A Mother Puts the Benghazi Hearings in Perspective.

gee, maybe the two wars bush got us into might have facilitated that don't ya think?
got any more irrelevant stats?
They are relevant, shows Obama doesn't know what he is doing and Benghazi also proves that.
Also shows how you don't care about our troops. Liberals acted outraged about our troops dying, even counted their deaths daily. Oh but when Obama got to be president, all of a sudden you didn't care about their deaths. Even though there were more deaths under obama. Not a peep from liberals or the media. Proves you used them for political reasons. Which makes you all pieces of shit.
There were not increased deaths under Obama. Deaths increased in Afghanistan but they decreased and were brought down to zero in Iraq. As far as media coverage, Obama lifted the ban on photographs of KIA return ceremonies which had been imposed during the Bush administration.
No shit Sherlock. When you pull everything out, bodybags stop being filled.

And Obama announced lifting the ban....but have you heard anything from the media lately about the funeral they had here for guys that were killed over there?

Nope.....because the media blacked out almost every KIA. Coverage by the media cratered.
Yes, all of them. Normally the incident is reported by all the top national outlets at the time of the incident without identifying the individual(s). When they are identified they mentioned again. Coverage of the return and ceremonies at Dover as they are offloaded from the aircraft are spotty. Usually the offloading ceremonies are covered by the individuals local media as preparation for the upcoming coverage as a local story. Are you aware of any KIA that was not given this kind of media reception?
Also shows how you don't care about our troops. Liberals acted outraged about our troops dying, even counted their deaths daily. Oh but when Obama got to be president, all of a sudden you didn't care about their deaths. Even though there were more deaths under obama. Not a peep from liberals or the media. Proves you used them for political reasons. Which makes you all pieces of shit.
There were not increased deaths under Obama. Deaths increased in Afghanistan but they decreased and were brought down to zero in Iraq. As far as media coverage, Obama lifted the ban on photographs of KIA return ceremonies which had been imposed during the Bush administration.
And the media and liberals still ignored their deaths. Anyway why the hell would you want to show the flag draped coffins coming home. To make our enemies happy?
In Russia it is against the law to report the death of a soldier. Even the wives and mothers face arrest if they report on the deaths or failure of a return of their husbands and sons. They risk loosing any benefits and even imprisonment if they speak publicly about their loss. It was the mothers and wives reporting the secret burials of Russian soldiers returning from Ukraine that brought about this law. No honor or respect. Is that what you want in the USA for American KIA's?

There's quite a gulf between that an not allowing media jackals to desecrate the procession by which soldiers are returned.

It was for the families of the soldiers that Bush restrained the cameras, duncecap.
You are the duncecap if you believe your nonsense comment. Name one family, family group or veterans groups that complained about news coverage of returned killed in action personnel. Maybe there is one out there somewhere that I am unaware of.
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They are relevant, shows Obama doesn't know what he is doing and Benghazi also proves that.
Also shows how you don't care about our troops. Liberals acted outraged about our troops dying, even counted their deaths daily. Oh but when Obama got to be president, all of a sudden you didn't care about their deaths. Even though there were more deaths under obama. Not a peep from liberals or the media. Proves you used them for political reasons. Which makes you all pieces of shit.
There were not increased deaths under Obama. Deaths increased in Afghanistan but they decreased and were brought down to zero in Iraq. As far as media coverage, Obama lifted the ban on photographs of KIA return ceremonies which had been imposed during the Bush administration.
And the media and liberals still ignored their deaths. Anyway why the hell would you want to show the flag draped coffins coming home. To make our enemies happy?
Ok shit head what were the media and "liberals supposed to do?
Make martyrs out of them ?
Have the coffins on talk shows?
Your faux melodramatic concern is perverse to say the least.
If you could gain political points you would've already done it.

And I would and will support it again. :)
And more blood on your hands to go with it.

I call this policy treason.....not sound diplomacy.

I call your policy not knowing what you're talking about. The simple fact is that you guys don't seem to know much about Libya or the conflict there.
it has absolutely nothing to do with Libya. It has to do with the inactions of politicians to protect american lives. What ever the conflict is in Libya has nothing to do with the fact that Hillary Clinton ignored requests from the embassy and they ended up killed.

