A message to the US from your many friends in Europe

The world relies on the US to provide stable leadership. In the past, the US maintained military alliances that protected the peace.

Today, the US is anything but stable. The world looks at the US as being run by crazies, people who believe wild conspiracies, a nation that swings wildly on the political spectrum

Why would anyone trust us?
Yeah, and how about that war Trump got us into by killing their biggest thug. Oh yeah, it didn't happen
Trump destabilized the Western Alliance, left a power gap for Russia and China to fill, caused the world to question US leadership....
Made the US a laughing stock
Did he give Russia half of Ukraine. Did he give the Ayatollah billions of bucks to conduct therir terrorism?

In fact, he secured Israel's future by building solid bridges between Arab states and the Jewish state and quashed ISIS.

What did the Obama/Biden admin do?
This country is rotting from the inside we don't have the luxury of propping up foreign countries right now
The world relies on the US to provide stable leadership. In the past, the US maintained military alliances that protected the peace.

Today, the US is anything but stable. The world looks at the US as being run by crazies, people who believe wild conspiracies, a nation that swings wildly on the political spectrum

Why would anyone trust us?
Maybe it's time for all the other countries to lead themselves.

We have too much shit to fix in our own backyard right now and that should be our priority.
We are a global community. We have a global economy and global military alliances

Trump made it the US against the world
The world relies on the US to provide stable leadership. In the past, the US maintained military alliances that protected the peace.

Today, the US is anything but stable. The world looks at the US as being run by crazies, people who believe wild conspiracies, a nation that swings wildly on the political spectrum

Why would anyone trust us?
Maybe it's time for all the other countries to lead themselves.

We have too much shit to fix in our own backyard right now and that should be our priority.
We are a global community. We have a global economy and global military alliances

Trump made it the US against the world


Everything we do should benefit the US first and and right now worrying about foreign countries should be on the bottom of the list.

You don't give your neighbor money to paint his house when your roof is leaking
Try these words

Leader of the Free World
Show me that authority in the constitution- then explain how it is regime change in other sovereign nations is defended by the constitution- free is unencumbered- that doesn't exist- what does exist is acolytes of godevernment- some elected most not- there are several realities the acolytes fail to recognize. The most important is the word example- follower monkeys emulate leader monkeys. Period. Then, there is this little ditty-

True Leadership is for the benefit of the follower, not the enrichment of the leader-
Trump made it the US against the world
Actually, you are wrong- that happened in 1953- every POTUS since then has exacerbated the situation- bombing aspirin factories doesn't count though, I'll cede that- the ONLY thing the US has going for it is the military spreading the hegemony that BOTH sides of the Duopoly Party subscribe to and fund.
Try these words

Leader of the Free World
Show me that authority in the constitution- then explain how it is regime change in other sovereign nations is defended by the constitution- free is unencumbered- that doesn't exist- what does exist is acolytes of godevernment- some elected most not- there are several realities the acolytes fail to recognize. The most important is the word example- follower monkeys emulate leader monkeys. Period. Then, there is this little ditty-

True Leadership is for the benefit of the follower, not the enrichment of the leader-
Foreign relations is Constitutional
Always has been
My point of view as an European. I dont like Trump as a person. And I think it is correct that his personality caused some voters not to choose him again.

But on the other hand, I understand why many people are disappointed by Biden's victory (I don't mention possible election fraud here). Rising influence of the Dem party and their shift leftward threaten to erode the principles this country was build on.
Congratulations on your victory and welcome back to the civilised family of nations.

Glad the America First nonsense has been defeated and we can return to our role as a global leader and partner
It'll be great to see America go back to the Obama days, other countries were now having to pay their way after Trump pulled the funding rug from under their feet. Looking forward to getting military freebies again at America's cost. A fool and their money are soon parted.
Congratulations on your victory and welcome back to the civilised family of nations.

Congratulations on your victory and welcome back to the civilised family of nations.

Now...here are the things you need to pay for so that we can keep our social welfare systems.....

Our military and our self defense.

New medicines.

New medical technologies.

New computer technologies....

And just about everything else that makes European lives possible.....and please....do not bother to point out how you pay for all of these things and yet we constantly bitch and moan and complain about you.....just give us the money, protect us.....and keep the rest to yourselves....
Congratulations on your victory and welcome back to the civilised family of nations.
None of us asked for your opinion and our elections are none of your business.
All NATO members are interested in US elections. Under Bidon we expect the US to be fully committed and lead the pack.
Under Trump's indifference, we never could be sure that he was even on our side and only encouraged our enemies.
Don't be so isolationist it has never served the US well in the past.

Please...stop.....you are making me laugh too hard....

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

You guys just want the U.S. to do all the hard work while you sponge off of our country.....you want to be able to continue to believe that Russia, Iran and China are not a problem......you want to pretend that you are relevant....

And by "don't be so isolationist" you mean......you guys pay for everything...

Got it.
Why would anyone trust us?
In light of what happened in 1953 then when JFK was murdered and then 9/11 and the evisceration of our 4th amendment, the total lack of respect for others and the constitution- I'm inclined to to agree with your assessment- BTW, I can't find the words (or even implication) of the US Gov't being a world leader authorization- can you point it out for me?
Try these words

Leader of the Free World

It is quite a responsibility. Trump abandoned it
That's quite an insult to over 6 billion people.

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