A New Form of Treason in the US

Can Treason be defined as simply "disloyalty"?

If so, is what is going on against Trump a form of Treason?
:lmao: No

Go back to sleep, snowflake.

It's just a discussion. I'm not saying it is or isn't treason, however, I will say it is our duty and responsibility to support our elected leaders and wish for the best for our country. I felt that way about Obama and Trump. I would NEVER wish them to fail.

Supporting our leaders and wishing the best for our country isn't necessarily the same thing. Should we have supported Nixon in his illegal acts?
Sure, you supported every illegal act that Obummer did, why be different, you worthless fucking hypocrite.
50,000 FBI text messages - 5 months worth, the 1st few months of Trump's Presidency - missing after the FBI is exposed as having committed TREASON ('insurance Policy', protecting Hillary, Abedin, & Mills, etc...)...


D-Schiff lies on TV by arguing the summary of evidence should not be shownto the American people, calling them too stupid to understand the 4-page memo...

50,000 FBI text messages - 5 months worth, the 1st few months of Trump's Presidency - missing after the FBI is exposed as having committed TREASON ('insurance Policy', protecting Hillary, Abedin, & Mills, etc...)...


D-Schiff lies on TV by arguing the summary of evidence should not be shownto the American people, calling them too stupid to understand the 4-page memo...

Well at least 47% of the US voters are stupid, even Jonathan Gruber(architect of the ACA) called the liberal voters stupid...That is the only think Gruber and I agree on...
Of course not.

The Trump supporters who view him as their Orange Messiah conflate criticism of their God as treason, but they are too warped in their idolatry to understand the difference between loyalty to one’s country and a cult of personality.
We don't see President Trump as a messiah like you libtards did with the 1/2 white, homosexual, community agitator. Once again, if a liberal is saying we are doing it, then they are just confirming that they did.

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Look at all the Trump supporters with their hero worship pictures of their God Trump in their avatars. That didn’t happen with Obama supporters, androgynousjim.

My avatar is of the Black Sheriff from Blazing Saddles.. Now that took some balls from Mel Brooks to make that movie work. Today, the libtards would be up in arms if ever a movie was made where the people were using the N word, and women were treated as whores...But hey, Harvey Weinstein did it, Bill Clinton did it, Obama couldn't do it, because he is a FAG....

You are such a bigot against blacks and gay people, androgynousjim
Bwaaaaaaaahhhhhhaaaaaaaa.. didn't take long for the liberal playbook to show up.. Right you Southern White Democrats(KKK) and Harvey Weinstein(rapist of women) yet he calls me a racist and bigot......Too fucking funny.

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6. Do not idolatrize the rubes’ messiah, Orange Jesus.
50,000 FBI text messages - 5 months worth, the 1st few months of Trump's Presidency - missing after the FBI is exposed as having committed TREASON ('insurance Policy', protecting Hillary, Abedin, & Mills, etc...)...


D-Schiff lies on TV by arguing the summary of evidence should not be shownto the American people, calling them too stupid to understand the 4-page memo...

Well at least 47% of the US voters are stupid, even Jonathan Gruber(architect of the ACA) called the liberal voters stupid...That is the only think Gruber and I agree on...

And your God, aka President “Fucking Moron,” loves you “poorly educated.”
Can Treason be defined as simply "disloyalty"?

If so, is what is going on against Trump a form of Treason?
Treason is when you try to Fundamentally Transform this Free Country into a Socialist Country and take the citizens rights away. I have yet to see anyone go to trial for such treason...Notice I said the word "YET"?

Did you mean--rights-- like my income tax? Some thief in Washington DC keep stealing it the last 3 years and will again this year. Did I have the freedom to choose to buy health insurance? No--they are forcing it down our throats such as a communist would do. That's where corruption gets ones freedoms-2Peter 2:19-- the only real freedom comes from God--Men only take freedoms away.
50,000 FBI text messages - 5 months worth, the 1st few months of Trump's Presidency - missing after the FBI is exposed as having committed TREASON ('insurance Policy', protecting Hillary, Abedin, & Mills, etc...)...


D-Schiff lies on TV by arguing the summary of evidence should not be shownto the American people, calling them too stupid to understand the 4-page memo...

Well at least 47% of the US voters are stupid, even Jonathan Gruber(architect of the ACA) called the liberal voters stupid...That is the only think Gruber and I agree on...

And your God, aka President “Fucking Moron,” loves you “poorly educated.”
Says the guy who has politicians in league with the FTA and NEA who produce idiots that vote against their very interest, while pandering to people who BROKE the law coming here, but get rewards, while if a stupid fuck like you, broke the law, you would be separated from your children when you went to jail, and all you ill gotten gains would go back to the government. Just cant get more stupid than a liberal, who cant see that I am trying to show him how fucked up his side is..

