A Mother Puts the Benghazi Hearings in Perspective.

See? Just feelings using that womans grief for your political puppet. Thats foul
No, it is your complete lack of empathy due to completely partisan concerns that is foul.

What is funny is that you dont get it, but the rest of the country other than the Marxist libtards like you dont.
No we're out for punishing the ones that allowed the death of four americans. And we don't want that fool in a government job ever again.

Yeah, you're anger isn't going to do anything other than lengthen the politicization of this issue. You're being emotively driven here.

I get very emotional over our ambassadors and servicemen getting killed because our State department deliberately withheld support. And I personally hate everyone who thinks we should just "get over it" and not try to punish those responsible. I wish them bad health, grave misfortune, painful elongated death, and eternity writhing in the flames of hell.

Fuck you. That's as personal as I can get.

lol. I'm sorry you're cranky, and that you're not going to get the "justice" you want. But that's simply the fact of the matter. No one is going to jail and no one is getting fired. No amount of tantrum throwing on your part is going to change that. In fact, please continue; it's actually quit advantageous for her campaign.

The choice you and the republicans have at this point is to either keep politicizing it; or to allow us to move on and focus on other things.
but it is a free country and we're allowed to protest. So? what's your point? jealous, I don't get what your issue is then.

My point is that you are crying about this being a political issue, yet you and those you support are the ones publicly politicizing it; you are bellyaching over the fact that it is still in the spotlight and that being disgusting, but you and those like you are the ones throwing the fit that keeps it there.

You're being a hypocrite. And also purely emotive while denying the reality of the issue.
wrong, it is about getting someone to admit they didn't do their job and now lying about it. And then thinking you're just gonna ignore the four families and run for president. nope.
No we're out for punishing the ones that allowed the death of four americans. And we don't want that fool in a government job ever again.

Yeah, you're anger isn't going to do anything other than lengthen the politicization of this issue. You're being emotively driven here.

I get very emotional over our ambassadors and servicemen getting killed because our State department deliberately withheld support. And I personally hate everyone who thinks we should just "get over it" and not try to punish those responsible. I wish them bad health, grave misfortune, painful elongated death, and eternity writhing in the flames of hell.

Fuck you. That's as personal as I can get.

lol. I'm sorry you're cranky, and that you're not going to get the "justice" you want. But that's simply the fact of the matter. No one is going to jail and no one is getting fired. No amount of tantrum throwing on your part is going to change that. In fact, please continue; it's actually quit advantageous for her campaign.

The choice you and the republicans have at this point is to either keep politicizing it; or to allow us to move on and focus on other things.
Yes there will be justice. You just won't see it coming.

Ah, is this the avocation of extra judicial punishment? You seem sane. ;)
It's an eternal perspective. No crime ever goes unpunished. Ever.
Yeah, you're anger isn't going to do anything other than lengthen the politicization of this issue. You're being emotively driven here.

I get very emotional over our ambassadors and servicemen getting killed because our State department deliberately withheld support. And I personally hate everyone who thinks we should just "get over it" and not try to punish those responsible. I wish them bad health, grave misfortune, painful elongated death, and eternity writhing in the flames of hell.

Fuck you. That's as personal as I can get.

lol. I'm sorry you're cranky, and that you're not going to get the "justice" you want. But that's simply the fact of the matter. No one is going to jail and no one is getting fired. No amount of tantrum throwing on your part is going to change that. In fact, please continue; it's actually quit advantageous for her campaign.

The choice you and the republicans have at this point is to either keep politicizing it; or to allow us to move on and focus on other things.
but it is a free country and we're allowed to protest. So? what's your point? jealous, I don't get what your issue is then.

My point is that you are crying about this being a political issue, yet you and those you support are the ones publicly politicizing it; you are bellyaching over the fact that it is still in the spotlight and that being disgusting, but you and those like you are the ones throwing the fit that keeps it there.

You're being a hypocrite. And also purely emotive while denying the reality of the issue.
wrong, it is about getting someone to admit they didn't do their job and now lying about it. And then thinking you're just gonna ignore the four families and run for president. nope.

