A message to America from Black America.

I see hundreds of blacks every day. 90% of them sell drugs or have convinced themselves or some one else that they should sell their bodies for an income.

The ones I see are as a whole the most immoral group of people you could ever imagine.

Now I ask you WHO'S fault is THAT?

I'm up in mostly white North Seattle and this is what most white people in North Seattle see blacks doing.

No one has a gun to these people's heads. Blacks are making the choice to be douche bags on their own.

This is not one white man's opinion. It is one white man's OBSERVATION.
I hate to say it but its true. When Detroit went bankrupt 700,000 blacks left Detroit and are trying to make a go of it out in the suburbs. They are husslers, broke asses, drug dealers. This young black woman came into my place of business with no intension of buying anything. She just needed a place to hang out. One day out of the blue she told me how she tricks and some guys give her $200 she's so good. I tell her, "I got $40 bucks" so she blew me. It was really good but not $200 worth. Lol.

And I know many black drug dealers. I would call them losers but I do it too.

who the eff made you the spokesperson for Black America??

who the eff made you the spokesperson for Black America??
I want to know why I don't recognize any of the black people that work at Kroger or speedway? After a week or two they are always gone. If I were an employer I wouldn't hire a black because I would think they won't stay.
"My last name doesn't even belong to me. Let that sink in." - Powerful.

Watch the whole thing before commenting.

All our last names never belonged to us until we were given them.

You got your last name from a slave owner?

If you don't like your name, change it to anything you want. It just takes a couple hundred dollars for a lawyer and a day off of work to go to court.

And that sort of went over your head.

Most folks in this country, start out life with some sort of "inheritance" from their family. And it's not just wealth, it's history. Folks can talk about how their ancestors came to this country, worked hard and thrived.

That's not the black experience. They were kidnapped, forced into slavery, became property, for generations, were bred, had families broken apart, had their women raped by slave owners and took on the names of their oppressors. It's only within the last several decades (And not really) that things have sort of gotten better. But racism is still inherent in this country, in a very big way and there has been little or nothing done in terms of remediation for some really awful behavior.
"My last name doesn't even belong to me. Let that sink in." - Powerful.

Watch the whole thing before commenting.

All our last names never belonged to us until we were given them.

You got your last name from a slave owner?

If you don't like your name, change it to anything you want. It just takes a couple hundred dollars for a lawyer and a day off of work to go to court.

And that sort of went over your head.

Most folks in this country, start out life with some sort of "inheritance" from their family. And it's not just wealth, it's history. Folks can talk about how their ancestors came to this country, worked hard and thrived.

That's not the black experience. They were kidnapped, forced into slavery, became property, for generations, were bred, had families broken apart, had their women raped by slave owners and took on the names of their oppressors. It's only within the last several decades (And not really) that things have sort of gotten better. But racism is still inherent in this country, in a very big way and there has been little or nothing done in terms of remediation for some really awful behavior.

This is the 21st century you moron..Maybe you should lobby the Democrat party for reparations :slap:
"My last name doesn't even belong to me. Let that sink in." - Powerful.

Watch the whole thing before commenting.

All our last names never belonged to us until we were given them.

You got your last name from a slave owner?

If you don't like your name, change it to anything you want. It just takes a couple hundred dollars for a lawyer and a day off of work to go to court.

And that sort of went over your head.

Most folks in this country, start out life with some sort of "inheritance" from their family. And it's not just wealth, it's history. Folks can talk about how their ancestors came to this country, worked hard and thrived.

That's not the black experience. They were kidnapped, forced into slavery, became property, for generations, were bred, had families broken apart, had their women raped by slave owners and took on the names of their oppressors. It's only within the last several decades (And not really) that things have sort of gotten better. But racism is still inherent in this country, in a very big way and there has been little or nothing done in terms of remediation for some really awful behavior.

Think about being born a poor person in Russia or Palestine. Or a Greek who suffered longer under the Turks than blacks in America BTW. Anyways, imagine being born in Greece right now. Or be a poor person in Saudi Arabia. Regardless of their family history, you would hate to be that person. You would much rather be a black born in Detroit. You could become a Ben carson.

I think if Ben carson is an uncle Tom, more blacks should try more to mimmick what he did and become uncle tom's themselves. Isn't that every black persons goal to get out of the ghetto?
7 seconds in, I've heard all
I needed to hear.

Same old nonsense. Got a problem black America? Look in the fucking mirror.

Extremist don't want to listen or care. Blacks need to fix their own mess and stop living in the 60's.
When blacks are done complaining I'd like to talk about how us short people don't get a fair shake.

And I want reparations because I understand blondes have more fun.

Ahhh, white people. Seeing physical stature as being the same as Govt oppression because thats really all they have.

Oh and that they arent having as much fun. Real important stuff there, good point
"My last name doesn't even belong to me. Let that sink in." - Powerful.

Watch the whole thing before commenting.

