A message to America from Black America.

When you are the Hispanics junior partners, in the shit Third World country you will make America into, you are going to look back at the days of being the largest minority in a white majority nation with great nostalgia.
Now you think you are a fortune teller? :laugh:

Assuming that even comes true, a partnership is always preferable to the laborer position and societal scapegoat position we currently occupy. In the meantime try not to shit your pants worrying about being wiped off the face of the earth due to your recessive genes.

REally? Who is more a target of immigration? The US or Mexico?

And we won't be gone. We will still be the biggest single ethnic group.

Remember, the 2050 date only works if you include all non-white groups.

What do you think will change when that happens?
By 2050 Muslim Americans will be just like Christian Americans. They'll say, "I was raised in a Muslim home but I don't really practice". And so those muslims will become whites. The illegal immigrants here now? Their kids will be white.

Asclepias even admitted that Greeks aren't really white but guess what? We consider ourselves white now and so do most whites.
No they wont. You have no idea what a lot of Muslims in this country think of white people. Trust me its not pretty.
I know many young Chaldean and Muslim Arabs and trust me, in a couple generations they'll be one of us.

For example, right now their daughters stay virgins until marriage and they INSIST their kids marry a Muslim or Chaldean. That will last for 1 or 2 generations. Next thing you know arab american girls will be just as big of whores as white and black Americans. BET.
I think your misjudging the climate and the hate spewed by whites here in the US against muslims. Whites better slow their roll unless they want to see more muslims conducting lone wolf terror attacts.
The Greek Mafia is the colloquial term used to refer to various organized crime elements originating from Greece. Indigenous organized criminal groups are well-entrenched in the largest Greek urban centers, particularly in Athens. This is not only in thanks to the widespread political corruption in the country itself.[1] The Greek mafia should not be confused with Greek street gangs, who take part in smaller street crime. Outside of the domestic Greek criminal organizations the Sicilian mafia, Camorra, the Albanian, Russian and Georgian mafia groups have been operating in Greece in collaboration with the domestic criminal syndicates.[2]

In the United States, ethnic Greek organized crime groups include the Philadelphia Greek Mob andVelentzas crime family.

Black birthrate declined more than any other between 1990 and 2010:

Level of crime in Greece is Moderate
Problem people using or dealing drugs Moderate
Problem property crimes such as vandalism and theft Moderate
Problem violent crimes such as assault and armed robbery Moderate
Problem corruption and bribery High

And it is almost all the illegal immigrants.

Detroit has the highest murder and violent crime rate of any major city in the country, according to the FBI. FBI Uniform Crime Reporting statistics released Monday show that Detroit logged 316 murders and non-negligent manslaughters last year, with a rate of 45 per 100,000 people.

Detroit's Staggering Murder Rate Is 'A Public Health Issue'

Your culture is producing a public health issue.

You are more obtuse than I thought.
Crime is increasing in Greece due to austerity measures being taken by the government to get a handle on their economic crisis. Even YOU have suggested that there is a correlation between poverty and crime.... Well, Grecians are no less human than anyone else...poverty will cause crime to increase there too.

My culture is not based in Detroit and is certainly not defined by the gangsters and thugs roaming about committing violent acts. No, my culture is one of hard work and sacrifice... community, and; social interaction with peaceful people who profess Christianity and altruism. Is yours superior to that?

In your small mind, Detroit has become the symbol of Black life everywhere. You are caught up in it and nothing can break you free of that mental image. All Blacks are Detroiters to you no matter where they live.. To you Detroit is the essence of Black culture and thats it... there is nothing else.... Blacks are ALL Detroiters.
Now that isn't true. I know individually black people are no different than whites. And I have even admitted that blacks are not 100% to blame for how things are in our countries ghettos. I know black people and they are good. I feel bad talking about black people when I think of them. But even they shake their heads when they look at places like Detroit. Don't forget I don't just live near Detroit. I also live near flint and Saginaw. 3 of the 10 worst places in America. All black.

And notice in Greece the Greeks are being told they have to start making changes. Pay more taxes and work. And don't have kids you can't afford. Will they take the advice or act like blacks?

And Greeks are leaving Greece for a better life. Maybe detroiters should leave too. OK to bring your culture with you but leave the crime and chip at home.

Obtuse? Whats that prison movie where Andy told the warden that and he through him in the hole?

Of course anything I say about black people doesn't apply to good hard working blacks. I'm bitching about the hood as a whole. Cleaning up the hoods of America. And I admit whites need to help.

What I'm saying is blacks need to do better on their own. I know speaking proper English won't guarantee you a job but try it. I know lowering crime won't get every company to come to Detroit but try and see if things don't get better.

I'm only complaining about Americas worst neighborhoods, all of which are black.

And I'm simply pointing out things blacks can do while they sit around waiting for reparations.

You can't handle the truth but here it comes again:

View attachment 51715
Yes Greece has a huge problem with illegal immigrants like Africans but even worse Albanians.

Even my grandmother got mugged visiting Greece. And my brother said its been happening a lot lately because people are carrying around large sums of money. My brother visits Greece every year. The Greeks are horrible idiots. I'm not going to defend them.

Its probably a lot harder for a Greek or illegal immigrant in Greece to pick up and leave the country if all they know is Greek or Albanian.

That's why I keep telling you to drop the eubonics shit. If you decide to leave Detroit and move to where the opportunities are, you already know the basics of the english language. Just drop the shits and homana homana's and the jive and the flibity flap in your talk.

