A Note of Humor; Libtard Reactions to the Hobby Lobby Decision

Wrong example.

In my state if your religion says you must cover your hair, you can do it even if it's against company policy. I don't know of a religion that sways you can wear anything you want.

My complaint is that if two women work, one at Hobby Lobby and the other at another craft store doing the same job, one gets all the benefits offered under the affordable care act and the other one doesn't. Just because of the religious convictions of the boss.

In this decision the Supreme Court says that worker rights don't exist.

I say that if your religion has such restrictions you should not hire anyone. Do the work yourself and cuddle with your God.

When you hire the public and invite the public into your establishment you are no longer private. You are now public and your religion counts for nothing.

The decision denies no woman access to birth control. What it does is allow an employer the right to not violate their religious/moral values by providing some abortifacents commonly used as after-the-fact birth control. All women still have access to any type of bc offered, just some may require they find some other sap to pay for them.[/QUOTE]

This decision says that a worker's religious beliefs take a back seat to the boss's. One more worker right bites the dust.[/QUOTE]

What religion mandates birth control?

Never mind, none.

PS..that would only be a valid point if a worker was forced to work for a certain employer.

So far, nobody in this country is forced to work. Obviously.
By failing to provide birth control, employers are not denying any woman the right to obtain birth control.

Nor are they denying them the ability to get birth control for free, if they are poor.

The Title X Family Planning program was enacted in 1970 as Title X of the Public Health Service Act (Public Law 91-572 Population Research and Voluntary Family Planning Programs). Title X is the only federal grant program dedicated solely to providing individuals with comprehensive family planning and related preventive health services.:

Free birth control:

"The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Population Affairs (OPA) oversees the Title X program. OPA funds a network of 4,400 family planning centers which serve about five million clients a yearii. Services are provided through state, county, and local health departments; community health centers; Planned Parenthood centers; and hospital-based, school-based, faith-based, other private nonprofits.
"Title X staff are specially trained to meet the contraceptive needs of individuals with limited English proficiency, teenagers, and those confronting complex medical and personal issues such as substance abuse, disability, homelessness or interpersonal and domestic violence."
Title X Family Planning
This SCOTUS ruling says that the boss's religion is superior to the employee's beliefs.

This is in line with the previous decision that said that the more money one has, the more speech he has.

This makes perfect sense in an Oligarchy, like our government has become.

No, doofuss, it says that the government cannot, via some regulatory addition to a duly passed law, force any9one to violate their own conscience by making them pay for something they regard as deeply immoral like killing an unborn child. Hobby Lobby refused to pay for only FOUR kinds of contraceptive services that are abortifacients and that means the drug killed a living baby, but we all know how much libtards enjoy killing little unborn babies, now don't we?

No, you are wrong.

My religion says birth control is OK. If I worked at Hobby Lobby my religion wouldn't count. I'd be subject to the boss's religion.

Therefore the boss can trump my religious convections because the SCOTUS has, in effect, said that the bosses religion cancels out mine.

Isn't it kind of idiotic to say that birth control is the same as killing and unborn child? One of the ,now, prohibited birth control devices is the IUD.

This decision violates the first amendment.
You can buy whatever B/C you want. You have that right. It has not been taken away from you.

Now if you had any sense, you'd STFU.
Our goal as liberals is to encourage conservatives like Jim to keep speaking their minds. The more people like Jim talk, the more votes the Democrats receive.

The best part of the plan is how we can openly tell conservatives what the trap is, and they'll still proudly walk into it, declaring that no dirty liberal can stop them from speaking their mind, by golly. Being that they live in a delusion bubble, they have no idea of how unpopular their attitudes are, or how unpopular this SC decision was.

Your goal as progressives is to suppress any unapproved ideas.
This decision says that a worker's religious beliefs take a back seat to the boss's. One more worker right bites the dust.
I keep asking, but no one ever answers:

Where is this right to free abortifacients enumerated?
It is interesting today that a family's right to medical support is blocked by religion. Everyone engages in contraception including the religious who deny another that same benefit. They'll pay for Viagra but not a means to prevent unnecessary abortions. Rather odd how unthoughtful and how unsupportive religions can be. They still help the impotent male get a hard-on, but spend enormous amounts of money to deny a medicine for women that serves beneficial purposes. And religions are all the same, please don't act like they wouldn't, given the power, be the same as more fundamentalist religions. Right wingers miss reality.
It is interesting today that a family's right to medical support is blocked by religion. Everyone engages in contraception including the religious who deny another that same benefit. They'll pay for Viagra but not a means to prevent unnecessary abortions. Rather odd how unthoughtful and how unsupportive religions can be. They still help the impotent male get a hard-on, but spend enormous amounts of money to deny a medicine for women that serves beneficial purposes. And religions are all the same, please don't act like they wouldn't, given the power, be the same as more fundamentalist religions. Right wingers miss reality.

Come again??
This SCOTUS ruling says that the boss's religion is superior to the employee's beliefs.

This is in line with the previous decision that said that the more money one has, the more speech he has.