Black people take great pride in their music and athletic abilities. Maybe they should focus more on intelligence and school. Stress economics. Teach them how much harder it will be if they have kids before they are ready.
I didn't even bother, tired of all this black crap
Yet here you are..

Still didn't watch the video. By the way blacks do kill more whites than whites kill blacks, next time check your facts
Check your facts.

That's not true. Especially in this country.

BS, look it's obvious you're either black, full of white guilt or just utterly stupid.
And when you resort to getting personal? Your "argument" just went to the shitter.

How is stating facts personal?
Yet here you are..

Still didn't watch the video. By the way blacks do kill more whites than whites kill blacks, next time check your facts
Check your facts.

That's not true. Especially in this country.

BS, look it's obvious you're either black, full of white guilt or just utterly stupid.
And when you resort to getting personal? Your "argument" just went to the shitter.

How is stating facts personal?

He's a thin skinned one
7 seconds in, I've heard all
I needed to hear.

Same old nonsense. Got a problem black America? Look in the fucking mirror.

Extremist don't want to listen or care. Blacks need to fix their own mess and stop living in the 60's.
When blacks are done complaining I'd like to talk about how us short people don't get a fair shake.

And I want reparations because I understand blondes have more fun.

Ahhh, white people. Seeing physical stature as being the same as Govt oppression because thats really all they have.

Oh and that they arent having as much fun. Real important stuff there, good point
Actually I don't disagree with black people that America hasn't given them a fair shake. That much I get.

But how have blacks responded? Thug mentality, gold teeth, baby mamas, pants low, eubonics, high crime rates, not taking school serious, poverty and welfare etc. They arent improving as a society despite us.
"My last name doesn't even belong to me. Let that sink in." - Powerful.

Watch the whole thing before commenting.

All our last names never belonged to us until we were given them.

You got your last name from a slave owner?

If you don't like your name, change it to anything you want. It just takes a couple hundred dollars for a lawyer and a day off of work to go to court.

And that sort of went over your head.

Most folks in this country, start out life with some sort of "inheritance" from their family. And it's not just wealth, it's history. Folks can talk about how their ancestors came to this country, worked hard and thrived.

That's not the black experience. They were kidnapped, forced into slavery, became property, for generations, were bred, had families broken apart, had their women raped by slave owners and took on the names of their oppressors. It's only within the last several decades (And not really) that things have sort of gotten better. But racism is still inherent in this country, in a very big way and there has been little or nothing done in terms of remediation for some really awful behavior.

YAWN; nobody alive has had that "expierence"
7 seconds in, I've heard all
I needed to hear.

Same old nonsense. Got a problem black America? Look in the fucking mirror.

Extremist don't want to listen or care. Blacks need to fix their own mess and stop living in the 60's.
When blacks are done complaining I'd like to talk about how us short people don't get a fair shake.

And I want reparations because I understand blondes have more fun.

Ahhh, white people. Seeing physical stature as being the same as Govt oppression because thats really all they have.

Oh and that they arent having as much fun. Real important stuff there, good point
Actually I don't disagree with black people that America hasn't given them a fair shake. That much I get.

Here comes the but....

But how have blacks responded? Thug mentality, gold teeth, baby mamas, pants low, eubonics, high crime rates, not taking school serious, poverty and welfare etc. They arent improving as a society despite us.

Thats just the stuff racist pricks like you like to focus on. Its like if I presented Meth and incest as being the legacy of whites. Or rape and molestation the legacy of Catholics.

I like how you said "Hey you guys were oppressed for generations I get it....but what about your gold teeth" Pretending that gold teeth is akin to the level of having the military and govt hold your head under water.

Just like the person above pretended that being short is the same as slavery. Thats all you guys have.
"My last name doesn't even belong to me. Let that sink in." - Powerful.

Watch the whole thing before commenting.

All our last names never belonged to us until we were given them.

You got your last name from a slave owner?

If you don't like your name, change it to anything you want. It just takes a couple hundred dollars for a lawyer and a day off of work to go to court.

And that sort of went over your head.

Most folks in this country, start out life with some sort of "inheritance" from their family. And it's not just wealth, it's history. Folks can talk about how their ancestors came to this country, worked hard and thrived.

That's not the black experience. They were kidnapped, forced into slavery, became property, for generations, were bred, had families broken apart, had their women raped by slave owners and took on the names of their oppressors. It's only within the last several decades (And not really) that things have sort of gotten better. But racism is still inherent in this country, in a very big way and there has been little or nothing done in terms of remediation for some really awful behavior.

Who cares how you got here? I mean you personally? My Spartan ancestor was sold to the Romans to be a gladiator. My other ancestor was raped by a turk. That's my mom's side of the family. Greeks suffored for 500 years under the Turks. All that led to me being born in Detroit, America in 1970. Not a bad place and time to be born in history. Oh don't get me wrong Detroit sucks but its not the worst place in time you can end up.

