A New Form of Treason in the US

Can Treason be defined as simply "disloyalty"?

If so, is what is going on against Trump a form of Treason?

Of course not.

The Trump supporters who view him as their Orange Messiah conflate criticism of their God as treason, but they are too warped in their idolatry to understand the difference between loyalty to one’s country and a cult of personality.
We don't see President Trump as a messiah like you libtards did with the 1/2 white, homosexual, community agitator. Once again, if a liberal is saying we are doing it, then they are just confirming that they did.

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Look at all the Trump supporters with their hero worship pictures of their God Trump in their avatars. That didn’t happen with Obama supporters, androgynousjim.

My avatar is of the Black Sheriff from Blazing Saddles.. Now that took some balls from Mel Brooks to make that movie work. Today, the libtards would be up in arms if ever a movie was made where the people were using the N word, and women were treated as whores...But hey, Harvey Weinstein did it, Bill Clinton did it, Obama couldn't do it, because he is a FAG....
Can Treason be defined as simply "disloyalty"?

If so, is what is going on against Trump a form of Treason?
:lmao: No

Go back to sleep, snowflake.

It's just a discussion. I'm not saying it is or isn't treason, however, I will say it is our duty and responsibility to support our elected leaders and wish for the best for our country. I felt that way about Obama and Trump. I would NEVER wish them to fail.
Fair enough. I don’t want Trump to fail, but I will do my part to push back against an agenda that I feel goes against American principles, and if that makes me a traitor to some, so be it.
Not treason, but certainly subversive. Especially the media.

Such as?

Purposefully "reporting" one-sided news, specifically, leaving out a portion of a story that shows the opposite of the implication the reporter is making. This happens daily.
Two equally intelligent people, one watching CNN and one watching fox...can honestly believe two opposite sides of an issue based on what they heard. Obviously this is by design.


But why is that subversive towards the country, as you claimed?

How is it not subversive?
They are using their ability to spread falsehoods to damage the Presidency. Trump, as President, is not an individual. He is the head of an entire branch of government. A branch with many decision makers, power and influence makers.
But then of course, the media is not the real subverts. That would be pretty much the entire two houses.
But it does, the Constitution of the United States, keep US citizens free, while Socialism is all about government control whether it is Far Right Socialism/Fascism, or Far Left Socialism/Communism. Once Socialism takes control all freedoms go away, and soon tyranny happens. Every fucking time. Don't fucking doubt me..

The Road to Serfdom - Wikipedia

And if someone tried to overthrow the US Gov't to install a true democracy? That would be treason as well.
If someone tried to overthrow the US Gov't to install a white nationalist form of gov't? That would be treason as well.

Treason is about trying to overthrow the gov't. It is not dependent on what system you want to install to replace it.
America cant be a TRUE democracy otherwise the states between New York Commies and Californication would not get a say in the general elections. Why do you liberals always want to take away other peoples rights?

And you wonder why I would doubt you?

No where in my post did I advocate for any other form of gov't. No where. And yet, you want to pretend I am trying to take other people's rights away. I am not. I am not even taking away your right to be ignorant of the actual definition of "treason".

But spare me your attempts to invent what I said.
You are a flaming liberal, you hate anyone who stands in your way of equality through outcome(Social Justice). I don't play your Rules for Radicals game, I know all about it, and how you try to guilt people into submission.

WTF are you talking about.

You made some bullshit claim that treason has to do with socialism. I corrected you and you want to go off on some tangent about me being a liberal?

None of that has anything to do with the topic. It also has nothing to do with my correcting your bullshit.

BTW, if you think making personal attacks on me helps you save face after you show your ignorance concerning the definition of "treason", you are absolutely wrong. But then, it wouldn't be the first time. Hell, it wouldn't be the first time in this thread.
I said that Socialism is treason against this country and your 1/2 white god, almost got away with fundamentally transforming it. With all the crap that the FBI and DOJ did to get Hitlery elected along with the lickspittle, liberal, lapdog, Lame Stream Media, all you lefturds thought she was a shoe and the rest of the US would go down the shitter finishing off this great country(because liberals HATE, exceptionalism). But as History has shown, 4 more years of Socialism just wasn't what the people wanted so voted to keep her out. Now those agencies are having their balls handed to them as indictment and indictment going to expose the corruption of the last admin and their traitorous ways...
Can Treason be defined as simply "disloyalty"?