This makes perfect sense in an Oligarchy, like our government has become.

No, doofuss, it says that the government cannot, via some regulatory addition to a duly passed law, force any9one to violate their own conscience by making them pay for something they regard as deeply immoral like killing an unborn child. Hobby Lobby refused to pay for only FOUR kinds of contraceptive services that are abortifacients and that means the drug killed a living baby, but we all know how much libtards enjoy killing little unborn babies, now don't we?

You really don't have a clue.

There's not even one line of your post that is correct.

But, that's what we've come to expect from you.
It is interesting today that a family's right to medical support is blocked by religion. Everyone engages in contraception including the religious who deny another that same benefit. They'll pay for Viagra but not a means to prevent unnecessary abortions. Rather odd how unthoughtful and how unsupportive religions can be. They still help the impotent male get a hard-on, but spend enormous amounts of money to deny a medicine for women that serves beneficial purposes. And religions are all the same, please don't act like they wouldn't, given the power, be the same as more fundamentalist religions. Right wingers miss reality.

It looks like what they want is to increase the number of abortions done in the US.

If it had any thing to do with religion, it would include blood transfusions and vaccines.

If they wanted to decrease abortions, Hobby Lobby would stop funding abortifacients and abortions in other countries.

Damn fool RWs will fall for anything.
This SCOTUS ruling says that the boss's religion is superior to the employee's beliefs.

This is in line with the previous decision that said that the more money one has, the more speech he has.

This makes perfect sense in an Oligarchy, like our government has become.

No, doofuss, it says that the government cannot, via some regulatory addition to a duly passed law, force any9one to violate their own conscience by making them pay for something they regard as deeply immoral like killing an unborn child. Hobby Lobby refused to pay for only FOUR kinds of contraceptive services that are abortifacients and that means the drug killed a living baby, but we all know how much libtards enjoy killing little unborn babies, now don't we?

No, you are wrong.

My religion says birth control is OK. If I worked at Hobby Lobby my religion wouldn't count. I'd be subject to the boss's religion.

Therefore the boss can trump my religious convections because the SCOTUS has, in effect, said that the bosses religion cancels out mine.

Isn't it kind of idiotic to say that birth control is the same as killing and unborn child? One of the ,now, prohibited birth control devices is the IUD.

This decision violates the first amendment.

Your boss is the one paying. You really can't say that your boss has to pay for your religious beliefs. You would be right if Hobby Lobby said they would not hire anyone who practiced birth control. Now the boss is imposing his religion on you. Not paying for a total of four methods of birth control while paying for 16 methods of birth control isn't imposing any religion on you.
This SCOTUS ruling says that the boss's religion is superior to the employee's beliefs.

This is in line with the previous decision that said that the more money one has, the more speech he has.

This makes perfect sense in an Oligarchy, like our government has become.
How long have you hated the First Amendment?
This SCOTUS ruling says that the boss's religion is superior to the employee's beliefs.

This is in line with the previous decision that said that the more money one has, the more speech he has.

This makes perfect sense in an Oligarchy, like our government has become.
How long have you hated the First Amendment?

Good point.

SCOTUS has trashed the first amendment - except for the very wealthy.

BTW, just want to say that I really hate that the OP thinks that legally taking pay away from women who are supporting children alone is a joke. It really is not.
No, doofuss, it says that the government cannot, via some regulatory addition to a duly passed law, force any9one to violate their own conscience by making them pay for something they regard as deeply immoral like killing an unborn child. Hobby Lobby refused to pay for only FOUR kinds of contraceptive services that are abortifacients and that means the drug killed a living baby, but we all know how much libtards enjoy killing little unborn babies, now don't we?

No, you are wrong.

My religion says birth control is OK. If I worked at Hobby Lobby my religion wouldn't count. I'd be subject to the boss's religion.

Therefore the boss can trump my religious convections because the SCOTUS has, in effect, said that the bosses religion cancels out mine.

Isn't it kind of idiotic to say that birth control is the same as killing and unborn child? One of the ,now, prohibited birth control devices is the IUD.

This decision violates the first amendment.

Your boss is the one paying. You really can't say that your boss has to pay for your religious beliefs. You would be right if Hobby Lobby said they would not hire anyone who practiced birth control. Now the boss is imposing his religion on you. Not paying for a total of four methods of birth control while paying for 16 methods of birth control isn't imposing any religion on you.

Suppose you worked for a Muslim company
Being nice people the Muslims hire a catering company to provide a free lunch every day. The catering company offers 20 choices for the employee lunch. The muslim boss eliminates four choices that contain pork. Any employee wanting a BLT or ham sandwich can buy one or bring one from home.

Your religion permits eating pork. Have your first amendment rights been violated?
This decision says that a worker's religious beliefs take a back seat to the boss's. One more worker right bites the dust.
I keep asking, but no one ever answers:

Where is this right to free abortifacients enumerated?

Nowhere. Its not in any insurance coverage. Its a lie on the part of the right.

Is it, now?

Then all the leftist whinging about people's rights being taken away by religion...doesn't exist?

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