A New Form of Treason in the US

Can Treason be defined as simply "disloyalty"?

If so, is what is going on against Trump a form of Treason?
Treason is when you try to Fundamentally Transform this Free Country into a Socialist Country and take the citizens rights away. I have yet to see anyone go to trial for such treason...Notice I said the word "YET"?

Did you mean--rights-- like my income tax? Some thief in Washington DC keep stealing it the last 3 years and will again this year. Did I have the freedom to choose to buy health insurance? No--they are forcing it down our throats such as a communist would do. That's where corruption gets ones freedoms-2Peter 2:19-- the only real freedom comes from God--Men only take freedoms away.
God = freedom?

you mean like "worship me or go to hell"? that kind of freedom?

God didn't say that. He gave all free will. He wants them to use that free will to CHOOSE to love him and listen to him. There is no literal place of eternal suffering, only a sadist would have such a place. God is Love--its to bad 99% of the religions claiming to serve him do not even know him-John 15:20-21)-- that makes ones like you believe in lies like eternal suffering.
Can Treason be defined as simply "disloyalty"?

If so, is what is going on against Trump a form of Treason?
Treason is when you try to Fundamentally Transform this Free Country into a Socialist Country and take the citizens rights away. I have yet to see anyone go to trial for such treason...Notice I said the word "YET"?

Did you mean--rights-- like my income tax? Some thief in Washington DC keep stealing it the last 3 years and will again this year. Did I have the freedom to choose to buy health insurance? No--they are forcing it down our throats such as a communist would do. That's where corruption gets ones freedoms-2Peter 2:19-- the only real freedom comes from God--Men only take freedoms away.
God = freedom?

you mean like "worship me or go to hell"? that kind of freedom?

God didn't say that. He gave all free will. He wants them to use that free will to CHOOSE to love him and listen to him. There is no literal place of eternal suffering, only a sadist would have such a place. God is Love--its to bad 99% of the religions claiming to serve him do not even know him-John 15:20-21)-- that makes ones like you believe in lies like eternal suffering.
actually the bible says hell is not being in the presence of god.

what i believe and why - well that's my business. but done talking with the people who do the "my way or the highway shit". believe what you want, i will do the same.
Can Treason be defined as simply "disloyalty"?

If so, is what is going on against Trump a form of Treason?
Treason is when you try to Fundamentally Transform this Free Country into a Socialist Country and take the citizens rights away. I have yet to see anyone go to trial for such treason...Notice I said the word "YET"?

Did you mean--rights-- like my income tax? Some thief in Washington DC keep stealing it the last 3 years and will again this year. Did I have the freedom to choose to buy health insurance? No--they are forcing it down our throats such as a communist would do. That's where corruption gets ones freedoms-2Peter 2:19-- the only real freedom comes from God--Men only take freedoms away.
God = freedom?

you mean like "worship me or go to hell"? that kind of freedom?

God didn't say that. He gave all free will. He wants them to use that free will to CHOOSE to love him and listen to him. There is no literal place of eternal suffering, only a sadist would have such a place. God is Love--its to bad 99% of the religions claiming to serve him do not even know him-John 15:20-21)-- that makes ones like you believe in lies like eternal suffering.
actually the bible says hell is not being in the presence of god.

what i believe and why - well that's my business. but done talking with the people who do the "my way or the highway shit". believe what you want, i will do the same.

Fact-- The Hebrew word--Sheol= the Greek word-- Hades = the English word--Hell= the grave. Hell is not the lake of fire. The lake of fire= eternal cutting off from God==eternal destruction.
Treason is when you try to Fundamentally Transform this Free Country into a Socialist Country and take the citizens rights away. I have yet to see anyone go to trial for such treason...Notice I said the word "YET"?

Did you mean--rights-- like my income tax? Some thief in Washington DC keep stealing it the last 3 years and will again this year. Did I have the freedom to choose to buy health insurance? No--they are forcing it down our throats such as a communist would do. That's where corruption gets ones freedoms-2Peter 2:19-- the only real freedom comes from God--Men only take freedoms away.
God = freedom?

you mean like "worship me or go to hell"? that kind of freedom?