The irony is that illegal immigrants are being victimized by local Grecians in a manner similar to the pogroms in Nazi Germany. Illegals aren't perpetrating crimes they are being scapegoated for the ills of the failing Greek economy. Notably, police apathy puts a new face on these vicious bankrupt Greek zombies. The justice system no longer guarantees protection for immigrants, illegal or otherwise. Chaos is gaining momentum in Greece and it is the ethnic Greeks who are driving it.

Drop the Greek language. Learn to speak German.... Stop wearing leaves over your ears .
Emulate the Germans, and become civilized.
The Greek Mafia is the colloquial term used to refer to various organized crime elements originating from Greece. Indigenous organized criminal groups are well-entrenched in the largest Greek urban centers, particularly in Athens. This is not only in thanks to the widespread political corruption in the country itself.[1] The Greek mafia should not be confused with Greek street gangs, who take part in smaller street crime. Outside of the domestic Greek criminal organizations the Sicilian mafia, Camorra, the Albanian, Russian and Georgian mafia groups have been operating in Greece in collaboration with the domestic criminal syndicates.[2]

In the United States, ethnic Greek organized crime groups include the Philadelphia Greek Mob andVelentzas crime family.

Black birthrate declined more than any other between 1990 and 2010:

Level of crime in Greece is Moderate
Problem people using or dealing drugs Moderate
Problem property crimes such as vandalism and theft Moderate
Problem violent crimes such as assault and armed robbery Moderate
Problem corruption and bribery High

And it is almost all the illegal immigrants.

Detroit has the highest murder and violent crime rate of any major city in the country, according to the FBI. FBI Uniform Crime Reporting statistics released Monday show that Detroit logged 316 murders and non-negligent manslaughters last year, with a rate of 45 per 100,000 people.

Detroit's Staggering Murder Rate Is 'A Public Health Issue'

Your culture is producing a public health issue.

You are more obtuse than I thought.
Crime is increasing in Greece due to austerity measures being taken by the government to get a handle on their economic crisis. Even YOU have suggested that there is a correlation between poverty and crime.... Well, Grecians are no less human than anyone else...poverty will cause crime to increase there too.

My culture is not based in Detroit and is certainly not defined by the gangsters and thugs roaming about committing violent acts. No, my culture is one of hard work and sacrifice... community, and; social interaction with peaceful people who profess Christianity and altruism. Is yours superior to that?

In your small mind, Detroit has become the symbol of Black life everywhere. You are caught up in it and nothing can break you free of that mental image. All Blacks are Detroiters to you no matter where they live.. To you Detroit is the essence of Black culture and thats it... there is nothing else.... Blacks are ALL Detroiters.
Now that isn't true. I know individually black people are no different than whites. And I have even admitted that blacks are not 100% to blame for how things are in our countries ghettos. I know black people and they are good. I feel bad talking about black people when I think of them. But even they shake their heads when they look at places like Detroit. Don't forget I don't just live near Detroit. I also live near flint and Saginaw. 3 of the 10 worst places in America. All black.

And notice in Greece the Greeks are being told they have to start making changes. Pay more taxes and work. And don't have kids you can't afford. Will they take the advice or act like blacks?

And Greeks are leaving Greece for a better life. Maybe detroiters should leave too. OK to bring your culture with you but leave the crime and chip at home.

Obtuse? Whats that prison movie where Andy told the warden that and he through him in the hole?

Of course anything I say about black people doesn't apply to good hard working blacks. I'm bitching about the hood as a whole. Cleaning up the hoods of America. And I admit whites need to help.

What I'm saying is blacks need to do better on their own. I know speaking proper English won't guarantee you a job but try it. I know lowering crime won't get every company to come to Detroit but try and see if things don't get better.

I'm only complaining about Americas worst neighborhoods, all of which are black.

And I'm simply pointing out things blacks can do while they sit around waiting for reparations.

You can't handle the truth but here it comes again:

View attachment 51715

Wouldn't be bad in Greece if non Greeks stayed out of Greece.

Official statistics show that immigrants are responsible for about half of the criminal activity in Greece. The Greek police have admitted that armed gangs entering the country from neighboring Albania or Bulgaria could have been attracted by reports that many people have been withdrawing cash from banks and stashing it in their homes. 1 million illegal immigrants inside Greece as of 2012.

Illegal immigration to Greece has increased rapidly over the past several years. Tough immigration policies in Spain and Italy and agreements with their neighboring African countries to combat illegal immigration have changed the direction of African immigration flows toward Greece. At the same time, flows from Asia and the Middle East — mainly Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Bangladesh — to Greece appear to have increased as well.

The evidence now indicates that nearly all illegal immigration to the European Union flows through the country's porous borders. In 2010, 90 percent of all apprehensions for unauthorized entry into the European Union took place in Greece, compared to 75 percent in 2009 and 50 percent in 2008.

In 2010, 132,524 persons were arrested for "illegal entry or stay" in Greece, a sharp increase from 95,239 in 2006. the majority of them being Albanians.
See post #1282..
Level of crime in Greece is Moderate
Problem people using or dealing drugs Moderate
Problem property crimes such as vandalism and theft Moderate
Problem violent crimes such as assault and armed robbery Moderate
Problem corruption and bribery High

And it is almost all the illegal immigrants.

Detroit has the highest murder and violent crime rate of any major city in the country, according to the FBI. FBI Uniform Crime Reporting statistics released Monday show that Detroit logged 316 murders and non-negligent manslaughters last year, with a rate of 45 per 100,000 people.

Detroit's Staggering Murder Rate Is 'A Public Health Issue'

Your culture is producing a public health issue.

You are more obtuse than I thought.
Crime is increasing in Greece due to austerity measures being taken by the government to get a handle on their economic crisis. Even YOU have suggested that there is a correlation between poverty and crime.... Well, Grecians are no less human than anyone else...poverty will cause crime to increase there too.