My parents and many blacks too went to work for the big three and made something of themselves.

Many blacks left Detroit to come live and work with the rest of us in the burbs. 700,000 left. Let's see if you can take the ghetto out of the blacks if you take the blacks out the ghetto.

Or will they continue their thug ways and blaming whitey for why she has 4 kids and two dead in the freezer.
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7 seconds in, I've heard all
I needed to hear.

Same old nonsense. Got a problem black America? Look in the fucking mirror.

Extremist don't want to listen or care. Blacks need to fix their own mess and stop living in the 60's.
When blacks are done complaining I'd like to talk about how us short people don't get a fair shake.

And I want reparations because I understand blondes have more fun.

Ahhh, white people. Seeing physical stature as being the same as Govt oppression because thats really all they have.

Oh and that they arent having as much fun. Real important stuff there, good point
Actually I don't disagree with black people that America hasn't given them a fair shake. That much I get.

Here comes the but....

But how have blacks responded? Thug mentality, gold teeth, baby mamas, pants low, eubonics, high crime rates, not taking school serious, poverty and welfare etc. They arent improving as a society despite us.

Thats just the stuff racist pricks like you like to focus on. Its like if I presented Meth and incest as being the legacy of whites. Or rape and molestation the legacy of Catholics.

I like how you said "Hey you guys were oppressed for generations I get it....but what about your gold teeth" Pretending that gold teeth is akin to the level of having the military and govt hold your head under water.

Just like the person above pretended that being short is the same as slavery. Thats all you guys have.
I think you get the point. Take the gold out your grill pull your pants up and learn to speak.

And stop being so malcom x and be more mlk. Actually a combo of both. Malcomb made good points too like start your own business'
Extremist don't want to listen or care. Blacks need to fix their own mess and stop living in the 60's.
When blacks are done complaining I'd like to talk about how us short people don't get a fair shake.

And I want reparations because I understand blondes have more fun.

Ahhh, white people. Seeing physical stature as being the same as Govt oppression because thats really all they have.

Oh and that they arent having as much fun. Real important stuff there, good point
Actually I don't disagree with black people that America hasn't given them a fair shake. That much I get.

Here comes the but....

But how have blacks responded? Thug mentality, gold teeth, baby mamas, pants low, eubonics, high crime rates, not taking school serious, poverty and welfare etc. They arent improving as a society despite us.

Thats just the stuff racist pricks like you like to focus on. Its like if I presented Meth and incest as being the legacy of whites. Or rape and molestation the legacy of Catholics.

I like how you said "Hey you guys were oppressed for generations I get it....but what about your gold teeth" Pretending that gold teeth is akin to the level of having the military and govt hold your head under water.

Just like the person above pretended that being short is the same as slavery. Thats all you guys have.
I think you get the point. Take the gold out your grill pull your pants up and learn to speak.

And stop being so malcom x and be more mlk. Actually a combo of both. Malcomb made good points too like start your own business'

And when I pull mah pants up will racism be over then? DURP!!
7 seconds in, I've heard all
I needed to hear.

Same old nonsense. Got a problem black America? Look in the fucking mirror.

Extremist don't want to listen or care. Blacks need to fix their own mess and stop living in the 60's.
When blacks are done complaining I'd like to talk about how us short people don't get a fair shake.

And I want reparations because I understand blondes have more fun.

Ahhh, white people. Seeing physical stature as being the same as Govt oppression because thats really all they have.

Oh and that they arent having as much fun. Real important stuff there, good point
Actually I don't disagree with black people that America hasn't given them a fair shake. That much I get.

Here comes the but....

But how have blacks responded? Thug mentality, gold teeth, baby mamas, pants low, eubonics, high crime rates, not taking school serious, poverty and welfare etc. They arent improving as a society despite us.

Thats just the stuff racist pricks like you like to focus on. Its like if I presented Meth and incest as being the legacy of whites. Or rape and molestation the legacy of Catholics.

I like how you said "Hey you guys were oppressed for generations I get it....but what about your gold teeth" Pretending that gold teeth is akin to the level of having the military and govt hold your head under water.

Just like the person above pretended that being short is the same as slavery. Thats all you guys have.
I get you had a shitty past doesn't mean you have to have a shitty future. Me and Ben carson made it out of Detroit. We didn't forget where we came from. In fact we will never forget. Unacceptable.

We need to see more effort from within the black community. If I were a business owner I wouldn't want to open up a business near you people. That's why Kroger Walmart and meijer don't. Neither do manufacturers. So like I said, I'm OK if blacks come out where the jobs are. Just don't bring the crime and ruin our neighborhoods like you did Detroit.
Gotta keep those standards low, gotta keep ignoring poor behavior, gotta get those votes.

We'll see how much longer that strategy lasts.
Those people don't even show up to vote. And they donate nothing. Those are boogyman votes just like illegals.

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