If so, is what is going on against Trump a form of Treason?
:lmao: No

Go back to sleep, snowflake.

It's just a discussion. I'm not saying it is or isn't treason, however, I will say it is our duty and responsibility to support our elected leaders and wish for the best for our country. I felt that way about Obama and Trump. I would NEVER wish them to fail.
Fair enough. I don’t want Trump to fail, but I will do my part to push back against an agenda that I feel goes against American principles, and if that makes me a traitor to some, so be it.
agenda that I feel goes against American principles
And what would those be? I asked and please feel free to reply.
And if someone tried to overthrow the US Gov't to install a true democracy? That would be treason as well.
If someone tried to overthrow the US Gov't to install a white nationalist form of gov't? That would be treason as well.

Treason is about trying to overthrow the gov't. It is not dependent on what system you want to install to replace it.
America cant be a TRUE democracy otherwise the states between New York Commies and Californication would not get a say in the general elections. Why do you liberals always want to take away other peoples rights?

And you wonder why I would doubt you?

No where in my post did I advocate for any other form of gov't. No where. And yet, you want to pretend I am trying to take other people's rights away. I am not. I am not even taking away your right to be ignorant of the actual definition of "treason".

But spare me your attempts to invent what I said.
You are a flaming liberal, you hate anyone who stands in your way of equality through outcome(Social Justice). I don't play your Rules for Radicals game, I know all about it, and how you try to guilt people into submission.

WTF are you talking about.

You made some bullshit claim that treason has to do with socialism. I corrected you and you want to go off on some tangent about me being a liberal?

None of that has anything to do with the topic. It also has nothing to do with my correcting your bullshit.

BTW, if you think making personal attacks on me helps you save face after you show your ignorance concerning the definition of "treason", you are absolutely wrong. But then, it wouldn't be the first time. Hell, it wouldn't be the first time in this thread.
I said that Socialism is treason against this country and your 1/2 white god, almost got away with fundamentally transforming it. With all the crap that the FBI and DOJ did to get Hitlery elected along with the lickspittle, liberal, lapdog, Lame Stream Media, all you lefturds thought she was a shoe and the rest of the US would go down the shitter finishing off this great country(because liberals HATE, exceptionalism). But as History has shown, 4 more years of Socialism just wasn't what the people wanted so voted to keep her out. Now those agencies are having their balls handed to them as indictment and indictment going to expose the corruption of the last admin and their traitorous ways...

No. What you said was "Treason is when you try to Fundamentally Transform this Free Country into a Socialist Country and take the citizens rights away.". No mention of any president or haf-white god or whatever. BTW, I never voted for Obama. So stick with the topic.
America cant be a TRUE democracy otherwise the states between New York Commies and Californication would not get a say in the general elections. Why do you liberals always want to take away other peoples rights?

And you wonder why I would doubt you?

No where in my post did I advocate for any other form of gov't. No where. And yet, you want to pretend I am trying to take other people's rights away. I am not. I am not even taking away your right to be ignorant of the actual definition of "treason".

But spare me your attempts to invent what I said.
You are a flaming liberal, you hate anyone who stands in your way of equality through outcome(Social Justice). I don't play your Rules for Radicals game, I know all about it, and how you try to guilt people into submission.

WTF are you talking about.

You made some bullshit claim that treason has to do with socialism. I corrected you and you want to go off on some tangent about me being a liberal?

None of that has anything to do with the topic. It also has nothing to do with my correcting your bullshit.

BTW, if you think making personal attacks on me helps you save face after you show your ignorance concerning the definition of "treason", you are absolutely wrong. But then, it wouldn't be the first time. Hell, it wouldn't be the first time in this thread.
I said that Socialism is treason against this country and your 1/2 white god, almost got away with fundamentally transforming it. With all the crap that the FBI and DOJ did to get Hitlery elected along with the lickspittle, liberal, lapdog, Lame Stream Media, all you lefturds thought she was a shoe and the rest of the US would go down the shitter finishing off this great country(because liberals HATE, exceptionalism). But as History has shown, 4 more years of Socialism just wasn't what the people wanted so voted to keep her out. Now those agencies are having their balls handed to them as indictment and indictment going to expose the corruption of the last admin and their traitorous ways...

