A message to America from Black America.

By 2050 Muslim Americans will be just like Christian Americans. They'll say, "I was raised in a Muslim home but I don't really practice". And so those muslims will become whites. The illegal immigrants here now? Their kids will be white.

Asclepias even admitted that Greeks aren't really white but guess what? We consider ourselves white now and so do most whites.
No they wont. You have no idea what a lot of Muslims in this country think of white people. Trust me its not pretty.
I know many young Chaldean and Muslim Arabs and trust me, in a couple generations they'll be one of us.

For example, right now their daughters stay virgins until marriage and they INSIST their kids marry a Muslim or Chaldean. That will last for 1 or 2 generations. Next thing you know arab american girls will be just as big of whores as white and black Americans. BET.
I think your misjudging the climate and the hate spewed by whites here in the US against muslims. Whites better slow their roll unless they want to see more muslims conducting lone wolf terror attacts.
You forget, I am white and so I do hear what whites say about blacks and muslims when blacks and muslims are not around. You do not.

I'd say we don't think either of you want to fit in. But most say we don't mind the good ones. Never mind you not cutting your lawns. I'm talking about blacks. Muslims keep their shit pretty tight.

Notice a lot of angry blacks like you dumped the white man's religion and joined Islam? That would be scary if we lost our grip on black people through Christianity. It'd be scary if you all went Islam. Then we might have problems.

What I learned from planet of the apes is that the apes did it to us just like we did it to them.

Ps. I'm high
Yes you must be high. I didn't mention that I hear what whites think about Blacks and Muslims even though I do through various white women.

Trust me, I dont want to fit it. Your white culture is dysfunctional and based on violence, lying, hypocrisy, greed, and insecurity about a number of things. Thanks for bringing up lawns. Thats a good example. Its a pretty idiotic habit and a waste of water, time, and it pollutes our ground water. See what I mean by dysfunctional?

I'm not really angry. I'm more like committed. I reserve my anger for willfully ignorant uncle toms. Islam and Christianity is really no different. Here is where the hypicritical part of white culture comes in. I know the white Jesus has played tricks with the head of my people. I know my people are more religious than the whites that manipulated and corrupted christianity. When they loose the concept they will get their reward in heaven they will wake up to reality.and start working on getting it now. Thanks for admitting that BTW.
That white whore just wants to prove she's one of you. She lied just like the white girl who ran the NAACP.
So what? Stop whining.

I will if you will.
I never whine. I take action. You are whining because you think I'm a racist.

Everything you post is a whine about how unfair life is for black people. How you were robbed and cheated by whitey. How you can't get ahead because of whitey. How all your problems and all your social pathologies are whitey's fault.

Why don't you quite whining, get off your but, and do something to get ahead?

See, white people don't have anyone to blame when they fail. Failure is a lot easier to take when you can blame it on others.

You have got to be joking. I can't even begin to count the times in this forum that I have read some whinefest by an angry white male about how he got the shaft because be believes that Affirmative Action gives preferential treatment to minorities and females.


I recall plenty of discussion of the issue, but never personal claims.

Normally, you don't see the discrimination that clearly.

YOu don't get the job. If you don't sue, you don't know why you didn't.

I've been inside the hiring process when such discrimination took place. No one outside knew that only black candidates were considered despite more qualified whites applying.
What was the job? I'll bet you its a job anyone is qualified to do.

And you are describing aa. I bet that company didn't even have 10% blacks employed there and the company was trying to do the right thing.

You sound like an anti aa exec. Crying because you weren't allowed to hire your white friends.
Drop the Greek language. Learn to speak German.... Stop wearing leaves over your ears .
Emulate the Germans, and become civilized.
I don't get the point. Do you think teaching jungle bunnies German will make them civilized? If English, such as yours is, didn't work, what makes you think German would?

Obviously, you can take the bunny out of the jungle, but it's another thing to take the jungle out of the bunny. Teaching them another language isn't going to work. Look at Detroit.

You still insisting you're not racist?
You forget, I am white and so I do hear what whites say .....

Drop the "we." You represent nothing more than you own weakness. Trying to judge people as groups rather than individuals leads to nothing but misunderstanding.

There are plenty of times that government policy and law deals with people as groups.

Laws aimed at dead beat dads. Laws aimed at getting people to NOT smoke, laws aimed at child labor, Hell, daylight savings hits America as a whole with no consideration for all the individuals.

Groups are real. They are real characteristics and sometimes need to be dealt with as a group.

Hell, if you support AA, then you support dealing with people as groups.

You support for high immigration is dealing with people as a group. YOu aren't crafting individual policies for each immigrant.

Illogical and wrong.
That's the most racist statement posted in this forum in several months. You're the biggest racist in here.
So what? Stop whining.

