A Muslim Brit nails it again on the New Zealand attack

You think hijab is a NZ thing.
I think showing solidarity against the agenda of a nameless Aussie arsehole and those fuckwits on 4 and 8 chan is a good thing. If I was female I'd join them in wearing a scarf.
You think hijab is a NZ thing.
I think showing solidarity against the agenda of a nameless Aussie arsehole and those fuckwits on 4 and 8 chan is a good thing. If I was female I'd join them in wearing a scarf.
That doesn’t show that at all. It proves they’ve conned you to accept violence to women! Good for you. I respect women and denounce Muslims oppression of women. I stand with women
Christchurch with Muslims in it , a group that doesn’t believe in Christ. I laugh
There are no gods/lords'.
Just people who believe in fake shit made up by man, killing each other for thousands and thousands of years.
How sick is that?
I denounce radical Islam! Why can’t our politicians?
You do know the christian lord' has killed more peoples on this planet than all other
religions combined. FFS!? Their god/lord' did a world-wide genocide. But for the first know boat peoples. You do know this?

btw: Seems there were other boats during this time. Some must have kept the other religions alive. :113:
I quote Maajid Nawaz regularly here. He is the liberal Muslim Brit who coined the term "Regressive Left", horrified by the way many on the Left make a bad situation worse by coddling the worst elements of Islam in the West. Mr. Nawaz can see both sides of this issue. I know being able to see both sides of an issue is not considered a good thing here.

He risks his life every day, pushing for reform of his beloved religion. He was assaulted, again, just the other day (I suspect he'll be attacked here, too - that's how they operate). Here's his take on the predictable madness that has followed the New Zealand attack.

The New Zealand Mosque Massacre Blame Game Is Out of Control

LONDON—The anti-Muslim terrorist attack at two mosques in New Zealand marked perhaps the lowest point for Muslim communities in the West since the Bosnia genocide. It has left no doubt that far-right extremism is on the march once more.

But the sheer human tragedy of this attack against my Muslim communities has not deterred extremists from those other two ends of our political spectrum, the far left and the theocratic Islamists, from seeking to exploit it for their own nefarious purposes.

So it is with no surprise that I noticed, a mere day after 50 of my fellow Muslims were so publicly and tragically killed, while the blood was still wet and the bodies remained unburied, that the ideologues had circled like vultures. Opportunistic Islamist and far-left extremists began calling for a purge of people whose politics they disagree with, and started publishing McCarthyite lists of personae non grata to target. Few have come under fiercer assault than my friend and collaborator in dialogue, Sam Harris. The following spectacle has been incredibly unedifying.

Of course, inflammatory anti-Muslim language must be condemned by us all, and many anti-Muslim provocateurs should take a hard look at themselves after New Zealand, just as we must condemn inflammatory Islamist and far-left language. That is different, though, from trying to silence an entire policy concern like Western foreign policy or opposing immigration and critiquing Islam respectively. Only the extremists wish to shut down debate. And so it is crucial that we do not respond to far-right extremism in such a way that we inadvertently empower extremists from other ends of the political spectrum. Terrorists prefer the bullet to the ballot. Let us not become pawns in their game.

Being able to see both sides doesn't mean you can't have an opinion.
I don't like seeing anyone attacking innocent Muslims....but I also cannot handle the whining Muslims who feel they were personally attacked when they live 8000 miles away from the attack, and try to use this typically Islamic martyrdom complex to claim the right to attack others.
Did you say tbe same thing about "whining" Jews after the shooting at the Pittsburgh Synagogue? I suspect a lot Jews felt it personaly. Being a minority and targeted by violence and expresdong it when your community is attacked is hardly whining. Not when people are getting killed.
There was a call for new gun laws.
But i think these folks are being dishonest. They know Christians have been murdered in Iraq by the hundreds since Obama pulled us out of Iraq. Then there's the ethnic cleansing going on in Yemen and the Sudan for over a decade. All has been hidden by the MSM.
They havent been hidden, i hear about on NPR as well as the thousands of Muslims getting killed by Isis because they are the wrong brand of Islam or refuse to accept extremist thuggery. Yemen and Somalia are failing states in civil war and crisis including famine and drought. They really are not comparable to a country like NZ with a functioning democratic form of government, strong rights and freedoms and where a civilized western person is not supposed to shoot up mosques and murder innocent people..
My definition of a white nationalist is one who believes their nation should maintain a white identity and whose loyalty is to their state and to protecting it from non-white races.