Yeah, no matter what you believe the truth to be, that's not going to happen; so once again you can continue your politicized tantrum and continue dragging these people and their families out into the spotlight, or you can deal with reality and move on.
true besides the dead the oil and any other mineral resources would be useless and deadly for 10 thousand years or so.
it would also kill the Israeli tourist trade and the Christian tourist trade.
how hard did it impact Japan? Ain't that just an island?
you really couldn't be that ignorant .
the difference between the "atomic "bombs dropped on japan and a modern thermonuclear device is exponential.
today 70 years after the "events" in japan babies are still being born with defects that those bombs caused.
try to imagine warheads with several devices each, all of which are thousands of times more powerful then the japan bombs and it might give some idea of the shit the modern ones would cause.
yeah, yeah, go with that. again, a lesson is a lesson and japan has never attacked a navy ship again or go back to pearl harbor have they? It's called consequences fool.
see folks that's how you rationalize.
damn straight. What else was the intention of dropping the bomb then?
to save American lives, test the technology, scare the shit out of the Russians
you choose.
It is disturbing that we refer to the security personal at Benghazi as being murdered. Soldiers on the field of battle are not usually referred to as being murdered. Men who die while fighting the enemy are referred to as Killed in Action, KIA. Referring to those men as being murdered puts their deaths into a legal category instead of a military category. Sorry for the mom who finds comfort in her political views and understands as a way to express her grief, but it is sad that she does not really understand what her son was doing as a soldier in the war against terrorism. He volunteered to place himself in danger to serve his nation. She is not the first, last or only mom to suffer the loss of an only child to the war on terror. It is a shame people have convinced her she is a victim of a crime instead of a mother of a warrior in the war against terror.
no you're wrong friend. POWs killed in a camp are captured soldiers murdered. It's why they have the Geneva Convention. Terrorists don't abide by that agreement.

Nice try though, but you failed.
You are correct, captured persons who are killed while in captivity are murdered and also referred to as KIA because they are still serving while in the POW or captured status. Are you claiming those killed at Benghazi were captured before being killed? My understand is that they were killed in the battle to defend the facility and the Ambassador.
Yeah, you're anger isn't going to do anything other than lengthen the politicization of this issue. You're being emotively driven here.

I get very emotional over our ambassadors and servicemen getting killed because our State department deliberately withheld support. And I personally hate everyone who thinks we should just "get over it" and not try to punish those responsible. I wish them bad health, grave misfortune, painful elongated death, and eternity writhing in the flames of hell.

Fuck you. That's as personal as I can get.

lol. I'm sorry you're cranky, and that you're not going to get the "justice" you want. But that's simply the fact of the matter. No one is going to jail and no one is getting fired. No amount of tantrum throwing on your part is going to change that. In fact, please continue; it's actually quit advantageous for her campaign.

The choice you and the republicans have at this point is to either keep politicizing it; or to allow us to move on and focus on other things.
Yes there will be justice. You just won't see it coming.

Ah, is this the avocation of extra judicial punishment? You seem sane. ;)
It's an eternal perspective. No crime ever goes unpunished. Ever.

Like killing hundreds of thousands of innocent individuals in a nuclear blast? Still sane ;)
It is disturbing that we refer to the security personal at Benghazi as being murdered. Soldiers on the field of battle are not usually referred to as being murdered. Men who die while fighting the enemy are referred to as Killed in Action, KIA. Referring to those men as being murdered puts their deaths into a legal category instead of a military category. Sorry for the mom who finds comfort in her political views and understands as a way to express her grief, but it is sad that she does not really understand what her son was doing as a soldier in the war against terrorism. He volunteered to place himself in danger to serve his nation. She is not the first, last or only mom to suffer the loss of an only child to the war on terror. It is a shame people have convinced her she is a victim of a crime instead of a mother of a warrior in the war against terror.
no you're wrong friend. POWs killed in a camp are captured soldiers murdered. It's why they have the Geneva Convention. Terrorists don't abide by that agreement.

Nice try though, but you failed.
You are correct, captured persons who are killed while in captivity are murdered and also referred to as KIA because they are still serving while in the POW or captured status. Are you claiming those killed at Benghazi were captured before being killed? My understand is that they were killed in the battle to defend the facility and the Ambassador.
they were, they were surrounded with no options. It is murder.
I get very emotional over our ambassadors and servicemen getting killed because our State department deliberately withheld support. And I personally hate everyone who thinks we should just "get over it" and not try to punish those responsible. I wish them bad health, grave misfortune, painful elongated death, and eternity writhing in the flames of hell.