No. What you said was "Treason is when you try to Fundamentally Transform this Free Country into a Socialist Country and take the citizens rights away.". No mention of any president or haf-white god or whatever. BTW, I never voted for Obama. So stick with the topic.
Yeah, sure you didn't.
How about this: If a President sees the type of government envisioned and mandated by the Constitution, and does everything in his power - and many things outside his power - to bring about a DIFFERENT KIND of government, is that conduct treasonous?

Grossly speaking, if a President tries to push the U.S. Government closer to the model of the Social Democracies of Europe, in which the central government guarantees everything to the population, rather than having the population more or less responsible for its own upkeep?

Not treason, maybe, but certainly bullshit.
How about this: If a President sees the type of government envisioned and mandated by the Constitution, and does everything in his power - and many things outside his power - to bring about a DIFFERENT KIND of government, is that conduct treasonous?

Grossly speaking, if a President tries to push the U.S. Government closer to the model of the Social Democracies of Europe, in which the central government guarantees everything to the population, rather than having the population more or less responsible for its own upkeep?

Not treason, maybe, but certainly bullshit.
Once again, when the Constitution is being attacked like it was with Obummber, it is up to the people who hold the brown turd accountable for his actions against it.

Can Treason be defined as simply "disloyalty"?

If so, is what is going on against Trump a form of Treason?


It's like how the right tried to claim that kneeling at an NFL game in protest at the police somehow had something to do with the US armed forces. Yet the Trumpers still tolerate the Confederate flag waves.

Logic? No thanks, we support Trump.
Can Treason be defined as simply "disloyalty"?

If so, is what is going on against Trump a form of Treason?
The "perceived disloyalty" could and would only be considered treason under a totalitarian regime! If the Orange Coward was to be considered a dictatorial tyrant by his own actions and deeds, by the nature of that beast the perception of "disloyalty" would be a high crime! You couldn't reason that out for yourself????
Can Treason be defined as simply "disloyalty"?

If so, is what is going on against Trump a form of Treason?


It's like how the right tried to claim that kneeling at an NFL game in protest at the police somehow had something to do with the US armed forces. Yet the Trumpers still tolerate the Confederate flag waves.

Logic? No thanks, we support Trump.
Yeah, those Pissburg Kneelers were showing their displeasure with the same people who were at their games protecting them. Hypocrites, thy name is liberal..

These kneelers, whether part of the Saints organization or other NFL teams, remain oblivious as to what a flag, which they nonchalantly denigrate, means to those choosing to honor it.
Can Treason be defined as simply "disloyalty"?

If so, is what is going on against Trump a form of Treason?

What’s going on against Trump is a flat out overthrow attempt. The only thing missing are all the little villagers running around with machetes settling political scores. The Token Negro would have declared martial law had he been gone after this way.
do liberals shooting conservative senators and so forth count?
Can Treason be defined as simply "disloyalty"?

If so, is what is going on against Trump a form of Treason?

Of course not.

The Trump supporters who view him as their Orange Messiah conflate criticism of their God as treason, but they are too warped in their idolatry to understand the difference between loyalty to one’s country and a cult of personality.
heh - coming from the side that used RACIST as a defense for 8 years.
And you wonder why I would doubt you?

No where in my post did I advocate for any other form of gov't. No where. And yet, you want to pretend I am trying to take other people's rights away. I am not. I am not even taking away your right to be ignorant of the actual definition of "treason".

But spare me your attempts to invent what I said.
You are a flaming liberal, you hate anyone who stands in your way of equality through outcome(Social Justice). I don't play your Rules for Radicals game, I know all about it, and how you try to guilt people into submission.

WTF are you talking about.

You made some bullshit claim that treason has to do with socialism. I corrected you and you want to go off on some tangent about me being a liberal?

None of that has anything to do with the topic. It also has nothing to do with my correcting your bullshit.