God didn't say that. He gave all free will. He wants them to use that free will to CHOOSE to love him and listen to him. There is no literal place of eternal suffering, only a sadist would have such a place. God is Love--its to bad 99% of the religions claiming to serve him do not even know him-John 15:20-21)-- that makes ones like you believe in lies like eternal suffering.
actually the bible says hell is not being in the presence of god.

what i believe and why - well that's my business. but done talking with the people who do the "my way or the highway shit". believe what you want, i will do the same.

Fact-- The Hebrew word--Sheol= the Greek word-- Hades = the English word--Hell= the grave. Hell is not the lake of fire. The lake of fire= eternal cutting off from God==eternal destruction.
and where have i said hell was a lake of fire?

fact - i did not.

in the immortal words of jon butcher - you must be confused if you're preaching to me.

Can Treason be defined as simply "disloyalty"?

If so, is what is going on against Trump a form of Treason?
:lmao: No

Go back to sleep, snowflake.

It's just a discussion. I'm not saying it is or isn't treason, however, I will say it is our duty and responsibility to support our elected leaders and wish for the best for our country. I felt that way about Obama and Trump. I would NEVER wish them to fail.

Supporting our leaders and wishing the best for our country isn't necessarily the same thing. Should we have supported Nixon in his illegal acts?
Sure, you supported every illegal act that Obummer did, why be different, you worthless fucking hypocrite.
Can Treason be defined as simply "disloyalty"?

If so, is what is going on against Trump a form of Treason?
:lmao: No

Go back to sleep, snowflake.

It's just a discussion. I'm not saying it is or isn't treason, however, I will say it is our duty and responsibility to support our elected leaders and wish for the best for our country. I felt that way about Obama and Trump. I would NEVER wish them to fail.

Supporting our leaders and wishing the best for our country isn't necessarily the same thing. Should we have supported Nixon in his illegal acts?
Sure, you supported every illegal act that Obummer did, why be different, you worthless fucking hypocrite.

Are you feeling "not so fresh" today? You're being a whiny bitch for some reason. Equating lack of support for trump with treason is pretty nuts
I wish for Trump's Agenda to fail, because I see it as dragging our country down to it's lowest common denominators. How can I support success on an agenda that is the antithesis of everything I stand for and is bad for our country? :dunno:
Can Treason be defined as simply "disloyalty"?

If so, is what is going on against Trump a form of Treason?
Can Treason be defined as simply "disloyalty"?

If so, is what is going on against Trump a form of Treason?
Nothing is ‘going on against’ Trump.

The Russia investigations in Congress are perfectly appropriate, warranted, and legal based on the evidence.

Mueller’s investigation is perfectly appropriate, warranted, and legal based on the evidence, and as authorized by Trump’s own DOJ.

It is not ‘disloyal’ to investigate possible wrongdoing on the part of Trump.

It is not ‘disloyal’ for a majority of Americans to oppose Trump, Americans who correctly understand that Trump is in fact unfit to be president.
According to Merriam Webster, the definition of "Treason" is:
"the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign's family"

It has nothing to do with socialism. There are many forms of gov't. If someone tries to overthrow the gov't, whether to install socialism or democracy, they are guilty of treason. The Founding Fathers of our nation were guilty of treason. But winning the war and becoming an independent nation removed the threat of prosecution.
But it does, the Constitution of the United States, keep US citizens free, while Socialism is all about government control whether it is Far Right Socialism/Fascism, or Far Left Socialism/Communism. Once Socialism takes control all freedoms go away, and soon tyranny happens. Every fucking time. Don't fucking doubt me..

The Road to Serfdom - Wikipedia
that fascism, National Socialism and socialism had common roots in central economic planning and empowering the state over the individual.

