A Mother Puts the Benghazi Hearings in Perspective.

It proves itself.
if weren't obvious fact you'd not pitching the oh my virgin ears fit.

What you claimed was deliberately false, and intended to deceive.

People were angry the day after Hilliary started lying about Benghazi. No one waited, the morning after, when the pile of shit Hilliary spewing the "internet video" bullshit, essentially pissing in the face of the American people, rational people were angry.

Further, Hilliary has been running for Queen since at least 1996, long before she fucked up her job as SOS.

You know all of this, but have chosen to lie.

Party above all.
The sad part is that you and others like you have already forgotten about her.
What's really sad and sickening is for assholes like you she's faux cause celeb.
When her political usefulness ends it'll be as if she was never there.
Where was your outrage 3 years ago?

We were very outraged even then. We still are outraged.
False you didn't give a shit till it became clear that Hillary was making a run for president.

Prove what you say you sub-human idiot.
It proves itself.
if weren't obvious fact you'd not pitching the oh my virgin ears fit.

It proves that you're a lying blowhard.
Hey ass hat
Oh, truth hurt in ya? Lol
Nope actually I was laughing so hard I fucked up the post easy to do on this phone.
The joke as always is on you.
No joking using our great soldiers for political fodder. Dispicable.
Just like you guys.
When has a news network gave a total on the deaths of our great soldiers since Obama became president?
Ktla reads the names you can do your own math
MSNBC does the same.
Guess your local stations don't.
Fox doesn't that's most likely the only news you watched and where you got the idea that Obama has a nefarious plan to stop broadcasting KIA lists.
Again absolutely false.
Were you a little kid or asleep during Bush's presidency? We knew exactly how many soldiers died nightly. Under Obama you have to look it up.

Truth hurts?
I gave a challenge in this thread in an earlier post. I'll give it again. Name a returned KIA that did not get national coverage by the major networks and local coverage in his or her hometown media. Seems like if you are not pushing bullshit you should be able to name a KIA during the Obama administration that did not get the coverage as you claim.
I'm talking about majors news networks. Of course local news will cover it. When one in our city died we lined the streets on the route to the cemetery he was buried at. To show him our gratitude and respect for his and families sacrifice.
The national news covered the KIA's. You are just stuck on trying to be right. You are wrong.

Here is exactly how I said it worked. The first report from NBC is that casualties have occurred but the names are not posted.


Here it is later in the day, redone after the soldiers are identified.


New York Times in depth coverage

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Hey ass hat
Oh, truth hurt in ya? Lol
Nope actually I was laughing so hard I fucked up the post easy to do on this phone.
The joke as always is on you.

Can you complete a single sentence without resorting to profanity? You're pathetic. Totally uncouth. Your Mom must be extremely proud of you.
Oh no the language nazi ploy .
Why would I need or want to my word choice is absolutely necessary when addressing the brain damaged .

Excuse. Many of us prefer to converse with civilized people.
Using so called profanity has nothing to do with civility.
Only tight assed pretentious prigs think so.
Judging f from what you post you have no clue as to what civility is.
Oh no not the grieving mom ploy again!

Yeah, their children's deaths are an inconvenience to the Hilliary campaign, so fuck em'
I know, read on how he is trying to weasel out what they did to the troops under Bush.
I have nothing to weasel out of .
Making shit up again?
Denial when you are wrong is either lying or weaseling out. Take your pick.
I'll pick the third option I've denied Nothing, lied about Nothing, been wrong about nothing, so there is nothing to weasel out of.
You have a real need to make shit up when your comfort zone of propaganda is threatened.
Didn't make nothing up. Liberals used dead soldiers trying to make Bush look bad. That is a fact.
It would have been great if the Benghazi Committee had tried to find out why there wasn't any help and what could be changed for the future instead of trying to hurt Hillary's poll numbers.

In the meantime, the GOP will try as hard as they can to abuse this poor woman by parading her around until they forget about her in November of next year.
I think they just wanted the truth....and they got nothing but bullshit from her.

They wanted THEIR TRUTH. Big difference.
why did Hilary and Preso lie about the video? Political that's why, shame on them and for that they should be punished.


Nobody is interested in the truth on either side.

They just want the story that will help them maintain power and continue to screw us over all the while making us feel like they are doing us a favor.
It's more about allowing Hillary the murderer to campaign for President of the US. That's what it is about fool.

While I don't like Hillary, that is simply stupid.

Hillary did not wake up that morning intending for anyone to die. Her incompetence is only additive to the institutional incompetence of politicians in general.

If she's going to jail so are a lot of other people including some republicans.
It proves itself. if weren't obvious fact you'd not pitching the oh my virgin ears fit.

What you claimed was deliberately false, and intended to deceive.

People were angry the day after Hilliary started lying about Benghazi. No one waited, the morning after, when the pile of shit Hilliary spewing the "internet video" bullshit, essentially pissing in the face of the American people, rational people were angry.

Further, Hilliary has been running for Queen since at least 1996, long before she fucked up her job as SOS.

You know all of this, but have chosen to lie.

Party above all.
Yeah, their children's deaths are an inconvenience to the Hilliary campaign, so fuck em'
I know, read on how he is trying to weasel out what they did to the troops under Bush.
I have nothing to weasel out of .
Making shit up again?
Denial when you are wrong is either lying or weaseling out. Take your pick.
I'll pick the third option I've denied Nothing, lied about Nothing, been wrong about nothing, so there is nothing to weasel out of.
You have a real need to make shit up when your comfort zone of propaganda is threatened.
Didn't make nothing up. Liberals used dead soldiers trying to make Bush look bad. That is a fact.
That's delusional bush already looked bad we got into two wars because of his incompetence that got them killed needlessly.
Please you're not smart enough to pull off that lie .
Bush's idocy made him fair game.
It proves itself. if weren't obvious fact you'd not pitching the oh my virgin ears fit.