My culture is not based in Detroit and is certainly not defined by the gangsters and thugs roaming about committing violent acts. No, my culture is one of hard work and sacrifice... community, and; social interaction with peaceful people who profess Christianity and altruism. Is yours superior to that?

In your small mind, Detroit has become the symbol of Black life everywhere. You are caught up in it and nothing can break you free of that mental image. All Blacks are Detroiters to you no matter where they live.. To you Detroit is the essence of Black culture and thats it... there is nothing else.... Blacks are ALL Detroiters.
Now that isn't true. I know individually black people are no different than whites. And I have even admitted that blacks are not 100% to blame for how things are in our countries ghettos. I know black people and they are good. I feel bad talking about black people when I think of them. But even they shake their heads when they look at places like Detroit. Don't forget I don't just live near Detroit. I also live near flint and Saginaw. 3 of the 10 worst places in America. All black.

And notice in Greece the Greeks are being told they have to start making changes. Pay more taxes and work. And don't have kids you can't afford. Will they take the advice or act like blacks?

And Greeks are leaving Greece for a better life. Maybe detroiters should leave too. OK to bring your culture with you but leave the crime and chip at home.

Obtuse? Whats that prison movie where Andy told the warden that and he through him in the hole?

Of course anything I say about black people doesn't apply to good hard working blacks. I'm bitching about the hood as a whole. Cleaning up the hoods of America. And I admit whites need to help.

What I'm saying is blacks need to do better on their own. I know speaking proper English won't guarantee you a job but try it. I know lowering crime won't get every company to come to Detroit but try and see if things don't get better.

I'm only complaining about Americas worst neighborhoods, all of which are black.

And I'm simply pointing out things blacks can do while they sit around waiting for reparations.

You can't handle the truth but here it comes again:

View attachment 51715
Yes Greece has a huge problem with illegal immigrants like Africans but even worse Albanians.

Even my grandmother got mugged visiting Greece. And my brother said its been happening a lot lately because people are carrying around large sums of money. My brother visits Greece every year. The Greeks are horrible idiots. I'm not going to defend them.

Its probably a lot harder for a Greek or illegal immigrant in Greece to pick up and leave the country if all they know is Greek or Albanian.

That's why I keep telling you to drop the eubonics shit. If you decide to leave Detroit and move to where the opportunities are, you already know the basics of the english language. Just drop the shits and homana homana's and the jive and the flibity flap in your talk.

The irony is that illegal immigrants are being victimized by local Grecians in a manner similar to the pogroms in Nazi Germany. Illegals aren't perpetrating crimes they are being scapegoated for the ills of the failing Greek economy. Notably, police apathy puts a new face on these vicious bankrupt Greek zombies. The justice system no longer guarantees protection for immigrants, illegal or otherwise. Chaos is gaining momentum in Greece and it is the ethnic Greeks who are driving it.

Drop the Greek language. Learn to speak German.... Stop wearing leaves over your ears .
Emulate the Germans, and become civilized.
That would indeed be ironic. The Greek emulating the Germani
You are more obtuse than I thought.
Crime is increasing in Greece due to austerity measures being taken by the government to get a handle on their economic crisis. Even YOU have suggested that there is a correlation between poverty and crime.... Well, Grecians are no less human than anyone else...poverty will cause crime to increase there too.

My culture is not based in Detroit and is certainly not defined by the gangsters and thugs roaming about committing violent acts. No, my culture is one of hard work and sacrifice... community, and; social interaction with peaceful people who profess Christianity and altruism. Is yours superior to that?

In your small mind, Detroit has become the symbol of Black life everywhere. You are caught up in it and nothing can break you free of that mental image. All Blacks are Detroiters to you no matter where they live.. To you Detroit is the essence of Black culture and thats it... there is nothing else.... Blacks are ALL Detroiters.
Now that isn't true. I know individually black people are no different than whites. And I have even admitted that blacks are not 100% to blame for how things are in our countries ghettos. I know black people and they are good. I feel bad talking about black people when I think of them. But even they shake their heads when they look at places like Detroit. Don't forget I don't just live near Detroit. I also live near flint and Saginaw. 3 of the 10 worst places in America. All black.

And notice in Greece the Greeks are being told they have to start making changes. Pay more taxes and work. And don't have kids you can't afford. Will they take the advice or act like blacks?

And Greeks are leaving Greece for a better life. Maybe detroiters should leave too. OK to bring your culture with you but leave the crime and chip at home.

Obtuse? Whats that prison movie where Andy told the warden that and he through him in the hole?

Of course anything I say about black people doesn't apply to good hard working blacks. I'm bitching about the hood as a whole. Cleaning up the hoods of America. And I admit whites need to help.

What I'm saying is blacks need to do better on their own. I know speaking proper English won't guarantee you a job but try it. I know lowering crime won't get every company to come to Detroit but try and see if things don't get better.

I'm only complaining about Americas worst neighborhoods, all of which are black.

And I'm simply pointing out things blacks can do while they sit around waiting for reparations.

You can't handle the truth but here it comes again:

View attachment 51715
Yes Greece has a huge problem with illegal immigrants like Africans but even worse Albanians.

Even my grandmother got mugged visiting Greece. And my brother said its been happening a lot lately because people are carrying around large sums of money. My brother visits Greece every year. The Greeks are horrible idiots. I'm not going to defend them.

Its probably a lot harder for a Greek or illegal immigrant in Greece to pick up and leave the country if all they know is Greek or Albanian.