Socialism has to do with economics, and almost nothing at all about politics. For example, Social Security, the GM bail out, SNAP, etc., are all pure socialism, and have no effect on politics at all.
And National Socialism was a coalition Hitler created between the aristocracy, military, and corporations, and had absolutely NOTHING at all to do with socialism. It was pure fascism.
According to Merriam Webster, the definition of "Treason" is:
"the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign's family"

It has nothing to do with socialism. There are many forms of gov't. If someone tries to overthrow the gov't, whether to install socialism or democracy, they are guilty of treason. The Founding Fathers of our nation were guilty of treason. But winning the war and becoming an independent nation removed the threat of prosecution.
But it does, the Constitution of the United States, keep US citizens free, while Socialism is all about government control whether it is Far Right Socialism/Fascism, or Far Left Socialism/Communism. Once Socialism takes control all freedoms go away, and soon tyranny happens. Every fucking time. Don't fucking doubt me..

The Road to Serfdom - Wikipedia
that fascism, National Socialism and socialism had common roots in central economic planning and empowering the state over the individual.

Socialism has to do with economics, and almost nothing at all about politics. For example, Social Security, the GM bail out, SNAP, etc., are all pure socialism, and have no effect on politics at all.
And National Socialism was a coalition Hitler created between the aristocracy, military, and corporations, and had absolutely NOTHING at all to do with socialism. It was pure fascism.
No effect on politics. A bunch of union fucks got the jobs saved and still produce shit cars, while those who had warranty up to the bankruptcy lost their money, along with the share holders...
Just as a reminder ONCE again.
Communism - Far Left Socialism - United Soviet Socialist Union - Destroyed in 1990's when they went bankrupt.
Fascism/Nazism - Far Right Socialism - Democratic Socialist Workers Party -- Destroyed middle 1940's when they were destroyed by FREE people.

Detroit, the motor city and richest in the 1950's kept electing idiots who gave away other people's money to the point that only the poor people were left. Venezuela has done the same thing, now people are eating zoo animals and dogs to survive. Idiots like you, who have been brain(if you even have one) washed so much that you actually believe that your Socialist Liberal Elites can do Socialism even better. Even better and bankrupting? Is that your way of equality...Stupid fucks....
I wish for Trump's Agenda to fail, because I see it as dragging our country down to it's lowest common denominators. How can I support success on an agenda that is the antithesis of everything I stand for and is bad for our country? :dunno:
i suppose the same way everyone said they must support obama while he went apeshit progressive liberal. it was against everything most conservatives stood for and they were told "so the fuck what - grow up!"

this country is so much more than either side is making it to be today. the very fact we can divide THIS MUCH and still stand is a testament to our forefathers wisdom and a sad commentary on our collective stupidity.

you are against a 40% increase in the stock market?
you are against changing the tax structure a few % points that brings back billions and thousands upon thousands of jobs?
you are against this country standing on it's own as we had for 240+ years until obama came along and said we can't feel proud of our country, we must think global? that is everything *against* this country and the 240+ years of pride that got us to here today.
you are against securing our boarders?

i can understand the hate for trump. fucker begs for people to hate him and is IN YOUR FACE about it. but to me obama did the same but with a "smug face" - yet we were told it's for our own good, as he transformed this country into a shitload of hate and brought racial tensions to unseen levels in decades.

that's what i saw under him.

the simple fact of the matter is there are (2) parties for a reason. wish we had a valid 3rd party that a pot head didn't run with. don't care he's a pot head, smoke up dude. but when you can't name a single foreign leader you got no business even trying to run for the office, much less be in it.

we can't keep going on like this - my way or fuck off and let's get legal. no one ever gets everything they ever wanted so i'm not sure why we think we should in our government and daily lives also. everything is a compromise in the end and that's where we need to head back to. but we will never get there as long as we drag around the past in a stupid tit for tat payback mentality.
I wonder why people actually think they would know better than an elected official.

I also have to wonder that if they DO think this, why they don't run for office. No excuses
According to Merriam Webster, the definition of "Treason" is:
"the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign's family"

It has nothing to do with socialism. There are many forms of gov't. If someone tries to overthrow the gov't, whether to install socialism or democracy, they are guilty of treason. The Founding Fathers of our nation were guilty of treason. But winning the war and becoming an independent nation removed the threat of prosecution.
But it does, the Constitution of the United States, keep US citizens free, while Socialism is all about government control whether it is Far Right Socialism/Fascism, or Far Left Socialism/Communism. Once Socialism takes control all freedoms go away, and soon tyranny happens. Every fucking time. Don't fucking doubt me..