Fuck you. That's as personal as I can get.

lol. I'm sorry you're cranky, and that you're not going to get the "justice" you want. But that's simply the fact of the matter. No one is going to jail and no one is getting fired. No amount of tantrum throwing on your part is going to change that. In fact, please continue; it's actually quit advantageous for her campaign.

The choice you and the republicans have at this point is to either keep politicizing it; or to allow us to move on and focus on other things.
but it is a free country and we're allowed to protest. So? what's your point? jealous, I don't get what your issue is then.

My point is that you are crying about this being a political issue, yet you and those you support are the ones publicly politicizing it; you are bellyaching over the fact that it is still in the spotlight and that being disgusting, but you and those like you are the ones throwing the fit that keeps it there.

You're being a hypocrite. And also purely emotive while denying the reality of the issue.
wrong, it is about getting someone to admit they didn't do their job and now lying about it. And then thinking you're just gonna ignore the four families and run for president. nope.

Yeah, no matter what you believe the truth to be, that's not going to happen; so once again you can continue your politicized tantrum and continue dragging these people and their families out into the spotlight, or you can deal with reality and move on.
I know what the truth is. I don't need you to tell me. I know Hillary Clinton didn't do her job and there is evidence to support that fact.
Yeah, you're anger isn't going to do anything other than lengthen the politicization of this issue. You're being emotively driven here.

I get very emotional over our ambassadors and servicemen getting killed because our State department deliberately withheld support. And I personally hate everyone who thinks we should just "get over it" and not try to punish those responsible. I wish them bad health, grave misfortune, painful elongated death, and eternity writhing in the flames of hell.

Fuck you. That's as personal as I can get.

lol. I'm sorry you're cranky, and that you're not going to get the "justice" you want. But that's simply the fact of the matter. No one is going to jail and no one is getting fired. No amount of tantrum throwing on your part is going to change that. In fact, please continue; it's actually quit advantageous for her campaign.

The choice you and the republicans have at this point is to either keep politicizing it; or to allow us to move on and focus on other things.
Yes there will be justice. You just won't see it coming.

Ah, is this the avocation of extra judicial punishment? You seem sane. ;)
It's an eternal perspective. No crime ever goes unpunished. Ever.
bullshit! it an earthy interpretation of what some asshole thinks god might say if there was one.
Number of U.S. embassy staff that was evacuated prior to the attack was more than 30. My first question is...Why 4 was left behind?
Two of those that died was Doherty and Woods former navy seals as security probably armed. My second question is... Why didn't they killed any of these terrorists?

The first question should be addressed to the Hildebeest, the second is based on speculation. You don't know they didn't kill terrorists.

But at least you're confessing that they were terrorists, not protesters. That's progress.

I thought it's always been terrorists. My friend that work for the U.S. embassy in the Philippines told me a possible scenario that. Maybe they used the protesters to disrupt then creates chaos that they can't shoot the protesters. Then terrorists finished the job but you're right maybe they killed some and maybe they didn't but if they did they could just be easily took it with them.
I get very emotional over our ambassadors and servicemen getting killed because our State department deliberately withheld support. And I personally hate everyone who thinks we should just "get over it" and not try to punish those responsible. I wish them bad health, grave misfortune, painful elongated death, and eternity writhing in the flames of hell.

Fuck you. That's as personal as I can get.

lol. I'm sorry you're cranky, and that you're not going to get the "justice" you want. But that's simply the fact of the matter. No one is going to jail and no one is getting fired. No amount of tantrum throwing on your part is going to change that. In fact, please continue; it's actually quit advantageous for her campaign.

The choice you and the republicans have at this point is to either keep politicizing it; or to allow us to move on and focus on other things.
Yes there will be justice. You just won't see it coming.

Ah, is this the avocation of extra judicial punishment? You seem sane. ;)
It's an eternal perspective. No crime ever goes unpunished. Ever.

Like killing hundreds of thousands of innocent individuals in a clear blast?
That isn't a crime, that's a nation that defends itself. Because you're unregenerate and depraved, you by nature misplace blame. A country that procures an unprovoked attack is alone responsible for how the reprisal affects its citizens. The Empire of Japan is an object lesson in this.
lol. I'm sorry you're cranky, and that you're not going to get the "justice" you want. But that's simply the fact of the matter. No one is going to jail and no one is getting fired. No amount of tantrum throwing on your part is going to change that. In fact, please continue; it's actually quit advantageous for her campaign.

