A message to America from Black America.

Never mind the causes and who is responsible, how many of us would agree that America has a racial problem?

Would you admit that a lot of our racial problem comes from black hatred of whites? Lets be honest, you don't see whites burning down stores in rage.
If the answer is America has a racial problem then we should define the problem and the possible answers, but so many are so busy venting their racism, black and white, that we can't even define the real problems. Yet we have made such progress in just a few years that we should have some hope. Think of the strides we have made: blacks play pro football and baseball, drinking fountains are not marked white only, schools are no longer limited to one race only. No more back of the bus, some neighborhoods are even integrated and on and on. One of the major problems I would put down for today is education.
It's pretty easy to define. Many in this country have been brought up to believe they are entitled. Entitled to receive an income stream as reparations for past wrongs done to their grand parents. Entitled to other people's income. Entitled to supposed freebies. Entitled to kill babies and sell their body parts.

These entitlements are done in the form of hand-outs and freebies and the law looking the other way when wrongs are done.. hell the law enforces the wrongs. Even satanists are defending what the democrats are doing. These people have also been brought up as racists and baby killers... You see without racism, killing, hate, divisiveness, vitriol, theft, calling it all free and entitlements etc. there's no excuse for the $$$ they receive. It's hard to fix this because the democrats benefit from all the killing, hate, ignorance, and cycles of welfare. Try to change the welfare system from hand-outs to hand-ups and the democrats block it at every turn claiming republicans just want to throw you to the street.
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Still didn't watch the video. By the way blacks do kill more whites than whites kill blacks, next time check your facts
Check your facts.

That's not true. Especially in this country.

BS, look it's obvious you're either black, full of white guilt or just utterly stupid.

he stepped on his.....tongue.

This thread is dead
The greek chorus has spoken. :lol:

Well you can only lead a conservative to water. Then you can watch them drop dead because they refuse to drink it.

Fun stuff.

You've supplied nothing but opinion.

Even the 'survey' had more than that.

the thread is dead..

Start a new one IF you can find something to back you up.

Actually no, I've provided you folks with a eloquently stated history (in a nutshell) about the black experience in this country. You folks could choose to listen or not, but it's up.

And it's not up to you to decide, unless you are a moderator around there, whether or not a thread is "dead".

You could do something reasonable and actually view the video with an open mind. It's a helpful reminder of why things are they way they are from the lens of someone who lives it on a daily basis.

It might help by ways of giving insight.

Frankly I am not amazed by the racism of you folks. But your lies are a bit disturbing.
Never mind the causes and who is responsible, how many of us would agree that America has a racial problem?

Would you admit that a lot of our racial problem comes from black hatred of whites? Lets be honest, you don't see whites burning down stores in rage.
If the answer is America has a racial problem then we should define the problem and the possible answers, but so many are so busy venting their racism, black and white, that we can't even define the real problems. Yet we have made such progress in just a few years that we should have some hope. Think of the strides we have made: blacks play pro football and baseball, drinking fountains are not marked white only, schools are no longer limited to one race only. No more back of the bus, some neighborhoods are even integrated and on and on. One of the major problems I would put down for today is education.

I would say this is true. But there is another component. The economic parity that needs to be addressed. Without that, meaningful change will take a very long time.
Actually no, I've provided you folks with a eloquently stated history (in a nutshell) about the black experience in this country. You folks could choose to listen or not, but it's up.

And it's not up to you to decide, unless you are a moderator around there, whether or not a thread is "dead".

You could do something reasonable and actually view the video with an open mind. It's a helpful reminder of why things are they way they are from the lens of someone who lives it on a daily basis.
You supplied a video that starts out with an Black-American telling us his ancestor were from Egypt and taught everyone how to write. If that's not a test of idiocy, I don't what could be.

How the hell do you, or it, expect to be taken seriously?
lynchings???? Blacks kill far more whites than whites kill blacks.
Could be they're trying to play catch up for the last few hundred years.
I started out in prison. Took me a FEW years. Just how stupid are they?
Not what I was trying to say...

But anyways you are fortunate to not have grown up black in the inner city to parents who were raised under a government that considered them subhuman. Millions of black people were only granted the right to vote 50 years ago. Blacks in this country will be fine in a couple generations. Many are fine right now.

50 years ago? That's almost forever when you think of the vast changes American society has undergone during that period. A couple of generations from now blacks will still be blaming the white man for all their problems. That's how the Democrat Party likes it, and that's what they will invest all their resources in maintaining.
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Check your facts.

That's not true. Especially in this country.

BS, look it's obvious you're either black, full of white guilt or just utterly stupid.

he stepped on his.....tongue.

