A Mother Puts the Benghazi Hearings in Perspective.

Like killing hundreds of thousands of innocent individuals in a clear blast?
That isn't a crime, that's a nation that defends itself. Because you're unregenerate and depraved, you by nature misplace blame. A country that procures an unprovoked attack is alone responsible for how the reprisal affects its citizens. The Empire of Japan is an object lesson in this.

bahaha; Justify the mass muder of hundreds of thousands of non-combatants and children and then call someone else depraved? Cute. Keep that sanity going sport. ;)
Yet you think it's an acceptable risk to place American diplomatic lives in the hands of Muslim governments whose motives aren't clearly assertained.

Absolutely; It was a vital move for preserving the integrity of the transitional Libyan government.

And I would and will support it again. :)
When you're done with your tantrum, you'll be able to find us out working on actual ongoing policy issues.
I don't care what you do. I will not except you demoralizing four american families though.
All talk. You won't do anything besides continue to cry online and blind yourself to anything else going on because you can't be bothered with it.
and talk to my congressman as I already stated. comprehende. Maybe I'll do a youtube to her.

Which will do nothing. Good job.
maybe, maybe not, the thing is it has you concerned or you wouldn't be here talking to me about it now right?

I'm here because I find your tantrum amusing. If I were worried I'd publish an editorial.
It's an eternal perspective. No crime ever goes unpunished. Ever.

Like killing hundreds of thousands of innocent individuals in a clear blast?
That isn't a crime, that's a nation that defends itself. Because you're unregenerate and depraved, you by nature misplace blame. A country that procures an unprovoked attack is alone responsible for how the reprisal affects its citizens. The Empire of Japan is an object lesson in this.

bahaha; Justify the mass muder of hundreds of thousands of non-combatants and children and then call someone else depraved? Cute. Keep that sanity going sport. ;)
Yet you think it's an acceptable risk to place American diplomatic lives in the hands of Muslim governments whose motives aren't clearly assertained.

Absolutely; It was a vital move for preserving the integrity of the transitional Libyan government.
Good idea....well done.....

no you're wrong friend. POWs killed in a camp are captured soldiers murdered. It's why they have the Geneva Convention. Terrorists don't abide by that agreement.

Nice try though, but you failed.
You are correct, captured persons who are killed while in captivity are murdered and also referred to as KIA because they are still serving while in the POW or captured status. Are you claiming those killed at Benghazi were captured before being killed? My understand is that they were killed in the battle to defend the facility and the Ambassador.
they were, they were surrounded with no options. It is murder.
You insult them even more. They did not surrender or give up. They fought to the end. Can you stoop a little lower to find new ways to insult the men you claim to care about. Those men had options and they decided on fighting to the death instead of becoming prisoners. That is one of the things that made them heroes.
when did I say they surrendered. Oh, please show me the post. that's just disingenuous to put that in print. You need to correct that immediately.
You made a comment about captured persons. I asked you a question about whether you were claiming the men at Benghazi were captured. I don't know why you brought up captured soldiers being killed while in captivity if it were not to imply those at Benghazi had possibly been captured, hence, surrendered.
You made a point that soldiers can't be murdered. I gave you how that can be. Holy shit, you got short term memory issues? Surrounded, the term is surrounded. No option to leave without a shoot out is being detained. a similar environment as captive, but not identical. Murdered.
I don't care what you do. I will not except you demoralizing four american families though.
All talk. You won't do anything besides continue to cry online and blind yourself to anything else going on because you can't be bothered with it.
and talk to my congressman as I already stated. comprehende. Maybe I'll do a youtube to her.

Which will do nothing. Good job.
maybe, maybe not, the thing is it has you concerned or you wouldn't be here talking to me about it now right?

I'm here because I find your tantrum amusing. If I were worried I'd publish an editorial.
sure you do.
That isn't a crime, that's a nation that defends itself. Because you're unregenerate and depraved, you by nature misplace blame. A country that procures an unprovoked attack is alone responsible for how the reprisal affects its citizens. The Empire of Japan is an object lesson in this.

bahaha; Justify the mass muder of hundreds of thousands of non-combatants and children and then call someone else depraved? Cute. Keep that sanity going sport. ;)
Yet you think it's an acceptable risk to place American diplomatic lives in the hands of Muslim governments whose motives aren't clearly assertained.

Absolutely; It was a vital move for preserving the integrity of the transitional Libyan government.

And I would and will support it again. :)
And more blood on your hands to go with it.

I call this policy criminal neglect ....not sound diplomacy.
Like killing hundreds of thousands of innocent individuals in a clear blast?
That isn't a crime, that's a nation that defends itself. Because you're unregenerate and depraved, you by nature misplace blame. A country that procures an unprovoked attack is alone responsible for how the reprisal affects its citizens. The Empire of Japan is an object lesson in this.

bahaha; Justify the mass muder of hundreds of thousands of non-combatants and children and then call someone else depraved? Cute. Keep that sanity going sport. ;)
Yet you think it's an acceptable risk to place American diplomatic lives in the hands of Muslim governments whose motives aren't clearly assertained.

