A Particularly Astute Discussion of America's Demise

I've said it before and I'll say it again. I'd gladly trade a hard-working, family-oriented, Catholic, and otherwise law-abiding Illegal for 2 Antifa Progressives. It's a Win-Win-WIN!!!

What kind of person works 80 hours a week and sends half of that back to his family in his home country? My grandfather in Rio that's who - and some of the Illegals here today. Let them stay, send Antifa away
Nor does she know any history about FDR,

I doubt you know or care that it was FDR who extended the Great Depression by Seven Years! How long did the Great Depression of 1921?

Please read what you posted and fix what is wrong.

What has the year 1921 to do with the Crash in '29 and the failure of all efforts by Hoover to stem the tide?

Hoover was a central planner Progressive, together he and FDR turned the crash into a worldwide Depression.

The 1921 Recession ended in under 18 months because people who respected the market, let assets, liabilities and wages reprice
Nor does she know any history about FDR,

I doubt you know or care that it was FDR who extended the Great Depression by Seven Years! How long did the Great Depression of 1921?

Please read what you posted and fix what is wrong.

What has the year 1921 to do with the Crash in '29 and the failure of all efforts by Hoover to stem the tide?

Hoover was a central planner Progressive, together he and FDR turned the crash into a worldwide Depression.

The 1921 Recession ended in under 18 months because people who respected the market, let assets, liabilities and wages reprice
The advantages of US manufacturing was evident after WWI, but by 1929 the balance had shifted..
Nor does she know any history about FDR,

I doubt you know or care that it was FDR who extended the Great Depression by Seven Years! How long did the Great Depression of 1921?

Please read what you posted and fix what is wrong.

What has the year 1921 to do with the Crash in '29 and the failure of all efforts by Hoover to stem the tide?

Hoover was a central planner Progressive, together he and FDR turned the crash into a worldwide Depression.

The 1921 Recession ended in under 18 months because people who respected the market, let assets, liabilities and wages reprice
The advantages of US manufacturing was evident after WWI, but by 1929 the balance had shifted..

Instead of confronting hatred and danger, democrats would rather attack statues and burn the Flag. Maybe it's the fault of the flawed education system that teaches kids to put a condom on a banana and not much else but there is absolutely no concept of history evident in today's predominantly liberal youth. It's easy to find out that democrats partnered with the KKK in the early part through mid 20th century but they can't seem to wrap their small minds around it. Democrats under Truman created HUAC (House UnAmerican Activities Committee) which had only subpoena power and then when it became too difficult to fight Communism the democrat party blamed the whole unfortunate era on a single republican senator and went on to easier targets like Christian beliefs. Democrats supported LBJ's flawed Vietnam adventure and when it failed they managed to blame a republican, Richard Nixon, for everything.
Nor does she know any history about FDR,

I doubt you know or care that it was FDR who extended the Great Depression by Seven Years! How long did the Great Depression of 1921?

Please read what you posted and fix what is wrong.

What has the year 1921 to do with the Crash in '29 and the failure of all efforts by Hoover to stem the tide?

Hoover was a central planner Progressive, together he and FDR turned the crash into a worldwide Depression.

The 1921 Recession ended in under 18 months because people who respected the market, let assets, liabilities and wages reprice
The advantages of US manufacturing was evident after WWI, but by 1929 the balance had shifted..

Yes indeed...
Nor does she know any history about FDR,

I doubt you know or care that it was FDR who extended the Great Depression by Seven Years! How long did the Great Depression of 1921?

Please read what you posted and fix what is wrong.

What has the year 1921 to do with the Crash in '29 and the failure of all efforts by Hoover to stem the tide?

Hoover was a central planner Progressive, together he and FDR turned the crash into a worldwide Depression.

The 1921 Recession ended in under 18 months because people who respected the market, let assets, liabilities and wages reprice
1921 was not 1929 in order of magnitude

The hands off approach that worked in 1921 allowed the 1929 recession to become the Great Depression
Aside from all the smoke and mirrors, you can't seem to deny that the communist party and the Democrat Party share dreams and aspirations.
List their shared self declared dreams and aspirations, batshit crazy looney person. Give cites from the actual organisations.
It's time to analyze what the Founders gave us....and where the elites are bound to take American.....to extinction.

Here, an enlightening...and, for those of us who love America, a frightening elucidation.

Not exact quotes from the 20-minute video....but the meaning:

1. The mission of the President is to faithfully enforce the laws....he cannot make them, and can only veto the ones he doesn't agree with. Only Congress can change the law. If you think that that is mean, or unfair.....write to your Congressman. If you want to live in a constitutional democracy, nothing is more important. The alternative is called a dictatorship.

2. Democrat politicians believe that their power is more important than the rule of law: for them, mass immigration means more potential for new and reliable Democrat voters, supported out of the fisc provided by working Americans, hence, more power for said politicians.

a. Subverting the law is pro forma...in many states, politicians boast about ignoring the law....they declare federal statutes invalid in their cities....they bar ICE agents ....they give drivers' licenses and instate tuition to those here illegally....they refuse to prosecute immigrants for crimes that have nothing to do with immigration, giving preference to illegals over their own citizens.

3. In 2012, Obama simply flouted the law by creating DACA

He sold the idea by pretending that it was for people who came he so young that they couldn't remember ever living in any country but this one. Of course, those who came here at 15 were just as eligible for amnesty under DACA as those who'd arrived as infants.

4. DACA beneficiaries were not supposed to receive benefits.....but this was also propaganda lie, too: in New York, DACA recipients qualify for both Medicaid and cash assistance.