That's why I keep telling you to drop the eubonics shit. If you decide to leave Detroit and move to where the opportunities are, you already know the basics of the english language. Just drop the shits and homana homana's and the jive and the flibity flap in your talk.

The irony is that illegal immigrants are being victimized by local Grecians in a manner similar to the pogroms in Nazi Germany. Illegals aren't perpetrating crimes they are being scapegoated for the ills of the failing Greek economy. Notably, police apathy puts a new face on these vicious bankrupt Greek zombies. The justice system no longer guarantees protection for immigrants, illegal or otherwise. Chaos is gaining momentum in Greece and it is the ethnic Greeks who are driving it.

Drop the Greek language. Learn to speak German.... Stop wearing leaves over your ears .
Emulate the Germans, and become civilized.
That would indeed be ironic. The Greek emulating the Germani
:lol: you can see where I am going with this....
The Greek Mafia is the colloquial term used to refer to various organized crime elements originating from Greece. Indigenous organized criminal groups are well-entrenched in the largest Greek urban centers, particularly in Athens. This is not only in thanks to the widespread political corruption in the country itself.[1] The Greek mafia should not be confused with Greek street gangs, who take part in smaller street crime. Outside of the domestic Greek criminal organizations the Sicilian mafia, Camorra, the Albanian, Russian and Georgian mafia groups have been operating in Greece in collaboration with the domestic criminal syndicates.[2]

In the United States, ethnic Greek organized crime groups include the Philadelphia Greek Mob andVelentzas crime family.

Black birthrate declined more than any other between 1990 and 2010:

Level of crime in Greece is Moderate
Problem people using or dealing drugs Moderate
Problem property crimes such as vandalism and theft Moderate
Problem violent crimes such as assault and armed robbery Moderate
Problem corruption and bribery High

And it is almost all the illegal immigrants.

Detroit has the highest murder and violent crime rate of any major city in the country, according to the FBI. FBI Uniform Crime Reporting statistics released Monday show that Detroit logged 316 murders and non-negligent manslaughters last year, with a rate of 45 per 100,000 people.

Detroit's Staggering Murder Rate Is 'A Public Health Issue'

Your culture is producing a public health issue.

You are more obtuse than I thought.
Crime is increasing in Greece due to austerity measures being taken by the government to get a handle on their economic crisis. Even YOU have suggested that there is a correlation between poverty and crime.... Well, Grecians are no less human than anyone else...poverty will cause crime to increase there too.

My culture is not based in Detroit and is certainly not defined by the gangsters and thugs roaming about committing violent acts. No, my culture is one of hard work and sacrifice... community, and; social interaction with peaceful people who profess Christianity and altruism. Is yours superior to that?

In your small mind, Detroit has become the symbol of Black life everywhere. You are caught up in it and nothing can break you free of that mental image. All Blacks are Detroiters to you no matter where they live.. To you Detroit is the essence of Black culture and thats it... there is nothing else.... Blacks are ALL Detroiters.
Now that isn't true. I know individually black people are no different than whites. And I have even admitted that blacks are not 100% to blame for how things are in our countries ghettos. I know black people and they are good. I feel bad talking about black people when I think of them. But even they shake their heads when they look at places like Detroit. Don't forget I don't just live near Detroit. I also live near flint and Saginaw. 3 of the 10 worst places in America. All black.

And notice in Greece the Greeks are being told they have to start making changes. Pay more taxes and work. And don't have kids you can't afford. Will they take the advice or act like blacks?

And Greeks are leaving Greece for a better life. Maybe detroiters should leave too. OK to bring your culture with you but leave the crime and chip at home.

Obtuse? Whats that prison movie where Andy told the warden that and he through him in the hole?

Of course anything I say about black people doesn't apply to good hard working blacks. I'm bitching about the hood as a whole. Cleaning up the hoods of America. And I admit whites need to help.

What I'm saying is blacks need to do better on their own. I know speaking proper English won't guarantee you a job but try it. I know lowering crime won't get every company to come to Detroit but try and see if things don't get better.

I'm only complaining about Americas worst neighborhoods, all of which are black.

And I'm simply pointing out things blacks can do while they sit around waiting for reparations.

You can't handle the truth but here it comes again:

View attachment 51715

Wouldn't be bad in Greece if non Greeks stayed out of Greece.

Official statistics show that immigrants are responsible for about half of the criminal activity in Greece. The Greek police have admitted that armed gangs entering the country from neighboring Albania or Bulgaria could have been attracted by reports that many people have been withdrawing cash from banks and stashing it in their homes. 1 million illegal immigrants inside Greece as of 2012.

Illegal immigration to Greece has increased rapidly over the past several years. Tough immigration policies in Spain and Italy and agreements with their neighboring African countries to combat illegal immigration have changed the direction of African immigration flows toward Greece. At the same time, flows from Asia and the Middle East — mainly Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Bangladesh — to Greece appear to have increased as well.

The evidence now indicates that nearly all illegal immigration to the European Union flows through the country's porous borders. In 2010, 90 percent of all apprehensions for unauthorized entry into the European Union took place in Greece, compared to 75 percent in 2009 and 50 percent in 2008.

In 2010, 132,524 persons were arrested for "illegal entry or stay" in Greece, a sharp increase from 95,239 in 2006. the majority of them being Albanians.

Stop Third World Immigration.
Level of crime in Greece is Moderate
Problem people using or dealing drugs Moderate
Problem property crimes such as vandalism and theft Moderate
Problem violent crimes such as assault and armed robbery Moderate
Problem corruption and bribery High

And it is almost all the illegal immigrants.

