A Particularly Astute Discussion of America's Demise

......it is ...extraordinary.....the correspondence between the aims of the communist party and the aims of the Democrats.....
Yet you do not cite the organisations' statements of their aims for comparison, rather some second or third hand interpretation of them. When they are cited, you ignore them, invincibly. You are ridiculous, fit only for mockery, like your threads.

Aside from all the smoke and mirrors, you can't seem to deny that the communist party and the Democrat Party share dreams and aspirations.

I'll put you down as 'convinced.'
It's time to analyze what the Founders gave us....and where the elites are bound to take American.....to extinction.

Here, an enlightening...and, for those of us who love America, a frightening elucidation.

Not exact quotes from the 20-minute video....but the meaning:

1. The mission of the President is to faithfully enforce the laws....he cannot make them, and can only veto the ones he doesn't agree with. Only Congress can change the law. If you think that that is mean, or unfair.....write to your Congressman. If you want to live in a constitutional democracy, nothing is more important. The alternative is called a dictatorship.

2. Democrat politicians believe that their power is more important than the rule of law: for them, mass immigration means more potential for new and reliable Democrat voters, supported out of the fisc provided by working Americans, hence, more power for said politicians.

a. Subverting the law is pro forma...in many states, politicians boast about ignoring the law....they declare federal statutes invalid in their cities....they bar ICE agents ....they give drivers' licenses and instate tuition to those here illegally....they refuse to prosecute immigrants for crimes that have nothing to do with immigration, giving preference to illegals over their own citizens.

3. In 2012, Obama simply flouted the law by creating DACA

He sold the idea by pretending that it was for people who came he so young that they couldn't remember ever living in any country but this one. Of course, those who came here at 15 were just as eligible for amnesty under DACA as those who'd arrived as infants.

4. DACA beneficiaries were not supposed to receive benefits.....but this was also propaganda lie, too: in New York, DACA recipients qualify for both Medicaid and cash assistance.

5. This represent a far larger problem: the globalist have sunk their teeth into the idea of borders, sovereignty, and citizenship...and the rule of law.

Chants from rallies...

"No Borders....No Nations...No F******g Deportations"

And... 'No Trump! No Wall! No USA At All!'

John Kerry to college graduates: "You're about to graduate into a borderless world"

Hillary Clinton in 2013 said she dreams of a “common market with open trade and open borders,” Hillary Clinton dreams of ‘open borders’: leaked speech excerpts

Our political system is binary.....when you vote Democrat....and, sadly, often Republican as well.....the above is what you are voting for.

the only people bemoaning America's demise are the people, like you, who are trying to destroy everything it stands for.

now go run your ignorant mouth.

Did you find anything in the OP with which you can dispute.....or, refute?


Sooo...you're simply simple, and dread having to acknowledge the failures of Liberalism, the antithesis of Americanism.

Do drop by when you have more time for the spanking you so deserve.
Aside from all the smoke and mirrors, you can't seem to deny that the communist party and the Democrat Party share dreams and aspirations.
You do not cite the shared aims claimed by either organisation. Both your assertions and yourself are ludicrous.
Nor does she know any history about FDR,

I doubt you know or care that it was FDR who extended the Great Depression by Seven Years! How long did the Great Depression of 1921?
I am sure you will let us know how long that Hoover made the Great Depression last when it should have been over after his 4 years in office..
It's time to analyze what the Founders gave us....and where the elites are bound to take American.....to extinction.

Here, an enlightening...and, for those of us who love America, a frightening elucidation.

Not exact quotes from the 20-minute video....but the meaning:

1. The mission of the President is to faithfully enforce the laws....he cannot make them, and can only veto the ones he doesn't agree with. Only Congress can change the law. If you think that that is mean, or unfair.....write to your Congressman. If you want to live in a constitutional democracy, nothing is more important. The alternative is called a dictatorship.

2. Democrat politicians believe that their power is more important than the rule of law: for them, mass immigration means more potential for new and reliable Democrat voters, supported out of the fisc provided by working Americans, hence, more power for said politicians.

a. Subverting the law is pro forma...in many states, politicians boast about ignoring the law....they declare federal statutes invalid in their cities....they bar ICE agents ....they give drivers' licenses and instate tuition to those here illegally....they refuse to prosecute immigrants for crimes that have nothing to do with immigration, giving preference to illegals over their own citizens.

3. In 2012, Obama simply flouted the law by creating DACA

He sold the idea by pretending that it was for people who came he so young that they couldn't remember ever living in any country but this one. Of course, those who came here at 15 were just as eligible for amnesty under DACA as those who'd arrived as infants.

