A message to America from Black America.

When blacks are done complaining I'd like to talk about how us short people don't get a fair shake.

And I want reparations because I understand blondes have more fun.

Ahhh, white people. Seeing physical stature as being the same as Govt oppression because thats really all they have.

Oh and that they arent having as much fun. Real important stuff there, good point
Actually I don't disagree with black people that America hasn't given them a fair shake. That much I get.

Here comes the but....

But how have blacks responded? Thug mentality, gold teeth, baby mamas, pants low, eubonics, high crime rates, not taking school serious, poverty and welfare etc. They arent improving as a society despite us.

Thats just the stuff racist pricks like you like to focus on. Its like if I presented Meth and incest as being the legacy of whites. Or rape and molestation the legacy of Catholics.

I like how you said "Hey you guys were oppressed for generations I get it....but what about your gold teeth" Pretending that gold teeth is akin to the level of having the military and govt hold your head under water.

Just like the person above pretended that being short is the same as slavery. Thats all you guys have.
I think you get the point. Take the gold out your grill pull your pants up and learn to speak.

And stop being so malcom x and be more mlk. Actually a combo of both. Malcomb made good points too like start your own business'

And when I pull mah pants up will racism be over then? DURP!!
So you just give up because racism won't go extinct in your lifetime?
It's hilarious that people think only the blacks have ever been slaves. You can't be more stupid if you truly believe that

The only person that believes that is the strawman you just made. Whats his name? Bailey?

actually this whole thread is one big straw man leftard. even most Black people dont run around crying that they dont have their original ancestral names
"My last name doesn't even belong to me. Let that sink in." - Powerful.

Watch the whole thing before commenting.

Utter nonsense. Asian Americans were legislatively discriminated against and Jews were openly discriminated against, yet these groups are some of the most successful in the country.

Blacks in many ways have more advantages. 1. They get affirmative action preference, 2. They get unfair economic favoritism via minority owned business title, 3. Favoritism in government job hiring, 4. The most protected class in housing, credit and job discrimination and 5. Get special treatment in college acceptance. Yet the community as a whole keeps sinking!

The black view is to blame others, but in reality they need to look inwards.

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Sorry to say even us liberal whites agree. I speak for a lot of them.
It's hilarious that people think only the blacks have ever been slaves. You can't be more stupid if you truly believe that
Its more hilarious when you cant point out any other race that has been the subject of chattel slavery for 310 years. :laugh:

You're the last one I'd take advice from on anything. Dumber than a freaking sack of hammers
I dont know if you are dumb or deflecting. I didnt give you any advice. What gave you that idea?
I realize this is from personal experience, but what the heck..

I have a friend from Jamaica that I worked with at the NYSE for 11 years. He started his own technical business and moved to Jamaica. He came back last year because of his business. At a dinner party at my place he told me he was tossed up against a car, hand cuffed and frisked. When he asked the police why this happened, they didn't answer but let him go. This is a college educated guy, clean cut, intelligent, and a business owner. He's also a sci fi nerd mixed with gym rat (We use to work out together at the Polytech Gym).

There was only one reason that happened.
Yep. Because so many blacks are involved in the crime culture.

Translation: Profiling is ok, as long as its not ME they profile. "Why does the TSA have to search ME? IM WHITE!! Waaaaa!
That's what it sounded like in your ass? Wow. If white folks were proportionately committing crimes they would be profiled. Cops go where the crime is.

Actually they do.

But because of systemic racism they are often either released or given "bullpen" therapy then released.

And on crimes that black folks actually do time for which completely ruins their lives.
No, every study I've seen says otherwise.

New DOJ Statistics on Race and Violent Crime
This table can be used for a number of interesting calculations. First, we find that during the 2012/2013 period, blacks committed an average of 560,600 violent crimes against whites, whereas whites committed only 99,403 such crimes against blacks. This means blacks were the attackers in 84.9 percent of the violent crimes involving blacks and whites. This figure is consistent with reports from 2008, the last year DOJ released similar statistics. Perhaps not coincidentally, that was the year Mr. Obama was elected president.

Interestingly, we find that violent interracial crime involving blacks and Hispanics occurs in almost exactly the same proportions as black/white crime: Blacks are the attackers 82.5 percent of the time, while Hispanics are attackers only 17.5 percent of the time.
"My last name doesn't even belong to me. Let that sink in." - Powerful.

Watch the whole thing before commenting.