Detroit has the highest murder and violent crime rate of any major city in the country, according to the FBI. FBI Uniform Crime Reporting statistics released Monday show that Detroit logged 316 murders and non-negligent manslaughters last year, with a rate of 45 per 100,000 people.

Detroit's Staggering Murder Rate Is 'A Public Health Issue'

Your culture is producing a public health issue.

You are more obtuse than I thought.
Crime is increasing in Greece due to austerity measures being taken by the government to get a handle on their economic crisis. Even YOU have suggested that there is a correlation between poverty and crime.... Well, Grecians are no less human than anyone else...poverty will cause crime to increase there too.

My culture is not based in Detroit and is certainly not defined by the gangsters and thugs roaming about committing violent acts. No, my culture is one of hard work and sacrifice... community, and; social interaction with peaceful people who profess Christianity and altruism. Is yours superior to that?

In your small mind, Detroit has become the symbol of Black life everywhere. You are caught up in it and nothing can break you free of that mental image. All Blacks are Detroiters to you no matter where they live.. To you Detroit is the essence of Black culture and thats it... there is nothing else.... Blacks are ALL Detroiters.
Now that isn't true. I know individually black people are no different than whites. And I have even admitted that blacks are not 100% to blame for how things are in our countries ghettos. I know black people and they are good. I feel bad talking about black people when I think of them. But even they shake their heads when they look at places like Detroit. Don't forget I don't just live near Detroit. I also live near flint and Saginaw. 3 of the 10 worst places in America. All black.

And notice in Greece the Greeks are being told they have to start making changes. Pay more taxes and work. And don't have kids you can't afford. Will they take the advice or act like blacks?

And Greeks are leaving Greece for a better life. Maybe detroiters should leave too. OK to bring your culture with you but leave the crime and chip at home.

Obtuse? Whats that prison movie where Andy told the warden that and he through him in the hole?

Of course anything I say about black people doesn't apply to good hard working blacks. I'm bitching about the hood as a whole. Cleaning up the hoods of America. And I admit whites need to help.

What I'm saying is blacks need to do better on their own. I know speaking proper English won't guarantee you a job but try it. I know lowering crime won't get every company to come to Detroit but try and see if things don't get better.

I'm only complaining about Americas worst neighborhoods, all of which are black.

And I'm simply pointing out things blacks can do while they sit around waiting for reparations.

You can't handle the truth but here it comes again:

View attachment 51715
Yes Greece has a huge problem with illegal immigrants like Africans but even worse Albanians.

Even my grandmother got mugged visiting Greece. And my brother said its been happening a lot lately because people are carrying around large sums of money. My brother visits Greece every year. The Greeks are horrible idiots. I'm not going to defend them.

Its probably a lot harder for a Greek or illegal immigrant in Greece to pick up and leave the country if all they know is Greek or Albanian.

That's why I keep telling you to drop the eubonics shit. If you decide to leave Detroit and move to where the opportunities are, you already know the basics of the english language. Just drop the shits and homana homana's and the jive and the flibity flap in your talk.

The irony is that illegal immigrants are being victimized by local Grecians in a manner similar to the pogroms in Nazi Germany. Illegals aren't perpetrating crimes they are being scapegoated for the ills of the failing Greek economy. Notably, police apathy puts a new face on these vicious bankrupt Greek zombies. The justice system no longer guarantees protection for immigrants, illegal or otherwise. Chaos is gaining momentum in Greece and it is the ethnic Greeks who are driving it.

Drop the Greek language. Learn to speak German.... Stop wearing leaves over your ears .
Emulate the Germans, and become civilized.

Go the fuck home.
You are more obtuse than I thought.
Crime is increasing in Greece due to austerity measures being taken by the government to get a handle on their economic crisis. Even YOU have suggested that there is a correlation between poverty and crime.... Well, Grecians are no less human than anyone else...poverty will cause crime to increase there too.

My culture is not based in Detroit and is certainly not defined by the gangsters and thugs roaming about committing violent acts. No, my culture is one of hard work and sacrifice... community, and; social interaction with peaceful people who profess Christianity and altruism. Is yours superior to that?

In your small mind, Detroit has become the symbol of Black life everywhere. You are caught up in it and nothing can break you free of that mental image. All Blacks are Detroiters to you no matter where they live.. To you Detroit is the essence of Black culture and thats it... there is nothing else.... Blacks are ALL Detroiters.
Now that isn't true. I know individually black people are no different than whites. And I have even admitted that blacks are not 100% to blame for how things are in our countries ghettos. I know black people and they are good. I feel bad talking about black people when I think of them. But even they shake their heads when they look at places like Detroit. Don't forget I don't just live near Detroit. I also live near flint and Saginaw. 3 of the 10 worst places in America. All black.

And notice in Greece the Greeks are being told they have to start making changes. Pay more taxes and work. And don't have kids you can't afford. Will they take the advice or act like blacks?

And Greeks are leaving Greece for a better life. Maybe detroiters should leave too. OK to bring your culture with you but leave the crime and chip at home.

Obtuse? Whats that prison movie where Andy told the warden that and he through him in the hole?

Of course anything I say about black people doesn't apply to good hard working blacks. I'm bitching about the hood as a whole. Cleaning up the hoods of America. And I admit whites need to help.

What I'm saying is blacks need to do better on their own. I know speaking proper English won't guarantee you a job but try it. I know lowering crime won't get every company to come to Detroit but try and see if things don't get better.

I'm only complaining about Americas worst neighborhoods, all of which are black.

And I'm simply pointing out things blacks can do while they sit around waiting for reparations.

You can't handle the truth but here it comes again:

View attachment 51715
Yes Greece has a huge problem with illegal immigrants like Africans but even worse Albanians.