I will if you will.
I never whine. I take action. You are whining because you think I'm a racist.

Everything you post is a whine about how unfair life is for black people. How you were robbed and cheated by whitey. How you can't get ahead because of whitey. How all your problems and all your social pathologies are whitey's fault.

Why don't you quite whining, get off your but, and do something to get ahead?

See, white people don't have anyone to blame when they fail. Failure is a lot easier to take when you can blame it on others.

You have got to be joking. I can't even begin to count the times in this forum that I have read some whinefest by an angry white male about how he got the shaft because be believes that Affirmative Action gives preferential treatment to minorities and females.

Uhmmmmm . . . . that's exactly what Affirmative Action does, idiot.
Drop the Greek language. Learn to speak German.... Stop wearing leaves over your ears .
Emulate the Germans, and become civilized.
I don't get the point. Do you think teaching jungle bunnies German will make them civilized? If English, such as yours is, didn't work, what makes you think German would?

Obviously, you can take the bunny out of the jungle, but it's another thing to take the jungle out of the bunny. Teaching them another language isn't going to work. Look at Detroit.

You still insisting you're not racist?
I'm racist to anyone who fits the negative stereotype of their particular race.
You forget, I am white and so I do hear what whites say .....

Drop the "we." You represent nothing more than you own weakness. Trying to judge people as groups rather than individuals leads to nothing but misunderstanding.

There are plenty of times that government policy and law deals with people as groups.

Laws aimed at dead beat dads. Laws aimed at getting people to NOT smoke, laws aimed at child labor, Hell, daylight savings hits America as a whole with no consideration for all the individuals.

Groups are real. They are real characteristics and sometimes need to be dealt with as a group.

Hell, if you support AA, then you support dealing with people as groups.

You support for high immigration is dealing with people as a group. YOu aren't crafting individual policies for each immigrant.

Illogical and wrong.
How so?
Drop the Greek language. Learn to speak German.... Stop wearing leaves over your ears .
Emulate the Germans, and become civilized.
I don't get the point. Do you think teaching jungle bunnies German will make them civilized? If English, such as yours is, didn't work, what makes you think German would?

Obviously, you can take the bunny out of the jungle, but it's another thing to take the jungle out of the bunny. Teaching them another language isn't going to work. Look at Detroit.

You still insisting you're not racist?
I'm racist to anyone who fits the negative stereotype of their particular race.

In other words, you're just racist.
You can't handle the truth but here it comes again:

View attachment 51715
Yes Greece has a huge problem with illegal immigrants like Africans but even worse Albanians.

Even my grandmother got mugged visiting Greece. And my brother said its been happening a lot lately because people are carrying around large sums of money. My brother visits Greece every year. The Greeks are horrible idiots. I'm not going to defend them.

Its probably a lot harder for a Greek or illegal immigrant in Greece to pick up and leave the country if all they know is Greek or Albanian.

That's why I keep telling you to drop the eubonics shit. If you decide to leave Detroit and move to where the opportunities are, you already know the basics of the english language. Just drop the shits and homana homana's and the jive and the flibity flap in your talk.

The irony is that illegal immigrants are being victimized by local Grecians in a manner similar to the pogroms in Nazi Germany. Illegals aren't perpetrating crimes they are being scapegoated for the ills of the failing Greek economy. Notably, police apathy puts a new face on these vicious bankrupt Greek zombies. The justice system no longer guarantees protection for immigrants, illegal or otherwise. Chaos is gaining momentum in Greece and it is the ethnic Greeks who are driving it.

Drop the Greek language. Learn to speak German.... Stop wearing leaves over your ears .
Emulate the Germans, and become civilized.

Go the fuck home.
You go the fuck home first white boy.

This is my home.
Are you posting from a cave in europe? If not then you are not at home.
So what? Stop whining.

I will if you will.
I never whine. I take action. You are whining because you think I'm a racist.

Everything you post is a whine about how unfair life is for black people. How you were robbed and cheated by whitey. How you can't get ahead because of whitey. How all your problems and all your social pathologies are whitey's fault.

Why don't you quite whining, get off your but, and do something to get ahead?

See, white people don't have anyone to blame when they fail. Failure is a lot easier to take when you can blame it on others.

You have got to be joking. I can't even begin to count the times in this forum that I have read some whinefest by an angry white male about how he got the shaft because be believes that Affirmative Action gives preferential treatment to minorities and females.

Uhmmmmm . . . . that's exactly what Affirmative Action does, idiot.

Oh I see. It causes white males to whine.

So what? Stop whining.

I will if you will.
I never whine. I take action. You are whining because you think I'm a racist.