The Road to Serfdom - Wikipedia
that fascism, National Socialism and socialism had common roots in central economic planning and empowering the state over the individual.

Socialism has to do with economics, and almost nothing at all about politics. For example, Social Security, the GM bail out, SNAP, etc., are all pure socialism, and have no effect on politics at all.
And National Socialism was a coalition Hitler created between the aristocracy, military, and corporations, and had absolutely NOTHING at all to do with socialism. It was pure fascism.
No effect on politics. A bunch of union fucks got the jobs saved and still produce shit cars, while those who had warranty up to the bankruptcy lost their money, along with the share holders...
Just as a reminder ONCE again.
Communism - Far Left Socialism - United Soviet Socialist Union - Destroyed in 1990's when they went bankrupt.
Fascism/Nazism - Far Right Socialism - Democratic Socialist Workers Party -- Destroyed middle 1940's when they were destroyed by FREE people.

Detroit, the motor city and richest in the 1950's kept electing idiots who gave away other people's money to the point that only the poor people were left. Venezuela has done the same thing, now people are eating zoo animals and dogs to survive. Idiots like you, who have been brain(if you even have one) washed so much that you actually believe that your Socialist Liberal Elites can do Socialism even better. Even better and bankrupting? Is that your way of equality...Stupid fucks....

You think union was responsible for poorly designed cars?
According to Merriam Webster, the definition of "Treason" is:
"the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign's family"

It has nothing to do with socialism. There are many forms of gov't. If someone tries to overthrow the gov't, whether to install socialism or democracy, they are guilty of treason. The Founding Fathers of our nation were guilty of treason. But winning the war and becoming an independent nation removed the threat of prosecution.
But it does, the Constitution of the United States, keep US citizens free, while Socialism is all about government control whether it is Far Right Socialism/Fascism, or Far Left Socialism/Communism. Once Socialism takes control all freedoms go away, and soon tyranny happens. Every fucking time. Don't fucking doubt me..

The Road to Serfdom - Wikipedia
that fascism, National Socialism and socialism had common roots in central economic planning and empowering the state over the individual.

Socialism has to do with economics, and almost nothing at all about politics. For example, Social Security, the GM bail out, SNAP, etc., are all pure socialism, and have no effect on politics at all.
And National Socialism was a coalition Hitler created between the aristocracy, military, and corporations, and had absolutely NOTHING at all to do with socialism. It was pure fascism.
No effect on politics. A bunch of union fucks got the jobs saved and still produce shit cars, while those who had warranty up to the bankruptcy lost their money, along with the share holders...
Just as a reminder ONCE again.
Communism - Far Left Socialism - United Soviet Socialist Union - Destroyed in 1990's when they went bankrupt.
Fascism/Nazism - Far Right Socialism - Democratic Socialist Workers Party -- Destroyed middle 1940's when they were destroyed by FREE people.

Detroit, the motor city and richest in the 1950's kept electing idiots who gave away other people's money to the point that only the poor people were left. Venezuela has done the same thing, now people are eating zoo animals and dogs to survive. Idiots like you, who have been brain(if you even have one) washed so much that you actually believe that your Socialist Liberal Elites can do Socialism even better. Even better and bankrupting? Is that your way of equality...Stupid fucks....