4. DACA beneficiaries were not supposed to receive benefits.....but this was also propaganda lie, too: in New York, DACA recipients qualify for both Medicaid and cash assistance.

5. This represent a far larger problem: the globalist have sunk their teeth into the idea of borders, sovereignty, and citizenship...and the rule of law.

Chants from rallies...

"No Borders....No Nations...No F******g Deportations"

And... 'No Trump! No Wall! No USA At All!'

John Kerry to college graduates: "You're about to graduate into a borderless world"

Hillary Clinton in 2013 said she dreams of a “common market with open trade and open borders,” Hillary Clinton dreams of ‘open borders’: leaked speech excerpts

Our political system is binary.....when you vote Democrat....and, sadly, often Republican as well.....the above is what you are voting for.

the only people bemoaning America's demise are the people, like you, who are trying to destroy everything it stands for.

now go run your ignorant mouth.

Did you find anything in the OP with which you can dispute.....or, refute?


Sooo...you're simply simple, and dread having to acknowledge the failures of Liberalism, the antithesis of Americanism.

Do drop by when you have more time for the spanking you so deserve.

Other posters have repeatedly challenged your OP comments and you have failed to answer those challenges. Why are you insisting that this particular challenge responds to your nonsense when you have ignored others? You seem to be trying to deflect away from the fact that you have not answered the other challengers to you fraudulent claims. Fact is, you have not responded to the many criticisms and challenges that have been made about your postings.
Nor does she know any history about FDR,

I doubt you know or care that it was FDR who extended the Great Depression by Seven Years! How long did the Great Depression of 1921?

And...as a result of turning over decisions about the Allied military to Stalin, he extended the war with commensurate costs in casualties and treasure.
Aside from all the smoke and mirrors, you can't seem to deny that the communist party and the Democrat Party share dreams and aspirations.
You do not cite the shared aims claimed by either organisation. Both your assertions and yourself are ludicrous.

Aside from all the smoke and mirrors, you can't seem to deny that the communist party and the Democrat Party share dreams and aspirations.

1. Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.

2. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces.

3. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.

4. . Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

5. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions.

6. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.

7. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.

8. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

9. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a "religious crutch."

10. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.

11. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man."

12. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture--education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.

13. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce

Now....wouldn't an honest appraisal agree that all or almost all are clearly the aims and direction of Democrats/Liberals/Progressive leaders?

I got 'em from a website of declared communist goals...

The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals
The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals

You might take a look at this one, too.
10 planks of Communist manifesto
Communist Manifesto 10 Planks

1. Abolition of private property and the application of all rents of land to public purposes.

2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.

3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance.

"Obama Set To Propose Taxes On Capital Gains, Inheritance, And Wall Street"
Obama Set To Propose Taxes On Capital Gains, Inheritance, And Wall Street - Shadowproof

And this:

"Government control of private sector activity...is aptly described as Bolshevik- or Marxist, socialist, collectivist, statist, or, for that matter, fascist, too.Indeed, nationalized health care was one of the first programs enacted by the Bolsheviks after they seized power in 1917(Banks, insurance companies and means of communications were also taken over by Soviet authorities immediately."
Dziewanowski, "A History of Soviet Russia," p. 107.

They didn't call it ObamaCare....

"Communist Party USA Chairman Vows Cooperation With Democratic Party The chairman of the National Committee of the Communist Party USA has penned a 2,023-word manifesto making the critical point that American Communists are eager to work with the Democratic Party to advance the modern communist agenda and achieve communist goals.

Communist Party chairman John Bachtell published his essay last week at People’s World, a “daily news website of, for and by the 99% and the direct descendant of the Daily Worker.” Communist Party USA Work With Democrats The Daily Caller
It's time to analyze what the Founders gave us....and where the elites are bound to take American.....to extinction.

Here, an enlightening...and, for those of us who love America, a frightening elucidation.

Not exact quotes from the 20-minute video....but the meaning:

1. The mission of the President is to faithfully enforce the laws....he cannot make them, and can only veto the ones he doesn't agree with. Only Congress can change the law. If you think that that is mean, or unfair.....write to your Congressman. If you want to live in a constitutional democracy, nothing is more important. The alternative is called a dictatorship.

2. Democrat politicians believe that their power is more important than the rule of law: for them, mass immigration means more potential for new and reliable Democrat voters, supported out of the fisc provided by working Americans, hence, more power for said politicians.

a. Subverting the law is pro forma...in many states, politicians boast about ignoring the law....they declare federal statutes invalid in their cities....they bar ICE agents ....they give drivers' licenses and instate tuition to those here illegally....they refuse to prosecute immigrants for crimes that have nothing to do with immigration, giving preference to illegals over their own citizens.