Utter nonsense. Asian Americans were legislatively discriminated against and Jews were openly discriminated against, yet these groups are some of the most successful in the country.

Blacks in many ways have more advantages. 1. They get affirmative action preference, 2. They get unfair economic favoritism via minority owned business title, 3. Favoritism in government job hiring, 4. The most protected class in housing, credit and job discrimination and 5. Get special treatment in college acceptance. Yet the community as a whole keeps sinking!

The black view is to blame others, but in reality they need to look inwards.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Neither Asians or Jews were ever slaves in this country or divorced from their ancestors.
Do you know even one Black person that got up this morning and started crying over their "slave name"???

I dunno; maybe some chip on their shoulder Progs did........................but nobody i know
Anyone can leave America if they choose to. If you're that unhappy in a particular country, it's time to leave that country. There are many many other countries to choose from. Just choose one and begin planning your exit.

Thanks, but when we do a thread on travel agents then I'll tag you.

If you're that unhappy living in a particular country, it is time to leave that country. No excuses. No one is forced to stay in America.
It's hilarious that people think only the blacks have ever been slaves. You can't be more stupid if you truly believe that
Its more hilarious when you cant point out any other race that has been the subject of chattel slavery for 310 years. :laugh:

You're the last one I'd take advice from on anything. Dumber than a freaking sack of hammers
I dont know if you are dumb or deflecting. I didnt give you any advice. What gave you that idea?

Get past it, you think only the poor blacks have ever been enslaved, Jews during WWII would beg to differ, dumbass
"My last name doesn't even belong to me. Let that sink in." - Powerful.

Watch the whole thing before commenting.

Utter nonsense. Asian Americans were legislatively discriminated against and Jews were openly discriminated against, yet these groups are some of the most successful in the country.

Blacks in many ways have more advantages. 1. They get affirmative action preference, 2. They get unfair economic favoritism via minority owned business title, 3. Favoritism in government job hiring, 4. The most protected class in housing, credit and job discrimination and 5. Get special treatment in college acceptance. Yet the community as a whole keeps sinking!

The black view is to blame others, but in reality they need to look inwards.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Neither Asians or Jews were ever slaves in this country or divorced from their ancestors.

It's hilarious that people think only the blacks have ever been slaves. You can't be more stupid if you truly believe that
Its more hilarious when you cant point out any other race that has been the subject of chattel slavery for 310 years. :laugh:
The Greeks were enslaved by the Turks longer than blacks. We came out of it, sorta. Lol

The Jews enslaved as labor during WWII?

Yes because 4 years = 310 years in conservative math.

Got it.
It's hilarious that people think only the blacks have ever been slaves. You can't be more stupid if you truly believe that
Its more hilarious when you cant point out any other race that has been the subject of chattel slavery for 310 years. :laugh:
The Greeks were enslaved by the Turks longer than blacks. We came out of it, sorta. Lol

The Jews enslaved as labor during WWII?

Yes because 4 years = 310 years in conservative math.

Got it.

Lame response,, your boy just got blown out of the water, his "theory" failed
It's hilarious that people think only the blacks have ever been slaves. You can't be more stupid if you truly believe that
Its more hilarious when you cant point out any other race that has been the subject of chattel slavery for 310 years. :laugh:
The Greeks were enslaved by the Turks longer than blacks. We came out of it, sorta. Lol

The Jews enslaved as labor during WWII?

Yes because 4 years = 310 years in conservative math.

Got it.

Jews have been discriminated and persecuted as a group for much longer than the beginning of the African slave trade, no matter how many hundreds of years old it is
It's hilarious that people think only the blacks have ever been slaves. You can't be more stupid if you truly believe that
Its more hilarious when you cant point out any other race that has been the subject of chattel slavery for 310 years. :laugh:

You're the last one I'd take advice from on anything. Dumber than a freaking sack of hammers
I dont know if you are dumb or deflecting. I didnt give you any advice. What gave you that idea?

Get past it, you think only the poor blacks have ever been enslaved, Jews during WWII would beg to differ, dumbass

Get past you being dumb or deflecting? I dont need to get past that. You need to figure out why you think I was giving you advice and WWll and chattel slavery for 310 years is the same thing.
There are very few whites that actually admit they get it. The rest have to put down Blacks in order to feel good about themselves. So the question to other Blacks is this. Do you think whites are going to sacrifice their self esteem and standing in society so you can be viewed as an equal?
You don't get it. We get it. Still enough with the excuses. Start taking our advice. You may actually see your condition change.

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