What you claimed was deliberately false, and intended to deceive.

People were angry the day after Hilliary started lying about Benghazi. No one waited, the morning after, when the pile of shit Hilliary spewing the "internet video" bullshit, essentially pissing in the face of the American people, rational people were angry.

Further, Hilliary has been running for Queen since at least 1996, long before she fucked up her job as SOS.

You know all of this, but have chosen to lie.

Party above all.
I know, read on how he is trying to weasel out what they did to the troops under Bush.
I have nothing to weasel out of .
Making shit up again?
Denial when you are wrong is either lying or weaseling out. Take your pick.
I'll pick the third option I've denied Nothing, lied about Nothing, been wrong about nothing, so there is nothing to weasel out of.
You have a real need to make shit up when your comfort zone of propaganda is threatened.
Didn't make nothing up. Liberals used dead soldiers trying to make Bush look bad. That is a fact.
That's delusional bush already looked bad we got into two wars because of his incompetence that got them killed needlessly.
Please you're not smart enough to pull off that lie .
Bush's idocy made him fair game.
Hillary voted for the Iraq war, so she is fair game, right?
It proves itself.
if weren't obvious fact you'd not pitching the oh my virgin ears fit.

What you claimed was deliberately false, and intended to deceive.

People were angry the day after Hilliary started lying about Benghazi. No one waited, the morning after, when the pile of shit Hilliary spewing the "internet video" bullshit, essentially pissing in the face of the American people, rational people were angry.

Further, Hilliary has been running for Queen since at least 1996, long before she fucked up her job as SOS.

You know all of this, but have chosen to lie.

Party above all.
False! Yes everybody was angry but not for the propaganda you're spewing
No one was using that tragedy for political gain as you slap dicks are now .
As to running for Queen she made no attempts or mentioned her intent to run for president in 98 .
It was not until ten years later when she decided to run.
Somebody is taking out their ass and it ain't me.
What's really sad and sickening is for assholes like you she's faux cause celeb.
When her political usefulness ends it'll be as if she was never there.
Where was your outrage 3 years ago?

We were very outraged even then. We still are outraged.
False you didn't give a shit till it became clear that Hillary was making a run for president.

Prove what you say you sub-human idiot.
It proves itself.
if weren't obvious fact you'd not pitching the oh my virgin ears fit.

It proves that you're a lying blowhard.
False it proves you're not near as smart as you pretend to be.
Did miss the point out of ignorance or are you misrepresenting what I said for fun?
The ploy being attempted by the op is the oldest and cruelest in the book it's been used by assholes to gain sympathy since we stopped living in the trees .
It still works like a charm judging from the way you stooges gulped it down.

Your ploy is equally old, to dismiss or diminish facts that are harmful to the political positions you promote.

Barry and Hilliary fucked up Benghazi - pure fact.
You wish but as always you're wrong.
And four americans sacrificed,

A terrible loss, and something to learn from; but far better than the thousands lost in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The only thing you seem to have learned is that 4 dead bodies is less important because you side was using you favorite strategies....so there will be a repeat of this until your side gets their butts kicked out of office.

I'd rather a repeat of Libya than a repeat of any stage of Iraq.
Moral relativism is a piss-poor excuse.

So you supported Gaddafi's flooding of Darfur with automatic weapons and civil war in Chad then?
A curious question from someone singing the praises of Obama's efforts in Libya.
It proves itself. if weren't obvious fact you'd not pitching the oh my virgin ears fit.

What you claimed was deliberately false, and intended to deceive.

People were angry the day after Hilliary started lying about Benghazi. No one waited, the morning after, when the pile of shit Hilliary spewing the "internet video" bullshit, essentially pissing in the face of the American people, rational people were angry.

Further, Hilliary has been running for Queen since at least 1996, long before she fucked up her job as SOS.

You know all of this, but have chosen to lie.

Party above all.
I have nothing to weasel out of .
Making shit up again?
Denial when you are wrong is either lying or weaseling out. Take your pick.
I'll pick the third option I've denied Nothing, lied about Nothing, been wrong about nothing, so there is nothing to weasel out of.
You have a real need to make shit up when your comfort zone of propaganda is threatened.
Didn't make nothing up. Liberals used dead soldiers trying to make Bush look bad. That is a fact.
That's delusional bush already looked bad we got into two wars because of his incompetence that got them killed needlessly.
Please you're not smart enough to pull off that lie .
Bush's idocy made him fair game.
Hillary voted for the Iraq war, so she is fair game, right?
why are you asking me ?
do you know what a rhetorical question is?
It proves that you're a lying blowhard.

Daws used to be one of the better posters here, but he's lost his shit over trying to get Hilliary elected.
Still am .
How could I be trying to get her elected when I haven't decided who to vote for.
This post is a classic example of you talking out your ass.
Well, you're never gonna vote for a Republican so you might as well admit you're voting for Hillary.....because the establishment has preordained her being the nominee.
She's the one they gave all of that money to....so the other guys are just running to make it look legit.
It proves that you're a lying blowhard.

Daws used to be one of the better posters here, but he's lost his shit over trying to get Hilliary elected.
Still am .
How could I be trying to get her elected when I haven't decided who to vote for.
This post is a classic example of you talking out your ass.
Well, you're never gonna vote for a Republican so you might as well admit you're voting for Hillary.....because the establishment has preordained her being the nominee.
She's the one they gave all of that money to....so the other guys are just running to make it look legit.
you really should get a refund from the Psychic college of east jesus Utah.
are they still in the old burger king building?

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