3. In 2012, Obama simply flouted the law by creating DACA

He sold the idea by pretending that it was for people who came he so young that they couldn't remember ever living in any country but this one. Of course, those who came here at 15 were just as eligible for amnesty under DACA as those who'd arrived as infants.

4. DACA beneficiaries were not supposed to receive benefits.....but this was also propaganda lie, too: in New York, DACA recipients qualify for both Medicaid and cash assistance.

5. This represent a far larger problem: the globalist have sunk their teeth into the idea of borders, sovereignty, and citizenship...and the rule of law.

Chants from rallies...

"No Borders....No Nations...No F******g Deportations"

And... 'No Trump! No Wall! No USA At All!'

John Kerry to college graduates: "You're about to graduate into a borderless world"

Hillary Clinton in 2013 said she dreams of a “common market with open trade and open borders,” Hillary Clinton dreams of ‘open borders’: leaked speech excerpts

Our political system is binary.....when you vote Democrat....and, sadly, often Republican as well.....the above is what you are voting for.

the only people bemoaning America's demise are the people, like you, who are trying to destroy everything it stands for.

now go run your ignorant mouth.

Did you find anything in the OP with which you can dispute.....or, refute?


Sooo...you're simply simple, and dread having to acknowledge the failures of Liberalism, the antithesis of Americanism.

Do drop by when you have more time for the spanking you so deserve.

Other posters have repeatedly challenged your OP comments and you have failed to answer those challenges. Why are you insisting that this particular challenge responds to your nonsense when you have ignored others? You seem to be trying to deflect away from the fact that you have not answered the other challengers to you fraudulent claims. Fact is, you have not responded to the many criticisms and challenges that have been made about your postings.

Whining "Is not, issssss nooottttttt!!!!" is hardly a. refutation.

Get it, you windbag?
Next, where is your cite for 'declared Democratic Party goals'?

Fair Question.


Defend the middle class and provide opportunities for the working poor to be given a road to financial security; repair the flaws in the PPACA and make sure preventative care is available to every citizen cradle to grave; fully fill the diplomatic and support staff at State; lead the world in Green and renewable energy; prioritize an anti missile system and secure our borders to prevent nuclear material entering the US; reestablish the Bracero Program allowing guest workers - seasonal and otherwise - to work in The States; fund grade levels 13 & 14 at Jr. colleges around the nation offering job skills for the 21st Century.

Oh, and fix everything Trump has totally fucked up including making the the Justice Dept focus on justice, the EPA focus on protecting the environment and the Dept of Defense focusing on defense. It's too bad the Supreme Court has become so political, and puts politics before justice.
It's time to analyze what the Founders gave us....and where the elites are bound to take American.....to extinction.

Here, an enlightening...and, for those of us who love America, a frightening elucidation.

Not exact quotes from the 20-minute video....but the meaning:

1. The mission of the President is to faithfully enforce the laws....he cannot make them, and can only veto the ones he doesn't agree with. Only Congress can change the law. If you think that that is mean, or unfair.....write to your Congressman. If you want to live in a constitutional democracy, nothing is more important. The alternative is called a dictatorship.

2. Democrat politicians believe that their power is more important than the rule of law: for them, mass immigration means more potential for new and reliable Democrat voters, supported out of the fisc provided by working Americans, hence, more power for said politicians.

a. Subverting the law is pro forma...in many states, politicians boast about ignoring the law....they declare federal statutes invalid in their cities....they bar ICE agents ....they give drivers' licenses and instate tuition to those here illegally....they refuse to prosecute immigrants for crimes that have nothing to do with immigration, giving preference to illegals over their own citizens.

3. In 2012, Obama simply flouted the law by creating DACA

He sold the idea by pretending that it was for people who came he so young that they couldn't remember ever living in any country but this one. Of course, those who came here at 15 were just as eligible for amnesty under DACA as those who'd arrived as infants.

4. DACA beneficiaries were not supposed to receive benefits.....but this was also propaganda lie, too: in New York, DACA recipients qualify for both Medicaid and cash assistance.

5. This represent a far larger problem: the globalist have sunk their teeth into the idea of borders, sovereignty, and citizenship...and the rule of law.

Chants from rallies...

"No Borders....No Nations...No F******g Deportations"

And... 'No Trump! No Wall! No USA At All!'

