A Mother Puts the Benghazi Hearings in Perspective.

My point is that you are crying about this being a political issue, yet you and those you support are the ones publicly politicizing it; you are bellyaching over the fact that it is still in the spotlight and that being disgusting, but you and those like you are the ones throwing the fit that keeps it there.

You're being a hypocrite. And also purely emotive while denying the reality of the issue.
wrong, it is about getting someone to admit they didn't do their job and now lying about it. And then thinking you're just gonna ignore the four families and run for president. nope.

Yeah, no matter what you believe the truth to be, that's not going to happen; so once again you can continue your politicized tantrum and continue dragging these people and their families out into the spotlight, or you can deal with reality and move on.
I know what the truth is. I don't need you to tell me. I know Hillary Clinton didn't do her job and there is evidence to support that fact.

And yet nothing to going to happen. Once again you can either deal with that or continue your politicized tantrum. Either way: you're the people keeping it going and keeping it in the spotlight.
Why do folks protest? There is never a guarantee of getting what it is you protest, but people are made aware right? You are already all pissed off that we keep talking about it. It is my right, and you trying to undermine my right is pure jealousy. You hate it though don't you. Hillary is a murder of four americans and i will never let her get away with it. I will pronounce it often.

Cry more.
Hillary owns it.

Obama owns it.

And you still support them.

When you say own it.....it's just words.
in one way or another we all own it.
no we don't, Hilary was appointed.
we appointed her so we are also responsible for her decisions.
dodging that reality doesn't change anything.
Obama appointed her and you voted for Obama.

It's your fault

So we should blame you for genocide if you voted for Nixon then? Solid logic right there.
Well....I didn't vote for Nixon...so eat me.
It is disturbing that we refer to the security personal at Benghazi as being murdered. Soldiers on the field of battle are not usually referred to as being murdered. Men who die while fighting the enemy are referred to as Killed in Action, KIA. Referring to those men as being murdered puts their deaths into a legal category instead of a military category. Sorry for the mom who finds comfort in her political views and understands as a way to express her grief, but it is sad that she does not really understand what her son was doing as a soldier in the war against terrorism. He volunteered to place himself in danger to serve his nation. She is not the first, last or only mom to suffer the loss of an only child to the war on terror. It is a shame people have convinced her she is a victim of a crime instead of a mother of a warrior in the war against terror.
no you're wrong friend. POWs killed in a camp are captured soldiers murdered. It's why they have the Geneva Convention. Terrorists don't abide by that agreement.

Nice try though, but you failed.
You are correct, captured persons who are killed while in captivity are murdered and also referred to as KIA because they are still serving while in the POW or captured status. Are you claiming those killed at Benghazi were captured before being killed? My understand is that they were killed in the battle to defend the facility and the Ambassador.
they were, they were surrounded with no options. It is murder.
You insult them even more. They did not surrender or give up. They fought to the end. Can you stoop a little lower to find new ways to insult the men you claim to care about. Those men had options and they decided on fighting to the death instead of becoming prisoners. That is one of the things that made them heroes.
when did I say they surrendered. Oh, please show me the post. that's just disingenuous to put that in print. You need to correct that immediately.
Here's some perspective on the cons using the bodies of the dead for political gain.

The mothers of three of the men killed in the attack are pretty pissed at Gowdy's trumpeters running the Stop Hillary PAC -- they used their bodies in a shameful, shameful way.

Moms of two Benghazi casualties call anti-Clinton ad ‘cruel,’ ‘callous’

“To have words put in his mouth as he is speaking from the grave, it’s beyond the pale,” she said. “Besides callous and cruel, it’s irreverent, and it does not honor, it does not respect these men.”


The anti-Hillary Clinton ad that’s angering some family members of Benghazi victims

"Reached by phone, Mary Commanday, Stevens’ mother, was furious. “I think it’s a terrible idea and if I could sue him I would,” said Commanday, who lives near Oakland, Calif. She watched the debate but only learned of the commercial after a Post reporter described it to her. “It’s an insult to someone who is dead. I think it’s a wrong use for the reputation of my son.”