Even my grandmother got mugged visiting Greece. And my brother said its been happening a lot lately because people are carrying around large sums of money. My brother visits Greece every year. The Greeks are horrible idiots. I'm not going to defend them.

Its probably a lot harder for a Greek or illegal immigrant in Greece to pick up and leave the country if all they know is Greek or Albanian.

That's why I keep telling you to drop the eubonics shit. If you decide to leave Detroit and move to where the opportunities are, you already know the basics of the english language. Just drop the shits and homana homana's and the jive and the flibity flap in your talk.

The irony is that illegal immigrants are being victimized by local Grecians in a manner similar to the pogroms in Nazi Germany. Illegals aren't perpetrating crimes they are being scapegoated for the ills of the failing Greek economy. Notably, police apathy puts a new face on these vicious bankrupt Greek zombies. The justice system no longer guarantees protection for immigrants, illegal or otherwise. Chaos is gaining momentum in Greece and it is the ethnic Greeks who are driving it.

Drop the Greek language. Learn to speak German.... Stop wearing leaves over your ears .
Emulate the Germans, and become civilized.

Go the fuck home.
You go the fuck home first white boy.
Now that isn't true. I know individually black people are no different than whites. And I have even admitted that blacks are not 100% to blame for how things are in our countries ghettos. I know black people and they are good. I feel bad talking about black people when I think of them. But even they shake their heads when they look at places like Detroit. Don't forget I don't just live near Detroit. I also live near flint and Saginaw. 3 of the 10 worst places in America. All black.

And notice in Greece the Greeks are being told they have to start making changes. Pay more taxes and work. And don't have kids you can't afford. Will they take the advice or act like blacks?

And Greeks are leaving Greece for a better life. Maybe detroiters should leave too. OK to bring your culture with you but leave the crime and chip at home.

Obtuse? Whats that prison movie where Andy told the warden that and he through him in the hole?

Of course anything I say about black people doesn't apply to good hard working blacks. I'm bitching about the hood as a whole. Cleaning up the hoods of America. And I admit whites need to help.

What I'm saying is blacks need to do better on their own. I know speaking proper English won't guarantee you a job but try it. I know lowering crime won't get every company to come to Detroit but try and see if things don't get better.

I'm only complaining about Americas worst neighborhoods, all of which are black.

And I'm simply pointing out things blacks can do while they sit around waiting for reparations.

You can't handle the truth but here it comes again:

View attachment 51715
Yes Greece has a huge problem with illegal immigrants like Africans but even worse Albanians.

Even my grandmother got mugged visiting Greece. And my brother said its been happening a lot lately because people are carrying around large sums of money. My brother visits Greece every year. The Greeks are horrible idiots. I'm not going to defend them.

Its probably a lot harder for a Greek or illegal immigrant in Greece to pick up and leave the country if all they know is Greek or Albanian.

That's why I keep telling you to drop the eubonics shit. If you decide to leave Detroit and move to where the opportunities are, you already know the basics of the english language. Just drop the shits and homana homana's and the jive and the flibity flap in your talk.

The irony is that illegal immigrants are being victimized by local Grecians in a manner similar to the pogroms in Nazi Germany. Illegals aren't perpetrating crimes they are being scapegoated for the ills of the failing Greek economy. Notably, police apathy puts a new face on these vicious bankrupt Greek zombies. The justice system no longer guarantees protection for immigrants, illegal or otherwise. Chaos is gaining momentum in Greece and it is the ethnic Greeks who are driving it.

Drop the Greek language. Learn to speak German.... Stop wearing leaves over your ears .
Emulate the Germans, and become civilized.

Go the fuck home.
You go the fuck home first white boy.
You at least consider this home. That's nice. Me too. Now we gotta live together. I'll stop flinging poo at you people if you stop taking stuff out of my cage.
Now that isn't true. I know individually black people are no different than whites. And I have even admitted that blacks are not 100% to blame for how things are in our countries ghettos. I know black people and they are good. I feel bad talking about black people when I think of them. But even they shake their heads when they look at places like Detroit. Don't forget I don't just live near Detroit. I also live near flint and Saginaw. 3 of the 10 worst places in America. All black.

And notice in Greece the Greeks are being told they have to start making changes. Pay more taxes and work. And don't have kids you can't afford. Will they take the advice or act like blacks?

And Greeks are leaving Greece for a better life. Maybe detroiters should leave too. OK to bring your culture with you but leave the crime and chip at home.

Obtuse? Whats that prison movie where Andy told the warden that and he through him in the hole?

Of course anything I say about black people doesn't apply to good hard working blacks. I'm bitching about the hood as a whole. Cleaning up the hoods of America. And I admit whites need to help.

What I'm saying is blacks need to do better on their own. I know speaking proper English won't guarantee you a job but try it. I know lowering crime won't get every company to come to Detroit but try and see if things don't get better.

I'm only complaining about Americas worst neighborhoods, all of which are black.

And I'm simply pointing out things blacks can do while they sit around waiting for reparations.

You can't handle the truth but here it comes again:

View attachment 51715
Yes Greece has a huge problem with illegal immigrants like Africans but even worse Albanians.

Even my grandmother got mugged visiting Greece. And my brother said its been happening a lot lately because people are carrying around large sums of money. My brother visits Greece every year. The Greeks are horrible idiots. I'm not going to defend them.

Its probably a lot harder for a Greek or illegal immigrant in Greece to pick up and leave the country if all they know is Greek or Albanian.

That's why I keep telling you to drop the eubonics shit. If you decide to leave Detroit and move to where the opportunities are, you already know the basics of the english language. Just drop the shits and homana homana's and the jive and the flibity flap in your talk.