The choice you and the republicans have at this point is to either keep politicizing it; or to allow us to move on and focus on other things.
but it is a free country and we're allowed to protest. So? what's your point? jealous, I don't get what your issue is then.

My point is that you are crying about this being a political issue, yet you and those you support are the ones publicly politicizing it; you are bellyaching over the fact that it is still in the spotlight and that being disgusting, but you and those like you are the ones throwing the fit that keeps it there.

You're being a hypocrite. And also purely emotive while denying the reality of the issue.
wrong, it is about getting someone to admit they didn't do their job and now lying about it. And then thinking you're just gonna ignore the four families and run for president. nope.

Yeah, no matter what you believe the truth to be, that's not going to happen; so once again you can continue your politicized tantrum and continue dragging these people and their families out into the spotlight, or you can deal with reality and move on.
I know what the truth is. I don't need you to tell me. I know Hillary Clinton didn't do her job and there is evidence to support that fact.

And yet nothing to going to happen. Once again you can either deal with that or continue your politicized tantrum. Either way: you're the people keeping it going and keeping it in the spotlight.
I get very emotional over our ambassadors and servicemen getting killed because our State department deliberately withheld support. And I personally hate everyone who thinks we should just "get over it" and not try to punish those responsible. I wish them bad health, grave misfortune, painful elongated death, and eternity writhing in the flames of hell.

Fuck you. That's as personal as I can get.

lol. I'm sorry you're cranky, and that you're not going to get the "justice" you want. But that's simply the fact of the matter. No one is going to jail and no one is getting fired. No amount of tantrum throwing on your part is going to change that. In fact, please continue; it's actually quit advantageous for her campaign.

The choice you and the republicans have at this point is to either keep politicizing it; or to allow us to move on and focus on other things.
Yes there will be justice. You just won't see it coming.

Ah, is this the avocation of extra judicial punishment? You seem sane. ;)
It's an eternal perspective. No crime ever goes unpunished. Ever.
bullshit! it an earthy interpretation of what some asshole thinks god might say if there was one.
You don't get to decide if there is one or not.
lol. I'm sorry you're cranky, and that you're not going to get the "justice" you want. But that's simply the fact of the matter. No one is going to jail and no one is getting fired. No amount of tantrum throwing on your part is going to change that. In fact, please continue; it's actually quit advantageous for her campaign.

The choice you and the republicans have at this point is to either keep politicizing it; or to allow us to move on and focus on other things.
Yes there will be justice. You just won't see it coming.

Ah, is this the avocation of extra judicial punishment? You seem sane. ;)
It's an eternal perspective. No crime ever goes unpunished. Ever.

Like killing hundreds of thousands of innocent individuals in a clear blast?
That isn't a crime, that's a nation that defends itself. Because you're unregenerate and depraved, you by nature misplace blame. A country that procures an unprovoked attack is alone responsible for how the reprisal affects its citizens. The Empire of Japan is an object lesson in this.

bahaha; Justify the mass muder of hundreds of thousands of non-combatants and children and then call someone else depraved? Cute. Keep that sanity going sport. ;)
Number of U.S. embassy staff that was evacuated prior to the attack was more than 30. My first question is...Why 4 was left behind?
Two of those that died was Doherty and Woods former navy seals as security probably armed. My second question is... Why didn't they killed any of these terrorists?

The first question should be addressed to the Hildebeest, the second is based on speculation. You don't know they didn't kill terrorists.

But at least you're confessing that they were terrorists, not protesters. That's progress.

I thought it's always been terrorists. My friend that work for the U.S. embassy in the Philippines told me a possible scenario that. Maybe they used the protesters to disrupt then creates chaos that they can't shoot the protesters. Then terrorists finished the job but you're right maybe they killed some and maybe they didn't but if they did they could just be easily took it with them.

They didn't use protesters, there were no protesters. This was a coordinated attack using military grade weapons. The Clintons, and apparently you too, lied in saying it was protests over a video.
It is disturbing that we refer to the security personal at Benghazi as being murdered. Soldiers on the field of battle are not usually referred to as being murdered. Men who die while fighting the enemy are referred to as Killed in Action, KIA. Referring to those men as being murdered puts their deaths into a legal category instead of a military category. Sorry for the mom who finds comfort in her political views and understands as a way to express her grief, but it is sad that she does not really understand what her son was doing as a soldier in the war against terrorism. He volunteered to place himself in danger to serve his nation. She is not the first, last or only mom to suffer the loss of an only child to the war on terror. It is a shame people have convinced her she is a victim of a crime instead of a mother of a warrior in the war against terror.
no you're wrong friend. POWs killed in a camp are captured soldiers murdered. It's why they have the Geneva Convention. Terrorists don't abide by that agreement.