You think union was responsible for poorly designed cars?
Not yes, but fuck yes.. When you sign a contract to make what the contract deems, you cant build greatness, but only mediocrity. I know, my father, God rest his soul, for the longest time said "keep the money in America", he was a die hard GM guy, started with a chevy , then a Pontiac, then a Oldsmobile, then a Cadillac. That was his last American made car, as is was an expensive piece of shit, and the union service employees made sure he stayed dissatisfied by continuing to not fix the problems out of the factory. He went German until Chrysler and Damler joined up, for then German Engineering went to the shitter, and my father loved his Lexus. I bought a shit car Chrysler and when the transmission went out, the 10 year warrenty wasn't covered with the computer drive train, and again, the service dept couldn't fix shit until the 3rd time. Don't even try to patronize me dick wad, I used to work at McDonnel Douglas Services(which was non union) and at the F-15 plant in St, Louis I saw lazy ass union workers who did just enough, what the contract demanded, no more no less...
According to Merriam Webster, the definition of "Treason" is:
"the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign's family"

It has nothing to do with socialism. There are many forms of gov't. If someone tries to overthrow the gov't, whether to install socialism or democracy, they are guilty of treason. The Founding Fathers of our nation were guilty of treason. But winning the war and becoming an independent nation removed the threat of prosecution.
But it does, the Constitution of the United States, keep US citizens free, while Socialism is all about government control whether it is Far Right Socialism/Fascism, or Far Left Socialism/Communism. Once Socialism takes control all freedoms go away, and soon tyranny happens. Every fucking time. Don't fucking doubt me..

The Road to Serfdom - Wikipedia
that fascism, National Socialism and socialism had common roots in central economic planning and empowering the state over the individual.

Socialism has to do with economics, and almost nothing at all about politics. For example, Social Security, the GM bail out, SNAP, etc., are all pure socialism, and have no effect on politics at all.
And National Socialism was a coalition Hitler created between the aristocracy, military, and corporations, and had absolutely NOTHING at all to do with socialism. It was pure fascism.
No effect on politics. A bunch of union fucks got the jobs saved and still produce shit cars, while those who had warranty up to the bankruptcy lost their money, along with the share holders...
Just as a reminder ONCE again.
Communism - Far Left Socialism - United Soviet Socialist Union - Destroyed in 1990's when they went bankrupt.
Fascism/Nazism - Far Right Socialism - Democratic Socialist Workers Party -- Destroyed middle 1940's when they were destroyed by FREE people.

Detroit, the motor city and richest in the 1950's kept electing idiots who gave away other people's money to the point that only the poor people were left. Venezuela has done the same thing, now people are eating zoo animals and dogs to survive. Idiots like you, who have been brain(if you even have one) washed so much that you actually believe that your Socialist Liberal Elites can do Socialism even better. Even better and bankrupting? Is that your way of equality...Stupid fucks....

You think union was responsible for poorly designed cars?
Not yes, but fuck yes.. When you sign a contract to make what the contract deems, you cant build greatness, but only mediocrity. I know, my father, God rest his soul, for the longest time said "keep the money in America", he was a die hard GM guy, started with a chevy , then a Pontiac, then a Oldsmobile, then a Cadillac. That was his last American made car, as is was an expensive piece of shit, and the union service employees made sure he stayed dissatisfied by continuing to not fix the problems out of the factory. He went German until Chrysler and Damler joined up, for then German Engineering went to the shitter, and my father loved his Lexus. I bought a shit car Chrysler and when the transmission went out, the 10 year warrenty wasn't covered with the computer drive train, and again, the service dept couldn't fix shit until the 3rd time. Don't even try to patronize me dick wad, I used to work at McDonnel Douglas Services(which was non union) and at the F-15 plant in St, Louis I say lazy ass union workers who did just enough, what the contract demanded, no more no less...

Please provide proof that union contracts had any effect on blueprints or the design of any car, ever.
According to Merriam Webster, the definition of "Treason" is:
"the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign's family"

It has nothing to do with socialism. There are many forms of gov't. If someone tries to overthrow the gov't, whether to install socialism or democracy, they are guilty of treason. The Founding Fathers of our nation were guilty of treason. But winning the war and becoming an independent nation removed the threat of prosecution.
But it does, the Constitution of the United States, keep US citizens free, while Socialism is all about government control whether it is Far Right Socialism/Fascism, or Far Left Socialism/Communism. Once Socialism takes control all freedoms go away, and soon tyranny happens. Every fucking time. Don't fucking doubt me..

The Road to Serfdom - Wikipedia
that fascism, National Socialism and socialism had common roots in central economic planning and empowering the state over the individual.

