A Mother Puts the Benghazi Hearings in Perspective.

It would have been great if the Benghazi Committee had tried to find out why there wasn't any help and what could be changed for the future instead of trying to hurt Hillary's poll numbers.

In the meantime, the GOP will try as hard as they can to abuse this poor woman by parading her around until they forget about her in November of next year.

The sad part is that you and others like you have already forgotten about her.
What's really sad and sickening is for assholes like you she's faux cause celeb.
When her political usefulness ends it'll be as if she was never there.
Where was your outrage 3 years ago?
Nope Republicans will listen to the ambassador if he needs more security. Also we wouldn't lie about his death for political reasons.

You certainly are a sub-human scumbag aren't you? No class at all.
Golly! your idea of class is laughable.
If you could gain political points you would've already done it.
Again absolutely false.
Were you a little kid or asleep during Bush's presidency? We knew exactly how many soldiers died nightly. Under Obama you have to look it up.
Hey ass hat
body counts on TV are nothing new they were doing that during Vietnam on the news.
Today and when Bush was in office they are announced on the news by Name .
Less guys are dying now so the need to list them in bunches is not needed.
Do you get some kind of rush seeing lists of the dead?
They were silent when more were dying under Obama. Can't make a democrat president look bad. Like I said liberals are dispicable.
False already explained why .
Fact is an unknown concept to you.
If you could gain political points you would've already done it.
Again absolutely false.
Were you a little kid or asleep during Bush's presidency? We knew exactly how many soldiers died nightly. Under Obama you have to look it up.

Truth hurts?
I gave a challenge in this thread in an earlier post. I'll give it again. Name a returned KIA that did not get national coverage by the major networks and local coverage in his or her hometown media. Seems like if you are not pushing bullshit you should be able to name a KIA during the Obama administration that did not get the coverage as you claim.
I'm talking about majors news networks. Of course local news will cover it. When one in our city died we lined the streets on the route to the cemetery he was buried at. To show him our gratitude and respect for his and families sacrifice.
Did miss the point out of ignorance or are you misrepresenting what I said for fun?
The ploy being attempted by the op is the oldest and cruelest in the book it's been used by assholes to gain sympathy since we stopped living in the trees .
It still works like a charm judging from the way you stooges gulped it down.

Your ploy is equally old, to dismiss or diminish facts that are harmful to the political positions you promote.

Barry and Hilliary fucked up Benghazi - pure fact.
Again absolutely false.
Were you a little kid or asleep during Bush's presidency? We knew exactly how many soldiers died nightly. Under Obama you have to look it up.
Hey ass hat
body counts on TV are nothing new they were doing that during Vietnam on the news.
Today and when Bush was in office they are announced on the news by Name .
Less guys are dying now so the need to list them in bunches is not needed.
Do you get some kind of rush seeing lists of the dead?
They were silent when more were dying under Obama. Can't make a democrat president look bad. Like I said liberals are dispicable.
False already explained why .
Fact is an unknown concept to you.
More died in Afghanistan, liberals and the media were silent. Does that fact go over your head?
Again absolutely false.
Were you a little kid or asleep during Bush's presidency? We knew exactly how many soldiers died nightly. Under Obama you have to look it up.
Hey ass hat
Oh, truth hurt in ya? Lol
Nope actually I was laughing so hard I fucked up the post easy to do on this phone.
The joke as always is on you.
No joking using our great soldiers for political fodder. Dispicable.
Just like you guys.
Were you a little kid or asleep during Bush's presidency? We knew exactly how many soldiers died nightly. Under Obama you have to look it up.
Hey ass hat
Oh, truth hurt in ya? Lol
Nope actually I was laughing so hard I fucked up the post easy to do on this phone.
The joke as always is on you.
No joking using our great soldiers for political fodder. Dispicable.
Just like you guys.
When has a news network gave a total on the deaths of our great soldiers since Obama became president?
Again absolutely false.
Were you a little kid or asleep during Bush's presidency? We knew exactly how many soldiers died nightly. Under Obama you have to look it up.
Hey ass hat
Oh, truth hurt in ya? Lol
Nope actually I was laughing so hard I fucked up the post easy to do on this phone.
The joke as always is on you.

Can you complete a single sentence without resorting to profanity? You're pathetic. Totally uncouth. Your Mom must be extremely proud of you.
Oh no the language nazi ploy .
Why would I need or want to my word choice is absolutely necessary when addressing the brain damaged .
Again absolutely false.
Were you a little kid or asleep during Bush's presidency? We knew exactly how many soldiers died nightly. Under Obama you have to look it up.

Truth hurts?
I gave a challenge in this thread in an earlier post. I'll give it again. Name a returned KIA that did not get national coverage by the major networks and local coverage in his or her hometown media. Seems like if you are not pushing bullshit you should be able to name a KIA during the Obama administration that did not get the coverage as you claim.
I'm talking about majors news networks. Of course local news will cover it. When one in our city died we lined the streets on the route to the cemetery he was buried at. To show him our gratitude and respect for his and families sacrifice.
I think you will be surprised if you google a KIA's name followed by a major network, NBC, CBS, etc.
This is a sad video. The grand standing politicians let this thing get away from them.