Nice try though, but you failed.
You are correct, captured persons who are killed while in captivity are murdered and also referred to as KIA because they are still serving while in the POW or captured status. Are you claiming those killed at Benghazi were captured before being killed? My understand is that they were killed in the battle to defend the facility and the Ambassador.
they were, they were surrounded with no options. It is murder.
You insult them even more. They did not surrender or give up. They fought to the end. Can you stoop a little lower to find new ways to insult the men you claim to care about. Those men had options and they decided on fighting to the death instead of becoming prisoners. That is one of the things that made them heroes.
but it is a free country and we're allowed to protest. So? what's your point? jealous, I don't get what your issue is then.

My point is that you are crying about this being a political issue, yet you and those you support are the ones publicly politicizing it; you are bellyaching over the fact that it is still in the spotlight and that being disgusting, but you and those like you are the ones throwing the fit that keeps it there.

You're being a hypocrite. And also purely emotive while denying the reality of the issue.
wrong, it is about getting someone to admit they didn't do their job and now lying about it. And then thinking you're just gonna ignore the four families and run for president. nope.

Yeah, no matter what you believe the truth to be, that's not going to happen; so once again you can continue your politicized tantrum and continue dragging these people and their families out into the spotlight, or you can deal with reality and move on.
I know what the truth is. I don't need you to tell me. I know Hillary Clinton didn't do her job and there is evidence to support that fact.

And yet nothing to going to happen. Once again you can either deal with that or continue your politicized tantrum. Either way: you're the people keeping it going and keeping it in the spotlight.
Why do folks protest? There is never a guarantee of getting what it is you protest, but people are made aware right? You are already all pissed off that we keep talking about it. It is my right, and you trying to undermine my right is pure jealousy. You hate it though don't you. Hillary is a murder of four americans and i will never let her get away with it. I will pronounce it often.
Yes there will be justice. You just won't see it coming.

Ah, is this the avocation of extra judicial punishment? You seem sane. ;)
It's an eternal perspective. No crime ever goes unpunished. Ever.

Like killing hundreds of thousands of innocent individuals in a clear blast?
That isn't a crime, that's a nation that defends itself. Because you're unregenerate and depraved, you by nature misplace blame. A country that procures an unprovoked attack is alone responsible for how the reprisal affects its citizens. The Empire of Japan is an object lesson in this.

bahaha; Justify the mass muder of hundreds of thousands of non-combatants and children and then call someone else depraved? Cute. Keep that sanity going sport. ;)
I don't know what mass muder is, but it would have been Lybia mass mudering its own citizens by sponsoring an attack on the embassy of a world superpower. Because you're mind is darkened, you misplace the blame.
It is disturbing that we refer to the security personal at Benghazi as being murdered. Soldiers on the field of battle are not usually referred to as being murdered. Men who die while fighting the enemy are referred to as Killed in Action, KIA. Referring to those men as being murdered puts their deaths into a legal category instead of a military category. Sorry for the mom who finds comfort in her political views and understands as a way to express her grief, but it is sad that she does not really understand what her son was doing as a soldier in the war against terrorism. He volunteered to place himself in danger to serve his nation. She is not the first, last or only mom to suffer the loss of an only child to the war on terror. It is a shame people have convinced her she is a victim of a crime instead of a mother of a warrior in the war against terror.
no you're wrong friend. POWs killed in a camp are captured soldiers murdered. It's why they have the Geneva Convention. Terrorists don't abide by that agreement.

Nice try though, but you failed.
You are correct, captured persons who are killed while in captivity are murdered and also referred to as KIA because they are still serving while in the POW or captured status. Are you claiming those killed at Benghazi were captured before being killed? My understand is that they were killed in the battle to defend the facility and the Ambassador.
they were, they were surrounded with no options. It is murder.
if they died fighting it is not. it seems they made the decision not to run .
as far as I know they were not ordered to fight or leave ,nor did they request to do one or the other.

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