Absolutely; It was a vital move for preserving the integrity of the transitional Libyan government.
Good idea....well done.....


I agree; it had an undesired consequence; but it was also vital to take that risk and I will gladly take it again. Libya was on the verge of breaking in two with all of the government buildings moving to Tripoli; it was important to maintain a presence in Benghazi so that the east didn't feel abandoned.
bahaha; Justify the mass muder of hundreds of thousands of non-combatants and children and then call someone else depraved? Cute. Keep that sanity going sport. ;)
Yet you think it's an acceptable risk to place American diplomatic lives in the hands of Muslim governments whose motives aren't clearly assertained.

Absolutely; It was a vital move for preserving the integrity of the transitional Libyan government.

And I would and will support it again. :)
And more blood on your hands to go with it.

I call this policy treason.....not sound diplomacy.

I call your policy not knowing what you're talking about. The simple fact is that you guys don't seem to know much about Libya or the conflict there.
This is a sad video. The grand standing politicians let this thing get away from them.

We needed answers to why 4 Americans were left defenseless, not a bunch of hooey about dropping Hillaries poll numbers.

The mom, of course nails it.

She asked 'Why? Why wasnt there any help?..Why did they sacrifice my only child?... You cant understand, my only child was murdered and nobody will tell me why....He was the only thing that was going to help me when I get old. I am old now, who do I have to listen to? Whose going to help me now? He's not around and the government wont talk to me. "

It would have been great if the Benghazi Committee had tried to find out why there wasn't any help and what could be changed for the future instead of trying to hurt Hillary's poll numbers.

In the meantime, the GOP will try as hard as they can to abuse this poor woman by parading her around until they forget about her in November of next year.

The sad part is that you and others like you have already forgotten about her.
That isn't a crime, that's a nation that defends itself. Because you're unregenerate and depraved, you by nature misplace blame. A country that procures an unprovoked attack is alone responsible for how the reprisal affects its citizens. The Empire of Japan is an object lesson in this.

bahaha; Justify the mass muder of hundreds of thousands of non-combatants and children and then call someone else depraved? Cute. Keep that sanity going sport. ;)
Yet you think it's an acceptable risk to place American diplomatic lives in the hands of Muslim governments whose motives aren't clearly assertained.

Absolutely; It was a vital move for preserving the integrity of the transitional Libyan government.
Good idea....well done.....


I agree; it had an undesired consequence; but it was also vital to take that risk and I will gladly take it again. Libya was on the verge of breaking in two with all of the government buildings moving to Tripoli; it was important to maintain a presence in Benghazi so that the east didn't feel abandoned.
So we show, once again, that Americans are stupid Paper Tigers.

I hope you aren't a diplomat.
..because your butt is the first one I'd send in harm's way to see firsthand how poorly your policies work in real life.
Yet you think it's an acceptable risk to place American diplomatic lives in the hands of Muslim governments whose motives aren't clearly assertained.

Absolutely; It was a vital move for preserving the integrity of the transitional Libyan government.

And I would and will support it again. :)
And more blood on your hands to go with it.

I call this policy treason.....not sound diplomacy.

I call your policy not knowing what you're talking about. The simple fact is that you guys don't seem to know much about Libya or the conflict there.
it has absolutely nothing to do with Libya. It has to do with the inactions of politicians to protect american lives. What ever the conflict is in Libya has nothing to do with the fact that Hillary Clinton ignored requests from the embassy and they ended up killed.
bahaha; Justify the mass muder of hundreds of thousands of non-combatants and children and then call someone else depraved? Cute. Keep that sanity going sport. ;)
Yet you think it's an acceptable risk to place American diplomatic lives in the hands of Muslim governments whose motives aren't clearly assertained.

Absolutely; It was a vital move for preserving the integrity of the transitional Libyan government.
Good idea....well done.....


I agree; it had an undesired consequence; but it was also vital to take that risk and I will gladly take it again. Libya was on the verge of breaking in two with all of the government buildings moving to Tripoli; it was important to maintain a presence in Benghazi so that the east didn't feel abandoned.
So we show, once again, that Americans are stupid Paper Tigers.

I'm pretty sure the Brits cut and ran faster there sport.
Yet you think it's an acceptable risk to place American diplomatic lives in the hands of Muslim governments whose motives aren't clearly assertained.

Absolutely; It was a vital move for preserving the integrity of the transitional Libyan government.
Good idea....well done.....


I agree; it had an undesired consequence; but it was also vital to take that risk and I will gladly take it again. Libya was on the verge of breaking in two with all of the government buildings moving to Tripoli; it was important to maintain a presence in Benghazi so that the east didn't feel abandoned.
So we show, once again, that Americans are stupid Paper Tigers.

