YA LAZY ASS BASTARD.
I think Sallow has a pretty good job. His problem is the bubble he lives in. In fact i think MOST OF YOU live in similar bubbles. Very few of you have lived & overcome a life of hardship but all of you seem to know more about it than those of us that have.

Not saying you but the board in general
I think you get that impression just because most of the people on this board don't sit on here and belly ache about their trials and tribulations. They just press on knowing life isn't always fair, and if you want to get ahead you just have to keep working at it.
I don't see that attribute on this board at all. I see people aspousing that attribute with no real knowledge of what it means.
I see a mix. People don't work on this board. You know why? ... Easy... Because of people like you.
People like me? WTF does that even mean? I have run a top rated remodeling business for 20+ years. A business i built myself.

You can fuck off with your idiot right wing garbage. In fact why don't you worry about your peeps instead of me.

You did not BUILD YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS ON THIS BOARD YOU DUMB ASS. Read what you said again, then read what I said again and pull your foot out of your mouth.
I think Sallow has a pretty good job. His problem is the bubble he lives in. In fact i think MOST OF YOU live in similar bubbles. Very few of you have lived & overcome a life of hardship but all of you seem to know more about it than those of us that have.

Not saying you but the board in general
I think you get that impression just because most of the people on this board don't sit on here and belly ache about their trials and tribulations. They just press on knowing life isn't always fair, and if you want to get ahead you just have to keep working at it.
I don't see that attribute on this board at all. I see people aspousing that attribute with no real knowledge of what it means.
I see a mix. People don't work on this board. You know why? ... Easy... Because of people like you.
People like me? WTF does that even mean? I have run a top rated remodeling business for 20+ years. A business i built myself.

You can fuck off with your idiot right wing garbage. In fact why don't you worry about your peeps instead of me.

You did not BUILD YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS ON THIS BOARD YOU DUMB ASS. Read what I said again and pull your foot out of your mouth.
Nonsensical as the first post
There is no black America. That's a term used by divisive people to evoke emotions for political and financial gain. Examples are everywhere of people of every race that are successful in this country. If you can't make it, race wasn't the problem.
I think you get that impression just because most of the people on this board don't sit on here and belly ache about their trials and tribulations. They just press on knowing life isn't always fair, and if you want to get ahead you just have to keep working at it.
I don't see that attribute on this board at all. I see people aspousing that attribute with no real knowledge of what it means.
I see a mix. People don't work on this board. You know why? ... Easy... Because of people like you.
People like me? WTF does that even mean? I have run a top rated remodeling business for 20+ years. A business i built myself.

You can fuck off with your idiot right wing garbage. In fact why don't you worry about your peeps instead of me.

You did not BUILD YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS ON THIS BOARD YOU DUMB ASS. Read what I said again and pull your foot out of your mouth.
Nonsensical as the first post

You said "I don't see that attribute on this board at all." The attribute in question was press on knowing life isn't always fair, keep working at it.

My point is people don't work "on" this board. People post on this board. You are looking for an attribute regarding work ethic "on" this board. But people don't work on this board they post on it. Many people have talked about work ethic. You have. I have. Even Jackass has.

Understand yet?
...When are blacks going to realize that claiming perpetual victim-hood isn't the answer?!!!!
150 years after Emancipation, and 50 years after the Civil Rights Act, the constant bleating is wearing thin, anyway.

150 (or even 50) years is long enough.

Hispanics have surpassed Blacks as the Nation's largest minority, according to the 2000 and 2010 census demographics.

Time for Hispanics to take the Driver's Seat on Minority issues, and to demote Blacks to the Shotgun Seat, as a secondary concern.

Smart Vegas Money is on Hispanics making 10 times the progress for themselves and 10 times the progress for the Nation, vs. their predecessors in the Driver's Seat, in the NEXT 50-150 years.

With 90% less whining and 90% less self-pity and 90% less rioting and 90% less drama and 90% fewer excuses.

Enough, already.

Everybody else is tired of this shit.
Never mind the causes and who is responsible, how many of us would agree that America has a racial problem?

Would you admit that a lot of our racial problem comes from black hatred of whites? Lets be honest, you don't see whites burning down stores in rage.
If the answer is America has a racial problem then we should define the problem and the possible answers, but so many are so busy venting their racism, black and white, that we can't even define the real problems. Yet we have made such progress in just a few years that we should have some hope. Think of the strides we have made: blacks play pro football and baseball, drinking fountains are not marked white only, schools are no longer limited to one race only. No more back of the bus, some neighborhoods are even integrated and on and on. One of the major problems I would put down for today is education.

I would say this is true. But there is another component. The economic parity that needs to be addressed. Without that, meaningful change will take a very long time.
ROFL only morons, criminals, and dumb ass democrats think the way to economic parity is redistribution of assets and income. HOW ABOUT YOU GET OFF YOUR ASS AND WORK FOR IT, YA LAZY ASS BASTARD.

Well part of that is the point. They did WORK FOR IT. They didn't get much in the way of remuneration..

This country was built on the backs of slaves and near slaves. And it seems you are calling for a meritocracy without knowing it. Most of today's rich folks are the lazy bastards. And their ancestors? Were ruthless bastards.

Most of the rich folks today are self-made. Not that they came from a poor neighborhood, but they didn't get a boat load of money handed to them.
I don't see that attribute on this board at all. I see people aspousing that attribute with no real knowledge of what it means.
I see a mix. People don't work on this board. You know why? ... Easy... Because of people like you.
People like me? WTF does that even mean? I have run a top rated remodeling business for 20+ years. A business i built myself.