This thread is dead
The greek chorus has spoken. :lol:

Well you can only lead a conservative to water. Then you can watch them drop dead because they refuse to drink it.

Fun stuff.

You've supplied nothing but opinion.

Even the 'survey' had more than that.

the thread is dead..

Start a new one IF you can find something to back you up.

Actually no, I've provided you folks with a eloquently stated history (in a nutshell) about the black experience in this country. You folks could choose to listen or not, but it's up.

And it's not up to you to decide, unless you are a moderator around there, whether or not a thread is "dead".

You could do something reasonable and actually view the video with an open mind. It's a helpful reminder of why things are they way they are from the lens of someone who lives it on a daily basis.

It might help by ways of giving insight.

Frankly I am not amazed by the racism of you folks. But your lies are a bit disturbing.
History make Jashawn do drugs & drop out of school?

Or did it just give him an excuse to be a lazy worthless pos?
Actually no, I've provided you folks with a eloquently stated history (in a nutshell) about the black experience in this country. You folks could choose to listen or not, but it's up.

And it's not up to you to decide, unless you are a moderator around there, whether or not a thread is "dead".

You could do something reasonable and actually view the video with an open mind. It's a helpful reminder of why things are they way they are from the lens of someone who lives it on a daily basis.
You supplied a video that starts out with an Black-American telling us his ancestor were from Egypt and taught everyone how to write. If that's not a test of idiocy, I don't what could be.

How the hell do you, or it, expect to be taken seriously?

The Sumerians had the first written language, not the Egyptians. The hosebags can't even get their chronology of events correct.
lynchings???? Blacks kill far more whites than whites kill blacks.
Could be they're trying to play catch up for the last few hundred years.

That off course, like most of your posts, is ridicules. What does what happened hundreds of years ago have to do with me. Only a fool
I started out in prison. Took me a FEW years. Just how stupid are they?
Not what I was trying to say...

But anyways you are fortunate to not have grown up black in the inner city to parents who were raised under a government that considered them subhuman. Millions of black people were only granted the right to vote 50 years ago. Blacks in this country will be fine in a couple generations. Many are fine right now.

I see no evidence of that. The black family is virtually nonexistent and blacks are continuing drop out of school. I think hearts and minds are changing at all, and that's partly because of racists like you who don't want any blacks to take responsibility for their lives and just want to demonize white people.
Of course you see no evidence. You have lived your entire life hating black people, and you can't be expected to change. Thankfully you and others like you will eventually die off.

To the contrary I don't hate black people, I deeply admire people like Thomas Sowell and Ben Carson and others...what I hate is this propaganda that all of black peoples problems can be explain by white racism. Yes there was a time where there was such a things like institutional racism against blacks...but that time is long gone and to be honest the pendulum has swung on that with affirmative action.
Long gone... many black people living right now didn't have the right to vote! They couldn't use the same bathroom as you! In a couple of generations, what you said will be true.

Blacks have had the right to vote since the 14th Amendment was passed.
This thread is a prime example of how the anonymity of a message board can strip away the façade of tolerance to unveil the bigotry and hate hidden inside so many. That's pretty fucking disgusting!

Just one man's opinion!

What "bigotry" or "hate?"

Liberal Dictionary:
Hate - truth.
Racism - winning an argument with a liberal.
Never mind the causes and who is responsible, how many of us would agree that America has a racial problem?

Would you admit that a lot of our racial problem comes from black hatred of whites? Lets be honest, you don't see whites burning down stores in rage.
If the answer is America has a racial problem then we should define the problem and the possible answers, but so many are so busy venting their racism, black and white, that we can't even define the real problems. Yet we have made such progress in just a few years that we should have some hope. Think of the strides we have made: blacks play pro football and baseball, drinking fountains are not marked white only, schools are no longer limited to one race only. No more back of the bus, some neighborhoods are even integrated and on and on. One of the major problems I would put down for today is education.

I would say this is true. But there is another component. The economic parity that needs to be addressed. Without that, meaningful change will take a very long time.
ROFL only morons, criminals, and dumb ass democrats think the way to economic parity is redistribution of assets and income. HOW ABOUT YOU GET OFF YOUR ASS AND WORK FOR IT, YA LAZY ASS BASTARD.
Check your facts.

That's not true. Especially in this country.

BS, look it's obvious you're either black, full of white guilt or just utterly stupid.

he stepped on his.....tongue.

This thread is dead
The greek chorus has spoken. :lol:

Well you can only lead a conservative to water. Then you can watch them drop dead because they refuse to drink it.

Fun stuff.

You've supplied nothing but opinion.

Even the 'survey' had more than that.

the thread is dead..