Socialism has to do with economics, and almost nothing at all about politics. For example, Social Security, the GM bail out, SNAP, etc., are all pure socialism, and have no effect on politics at all.
And National Socialism was a coalition Hitler created between the aristocracy, military, and corporations, and had absolutely NOTHING at all to do with socialism. It was pure fascism.

BINGO. & Donald J Drumpf wants it so bigley to take hold here.

 Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism
But it does, the Constitution of the United States, keep US citizens free, while Socialism is all about government control whether it is Far Right Socialism/Fascism, or Far Left Socialism/Communism. Once Socialism takes control all freedoms go away, and soon tyranny happens. Every fucking time. Don't fucking doubt me..

The Road to Serfdom - Wikipedia

Socialism has to do with economics, and almost nothing at all about politics. For example, Social Security, the GM bail out, SNAP, etc., are all pure socialism, and have no effect on politics at all.
And National Socialism was a coalition Hitler created between the aristocracy, military, and corporations, and had absolutely NOTHING at all to do with socialism. It was pure fascism.
No effect on politics. A bunch of union fucks got the jobs saved and still produce shit cars, while those who had warranty up to the bankruptcy lost their money, along with the share holders...
Just as a reminder ONCE again.
Communism - Far Left Socialism - United Soviet Socialist Union - Destroyed in 1990's when they went bankrupt.
Fascism/Nazism - Far Right Socialism - Democratic Socialist Workers Party -- Destroyed middle 1940's when they were destroyed by FREE people.

Detroit, the motor city and richest in the 1950's kept electing idiots who gave away other people's money to the point that only the poor people were left. Venezuela has done the same thing, now people are eating zoo animals and dogs to survive. Idiots like you, who have been brain(if you even have one) washed so much that you actually believe that your Socialist Liberal Elites can do Socialism even better. Even better and bankrupting? Is that your way of equality...Stupid fucks....

You think union was responsible for poorly designed cars?
Not yes, but fuck yes.. When you sign a contract to make what the contract deems, you cant build greatness, but only mediocrity. I know, my father, God rest his soul, for the longest time said "keep the money in America", he was a die hard GM guy, started with a chevy , then a Pontiac, then a Oldsmobile, then a Cadillac. That was his last American made car, as is was an expensive piece of shit, and the union service employees made sure he stayed dissatisfied by continuing to not fix the problems out of the factory. He went German until Chrysler and Damler joined up, for then German Engineering went to the shitter, and my father loved his Lexus. I bought a shit car Chrysler and when the transmission went out, the 10 year warrenty wasn't covered with the computer drive train, and again, the service dept couldn't fix shit until the 3rd time. Don't even try to patronize me dick wad, I used to work at McDonnel Douglas Services(which was non union) and at the F-15 plant in St, Louis I say lazy ass union workers who did just enough, what the contract demanded, no more no less...

Please provide proof that union contracts had any effect on blueprints or the design of any car, ever.
Dumbass, some of the ex union workers from the F-15 plant showed up over seas. They would hang on a cable for 8 hours a day, and when the sup would walk by, they looked like they were working. Then at the end of the day, the sup would ask if all was going well, and the union puke would say he needed overtime to finish up. So he would get 16 more hours a week, just to do the same job I could go in a normal 8 hour day. Stop being an idiot, it is a disgrace to the picture of someone with intelligence..

It was the idiocy of management that allowed the corruption of the union workers to get away with the bullshit. Bust the unions, and soon companies would shine and people would be paid their worth....
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According to Merriam Webster, the definition of "Treason" is:
"the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign's family"

It has nothing to do with socialism. There are many forms of gov't. If someone tries to overthrow the gov't, whether to install socialism or democracy, they are guilty of treason. The Founding Fathers of our nation were guilty of treason. But winning the war and becoming an independent nation removed the threat of prosecution.
But it does, the Constitution of the United States, keep US citizens free, while Socialism is all about government control whether it is Far Right Socialism/Fascism, or Far Left Socialism/Communism. Once Socialism takes control all freedoms go away, and soon tyranny happens. Every fucking time. Don't fucking doubt me..