We needed answers to why 4 Americans were left defenseless, not a bunch of hooey about dropping Hillaries poll numbers.

The mom, of course nails it.

She asked 'Why? Why wasnt there any help?..Why did they sacrifice my only child?... You cant understand, my only child was murdered and nobody will tell me why....He was the only thing that was going to help me when I get old. I am old now, who do I have to listen to? Whose going to help me now? He's not around and the government wont talk to me. "

Appeal to emotion.

Foreign diplomats have died in the past, they die in the present, and they will die in the future. If you don't like how our government handles security for these people then become a security expert and tell them how to get it right, or tell your relative not to join the foreign diplomat's service.

Why do children get shot at schools in America almost every day, many of them killed. If we can't stop this type thing from happening to children in our own country, exactly how do you make diplomats over seas 100% safe.

Likely if 5-10 people had been sent to help the diplomats in Libya they would be dead too.

Reality cannot be ignored for sake of emotion.
Were you a little kid or asleep during Bush's presidency? We knew exactly how many soldiers died nightly. Under Obama you have to look it up.

Truth hurts?
I gave a challenge in this thread in an earlier post. I'll give it again. Name a returned KIA that did not get national coverage by the major networks and local coverage in his or her hometown media. Seems like if you are not pushing bullshit you should be able to name a KIA during the Obama administration that did not get the coverage as you claim.
I'm talking about majors news networks. Of course local news will cover it. When one in our city died we lined the streets on the route to the cemetery he was buried at. To show him our gratitude and respect for his and families sacrifice.
I think you will be surprised if you google a KIA's name followed by a major network, NBC, CBS, etc.
I remember when that was the first thing they reported on. It disgusted me, using dead soldiers to make Bush look bad. I would feel the same if it was done under Obama.
Were you a little kid or asleep during Bush's presidency? We knew exactly how many soldiers died nightly. Under Obama you have to look it up.
Hey ass hat
Oh, truth hurt in ya? Lol
Nope actually I was laughing so hard I fucked up the post easy to do on this phone.
The joke as always is on you.

Can you complete a single sentence without resorting to profanity? You're pathetic. Totally uncouth. Your Mom must be extremely proud of you.
Oh no the language nazi ploy .
Why would I need or want to my word choice is absolutely necessary when addressing the brain damaged .

Excuse. Many of us prefer to converse with civilized people.
It would have been great if the Benghazi Committee had tried to find out why there wasn't any help and what could be changed for the future instead of trying to hurt Hillary's poll numbers.

In the meantime, the GOP will try as hard as they can to abuse this poor woman by parading her around until they forget about her in November of next year.

The sad part is that you and others like you have already forgotten about her.
What's really sad and sickening is for assholes like you she's faux cause celeb.
When her political usefulness ends it'll be as if she was never there.
Where was your outrage 3 years ago?

We were very outraged even then. We still are outraged.
False you didn't give a shit till it became clear that Hillary was making a run for president.

Prove what you say you sub-human idiot.
It proves itself.
if weren't obvious fact you'd not pitching the oh my virgin ears fit.
This is a sad video. The grand standing politicians let this thing get away from them.

We needed answers to why 4 Americans were left defenseless, not a bunch of hooey about dropping Hillaries poll numbers.

The mom, of course nails it.

She asked 'Why? Why wasnt there any help?..Why did they sacrifice my only child?... You cant understand, my only child was murdered and nobody will tell me why....He was the only thing that was going to help me when I get old. I am old now, who do I have to listen to? Whose going to help me now? He's not around and the government wont talk to me. "

Appeal to emotion.

Foreign diplomats have died in the past, they die in the present, and they will die in the future. If you don't like how our government handles security for these people then become a security expert and tell them how to get it right, or tell your relative not to join the foreign diplomat's service.

Why do children get shot at schools in America almost every day, many of them killed. If we can't stop this type thing from happening to children in our own country, exactly how do you make diplomats over seas 100% safe.

Likely if 5-10 people had been sent to help the diplomats in Libya they would be dead too.

Reality cannot be ignored for sake of emotion.

Yes and I agree, but when our leaders deliberately lie to us about them. That is a different story.
Oh no not the grieving mom ploy again!

Yeah, their children's deaths are an inconvenience to the Hilliary campaign, so fuck em'
I know, read on how he is trying to weasel out what they did to the troops under Bush.
I have nothing to weasel out of .
Making shit up again?
Denial when you are wrong is either lying or weaseling out. Take your pick.
I'll pick the third option I've denied Nothing, lied about Nothing, been wrong about nothing, so there is nothing to weasel out of.
You have a real need to make shit up when your comfort zone of propaganda is threatened.

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