You can fuck off with your idiot right wing garbage. In fact why don't you worry about your peeps instead of me.

You did not BUILD YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS ON THIS BOARD YOU DUMB ASS. Read what I said again and pull your foot out of your mouth.
Nonsensical as the first post

You said "I don't see that attribute on this board at all." The attribute in question was press on knowing life isn't always fair, keep working at it.

My point is people don't work "on" this board. People post on this board. You are looking for an attribute regarding work ethic "on" this board. But people don't work on this board they post on it. Many people have talked about work ethic. You have. I have. Even Jackass has.

Understand yet?

My post was that i don't see the attribute in people because of all the woe is me nonsense. Almost every single thread on this board boils down to people wanting shit handed to them. And many of those who rightly oppose such nonsense don't even know what it means to come from the bottom because of your own hard work.
It's easy to say the right things
Never mind the causes and who is responsible, how many of us would agree that America has a racial problem?

Would you admit that a lot of our racial problem comes from black hatred of whites? Lets be honest, you don't see whites burning down stores in rage.
If the answer is America has a racial problem then we should define the problem and the possible answers, but so many are so busy venting their racism, black and white, that we can't even define the real problems. Yet we have made such progress in just a few years that we should have some hope. Think of the strides we have made: blacks play pro football and baseball, drinking fountains are not marked white only, schools are no longer limited to one race only. No more back of the bus, some neighborhoods are even integrated and on and on. One of the major problems I would put down for today is education.

I would say this is true. But there is another component. The economic parity that needs to be addressed. Without that, meaningful change will take a very long time.

In the US, wealth is the responsibility of the individual, not race, not government, not unions.

You're going to have a tough time gaining wealth when you have children before you are an adult yourself, not work, and expect government handouts.

Single parent homes are in direct relationship to poverty, yet, blacks keep advancing this trend over any other race in the country. And when they look down on their environment, they blame others for their lack of advancement.

Financial success for most people requires a lot of sacrifices. It requires an obsession with money. It even requires arrogance at times. So if you want to know why your neighbors grass is so much greener, find out and mimic how they are doing it.
I see a mix. People don't work on this board. You know why? ... Easy... Because of people like you.
People like me? WTF does that even mean? I have run a top rated remodeling business for 20+ years. A business i built myself.

You can fuck off with your idiot right wing garbage. In fact why don't you worry about your peeps instead of me.

You did not BUILD YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS ON THIS BOARD YOU DUMB ASS. Read what I said again and pull your foot out of your mouth.
Nonsensical as the first post

You said "I don't see that attribute on this board at all." The attribute in question was press on knowing life isn't always fair, keep working at it.

My point is people don't work "on" this board. People post on this board. You are looking for an attribute regarding work ethic "on" this board. But people don't work on this board they post on it. Many people have talked about work ethic. You have. I have. Even Jackass has.

Understand yet?

My post was that i don't see the attribute in people because of all the woe is me nonsense. Almost every single thread on this board boils down to people wanting shit handed to them. And many of those who rightly oppose such nonsense don't even know what it means to come from the bottom because of your own hard work.
It's easy to say the right things

I don't see it in you either. What does that tell you?
Never mind the causes and who is responsible, how many of us would agree that America has a racial problem?

Would you admit that a lot of our racial problem comes from black hatred of whites? Lets be honest, you don't see whites burning down stores in rage.
If the answer is America has a racial problem then we should define the problem and the possible answers, but so many are so busy venting their racism, black and white, that we can't even define the real problems. Yet we have made such progress in just a few years that we should have some hope. Think of the strides we have made: blacks play pro football and baseball, drinking fountains are not marked white only, schools are no longer limited to one race only. No more back of the bus, some neighborhoods are even integrated and on and on. One of the major problems I would put down for today is education.

Education is there for everybody including blacks and even illegals. It's just a matter whether you want to accept that education or not.

The truth of the matter is that whites can live in peace with people of different races, but you can't live in peace with people of different cultures.

When my neighborhood turned black, it was far more than the color of skin people had walking down the street. It was the noise, the garbage all over the lawns, it was people honking their horns consistently, it was the robberies that closed down our stores and forced others to move out, it was the gang fights and the creation of an unsafe school environment. It was all those things.
People like me? WTF does that even mean? I have run a top rated remodeling business for 20+ years. A business i built myself.

You can fuck off with your idiot right wing garbage. In fact why don't you worry about your peeps instead of me.

You did not BUILD YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS ON THIS BOARD YOU DUMB ASS. Read what I said again and pull your foot out of your mouth.
Nonsensical as the first post

You said "I don't see that attribute on this board at all." The attribute in question was press on knowing life isn't always fair, keep working at it.

My point is people don't work "on" this board. People post on this board. You are looking for an attribute regarding work ethic "on" this board. But people don't work on this board they post on it. Many people have talked about work ethic. You have. I have. Even Jackass has.

Understand yet?

My post was that i don't see the attribute in people because of all the woe is me nonsense. Almost every single thread on this board boils down to people wanting shit handed to them. And many of those who rightly oppose such nonsense don't even know what it means to come from the bottom because of your own hard work.
It's easy to say the right things

I don't see it in you either. What does that tell you?
That you're a terrible judge of character

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