The Road to Serfdom - Wikipedia
that fascism, National Socialism and socialism had common roots in central economic planning and empowering the state over the individual.

Socialism has to do with economics, and almost nothing at all about politics. For example, Social Security, the GM bail out, SNAP, etc., are all pure socialism, and have no effect on politics at all.
And National Socialism was a coalition Hitler created between the aristocracy, military, and corporations, and had absolutely NOTHING at all to do with socialism. It was pure fascism.

BINGO. & Donald J Drumpf wants it so bigley to take hold here.

Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism
Yep, you are certifiably one of the most stupid people who post here.

Everything in your link is an example of what Obama did, not only to the women that worked for him but the media he attacked constantly.

Does Obama Qualify as a Fascist?
On May 2, comedian-turned-commentator Rob Schneider joined the chorus, telling CBS Radio host Chris Stigall, “Democracies don’t end well. We are sliding very fast towards fascism. It’s an ugly kind of thing. There’s this kind of mob mentality that we have to be careful of.”
Friday, 02 May 2014
If a liberal is saying that we are being bad, you can sure bet it is the liberals who really are the bad ones..
Socialism has to do with economics, and almost nothing at all about politics. For example, Social Security, the GM bail out, SNAP, etc., are all pure socialism, and have no effect on politics at all.
And National Socialism was a coalition Hitler created between the aristocracy, military, and corporations, and had absolutely NOTHING at all to do with socialism. It was pure fascism.
No effect on politics. A bunch of union fucks got the jobs saved and still produce shit cars, while those who had warranty up to the bankruptcy lost their money, along with the share holders...
Just as a reminder ONCE again.
Communism - Far Left Socialism - United Soviet Socialist Union - Destroyed in 1990's when they went bankrupt.
Fascism/Nazism - Far Right Socialism - Democratic Socialist Workers Party -- Destroyed middle 1940's when they were destroyed by FREE people.

Detroit, the motor city and richest in the 1950's kept electing idiots who gave away other people's money to the point that only the poor people were left. Venezuela has done the same thing, now people are eating zoo animals and dogs to survive. Idiots like you, who have been brain(if you even have one) washed so much that you actually believe that your Socialist Liberal Elites can do Socialism even better. Even better and bankrupting? Is that your way of equality...Stupid fucks....

You think union was responsible for poorly designed cars?
Not yes, but fuck yes.. When you sign a contract to make what the contract deems, you cant build greatness, but only mediocrity. I know, my father, God rest his soul, for the longest time said "keep the money in America", he was a die hard GM guy, started with a chevy , then a Pontiac, then a Oldsmobile, then a Cadillac. That was his last American made car, as is was an expensive piece of shit, and the union service employees made sure he stayed dissatisfied by continuing to not fix the problems out of the factory. He went German until Chrysler and Damler joined up, for then German Engineering went to the shitter, and my father loved his Lexus. I bought a shit car Chrysler and when the transmission went out, the 10 year warrenty wasn't covered with the computer drive train, and again, the service dept couldn't fix shit until the 3rd time. Don't even try to patronize me dick wad, I used to work at McDonnel Douglas Services(which was non union) and at the F-15 plant in St, Louis I say lazy ass union workers who did just enough, what the contract demanded, no more no less...

Please provide proof that union contracts had any effect on blueprints or the design of any car, ever.
Dumbass, some of the ex union workers from the F-15 plant showed up over seas. They would hand on a cable for 8 hours a day, and when the sup would walk by, they looked like they were working. Then at the end of the day, the sup would ask if all was going well, and the union puke would say he needed overtime to finish up. So he would get 16 more hours a week, just to do the same job I could go in a normal 8 hour day. Stop being an idiot, it is a disgrace to the picture of someone with intelligence..

It was the idiocy of management that allowed the corruption of the union workers to get away with the bullshit. Bust the unions, and soon companies would shine and people would be paid their worth....

Yes, I've had the same type problem with non union crews. That's why a good supervisor should have some idea how long a task should take.

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