I don't expect you to watch this video, because your attention span is as long as a squirrel, but those who want to learn about the left and their propagandists, you can see why public education(through Indoctrination) is so important to the left.. Hitler was an rookie compared to today liberals...
50,000 FBI text messages - 5 months worth, the 1st few months of Trump's Presidency - missing after the FBI is exposed as having committed TREASON ('insurance Policy', protecting Hillary, Abedin, & Mills, etc...)...


D-Schiff lies on TV by arguing the summary of evidence should not be shownto the American people, calling them too stupid to understand the 4-page memo...

Well at least 47% of the US voters are stupid, even Jonathan Gruber(architect of the ACA) called the liberal voters stupid...That is the only think Gruber and I agree on...

And your God, aka President “Fucking Moron,” loves you “poorly educated.”
Says the guy who has politicians in league with the FTA and NEA who produce idiots that vote against their very interest, while pandering to people who BROKE the law coming here, but get rewards, while if a stupid fuck like you, broke the law, you would be separated from your children when you went to jail, and all you ill gotten gains would go back to the government. Just cant get more stupid than a liberal, who cant see that I am trying to show him how fucked up his side is..

I don't expect you to watch this video, because your attention span is as long as a squirrel, but those who want to learn about the left and their propagandists, you can see why public education(through Indoctrination) is so important to the left.. Hitler was an rookie compared to today liberals...

You just hit most of you five points in your Liberalism Big Government in Five Easy Steps meme picture you posted earlier, androgynousjim.


What a snowflake.
50,000 FBI text messages - 5 months worth, the 1st few months of Trump's Presidency - missing after the FBI is exposed as having committed TREASON ('insurance Policy', protecting Hillary, Abedin, & Mills, etc...)...


D-Schiff lies on TV by arguing the summary of evidence should not be shownto the American people, calling them too stupid to understand the 4-page memo...

Well at least 47% of the US voters are stupid, even Jonathan Gruber(architect of the ACA) called the liberal voters stupid...That is the only think Gruber and I agree on...

And your God, aka President “Fucking Moron,” loves you “poorly educated.”
Says the guy who has politicians in league with the FTA and NEA who produce idiots that vote against their very interest, while pandering to people who BROKE the law coming here, but get rewards, while if a stupid fuck like you, broke the law, you would be separated from your children when you went to jail, and all you ill gotten gains would go back to the government. Just cant get more stupid than a liberal, who cant see that I am trying to show him how fucked up his side is..

I don't expect you to watch this video, because your attention span is as long as a squirrel, but those who want to learn about the left and their propagandists, you can see why public education(through Indoctrination) is so important to the left.. Hitler was an rookie compared to today liberals...

You just hit most of you five points in your Liberalism Big Government in Five Easy Steps meme picture you posted earlier, androgynousjim.


What a snowflake.
Ahhh, did I make you angry? Petulant little spoiled baby..come on let it out, you will feel better for it.

According to Merriam Webster, the definition of "Treason" is:
"the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign's family"

It has nothing to do with socialism. There are many forms of gov't. If someone tries to overthrow the gov't, whether to install socialism or democracy, they are guilty of treason. The Founding Fathers of our nation were guilty of treason. But winning the war and becoming an independent nation removed the threat of prosecution.
But it does, the Constitution of the United States, keep US citizens free, while Socialism is all about government control whether it is Far Right Socialism/Fascism, or Far Left Socialism/Communism. Once Socialism takes control all freedoms go away, and soon tyranny happens. Every fucking time. Don't fucking doubt me..

The Road to Serfdom - Wikipedia
that fascism, National Socialism and socialism had common roots in central economic planning and empowering the state over the individual.

And if someone tried to overthrow the US Gov't to install a true democracy? That would be treason as well.
If someone tried to overthrow the US Gov't to install a white nationalist form of gov't? That would be treason as well.

Treason is about trying to overthrow the gov't. It is not dependent on what system you want to install to replace it.
America cant be a TRUE democracy otherwise the states between New York Commies and Californication would not get a say in the general elections. Why do you liberals always want to take away other peoples rights?

^Makes zero sense.
Can Treason be defined as simply "disloyalty"?

If so, is what is going on against Trump a form of Treason?
Treason is when you try to Fundamentally Transform this Free Country into a Socialist Country and take the citizens rights away. I have yet to see anyone go to trial for such treason...Notice I said the word "YET"?

Did you mean--rights-- like my income tax? Some thief in Washington DC keep stealing it the last 3 years and will again this year. Did I have the freedom to choose to buy health insurance? No--they are forcing it down our throats such as a communist would do. That's where corruption gets ones freedoms-2Peter 2:19-- the only real freedom comes from God--Men only take freedoms away.
God = freedom?

you mean like "worship me or go to hell"? that kind of freedom?
The top people in the Obama administration, his FBI, and his DOJ got exposed for committing Conspiracy, sedition, treason, and other crimes...it is revealed now that the FBI is pulling a Hillary / Lois Lerner - 50,000 text messages covering the 1st few months of Trump's Presidency - is suddenly 'missing' - a cover-up so huge even Stevie Wonder can see it...and snowflakes want to ignore it al land concentrate on the non-existent crime Mueller and Democrats can produce no evidence to prove happened.