I'm pretty sure the Brits cut and ran faster there sport.
I know they did.....they're not bloody fools!!!
Absolutely; It was a vital move for preserving the integrity of the transitional Libyan government.

And I would and will support it again. :)
And more blood on your hands to go with it.

I call this policy treason.....not sound diplomacy.

I call your policy not knowing what you're talking about. The simple fact is that you guys don't seem to know much about Libya or the conflict there.
it has absolutely nothing to do with Libya. It has to do with the inactions of politicians to protect american lives. What ever the conflict is in Libya has nothing to do with the fact that Hillary Clinton ignored requests from the embassy and they ended up killed.

It took place in Libya so it absolutely has to do with it. You can't understand the attack, or why we had a mission there if you don't understand the Libyan situation. For someone so concerned with the issue you havent seem to have investigated it much. Did you ever wonder why we had a temp mission there in the first place?
Absolutely; It was a vital move for preserving the integrity of the transitional Libyan government.
Good idea....well done.....


I agree; it had an undesired consequence; but it was also vital to take that risk and I will gladly take it again. Libya was on the verge of breaking in two with all of the government buildings moving to Tripoli; it was important to maintain a presence in Benghazi so that the east didn't feel abandoned.
So we show, once again, that Americans are stupid Paper Tigers.

I'm pretty sure the Brits cut and ran faster there sport.
I know they did.....they're not bloody fools!!!

They also recognized the Libyan rebels before the US did. ;)
This is a sad video. The grand standing politicians let this thing get away from them.

We needed answers to why 4 Americans were left defenseless, not a bunch of hooey about dropping Hillaries poll numbers.

The mom, of course nails it.

She asked 'Why? Why wasnt there any help?..Why did they sacrifice my only child?... You cant understand, my only child was murdered and nobody will tell me why....He was the only thing that was going to help me when I get old. I am old now, who do I have to listen to? Whose going to help me now? He's not around and the government wont talk to me. "

It would have been great if the Benghazi Committee had tried to find out why there wasn't any help and what could be changed for the future instead of trying to hurt Hillary's poll numbers.

In the meantime, the GOP will try as hard as they can to abuse this poor woman by parading her around until they forget about her in November of next year.

The sad part is that you and others like you have already forgotten about her.

I forgot about her? Fuck you.

Maybe I should have done what republicans did to Cindy Sheehan and done my best to demonize and destroy her. That's what you assholes are into.
Good idea....well done.....


I agree; it had an undesired consequence; but it was also vital to take that risk and I will gladly take it again. Libya was on the verge of breaking in two with all of the government buildings moving to Tripoli; it was important to maintain a presence in Benghazi so that the east didn't feel abandoned.
So we show, once again, that Americans are stupid Paper Tigers.

I'm pretty sure the Brits cut and ran faster there sport.
I know they did.....they're not bloody fools!!!

They also recognized the Libyan rebels before the US did. ;)
No surprise there......American Democrats are retards.

The 2000 Florida election proved that. The fact that Obama was re-elected re-established that fact. Democrats are stoopid.
I don't condemn the mission in Libya. The way it was carried out is what deserves condemnation. But, these different missions are like comparing apples and oranges.Bush took out the Taliban in Afghanistan and did pretty much what Obama attempted to do in Libya. He was successful. Iraq was a different story....totally different mission. Afghanistan was the clean war according to Democrats. ....and they, not Bush, turned it into a mess after he left office.

And yet Afghanistan still cost us FAR FAR more in US and civilian lives than Libya did.
Whose fault is that?

Not Bush.

You're an idiot obviously.

It's impossible for you to learn from past mistakes because you're a bean counter...not a military strategist.

lol we lost far more people and suffered far greater civilian casualties in Afghanistan while Bush was in office than we have in Libya. Once again: your double standards are showing.
More soldiers has died in Afghanistan under Obama, than under Bush. You know that don't you?
gee, maybe the two wars bush got us into might have facilitated that don't ya think?
got any more irrelevant stats?
They are relevant, shows Obama doesn't know what he is doing and Benghazi also proves that.
I agree; it had an undesired consequence; but it was also vital to take that risk and I will gladly take it again. Libya was on the verge of breaking in two with all of the government buildings moving to Tripoli; it was important to maintain a presence in Benghazi so that the east didn't feel abandoned.
So we show, once again, that Americans are stupid Paper Tigers.

I'm pretty sure the Brits cut and ran faster there sport.
I know they did.....they're not bloody fools!!!

They also recognized the Libyan rebels before the US did. ;)
No surprise there......American Democrats are retards.

The 2000 Florida election proved that. The fact that Obama was re-elected re-established that fact. Democrats are stoopid.

The brits recognized their legitimacy first; the Americans waited until they articulated an exit and transition plan.

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