A New Form of Treason in the US

Can Treason be defined as simply "disloyalty"?

If so, is what is going on against Trump a form of Treason?

Of course not.

The Trump supporters who view him as their Orange Messiah conflate criticism of their God as treason, but they are too warped in their idolatry to understand the difference between loyalty to one’s country and a cult of personality.
We don't see President Trump as a messiah like you libtards did with the 1/2 white, homosexual, community agitator. Once again, if a liberal is saying we are doing it, then they are just confirming that they did.

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Look at all the Trump supporters with their hero worship pictures of their God Trump in their avatars. That didn’t happen with Obama supporters, androgynousjim.

My avatar is of the Black Sheriff from Blazing Saddles.. Now that took some balls from Mel Brooks to make that movie work. Today, the libtards would be up in arms if ever a movie was made where the people were using the N word, and women were treated as whores...But hey, Harvey Weinstein did it, Bill Clinton did it, Obama couldn't do it, because he is a FAG....

You are such a bigot against blacks and gay people, androgynousjim
Can Treason be defined as simply "disloyalty"?

If so, is what is going on against Trump a form of Treason?


uh, no
Can Treason be defined as simply "disloyalty"?

If so, is what is going on against Trump a form of Treason?
Illegally buying and using in a US election a false document filled with Russian propaganda fom a foreign agent / ex spy through a firm working for the Russians...which was / is a crime...

...Yeah, that constitutes Treason.
The FBI buying that Russian-propaganda-filled false document from the foreign agent to use against the current President, after the FBI's Director and Deputy Director's wives took money from Hillary...

...while evidence shows the FBI protected Hillary from being idicted for her crimes, while the FBI protected her aides from crimes, while an FBI changed its final report to hide Hillary's crimes, while Obama's DOJ was working with Comey, McCabe, Strzok, etc conspired / worked together to protect Hillary while attempting to take the current President down...

'Trump won't be elected...but we can't take that chance...thst's why we have an INSURANCE POLICY'
(FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe)

The new dirty word is Democracy, the ability to work together, and find a compromise that works for most of our citizens.
Can Treason be defined as simply "disloyalty"?

If so, is what is going on against Trump a form of Treason?
Illegally buying and using in a US election a false document filled with Russian propaganda fom a foreign agent / ex spy through a firm working for the Russians...which was / is a crime...

...Yeah, that constitutes Treason.


No, fake crimes that you made up do not "constitute" treason.
Can Treason be defined as simply "disloyalty"?

If so, is what is going on against Trump a form of Treason?
It's not the going against the Gov't it's treason to start a (soft) coup to overthrow the democratic rights of the electorate who voted their candidate in.
To use illegal means like leaking, sabotage foreign affairs and put agents and military at risk through disclosing operations and classified info.
To abuse power and literally
obstruct justice including using racketeering & threats to compromise gov't agents and agencies.
To take money for foreign favors is treason-right Hillary?

The EC voted by the most votes in each county by their citizens.
They themselves did not vote for the President.
Treason is defined in the Constitution - specifically so it couldn't be used as a political weapon, as this thread attempts.

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
face it liberals, the only way to love your country is to support invading another one!
Can Treason be defined as simply "disloyalty"?

If so, is what is going on against Trump a form of Treason?


If you are asking a question of legality, :haha:

If you want our opinions, mine would most likely also be a no; depending on who was doing the accusing of "disloyalty".

But it would take a LOT for me to go there no matter who was prosecuting the case.... "Disloyalty" is pretty freakin' vague...

How about this: If a President sees the type of government envisioned and mandated by the Constitution, and does everything in his power - and many things outside his power - to bring about a DIFFERENT KIND of government, is that conduct treasonous?

Grossly speaking, if a President tries to push the U.S. Government closer to the model of the Social Democracies of Europe, in which the central government guarantees everything to the population, rather than having the population more or less responsible for its own upkeep?

Not treason, maybe, but certainly bullshit.

The correct term for that crime is malfeasance. As President, he swore an oath to uphold defend the Constitution. He knowingly, willfully, acted to corrupt and undermine the Constitution, which is the opposite of what his duty required of him. That's what malfeasance is—when you have a duty to do one thing, and you do the opposite.
Can Treason be defined as simply "disloyalty"?

If so, is what is going on against Trump a form of Treason?

We aren't loyal to Trump.

We are loyal to the office and the institutions.
The problem with laws and our government is accountability and politics. For example, Hillary clearly broke the law, but it was declared "unintentional".
Can Treason be defined as simply "disloyalty"?

If so, is what is going on against Trump a form of Treason?
:lmao: No

Go back to sleep, snowflake.

It's just a discussion. I'm not saying it is or isn't treason, however, I will say it is our duty and responsibility to support our elected leaders and wish for the best for our country. I felt that way about Obama and Trump. I would NEVER wish them to fail.

Supporting our leaders and wishing the best for our country isn't necessarily the same thing. Should we have supported Nixon in his illegal acts?
Can Treason be defined as simply "disloyalty"?

If so, is what is going on against Trump a form of Treason?
:lmao: No

Go back to sleep, snowflake.

It's just a discussion. I'm not saying it is or isn't treason, however, I will say it is our duty and responsibility to support our elected leaders and wish for the best for our country. I felt that way about Obama and Trump. I would NEVER wish them to fail.

I agree.
Can Treason be defined as simply "disloyalty"?

If so, is what is going on against Trump a form of Treason?
Illegally buying and using in a US election a false document filled with Russian propaganda fom a foreign agent / ex spy through a firm working for the Russians...which was / is a crime...

...Yeah, that constitutes Treason.


No, fake crimes that you made up do not "constitute" treason.
Pull your head out of your partisan butt...
Can Treason be defined as simply "disloyalty"?

If so, is what is going on against Trump a form of Treason?

Of course not.

The Trump supporters who view him as their Orange Messiah conflate criticism of their God as treason, but they are too warped in their idolatry to understand the difference between loyalty to one’s country and a cult of personality.
We don't see President Trump as a messiah like you libtards did with the 1/2 white, homosexual, community agitator. Once again, if a liberal is saying we are doing it, then they are just confirming that they did.

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Look at all the Trump supporters with their hero worship pictures of their God Trump in their avatars. That didn’t happen with Obama supporters, androgynousjim.

My avatar is of the Black Sheriff from Blazing Saddles.. Now that took some balls from Mel Brooks to make that movie work. Today, the libtards would be up in arms if ever a movie was made where the people were using the N word, and women were treated as whores...But hey, Harvey Weinstein did it, Bill Clinton did it, Obama couldn't do it, because he is a FAG....

You are such a bigot against blacks and gay people, androgynousjim
Bwaaaaaaaahhhhhhaaaaaaaa.. didn't take long for the liberal playbook to show up.. Right you Southern White Democrats(KKK) and Harvey Weinstein(rapist of women) yet he calls me a racist and bigot......Too fucking funny.


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