BTW, if you think making personal attacks on me helps you save face after you show your ignorance concerning the definition of "treason", you are absolutely wrong. But then, it wouldn't be the first time. Hell, it wouldn't be the first time in this thread.
I said that Socialism is treason against this country and your 1/2 white god, almost got away with fundamentally transforming it. With all the crap that the FBI and DOJ did to get Hitlery elected along with the lickspittle, liberal, lapdog, Lame Stream Media, all you lefturds thought she was a shoe and the rest of the US would go down the shitter finishing off this great country(because liberals HATE, exceptionalism). But as History has shown, 4 more years of Socialism just wasn't what the people wanted so voted to keep her out. Now those agencies are having their balls handed to them as indictment and indictment going to expose the corruption of the last admin and their traitorous ways...

No. What you said was "Treason is when you try to Fundamentally Transform this Free Country into a Socialist Country and take the citizens rights away.". No mention of any president or haf-white god or whatever. BTW, I never voted for Obama. So stick with the topic.
Yeah, sure you didn't.

What the hell, if you are going to rewrite and invent what I have said, no need to stop now.

I guess it does make your narrative easier.
Can Treason be defined as simply "disloyalty"?

If so, is what is going on against Trump a form of Treason?
:lmao: No

Go back to sleep, snowflake.

It's just a discussion. I'm not saying it is or isn't treason, however, I will say it is our duty and responsibility to support our elected leaders and wish for the best for our country. I felt that way about Obama and Trump. I would NEVER wish them to fail.
Fair enough. I don’t want Trump to fail, but I will do my part to push back against an agenda that I feel goes against American principles, and if that makes me a traitor to some, so be it.
agenda that I feel goes against American principles
And what would those be? I asked and please feel free to reply.
Endangering the homeland by instigating war with North Korea.
Policies that I feel are unfair to the most vulnerable among us.
Governing by his own agenda with no sign of compromise.
Can Treason be defined as simply "disloyalty"?

If so, is what is going on against Trump a form of Treason?
:lmao: No

Go back to sleep, snowflake.

It's just a discussion. I'm not saying it is or isn't treason, however, I will say it is our duty and responsibility to support our elected leaders and wish for the best for our country. I felt that way about Obama and Trump. I would NEVER wish them to fail.
Fair enough. I don’t want Trump to fail, but I will do my part to push back against an agenda that I feel goes against American principles, and if that makes me a traitor to some, so be it.
agenda that I feel goes against American principles
And what would those be? I asked and please feel free to reply.
Endangering the homeland by instigating war with North Korea.
Policies that I feel are unfair to the most vulnerable among us.
Governing by his own agenda with no sign of compromise.
You didn't feel threatened when Bill Clinton gave the Chinese thus North Korea missile tech that enabled their missiles to hit US?
Obama, I have a pen and phone , so fuck the republicans?
Obama's ACA stole over 600 billion dollars from Medicare, and thus making it harder for the old to get proper healthcare?

Yeah sure do seem to have your head shoved way up Uranus..
:lmao: No

Go back to sleep, snowflake.

It's just a discussion. I'm not saying it is or isn't treason, however, I will say it is our duty and responsibility to support our elected leaders and wish for the best for our country. I felt that way about Obama and Trump. I would NEVER wish them to fail.
Fair enough. I don’t want Trump to fail, but I will do my part to push back against an agenda that I feel goes against American principles, and if that makes me a traitor to some, so be it.
agenda that I feel goes against American principles
And what would those be? I asked and please feel free to reply.
Endangering the homeland by instigating war with North Korea.
Policies that I feel are unfair to the most vulnerable among us.
Governing by his own agenda with no sign of compromise.
You didn't feel threatened when Bill Clinton gave the Chinese thus North Korea missile tech that enabled their missiles to hit US?
Obama, I have a pen and phone , so fuck the republicans?
Obama's ACA stole over 600 billion dollars from Medicare, and thus making it harder for the old to get proper healthcare?

Yeah sure do seem to have your head shoved way up Uranus..
Ok I see how you want to play. Fuck off, dipshit. I’m not playing your game.

The OP is ridiculous.....ignorant trolling and warped. So you mean to say that if I am critical of a president I am treasonous? Then for the last 60 years I have criticized lambasted and have heck to this country when I disagreed with it. I never say or kneeled during the anthem never protested and never broke a law. But I did educate my kids on the pitfalls of this nation. You don't like it? Too bad.....you have to eat it with no recourse even if you lived next to me.

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