Eh? You don't see that as racist?


Where did I indicate that I don't see it as racist?

By the way, are you going to answer my question as to why you believe that the shooter is "right wing"?
white supremacy is classified as rightwing.
I quote Maajid Nawaz regularly here. He is the liberal Muslim Brit who coined the term "Regressive Left", horrified by the way many on the Left make a bad situation worse by coddling the worst elements of Islam in the West. Mr. Nawaz can see both sides of this issue. I know being able to see both sides of an issue is not considered a good thing here.

He risks his life every day, pushing for reform of his beloved religion. He was assaulted, again, just the other day (I suspect he'll be attacked here, too - that's how they operate). Here's his take on the predictable madness that has followed the New Zealand attack.

The New Zealand Mosque Massacre Blame Game Is Out of Control

LONDON—The anti-Muslim terrorist attack at two mosques in New Zealand marked perhaps the lowest point for Muslim communities in the West since the Bosnia genocide. It has left no doubt that far-right extremism is on the march once more.

But the sheer human tragedy of this attack against my Muslim communities has not deterred extremists from those other two ends of our political spectrum, the far left and the theocratic Islamists, from seeking to exploit it for their own nefarious purposes.

So it is with no surprise that I noticed, a mere day after 50 of my fellow Muslims were so publicly and tragically killed, while the blood was still wet and the bodies remained unburied, that the ideologues had circled like vultures. Opportunistic Islamist and far-left extremists began calling for a purge of people whose politics they disagree with, and started publishing McCarthyite lists of personae non grata to target. Few have come under fiercer assault than my friend and collaborator in dialogue, Sam Harris. The following spectacle has been incredibly unedifying.

Of course, inflammatory anti-Muslim language must be condemned by us all, and many anti-Muslim provocateurs should take a hard look at themselves after New Zealand, just as we must condemn inflammatory Islamist and far-left language. That is different, though, from trying to silence an entire policy concern like Western foreign policy or opposing immigration and critiquing Islam respectively. Only the extremists wish to shut down debate. And so it is crucial that we do not respond to far-right extremism in such a way that we inadvertently empower extremists from other ends of the political spectrum. Terrorists prefer the bullet to the ballot. Let us not become pawns in their game.

Being able to see both sides doesn't mean you can't have an opinion.
I don't like seeing anyone attacking innocent Muslims....but I also cannot handle the whining Muslims who feel they were personally attacked when they live 8000 miles away from the attack, and try to use this typically Islamic martyrdom complex to claim the right to attack others.
Did you say tbe same thing about "whining" Jews after the shooting at the Pittsburgh Synagogue? I suspect a lot Jews felt it personaly. Being a minority and targeted by violence and expresdong it when your community is attacked is hardly whining. Not when people are getting killed.
There was a call for new gun laws.
But i think these folks are being dishonest. They know Christians have been murdered in Iraq by the hundreds since Obama pulled us out of Iraq. Then there's the ethnic cleansing going on in Yemen and the Sudan for over a decade. All has been hidden by the MSM.
They havent been hidden, i hear about on NPR as well as the thousands of Muslims getting killed by Isis because they are the wrong brand of Islam or refuse to accept extremist thuggery. Yemen and Somalia are failing states in civil war and crisis including famine and drought. They really are not comparable to a country like NZ with a functioning democratic form of government, strong rights and freedoms and where a civilized western person is not supposed to shoot up mosques and murder innocent people..
The MSM ignores it. If they gave it the coverage it deserves, and wanted to give the amount of coverage they gave a single shooting in New Zealand, they wouldn't have the time to cover anything else.
As it is, you have to do a Bing search to find out about it.
you're damning white americans.