It took place in Libya so it absolutely has to do with it. You can't understand the attack, or why we had a mission there if you don't understand the Libyan situation. For someone so concerned with the issue you havent seem to have investigated it much. Did you ever wonder why we had a temp mission there in the first place?
I don't need to know more than Hillary Clinton did not provide protection to four americans who were in harm's way. Treason is a possibility.
gee, maybe the two wars bush got us into might have facilitated that don't ya think?
got any more irrelevant stats?
They are relevant, shows Obama doesn't know what he is doing and Benghazi also proves that.
Also shows how you don't care about our troops. Liberals acted outraged about our troops dying, even counted their deaths daily. Oh but when Obama got to be president, all of a sudden you didn't care about their deaths. Even though there were more deaths under obama. Not a peep from liberals or the media. Proves you used them for political reasons. Which makes you all pieces of shit.
You just had to say something even though it's absolutely false.
No outrage from liberals or the media, since Obama took office. No political gain now exploiting the deaths of our great soldiers. Like I said liberals are pieces of shit.
outrage over what? Soldier dying in war is part of the game.
This is a sad video. The grand standing politicians let this thing get away from them.

We needed answers to why 4 Americans were left defenseless, not a bunch of hooey about dropping Hillaries poll numbers.

The mom, of course nails it.

She asked 'Why? Why wasnt there any help?..Why did they sacrifice my only child?... You cant understand, my only child was murdered and nobody will tell me why....He was the only thing that was going to help me when I get old. I am old now, who do I have to listen to? Whose going to help me now? He's not around and the government wont talk to me. "

It would have been great if the Benghazi Committee had tried to find out why there wasn't any help and what could be changed for the future instead of trying to hurt Hillary's poll numbers.

In the meantime, the GOP will try as hard as they can to abuse this poor woman by parading her around until they forget about her in November of next year.

The sad part is that you and others like you have already forgotten about her.

I forgot about her? Fuck you.

Maybe I should have done what republicans did to Cindy Sheehan and done my best to demonize and destroy her. That's what you assholes are into.

no I'm just calling a spade a spade. And hillary clinton avoided her responsibility and got four americans killed.
Whose fault is that?

Not Bush.

You're an idiot obviously.

It's impossible for you to learn from past mistakes because you're a bean counter...not a military strategist.

lol we lost far more people and suffered far greater civilian casualties in Afghanistan while Bush was in office than we have in Libya. Once again: your double standards are showing.
More soldiers has died in Afghanistan under Obama, than under Bush. You know that don't you?
gee, maybe the two wars bush got us into might have facilitated that don't ya think?
got any more irrelevant stats?
They are relevant, shows Obama doesn't know what he is doing and Benghazi also proves that.
what is false?
Ah, is this the avocation of extra judicial punishment? You seem sane. ;)
It's an eternal perspective. No crime ever goes unpunished. Ever.
bullshit! it an earthy interpretation of what some asshole thinks god might say if there was one.
You don't get to decide if there is one or not.
bullshit I don't .!
you should stop proselytizing now it's irrelevant.
That's your opinion, not mine. Apparently you think a person's opinion is binding upon the cosmos so you should understand exactly what I mean.
For all practical purposes it is.
This is a sad video. The grand standing politicians let this thing get away from them.

We needed answers to why 4 Americans were left defenseless, not a bunch of hooey about dropping Hillaries poll numbers.

The mom, of course nails it.

She asked 'Why? Why wasnt there any help?..Why did they sacrifice my only child?... You cant understand, my only child was murdered and nobody will tell me why....He was the only thing that was going to help me when I get old. I am old now, who do I have to listen to? Whose going to help me now? He's not around and the government wont talk to me. "

It would have been great if the Benghazi Committee had tried to find out why there wasn't any help and what could be changed for the future instead of trying to hurt Hillary's poll numbers.

In the meantime, the GOP will try as hard as they can to abuse this poor woman by parading her around until they forget about her in November of next year.

The sad part is that you and others like you have already forgotten about her.