Barbara Doherty, 81, was equally irate. “It’s horrifying,” she said. “I am so upset they’d have my son talking from the grave, saying don’t vote for this person. He wasn’t political. He would never have done something like this.”
wrong, it is about getting someone to admit they didn't do their job and now lying about it. And then thinking you're just gonna ignore the four families and run for president. nope.

Yeah, no matter what you believe the truth to be, that's not going to happen; so once again you can continue your politicized tantrum and continue dragging these people and their families out into the spotlight, or you can deal with reality and move on.
I know what the truth is. I don't need you to tell me. I know Hillary Clinton didn't do her job and there is evidence to support that fact.

And yet nothing to going to happen. Once again you can either deal with that or continue your politicized tantrum. Either way: you're the people keeping it going and keeping it in the spotlight.
Why do folks protest? There is never a guarantee of getting what it is you protest, but people are made aware right? You are already all pissed off that we keep talking about it. It is my right, and you trying to undermine my right is pure jealousy. You hate it though don't you. Hillary is a murder of four americans and i will never let her get away with it. I will pronounce it often.

Cry more.
and often and as loud as I can Hillary is a murderer.
lol. I'm sorry you're cranky, and that you're not going to get the "justice" you want. But that's simply the fact of the matter. No one is going to jail and no one is getting fired. No amount of tantrum throwing on your part is going to change that. In fact, please continue; it's actually quit advantageous for her campaign.

The choice you and the republicans have at this point is to either keep politicizing it; or to allow us to move on and focus on other things.
Yes there will be justice. You just won't see it coming.

Ah, is this the avocation of extra judicial punishment? You seem sane. ;)
It's an eternal perspective. No crime ever goes unpunished. Ever.
bullshit! it an earthy interpretation of what some asshole thinks god might say if there was one.
You don't get to decide if there is one or not.
bullshit I don't .!
you should stop proselytizing now it's irrelevant.
Yeah, no matter what you believe the truth to be, that's not going to happen; so once again you can continue your politicized tantrum and continue dragging these people and their families out into the spotlight, or you can deal with reality and move on.
I know what the truth is. I don't need you to tell me. I know Hillary Clinton didn't do her job and there is evidence to support that fact.

And yet nothing to going to happen. Once again you can either deal with that or continue your politicized tantrum. Either way: you're the people keeping it going and keeping it in the spotlight.
Why do folks protest? There is never a guarantee of getting what it is you protest, but people are made aware right? You are already all pissed off that we keep talking about it. It is my right, and you trying to undermine my right is pure jealousy. You hate it though don't you. Hillary is a murder of four americans and i will never let her get away with it. I will pronounce it often.

Cry more.
and often and as loud as I can Hillary is a murderer.

When you're done with your tantrum, you'll be able to find us out working on actual ongoing policy issues.
It is disturbing that we refer to the security personal at Benghazi as being murdered. Soldiers on the field of battle are not usually referred to as being murdered. Men who die while fighting the enemy are referred to as Killed in Action, KIA. Referring to those men as being murdered puts their deaths into a legal category instead of a military category. Sorry for the mom who finds comfort in her political views and understands as a way to express her grief, but it is sad that she does not really understand what her son was doing as a soldier in the war against terrorism. He volunteered to place himself in danger to serve his nation. She is not the first, last or only mom to suffer the loss of an only child to the war on terror. It is a shame people have convinced her she is a victim of a crime instead of a mother of a warrior in the war against terror.
no you're wrong friend. POWs killed in a camp are captured soldiers murdered. It's why they have the Geneva Convention. Terrorists don't abide by that agreement.

Nice try though, but you failed.
You are correct, captured persons who are killed while in captivity are murdered and also referred to as KIA because they are still serving while in the POW or captured status. Are you claiming those killed at Benghazi were captured before being killed? My understand is that they were killed in the battle to defend the facility and the Ambassador.
they were, they were surrounded with no options. It is murder.
if they died fighting it is not. it seems they made the decision not to run .
as far as I know they were not ordered to fight or leave ,nor did they request to do one or the other.
sure it is. Fighting back was all they had it was a massacre. get it?
I know what the truth is. I don't need you to tell me. I know Hillary Clinton didn't do her job and there is evidence to support that fact.