What were my exact words that "damned" white Americans?
Renaming white supremecist into nationalism.
There is no difference.
that's why they have two different names. too funny.

are to, two, too the same?
Because they are trying to white wash white supremacy by calling it nationalism. Kind of like antisemites use the term anti-Zionism to white wash their anti Jewish ideology.
you're damning white americans.

What were my exact words that "damned" white Americans?
Renaming white supremecist into nationalism.
There is no difference.
So Arab Nationalists are in fact White Nationalists? Or are They White Supremacist?

It's obvious you are a liar, and not a good one.

A Nationalist itself has nothing to do with Race, and in America which is the most diverse country on the planet, Nationalism refers to America as a Sovereign Nation under a Constitutional Republic, and not any particular group of people.
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My definition of a white nationalist is one who believes their nation should maintain a white identity and whose loyalty is to their state and to protecting it from non-white races.

Eh? You don't see that as racist?


Where did I indicate that I don't see it as racist?

By the way, are you going to answer my question as to why you believe that the shooter is "right wing"?
white supremacy is classified as rightwing.

How long do you think it is before one of the right wing assholes start a thread with the attacker’s name just to highlight their brethren?

I’m surprised it hasn’t happened already.
you're damning white americans.

What were my exact words that "damned" white Americans?
Renaming white supremecist into nationalism.
There is no difference.
So Arab Nationalists are in fact White Nationalists? Or are They White Supremacist.

It's obvious you are a liar, and not a good one.

A Nationalist itself has nothing to do with Race, and in America which is the most diverse country on the planet, Nationalism refers to America as a Nation and not any particular group of people.
Arab is an ethnic group and when history referrrd to Pan Arab Nationalism and Jewish Nationalism at the time of the Mandate it was about nation building and freedom from external rule. White is a broad category encompassing many ethnicities and diverse cultures who are dominant in their states. White nationslism is thinly cloaked white supremacy and it is not about building a nation but cleaning out those you dont like. I havent heard the term Arab nationalism used outside the split up of the mandate so it is not a good comparison. That is not to say certain Arab countries arent conducting ethnic cleansing campaigns of their own but they arent calling it nationalism.
what was the attackers name and what does he look like . Where are the photos of him . Seems to me that good News Reporting would highlight who and what this guy looks like and his history Candy . In reply to Candy's comment in her post # 437 .
you're damning white americans.

What were my exact words that "damned" white Americans?
Renaming white supremecist into nationalism.
There is no difference.
So Arab Nationalists are in fact White Nationalists? Or are They White Supremacist?

It's obvious you are a liar, and not a good one.

A Nationalist itself has nothing to do with Race, and in America which is the most diverse country on the planet, Nationalism refers to America as a Sovereign Nation under a Constitutional Republic, and not any particular group of people.

you're damning white americans.

What were my exact words that "damned" white Americans?
Renaming white supremecist into nationalism.
There is no difference.
So Arab Nationalists are in fact White Nationalists? Or are They White Supremacist?

It's obvious you are a liar, and not a good one.

A Nationalist itself has nothing to do with Race, and in America which is the most diverse country on the planet, Nationalism refers to America as a Sovereign Nation under a Constitutional Republic, and not any particular group of people.
Propagandists who seek to transform the West into Islamist theocracies like to add the word "white" to the word "nationalist" in order to infuse the notion of national sovereignty with something nefarious.

They do this because a strong sense of national identity is the chief deterrent to their plans to Islamize the west. People who believe in themselves cannot be subverted whereas those who do not are easily overcome.

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