What's really sad and sickening is for assholes like you she's faux cause celeb.
When her political usefulness ends it'll be as if she was never there.
Where was your outrage 3 years ago?
They are relevant, shows Obama doesn't know what he is doing and Benghazi also proves that.
Also shows how you don't care about our troops. Liberals acted outraged about our troops dying, even counted their deaths daily. Oh but when Obama got to be president, all of a sudden you didn't care about their deaths. Even though there were more deaths under obama. Not a peep from liberals or the media. Proves you used them for political reasons. Which makes you all pieces of shit.
You just had to say something even though it's absolutely false.
No outrage from liberals or the media, since Obama took office. No political gain now exploiting the deaths of our great soldiers. Like I said liberals are pieces of shit.
outrage over what? Soldier dying in war is part of the game.
Not when Bush was president. Liberals used those deaths as political fodder.
Also shows how you don't care about our troops. Liberals acted outraged about our troops dying, even counted their deaths daily. Oh but when Obama got to be president, all of a sudden you didn't care about their deaths. Even though there were more deaths under obama. Not a peep from liberals or the media. Proves you used them for political reasons. Which makes you all pieces of shit.
There were not increased deaths under Obama. Deaths increased in Afghanistan but they decreased and were brought down to zero in Iraq. As far as media coverage, Obama lifted the ban on photographs of KIA return ceremonies which had been imposed during the Bush administration.
And the media and liberals still ignored their deaths. Anyway why the hell would you want to show the flag draped coffins coming home. To make our enemies happy?
Ok shit head what were the media and "liberals supposed to do?
Make martyrs out of them ?
Have the coffins on talk shows?
Your faux melodramatic concern is perverse to say the least.
If you could gain political points you would've already done it.
Again absolutely false.
This is a sad video. The grand standing politicians let this thing get away from them.

We needed answers to why 4 Americans were left defenseless, not a bunch of hooey about dropping Hillaries poll numbers.

The mom, of course nails it.

She asked 'Why? Why wasnt there any help?..Why did they sacrifice my only child?... You cant understand, my only child was murdered and nobody will tell me why....He was the only thing that was going to help me when I get old. I am old now, who do I have to listen to? Whose going to help me now? He's not around and the government wont talk to me. "

It would have been great if the Benghazi Committee had tried to find out why there wasn't any help and what could be changed for the future instead of trying to hurt Hillary's poll numbers.

In the meantime, the GOP will try as hard as they can to abuse this poor woman by parading her around until they forget about her in November of next year.

The sad part is that you and others like you have already forgotten about her.

What's really sad and sickening is for assholes like you she's faux cause celeb.
When her political usefulness ends it'll be as if she was never there.
Where was your outrage 3 years ago?

Nope Republicans will listen to the ambassador if he needs more security. Also we wouldn't lie about his death for political reasons.
Also shows how you don't care about our troops. Liberals acted outraged about our troops dying, even counted their deaths daily. Oh but when Obama got to be president, all of a sudden you didn't care about their deaths. Even though there were more deaths under obama. Not a peep from liberals or the media. Proves you used them for political reasons. Which makes you all pieces of shit.
There were not increased deaths under Obama. Deaths increased in Afghanistan but they decreased and were brought down to zero in Iraq. As far as media coverage, Obama lifted the ban on photographs of KIA return ceremonies which had been imposed during the Bush administration.
And the media and liberals still ignored their deaths. Anyway why the hell would you want to show the flag draped coffins coming home. To make our enemies happy?
Ok shit head what were the media and "liberals supposed to do?
Make martyrs out of them ?
Have the coffins on talk shows?
Your faux melodramatic concern is perverse to say the least.
If you could gain political points you would've already done it.
Again absolutely false.
Were you a little kid or asleep during Bush's presidency? We knew exactly how many soldiers died nightly. Under Obama you have to look it up.
lol we lost far more people and suffered far greater civilian casualties in Afghanistan while Bush was in office than we have in Libya. Once again: your double standards are showing.
More soldiers has died in Afghanistan under Obama, than under Bush. You know that don't you?
gee, maybe the two wars bush got us into might have facilitated that don't ya think?
got any more irrelevant stats?
They are relevant, shows Obama doesn't know what he is doing and Benghazi also proves that.
what is false?
The relavance of the body count to who was president when they died .
Also shows how you don't care about our troops. Liberals acted outraged about our troops dying, even counted their deaths daily. Oh but when Obama got to be president, all of a sudden you didn't care about their deaths. Even though there were more deaths under obama. Not a peep from liberals or the media. Proves you used them for political reasons. Which makes you all pieces of shit.
You just had to say something even though it's absolutely false.
No outrage from liberals or the media, since Obama took office. No political gain now exploiting the deaths of our great soldiers. Like I said liberals are pieces of shit.
outrage over what? Soldier dying in war is part of the game.
Not when Bush was president. Liberals used those deaths as political fodder.
Yeah just like you assholes
Your point?
This is a sad video. The grand standing politicians let this thing get away from them.