Snowflakes like to run HARD on 'emotion' because they can't produce evidence or fact.
you mean like "worship me or go to hell"? that kind of freedom?
Freedom of choice, dude. No one is MAKING you believe in / worship God.

If God was a liberal his followers would be stripping everyone else of their rights to verbally oppose the belief in God, using violence to do so...like Antifa on the Left. :p )
you mean like "worship me or go to hell"? that kind of freedom?
Freedom of choice, dude. No one is MAKING you believe in / worship God.

If God was a liberal his followers would be stripping everyone else of their rights to verbally oppose the belief in God, using violence to do so...like Antifa on the Left. :p )
then this would apply to all who want to say the only freedom is God. great, as long as you make the right "choice" then isn't really freedom now is it?

my point isn't to disparage religion in as much as say the freedom cited in this instance isn't as free as it was made out to be.
then this would apply to all who want to say the only freedom is God. great, as long as you make the right "choice" then isn't really freedom now is it?

Perhaps someone should explain 'Freedom' to you.

You have the FREEDOM of CHOICE to worship God or not. NO ONE is forcing you to worship God. THAT is FREEDOM.

The repercussions of your choice has nothing to do with 'Freedom'. Whether you made the right choice or not is OPINION. You still had the right to make that choice, to worship as you wanted, etc....

Your 'argument' is wrong.
then this would apply to all who want to say the only freedom is God. great, as long as you make the right "choice" then isn't really freedom now is it?

Perhaps someone should explain 'Freedom' to you.

You have the FREEDOM of CHOICE to worship God or not. NO ONE is forcing you to worship God. THAT is FREEDOM.

The repercussions of your choice has nothing to do with 'Freedom'. Whether you made the right choice or not is OPINION. You still had the right to make that choice, to worship as you wanted, etc....

Your 'argument' is wrong.
you have no idea of my own religious history or experiences, now do you?

no one can really force you to do anything at all as our freedom to choose is the only thing no one can take away from us. we may choose to "end pain" but it's our choice. so this circular argument would also work against the person i was initially replying to who said only god was freedom.

god, like all else, is a choice. if that's your choice i'm happy for you and support that 100%. just funny how if it's not my choice i don't always get the same support.

i'll stand by what i said.
you have no idea of my own religious history or experiences.

I DON'T CARE about your religious history or experience! You used religion and belief in God as your example...and used it incorrectly.

FREEDOM is having the FREEDOM to choose, whether it is believing in God or Santa Clause. No one is forcing you to believe in either. It is your CHOICE. That's called FREEDOM!
you have no idea of my own religious history or experiences.

I DON'T CARE about your religious history or experience! You used religion and belief in God as your example...and used it incorrectly.

FREEDOM is having the FREEDOM to choose, whether it is believing in God or Santa Clause. No one is forcing you to believe in either. It is your CHOICE. That's called FREEDOM!
well maybe you should care about the discussions you choose to get into. i was not talking to you - i was talking to someone else who made the statement i was replying to. you chose to dive in and be a dick about it. great, you have the freedom to do that. yay you and i support that even if i disagree.

the comment i was replying to was:
That's where corruption gets ones freedoms-2Peter 2:19-- the only real freedom comes from God--Men only take freedoms away.

you have the freedom to choose - never denied that. my point was if you don't choose him, you burn in hell for all eternity. i don't call that much of a freedom but you do what you gotta do.
well maybe you should care about the discussions you choose to get into. i was not talking to you -
Helloooooo..this is a CHAT board, where most people are not speaking to 90% of the board at any given time but where everyone is allowed to contribute / chat.....
well maybe you should care about the discussions you choose to get into. i was not talking to you -
Helloooooo..this is a CHAT board, where most people are not speaking to 90% of the board at any given time but where everyone is allowed to contribute / chat.....
yep. that is your freedom to do so. i don't believe i've ever denied that, in fact, i said it was your right to do so but i see you leave that off my reply/quote.

i said it may be a good thing to know who you're talking to and their own history before you have a shit-fit in front of them because they said something you don't care for in my response to someone else. my point in that i talked to someone else was to ensure that you understood the context of what i said, vs dive bombing me with religion and telling people who disagree with you they are wrong vs. looking to understand my viewpoint a bit better. liberals do that a lot. you really a closet liberal? or maybe that trait you hate in them, well you got it too when it matters personally.

you may need to go for a walk and chill out. you seem...excited and anxious.
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