Start a new one IF you can find something to back you up.

Actually no, I've provided you folks with a eloquently stated history (in a nutshell) about the black experience in this country. You folks could choose to listen or not, but it's up.

And it's not up to you to decide, unless you are a moderator around there, whether or not a thread is "dead".

You could do something reasonable and actually view the video with an open mind. It's a helpful reminder of why things are they way they are from the lens of someone who lives it on a daily basis.

It might help by ways of giving insight.

Frankly I am not amazed by the racism of you folks. But your lies are a bit disturbing.
ROFL @ the black experience. Drug dealing, jail time, baby daddy, abortions, obesity, rap music, theft, welfare hand-out cycle, vote democrat, bitch and moan about rich people not paying their fair share.. What a waste of time money and resources.
lynchings???? Blacks kill far more whites than whites kill blacks.
Blacks are still blaming all their problems on something that happened 90 years ago, just like Obama blaming all his failures on Bush.
You obviously didn't check out the video, or have done much in the research of our own history.
The video isn't worth watching, unless one needs reinforced proof that the most racist people on the planet are blacks.
Never mind the causes and who is responsible, how many of us would agree that America has a racial problem?

Would you admit that a lot of our racial problem comes from black hatred of whites? Lets be honest, you don't see whites burning down stores in rage.
If the answer is America has a racial problem then we should define the problem and the possible answers, but so many are so busy venting their racism, black and white, that we can't even define the real problems. Yet we have made such progress in just a few years that we should have some hope. Think of the strides we have made: blacks play pro football and baseball, drinking fountains are not marked white only, schools are no longer limited to one race only. No more back of the bus, some neighborhoods are even integrated and on and on. One of the major problems I would put down for today is education.

I would say this is true. But there is another component. The economic parity that needs to be addressed. Without that, meaningful change will take a very long time.
ROFL only morons, criminals, and dumb ass democrats think the way to economic parity is redistribution of assets and income. HOW ABOUT YOU GET OFF YOUR ASS AND WORK FOR IT, YA LAZY ASS BASTARD.

Well part of that is the point. They did WORK FOR IT. They didn't get much in the way of remuneration..

This country was built on the backs of slaves and near slaves. And it seems you are calling for a meritocracy without knowing it. Most of today's rich folks are the lazy bastards. And their ancestors? Were ruthless bastards.
Could be they're trying to play catch up for the last few hundred years.

That off course, like most of your posts, is ridicules. What does what happened hundreds of years ago have to do with me. Only a fool
Not what I was trying to say...

But anyways you are fortunate to not have grown up black in the inner city to parents who were raised under a government that considered them subhuman. Millions of black people were only granted the right to vote 50 years ago. Blacks in this country will be fine in a couple generations. Many are fine right now.

I see no evidence of that. The black family is virtually nonexistent and blacks are continuing drop out of school. I think hearts and minds are changing at all, and that's partly because of racists like you who don't want any blacks to take responsibility for their lives and just want to demonize white people.
Of course you see no evidence. You have lived your entire life hating black people, and you can't be expected to change. Thankfully you and others like you will eventually die off.

To the contrary I don't hate black people, I deeply admire people like Thomas Sowell and Ben Carson and others...what I hate is this propaganda that all of black peoples problems can be explain by white racism. Yes there was a time where there was such a things like institutional racism against blacks...but that time is long gone and to be honest the pendulum has swung on that with affirmative action.
Long gone... many black people living right now didn't have the right to vote! They couldn't use the same bathroom as you! In a couple of generations, what you said will be true.

Blacks have had the right to vote since the 14th Amendment was passed.

Not really.

Mostly due to "State's rights".
Check your facts.

That's not true. Especially in this country.

BS, look it's obvious you're either black, full of white guilt or just utterly stupid.

he stepped on his.....tongue.

This thread is dead
The greek chorus has spoken. :lol:

Well you can only lead a conservative to water. Then you can watch them drop dead because they refuse to drink it.

Fun stuff.

You've supplied nothing but opinion.

Even the 'survey' had more than that.

the thread is dead..

Start a new one IF you can find something to back you up.

Actually no, I've provided you folks with a eloquently stated history (in a nutshell) about the black experience in this country. You folks could choose to listen or not, but it's up.

And it's not up to you to decide, unless you are a moderator around there, whether or not a thread is "dead".

You could do something reasonable and actually view the video with an open mind. It's a helpful reminder of why things are they way they are from the lens of someone who lives it on a daily basis.

It might help by ways of giving insight.

Frankly I am not amazed by the racism of you folks. But your lies are a bit disturbing.

The fact that white people are tired of hearing this crap is not racism.

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