The irony is that illegal immigrants are being victimized by local Grecians in a manner similar to the pogroms in Nazi Germany. Illegals aren't perpetrating crimes they are being scapegoated for the ills of the failing Greek economy. Notably, police apathy puts a new face on these vicious bankrupt Greek zombies. The justice system no longer guarantees protection for immigrants, illegal or otherwise. Chaos is gaining momentum in Greece and it is the ethnic Greeks who are driving it.

Drop the Greek language. Learn to speak German.... Stop wearing leaves over your ears .
Emulate the Germans, and become civilized.
That would indeed be ironic. The Greek emulating the Germani
:lol: you can see where I am going with this....
Let's see how Greece is doing 20 years from now compared to all the American black ghettos.

That's the problem with blacks. I do see where you are going with this. Nowhere.

Actually I know black people have come a long way in the last 200 years despite all the discrimination. And I do see Detroit making an effort. Funny it took a white mayor to do it. Coleman young was a racist and kwame was a crook. Mayor Archer and bing realized it was a mess they couldnt fix so it took a rich white businessman.

Maybe that's why Oprah p diddy jz and Jordan don't fix Chicago and Detroit. They aren't business people
Now you think you are a fortune teller? :laugh:

Assuming that even comes true, a partnership is always preferable to the laborer position and societal scapegoat position we currently occupy. In the meantime try not to shit your pants worrying about being wiped off the face of the earth due to your recessive genes.

REally? Who is more a target of immigration? The US or Mexico?

And we won't be gone. We will still be the biggest single ethnic group.

Remember, the 2050 date only works if you include all non-white groups.

What do you think will change when that happens?
By 2050 Muslim Americans will be just like Christian Americans. They'll say, "I was raised in a Muslim home but I don't really practice". And so those muslims will become whites. The illegal immigrants here now? Their kids will be white.

Asclepias even admitted that Greeks aren't really white but guess what? We consider ourselves white now and so do most whites.
No they wont. You have no idea what a lot of Muslims in this country think of white people. Trust me its not pretty.
I know many young Chaldean and Muslim Arabs and trust me, in a couple generations they'll be one of us.

For example, right now their daughters stay virgins until marriage and they INSIST their kids marry a Muslim or Chaldean. That will last for 1 or 2 generations. Next thing you know arab american girls will be just as big of whores as white and black Americans. BET.
I think your misjudging the climate and the hate spewed by whites here in the US against muslims. Whites better slow their roll unless they want to see more muslims conducting lone wolf terror attacts.
You forget, I am white and so I do hear what whites say about blacks and muslims when blacks and muslims are not around. You do not.

I'd say we don't think either of you want to fit in. But most say we don't mind the good ones. Never mind you not cutting your lawns. I'm talking about blacks. Muslims keep their shit pretty tight.

Notice a lot of angry blacks like you dumped the white man's religion and joined Islam? That would be scary if we lost our grip on black people through Christianity. It'd be scary if you all went Islam. Then we might have problems.

What I learned from planet of the apes is that the apes did it to us just like we did it to them.

Ps. I'm high
You forget, I am white and so I do hear what whites say .....

Drop the "we." You represent nothing more than you own weakness. Trying to judge people as groups rather than individuals leads to nothing but misunderstanding.
REally? Who is more a target of immigration? The US or Mexico?

And we won't be gone. We will still be the biggest single ethnic group.

Remember, the 2050 date only works if you include all non-white groups.

What do you think will change when that happens?
By 2050 Muslim Americans will be just like Christian Americans. They'll say, "I was raised in a Muslim home but I don't really practice". And so those muslims will become whites. The illegal immigrants here now? Their kids will be white.

Asclepias even admitted that Greeks aren't really white but guess what? We consider ourselves white now and so do most whites.
No they wont. You have no idea what a lot of Muslims in this country think of white people. Trust me its not pretty.
I know many young Chaldean and Muslim Arabs and trust me, in a couple generations they'll be one of us.

For example, right now their daughters stay virgins until marriage and they INSIST their kids marry a Muslim or Chaldean. That will last for 1 or 2 generations. Next thing you know arab american girls will be just as big of whores as white and black Americans. BET.
I think your misjudging the climate and the hate spewed by whites here in the US against muslims. Whites better slow their roll unless they want to see more muslims conducting lone wolf terror attacts.
You forget, I am white and so I do hear what whites say about blacks and muslims when blacks and muslims are not around. You do not.

I'd say we don't think either of you want to fit in. But most say we don't mind the good ones. Never mind you not cutting your lawns. I'm talking about blacks. Muslims keep their shit pretty tight.

Notice a lot of angry blacks like you dumped the white man's religion and joined Islam? That would be scary if we lost our grip on black people through Christianity. It'd be scary if you all went Islam. Then we might have problems.

What I learned from planet of the apes is that the apes did it to us just like we did it to them.

Ps. I'm high
Yes you must be high. I didn't mention that I hear what whites think about Blacks and Muslims even though I do through various white women.

Trust me, I dont want to fit it. Your white culture is dysfunctional and based on violence, lying, hypocrisy, greed, and insecurity about a number of things. Thanks for bringing up lawns. Thats a good example. Its a pretty idiotic habit and a waste of water, time, and it pollutes our ground water. See what I mean by dysfunctional?