John Kerry to college graduates: "You're about to graduate into a borderless world"

Hillary Clinton in 2013 said she dreams of a “common market with open trade and open borders,” Hillary Clinton dreams of ‘open borders’: leaked speech excerpts

Our political system is binary.....when you vote Democrat....and, sadly, often Republican as well.....the above is what you are voting for.

the only people bemoaning America's demise are the people, like you, who are trying to destroy everything it stands for.

now go run your ignorant mouth.

Did you find anything in the OP with which you can dispute.....or, refute?


Sooo...you're simply simple, and dread having to acknowledge the failures of Liberalism, the antithesis of Americanism.

Do drop by when you have more time for the spanking you so deserve.

Other posters have repeatedly challenged your OP comments and you have failed to answer those challenges. Why are you insisting that this particular challenge responds to your nonsense when you have ignored others? You seem to be trying to deflect away from the fact that you have not answered the other challengers to you fraudulent claims. Fact is, you have not responded to the many criticisms and challenges that have been made about your postings.

Whining "Is not, issssss nooottttttt!!!!" is hardly a. refutation.

Get it, you windbag?

It's time to analyze what the Founders gave us....and where the elites are bound to take American.....to extinction.

Here, an enlightening...and, for those of us who love America, a frightening elucidation.

Not exact quotes from the 20-minute video....but the meaning:

1. The mission of the President is to faithfully enforce the laws....he cannot make them, and can only veto the ones he doesn't agree with. Only Congress can change the law. If you think that that is mean, or unfair.....write to your Congressman. If you want to live in a constitutional democracy, nothing is more important. The alternative is called a dictatorship.

2. Democrat politicians believe that their power is more important than the rule of law: for them, mass immigration means more potential for new and reliable Democrat voters, supported out of the fisc provided by working Americans, hence, more power for said politicians.

a. Subverting the law is pro forma...in many states, politicians boast about ignoring the law....they declare federal statutes invalid in their cities....they bar ICE agents ....they give drivers' licenses and instate tuition to those here illegally....they refuse to prosecute immigrants for crimes that have nothing to do with immigration, giving preference to illegals over their own citizens.

3. In 2012, Obama simply flouted the law by creating DACA

He sold the idea by pretending that it was for people who came he so young that they couldn't remember ever living in any country but this one. Of course, those who came here at 15 were just as eligible for amnesty under DACA as those who'd arrived as infants.

4. DACA beneficiaries were not supposed to receive benefits.....but this was also propaganda lie, too: in New York, DACA recipients qualify for both Medicaid and cash assistance.

5. This represent a far larger problem: the globalist have sunk their teeth into the idea of borders, sovereignty, and citizenship...and the rule of law.

Chants from rallies...

"No Borders....No Nations...No F******g Deportations"

And... 'No Trump! No Wall! No USA At All!'

John Kerry to college graduates: "You're about to graduate into a borderless world"

Hillary Clinton in 2013 said she dreams of a “common market with open trade and open borders,” Hillary Clinton dreams of ‘open borders’: leaked speech excerpts

Our political system is binary.....when you vote Democrat....and, sadly, often Republican as well.....the above is what you are voting for.

the only people bemoaning America's demise are the people, like you, who are trying to destroy everything it stands for.

now go run your ignorant mouth.

Did you find anything in the OP with which you can dispute.....or, refute?


Sooo...you're simply simple, and dread having to acknowledge the failures of Liberalism, the antithesis of Americanism.

Do drop by when you have more time for the spanking you so deserve.

Other posters have repeatedly challenged your OP comments and you have failed to answer those challenges. Why are you insisting that this particular challenge responds to your nonsense when you have ignored others? You seem to be trying to deflect away from the fact that you have not answered the other challengers to you fraudulent claims. Fact is, you have not responded to the many criticisms and challenges that have been made about your postings.

Whining "Is not, issssss nooottttttt!!!!" is hardly a. refutation.

Get it, you windbag?

The only windbag that is whining in this thread is you, dunce. Asking you to answer specific questions is not whining. You complaining you are being treated unfairly is whining.
It is interesting that this PoliticalChic person will come onto an anonymous site and disparage other posters she in many cases knows absolutely nothing about or is totally unaware of the contributions they have made to their country by calling them Amerian haters because they challenge her absurd theories and distorted interpretations of history.
Daily trolling
Nor does she know any history about FDR,

I doubt you know or care that it was FDR who extended the Great Depression by Seven Years! How long did the Great Depression of 1921?

Please read what you posted and fix what is wrong.

What has the year 1921 to do with the Crash in '29 and the failure of all efforts by Hoover to stem the tide?

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