Everything you post is a whine about how unfair life is for black people. How you were robbed and cheated by whitey. How you can't get ahead because of whitey. How all your problems and all your social pathologies are whitey's fault.

Why don't you quite whining, get off your but, and do something to get ahead?

See, white people don't have anyone to blame when they fail. Failure is a lot easier to take when you can blame it on others.

You have got to be joking. I can't even begin to count the times in this forum that I have read some whinefest by an angry white male about how he got the shaft because be believes that Affirmative Action gives preferential treatment to minorities and females.

Uhmmmmm . . . . that's exactly what Affirmative Action does, idiot.
You should know. White males had 400 years of exclusive, legislated AA. Now they have to share a little more with people of color and women and they are whining about that. :laugh:
Drop the Greek language. Learn to speak German.... Stop wearing leaves over your ears .
Emulate the Germans, and become civilized.
I don't get the point. Do you think teaching jungle bunnies German will make them civilized? If English, such as yours is, didn't work, what makes you think German would?

Obviously, you can take the bunny out of the jungle, but it's another thing to take the jungle out of the bunny. Teaching them another language isn't going to work. Look at Detroit.

You still insisting you're not racist?
I'm racist to anyone who fits the negative stereotype of their particular race.

In other words, you're just racist.
You aren't?
Yes Greece has a huge problem with illegal immigrants like Africans but even worse Albanians.

Even my grandmother got mugged visiting Greece. And my brother said its been happening a lot lately because people are carrying around large sums of money. My brother visits Greece every year. The Greeks are horrible idiots. I'm not going to defend them.

Its probably a lot harder for a Greek or illegal immigrant in Greece to pick up and leave the country if all they know is Greek or Albanian.

That's why I keep telling you to drop the eubonics shit. If you decide to leave Detroit and move to where the opportunities are, you already know the basics of the english language. Just drop the shits and homana homana's and the jive and the flibity flap in your talk.

The irony is that illegal immigrants are being victimized by local Grecians in a manner similar to the pogroms in Nazi Germany. Illegals aren't perpetrating crimes they are being scapegoated for the ills of the failing Greek economy. Notably, police apathy puts a new face on these vicious bankrupt Greek zombies. The justice system no longer guarantees protection for immigrants, illegal or otherwise. Chaos is gaining momentum in Greece and it is the ethnic Greeks who are driving it.

Drop the Greek language. Learn to speak German.... Stop wearing leaves over your ears .
Emulate the Germans, and become civilized.

Go the fuck home.
You go the fuck home first white boy.

This is my home.
Are you posting from a cave in europe? If not then you are not at home.
No, we came over and took this shit. That makes it ours. We also brought some property with us. Some pigs, some chickens, some cows, some oxen, a bed, some gold, silver, tools and some "helpers".

I seriously wonder why, if there are any good black nations, which we all know there are not, why oh why don't blacks move there. I know I would if America was all black. I'd go to Africa if it were all white. Especially if it was a great nation, but we all know Africa run by blacks is not. Oh yea, that's whites fault too. So it isn't just white America that has you down, it's all whites.

So even if you moved to Africa, you would claim just like the Greeks and the Saudi citizens claim, it is America that is responsible for all your woes.

Dude, you don't realize this country is the best shot you have. Can't do it here, where can you do it?

And if you claim you can and are doing it here, how racist is America if it allows you to be successful and Obama to be president? Oh yea, there are white pulling Obama's strings. I forgot. He too is just a puppet.

Its hard arguing with you because a lot of the things you say I agree with. So I already know what you are going to say to most of my arguments. I just notice an awful lot of blaming going on. Perhaps half of it is excuses and bs?
I will if you will.
I never whine. I take action. You are whining because you think I'm a racist.

Everything you post is a whine about how unfair life is for black people. How you were robbed and cheated by whitey. How you can't get ahead because of whitey. How all your problems and all your social pathologies are whitey's fault.

Why don't you quite whining, get off your but, and do something to get ahead?

See, white people don't have anyone to blame when they fail. Failure is a lot easier to take when you can blame it on others.

You have got to be joking. I can't even begin to count the times in this forum that I have read some whinefest by an angry white male about how he got the shaft because be believes that Affirmative Action gives preferential treatment to minorities and females.

Uhmmmmm . . . . that's exactly what Affirmative Action does, idiot.
You should know. White males had 400 years of exclusive, legislated AA. Now they have to share a little more with people of color and women and they are whining about that. :laugh:
Why did/do we "have to"? We didn't. You are welcome.