I'm not really angry. I'm more like committed. I reserve my anger for willfully ignorant uncle toms. Islam and Christianity is really no different. Here is where the hypicritical part of white culture comes in. I know the white Jesus has played tricks with the head of my people. I know my people are more religious than the whites that manipulated and corrupted christianity. When they loose the concept they will get their reward in heaven they will wake up to reality.and start working on getting it now. Thanks for admitting that BTW.
Drop the Greek language. Learn to speak German.... Stop wearing leaves over your ears .
Emulate the Germans, and become civilized.
I don't get the point. Do you think teaching jungle bunnies German will make them civilized? If English, such as yours is, didn't work, what makes you think German would?

Obviously, you can take the bunny out of the jungle, but it's another thing to take the jungle out of the bunny. Teaching them another language isn't going to work. Look at Detroit.
You must have hung out with the Black guys that couldnt fight. Not all Black guys can fight obviously but we destroy people when trained in the sport. Being a Greek you arent really white. You just think you are. Greeks and Italians have more Black DNA than white people. Your ancestors called whites savages.

That's the most racist statement posted in this forum in several months. You're the biggest racist in here.
So what? Stop whining.

I will if you will.
I never whine. I take action. You are whining because you think I'm a racist.

Everything you post is a whine about how unfair life is for black people. How you were robbed and cheated by whitey. How you can't get ahead because of whitey. How all your problems and all your social pathologies are whitey's fault.

Why don't you quite whining, get off your but, and do something to get ahead?

See, white people don't have anyone to blame when they fail. Failure is a lot easier to take when you can blame it on others.

You have got to be joking. I can't even begin to count the times in this forum that I have read some whinefest by an angry white male about how he got the shaft because be believes that Affirmative Action gives preferential treatment to minorities and females.
Last edited:
Now that isn't true. I know individually black people are no different than whites. And I have even admitted that blacks are not 100% to blame for how things are in our countries ghettos. I know black people and they are good. I feel bad talking about black people when I think of them. But even they shake their heads when they look at places like Detroit. Don't forget I don't just live near Detroit. I also live near flint and Saginaw. 3 of the 10 worst places in America. All black.

And notice in Greece the Greeks are being told they have to start making changes. Pay more taxes and work. And don't have kids you can't afford. Will they take the advice or act like blacks?

And Greeks are leaving Greece for a better life. Maybe detroiters should leave too. OK to bring your culture with you but leave the crime and chip at home.

Obtuse? Whats that prison movie where Andy told the warden that and he through him in the hole?

Of course anything I say about black people doesn't apply to good hard working blacks. I'm bitching about the hood as a whole. Cleaning up the hoods of America. And I admit whites need to help.

What I'm saying is blacks need to do better on their own. I know speaking proper English won't guarantee you a job but try it. I know lowering crime won't get every company to come to Detroit but try and see if things don't get better.

I'm only complaining about Americas worst neighborhoods, all of which are black.

And I'm simply pointing out things blacks can do while they sit around waiting for reparations.

You can't handle the truth but here it comes again:

View attachment 51715
Yes Greece has a huge problem with illegal immigrants like Africans but even worse Albanians.

Even my grandmother got mugged visiting Greece. And my brother said its been happening a lot lately because people are carrying around large sums of money. My brother visits Greece every year. The Greeks are horrible idiots. I'm not going to defend them.

Its probably a lot harder for a Greek or illegal immigrant in Greece to pick up and leave the country if all they know is Greek or Albanian.

That's why I keep telling you to drop the eubonics shit. If you decide to leave Detroit and move to where the opportunities are, you already know the basics of the english language. Just drop the shits and homana homana's and the jive and the flibity flap in your talk.

The irony is that illegal immigrants are being victimized by local Grecians in a manner similar to the pogroms in Nazi Germany. Illegals aren't perpetrating crimes they are being scapegoated for the ills of the failing Greek economy. Notably, police apathy puts a new face on these vicious bankrupt Greek zombies. The justice system no longer guarantees protection for immigrants, illegal or otherwise. Chaos is gaining momentum in Greece and it is the ethnic Greeks who are driving it.

Drop the Greek language. Learn to speak German.... Stop wearing leaves over your ears .
Emulate the Germans, and become civilized.

Go the fuck home.
You go the fuck home first white boy.

This is my home.
That's the most racist statement posted in this forum in several months. You're the biggest racist in here.
So what? Stop whining.

I will if you will.
I never whine. I take action. You are whining because you think I'm a racist.

Everything you post is a whine about how unfair life is for black people. How you were robbed and cheated by whitey. How you can't get ahead because of whitey. How all your problems and all your social pathologies are whitey's fault.

Why don't you quite whining, get off your but, and do something to get ahead?

See, white people don't have anyone to blame when they fail. Failure is a lot easier to take when you can blame it on others.

You have got to be joking. I can't even begin to count the times in this forum that I have read some whinefest by an angry white male about how he got the shaft because be believes that Affirmative Action gives preferential treatment to minorities and females.


I recall plenty of discussion of the issue, but never personal claims.

Normally, you don't see the discrimination that clearly.

YOu don't get the job. If you don't sue, you don't know why you didn't.

I've been inside the hiring process when such discrimination took place. No one outside knew that only black candidates were considered despite more qualified whites applying.
You forget, I am white and so I do hear what whites say .....

Drop the "we." You represent nothing more than you own weakness. Trying to judge people as groups rather than individuals leads to nothing but misunderstanding.

There are plenty of times that government policy and law deals with people as groups.

Laws aimed at dead beat dads. Laws aimed at getting people to NOT smoke, laws aimed at child labor, Hell, daylight savings hits America as a whole with no consideration for all the individuals.

Groups are real. They are real characteristics and sometimes need to be dealt with as a group.

Hell, if you support AA, then you support dealing with people as groups.

You support for high immigration is dealing with people as a group. YOu aren't crafting individual policies for each immigrant.

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