We needed answers to why 4 Americans were left defenseless, not a bunch of hooey about dropping Hillaries poll numbers.

The mom, of course nails it.

She asked 'Why? Why wasnt there any help?..Why did they sacrifice my only child?... You cant understand, my only child was murdered and nobody will tell me why....He was the only thing that was going to help me when I get old. I am old now, who do I have to listen to? Whose going to help me now? He's not around and the government wont talk to me. "

It would have been great if the Benghazi Committee had tried to find out why there wasn't any help and what could be changed for the future instead of trying to hurt Hillary's poll numbers.

In the meantime, the GOP will try as hard as they can to abuse this poor woman by parading her around until they forget about her in November of next year.

The sad part is that you and others like you have already forgotten about her.

What's really sad and sickening is for assholes like you she's faux cause celeb.
When her political usefulness ends it'll be as if she was never there.
Where was your outrage 3 years ago?

Nope Republicans will listen to the ambassador if he needs more security. Also we wouldn't lie about his death for political reasons.

There were not increased deaths under Obama. Deaths increased in Afghanistan but they decreased and were brought down to zero in Iraq. As far as media coverage, Obama lifted the ban on photographs of KIA return ceremonies which had been imposed during the Bush administration.
And the media and liberals still ignored their deaths. Anyway why the hell would you want to show the flag draped coffins coming home. To make our enemies happy?
Ok shit head what were the media and "liberals supposed to do?
Make martyrs out of them ?
Have the coffins on talk shows?
Your faux melodramatic concern is perverse to say the least.
If you could gain political points you would've already done it.
Again absolutely false.
Were you a little kid or asleep during Bush's presidency? We knew exactly how many soldiers died nightly. Under Obama you have to look it up.
Hey ass hat
More soldiers has died in Afghanistan under Obama, than under Bush. You know that don't you?
gee, maybe the two wars bush got us into might have facilitated that don't ya think?
got any more irrelevant stats?
They are relevant, shows Obama doesn't know what he is doing and Benghazi also proves that.
what is false?
The relavance of the body count to who was president when they died .
The relevance is using dead soldiers for political benefit, the way liberals will do.
And the media and liberals still ignored their deaths. Anyway why the hell would you want to show the flag draped coffins coming home. To make our enemies happy?
Ok shit head what were the media and "liberals supposed to do?
Make martyrs out of them ?
Have the coffins on talk shows?
Your faux melodramatic concern is perverse to say the least.
If you could gain political points you would've already done it.
Again absolutely false.
Were you a little kid or asleep during Bush's presidency? We knew exactly how many soldiers died nightly. Under Obama you have to look it up.
Hey ass hat
Oh, truth hurt in ya? Lol

Debunking a series of persistent allegations hinting at dark conspiracies, the investigation of the politically charged incident determined that there was no intelligence failure, no delay in sending a CIA rescue team, no missed opportunity for a military rescue, and no evidence the CIA was covertly shipping arms from Libya to Syria.


and no evidence the CIA was covertly shipping arms from Libya to Syria.

That's easy for them to say, the weapons weren't being shipped to Syria, they were being shipped to Turkey. To highlight this important point look at the link provided by danielpalos in post #46. I will provide the video that was contained in the link here. Notice Hillary's reaction to the question being asked in relation to Turkey instead of Syria and her inability to say no emphatically.

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