Blacks and women only make 75 cents on the dollar because that is what they are worth.
The irony is that illegal immigrants are being victimized by local Grecians in a manner similar to the pogroms in Nazi Germany. Illegals aren't perpetrating crimes they are being scapegoated for the ills of the failing Greek economy. Notably, police apathy puts a new face on these vicious bankrupt Greek zombies. The justice system no longer guarantees protection for immigrants, illegal or otherwise. Chaos is gaining momentum in Greece and it is the ethnic Greeks who are driving it.

Drop the Greek language. Learn to speak German.... Stop wearing leaves over your ears .
Emulate the Germans, and become civilized.

Go the fuck home.
You go the fuck home first white boy.

This is my home.
Are you posting from a cave in europe? If not then you are not at home.
No, we came over and took this shit. That makes it ours. We also brought some property with us. Some pigs, some chickens, some cows, some oxen, a bed, some gold, silver, tools and some "helpers".

I seriously wonder why, if there are any good black nations, which we all know there are not, why oh why don't blacks move there. I know I would if America was all black. I'd go to Africa if it were all white. Especially if it was a great nation, but we all know Africa run by blacks is not. Oh yea, that's whites fault too. So it isn't just white America that has you down, it's all whites.

So even if you moved to Africa, you would claim just like the Greeks and the Saudi citizens claim, it is America that is responsible for all your woes.

Dude, you don't realize this country is the best shot you have. Can't do it here, where can you do it?

And if you claim you can and are doing it here, how racist is America if it allows you to be successful and Obama to be president? Oh yea, there are white pulling Obama's strings. I forgot. He too is just a puppet.

Its hard arguing with you because a lot of the things you say I agree with. So I already know what you are going to say to most of my arguments. I just notice an awful lot of blaming going on. Perhaps half of it is excuses and bs?
Just because you take something doesnt make it yours. There goes your white criminal mentality again. :laugh:
Yes you brought some helpers but since they were white as well and weak they failed to provide a good work force.

Blacks do move to other Black countries all the time. Just because you are clueless about that doesnt mean it doesnt occur. Matter of fact I have some land in Africa I will be living on when I get old. Yes there are parts of Africa that are seriously fucked as a result of european colonization and further meddling by supporting dictators.

No this country is nowhere near the best shot I have. I could live just as comfortably or more comfortably in Africa, Canada, etc due to my skills.

America doesnt "allow" me to do anything. Matter of fact America provides more obstacles. However, I cant be stopped.
I never whine. I take action. You are whining because you think I'm a racist.

Everything you post is a whine about how unfair life is for black people. How you were robbed and cheated by whitey. How you can't get ahead because of whitey. How all your problems and all your social pathologies are whitey's fault.

Why don't you quite whining, get off your but, and do something to get ahead?

See, white people don't have anyone to blame when they fail. Failure is a lot easier to take when you can blame it on others.

You have got to be joking. I can't even begin to count the times in this forum that I have read some whinefest by an angry white male about how he got the shaft because be believes that Affirmative Action gives preferential treatment to minorities and females.

Uhmmmmm . . . . that's exactly what Affirmative Action does, idiot.
You should know. White males had 400 years of exclusive, legislated AA. Now they have to share a little more with people of color and women and they are whining about that. :laugh:
Why did/do we "have to"? We didn't. You are welcome.

Blacks and women only make 75 cents on the dollar because that is what they are worth.
You have to because the alternative would be chaos. People like to claim MLK brought about the Civil Rights act but what is kept quiet is that people like Malcolm X gave them an option. They could do it willingly or face the consequences. You see which path they decided was more intelligent for all concerned?
Everything you post is a whine about how unfair life is for black people. How you were robbed and cheated by whitey. How you can't get ahead because of whitey. How all your problems and all your social pathologies are whitey's fault.

Why don't you quite whining, get off your but, and do something to get ahead?

See, white people don't have anyone to blame when they fail. Failure is a lot easier to take when you can blame it on others.

You have got to be joking. I can't even begin to count the times in this forum that I have read some whinefest by an angry white male about how he got the shaft because be believes that Affirmative Action gives preferential treatment to minorities and females.

Uhmmmmm . . . . that's exactly what Affirmative Action does, idiot.
You should know. White males had 400 years of exclusive, legislated AA. Now they have to share a little more with people of color and women and they are whining about that. :laugh:
Why did/do we "have to"? We didn't. You are welcome.

Blacks and women only make 75 cents on the dollar because that is what they are worth.
You have to because the alternative would be chaos. People like to claim MLK brought about the Civil Rights act but what is kept quiet is that people like Malcolm X gave them an option. They could do it willingly or face the consequences. You see which path they decided was more intelligent for all concerned?
Stop your incessant begging and whining. You were dealt a low hand and weak mind, but that does not preclude your being of some use. So. some jungle bunny civilization stories to amuse your superiors.

Thank you

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