And yet nothing to going to happen. Once again you can either deal with that or continue your politicized tantrum. Either way: you're the people keeping it going and keeping it in the spotlight.
Why do folks protest? There is never a guarantee of getting what it is you protest, but people are made aware right? You are already all pissed off that we keep talking about it. It is my right, and you trying to undermine my right is pure jealousy. You hate it though don't you. Hillary is a murder of four americans and i will never let her get away with it. I will pronounce it often.

Cry more.
and often and as loud as I can Hillary is a murderer.

When you're done with your tantrum, you'll be able to find us out working on actual ongoing policy issues.
I don't care what you do. I will not except you demoralizing four american families though.
Yes there will be justice. You just won't see it coming.

Ah, is this the avocation of extra judicial punishment? You seem sane. ;)
It's an eternal perspective. No crime ever goes unpunished. Ever.

Like killing hundreds of thousands of innocent individuals in a clear blast?
That isn't a crime, that's a nation that defends itself. Because you're unregenerate and depraved, you by nature misplace blame. A country that procures an unprovoked attack is alone responsible for how the reprisal affects its citizens. The Empire of Japan is an object lesson in this.

bahaha; Justify the mass muder of hundreds of thousands of non-combatants and children and then call someone else depraved? Cute. Keep that sanity going sport. ;)
Yet you think it's an acceptable risk to place American diplomatic lives in the hands of Muslim governments whose motives aren't clearly assertained.
And yet nothing to going to happen. Once again you can either deal with that or continue your politicized tantrum. Either way: you're the people keeping it going and keeping it in the spotlight.
Why do folks protest? There is never a guarantee of getting what it is you protest, but people are made aware right? You are already all pissed off that we keep talking about it. It is my right, and you trying to undermine my right is pure jealousy. You hate it though don't you. Hillary is a murder of four americans and i will never let her get away with it. I will pronounce it often.

Cry more.
and often and as loud as I can Hillary is a murderer.

When you're done with your tantrum, you'll be able to find us out working on actual ongoing policy issues.
I don't care what you do. I will not except you demoralizing four american families though.
All talk. You won't do anything besides continue to cry online and blind yourself to anything else going on because you can't be bothered with it.
Yes there will be justice. You just won't see it coming.

Ah, is this the avocation of extra judicial punishment? You seem sane. ;)
It's an eternal perspective. No crime ever goes unpunished. Ever.

Like killing hundreds of thousands of innocent individuals in a clear blast?
That isn't a crime, that's a nation that defends itself. Because you're unregenerate and depraved, you by nature misplace blame. A country that procures an unprovoked attack is alone responsible for how the reprisal affects its citizens. The Empire of Japan is an object lesson in this.

bahaha; Justify the mass muder of hundreds of thousands of non-combatants and children and then call someone else depraved? Cute. Keep that sanity going sport. ;)
wasn't that done in Japan? So now you're calling out the US on Japan? are you now. good for you.
Yes there will be justice. You just won't see it coming.

Ah, is this the avocation of extra judicial punishment? You seem sane. ;)
It's an eternal perspective. No crime ever goes unpunished. Ever.
bullshit! it an earthy interpretation of what some asshole thinks god might say if there was one.
You don't get to decide if there is one or not.
bullshit I don't .!
you should stop proselytizing now it's irrelevant.
That's your opinion, not mine. Apparently you think a person's opinion is binding upon the cosmos so you should understand exactly what I mean.
Ah, is this the avocation of extra judicial punishment? You seem sane. ;)
It's an eternal perspective. No crime ever goes unpunished. Ever.

Like killing hundreds of thousands of innocent individuals in a clear blast?
That isn't a crime, that's a nation that defends itself. Because you're unregenerate and depraved, you by nature misplace blame. A country that procures an unprovoked attack is alone responsible for how the reprisal affects its citizens. The Empire of Japan is an object lesson in this.

bahaha; Justify the mass muder of hundreds of thousands of non-combatants and children and then call someone else depraved? Cute. Keep that sanity going sport. ;)
Yet you think it's an acceptable risk to place American diplomatic lives in the hands of Muslim governments whose motives aren't clearly assertained.

Absolutely; It was a vital move for preserving the integrity of the transitional Libyan government.
Why do folks protest? There is never a guarantee of getting what it is you protest, but people are made aware right? You are already all pissed off that we keep talking about it. It is my right, and you trying to undermine my right is pure jealousy. You hate it though don't you. Hillary is a murder of four americans and i will never let her get away with it. I will pronounce it often.

Cry more.
and often and as loud as I can Hillary is a murderer.

When you're done with your tantrum, you'll be able to find us out working on actual ongoing policy issues.
I don't care what you do. I will not except you demoralizing four american families though.
All talk. You won't do anything besides continue to cry online and blind yourself to anything else going on because you can't be bothered with it.
and talk to my congressman as I already stated. comprehende. Maybe I'll do a youtube to her.
It is disturbing that we refer to the security personal at Benghazi as being murdered. Soldiers on the field of battle are not usually referred to as being murdered. Men who die while fighting the enemy are referred to as Killed in Action, KIA. Referring to those men as being murdered puts their deaths into a legal category instead of a military category. Sorry for the mom who finds comfort in her political views and understands as a way to express her grief, but it is sad that she does not really understand what her son was doing as a soldier in the war against terrorism. He volunteered to place himself in danger to serve his nation. She is not the first, last or only mom to suffer the loss of an only child to the war on terror. It is a shame people have convinced her she is a victim of a crime instead of a mother of a warrior in the war against terror.
no you're wrong friend. POWs killed in a camp are captured soldiers murdered. It's why they have the Geneva Convention. Terrorists don't abide by that agreement.

Nice try though, but you failed.
You are correct, captured persons who are killed while in captivity are murdered and also referred to as KIA because they are still serving while in the POW or captured status. Are you claiming those killed at Benghazi were captured before being killed? My understand is that they were killed in the battle to defend the facility and the Ambassador.
they were, they were surrounded with no options. It is murder.
You insult them even more. They did not surrender or give up. They fought to the end. Can you stoop a little lower to find new ways to insult the men you claim to care about. Those men had options and they decided on fighting to the death instead of becoming prisoners. That is one of the things that made them heroes.
when did I say they surrendered. Oh, please show me the post. that's just disingenuous to put that in print. You need to correct that immediately.
You made a comment about captured persons. I asked you a question about whether you were claiming the men at Benghazi were captured. I don't know why you brought up captured soldiers being killed while in captivity if it were not to imply those at Benghazi had possibly been captured, hence, surrendered.
Cry more.
and often and as loud as I can Hillary is a murderer.

When you're done with your tantrum, you'll be able to find us out working on actual ongoing policy issues.
I don't care what you do. I will not except you demoralizing four american families though.
All talk. You won't do anything besides continue to cry online and blind yourself to anything else going on because you can't be bothered with it.
and talk to my congressman as I already stated. comprehende. Maybe I'll do a youtube to her.

Which will do nothing. Good job.
It's an eternal perspective. No crime ever goes unpunished. Ever.

Like killing hundreds of thousands of innocent individuals in a clear blast?
That isn't a crime, that's a nation that defends itself. Because you're unregenerate and depraved, you by nature misplace blame. A country that procures an unprovoked attack is alone responsible for how the reprisal affects its citizens. The Empire of Japan is an object lesson in this.

bahaha; Justify the mass muder of hundreds of thousands of non-combatants and children and then call someone else depraved? Cute. Keep that sanity going sport. ;)
Yet you think it's an acceptable risk to place American diplomatic lives in the hands of Muslim governments whose motives aren't clearly assertained.

Absolutely; It was a vital move for preserving the integrity of the transitional Libyan government.
and often and as loud as I can Hillary is a murderer.

When you're done with your tantrum, you'll be able to find us out working on actual ongoing policy issues.
I don't care what you do. I will not except you demoralizing four american families though.
All talk. You won't do anything besides continue to cry online and blind yourself to anything else going on because you can't be bothered with it.
and talk to my congressman as I already stated. comprehende. Maybe I'll do a youtube to her.

Which will do nothing. Good job.
maybe, maybe not, the thing is it has you concerned or you wouldn't be here talking to me about it now right?

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