5. This represent a far larger problem: the globalist have sunk their teeth into the idea of borders, sovereignty, and citizenship...and the rule of law.

Chants from rallies...

"No Borders....No Nations...No F******g Deportations"

And... 'No Trump! No Wall! No USA At All!'

John Kerry to college graduates: "You're about to graduate into a borderless world"

Hillary Clinton in 2013 said she dreams of a “common market with open trade and open borders,” Hillary Clinton dreams of ‘open borders’: leaked speech excerpts

Our political system is binary.....when you vote Democrat....and, sadly, often Republican as well.....the above is what you are voting for.

the only people bemoaning America's demise are the people, like you, who are trying to destroy everything it stands for.

now go run your ignorant mouth.

Did you find anything in the OP with which you can dispute.....or, refute?


Sooo...you're simply simple, and dread having to acknowledge the failures of Liberalism, the antithesis of Americanism.

Do drop by when you have more time for the spanking you so deserve.

Other posters have repeatedly challenged your OP comments and you have failed to answer those challenges. Why are you insisting that this particular challenge responds to your nonsense when you have ignored others? You seem to be trying to deflect away from the fact that you have not answered the other challengers to you fraudulent claims. Fact is, you have not responded to the many criticisms and challenges that have been made about your postings.

Whining "Is not, issssss nooottttttt!!!!" is hardly a. refutation.

Get it, you windbag?

The only windbag that is whining in this thread is you, dunce. Asking you to answer specific questions is not whining. You complaining you are being treated unfairly is whining.

Here's the only pertinent question, the one you've been ducking all morn....

Since the truth of the OP enraged you, you dunce, simply quote same and advance some feeble attempt to refute it.

As you can tell, I'm not that worried about what you think because I can see you don't do that too often.
It is interesting that this PoliticalChic person will come onto an anonymous site and disparage other posters she in many cases knows absolutely nothing about or is totally unaware of the contributions they have made to their country by calling them Amerian haters because they challenge her absurd theories and distorted interpretations of history.
Daily trolling

Daily destroying.

You feel that heat.....that's why you're here dissembling.
Instead of confronting hatred and danger, democrats would rather attack statues and burn the Flag.

There is a new bipartisan bill to condemn neo-nazis and KKK. Seems like confronting hatred to me. We'll see if the orange baby has the balls to sign it.
Although its really just hand waving, unless those groups are classified as terrorists organizations.
Nor does she know any history about FDR,

I doubt you know or care that it was FDR who extended the Great Depression by Seven Years! How long did the Great Depression of 1921?

Please read what you posted and fix what is wrong.

What has the year 1921 to do with the Crash in '29 and the failure of all efforts by Hoover to stem the tide?

You dunce....he's pointing out that Harding cured the same sort of recession that Roosevelt inherited, in a year and a half.

"America’s greatest depression fighter was Warren Gamaliel Harding. An Ohio senator when he was elected president in 1920, he followed Woodrow Wilson who got America into World War I, ...Harding inherited the mess, in particular the post-World War I depression – almost as severe, from peak to trough, as the Great Contraction from 1929 to 1933, that FDR inherited and prolonged. Richard K. Vedder and Lowell E. Gallaway, in their book Out of Work (1993), noted that the magnitude of the 1920 depression "exceeded that for the Great Depression of the following decade for several quarters." The estimated gross national product plunged 24% from $91.5 billion in 1920 to $69.6 billion in 1921. The number of unemployed people jumped from 2.1 million in 1920 to 4.9 million in 1921."
America’s Greatest Depression*Fighter by Jim Powell

America’s Greatest Depression Fighter by Jim Powell


Why is it you Leftists are so abysmally ignorant???
Or, is that why you're a Leftist?

While "The Depression" is probably the only economic downturn ever studied in government schools, few ever speak of any depressions or recessions prior to the "Great Depression."

Know how many there were?

Over thirty. And the average length was a year or so.

a. List of recessions in the United States - List of recessions in the United States - Wikipedia

b. "The Great Depression (1929-39) was the deepest and longest-lasting economic downturn in the history of the Western industrialized world. In the United States, ..."The Great Depression - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com

Know why? 'Cause Roosevelt wanted it to be.
Aside from all the smoke and mirrors, you can't seem to deny that the communist party and the Democrat Party share dreams and aspirations.
List their shared self declared dreams and aspirations, batshit crazy looney person. Give cites from the actual organisations.

Here's the only pertinent question, the one you've been ducking all morn....

Since the truth of the OP enraged you, and brought you slithering, you dunce, simply quote same and advance some feeble attempt to refute it.

But.....you can't.
Exposing the asininity of posters is one of my guilty pleasures.....but it would be redundant in your case.

Instead of confronting hatred and danger, democrats would rather attack statues and burn the Flag.

There is a new bipartisan bill to condemn neo-nazis and KKK. Seems like confronting hatred to me. We'll see if the orange baby has the balls to sign it.
Although its really just hand waving, unless those groups are classified as terrorists organizations.

Why would such a 'bill' be necessary.

Nobody favors either.....unless they call themselves 'Antifa' or some other camouflage.

You know that, don't you, you dope?
b. "The Great Depression (1929-39) was the deepest and longest-lasting economic downturn in the history of the Western industrialized world. In the United States, ..."The Great Depression - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com
That quote is not in that link.

As a matter of fact, the Great Depression was NOT the longest lasting downturn. The Long Depression was.

Before we went off the gold standard, the U.S. had more frequent and longer lasting economic crashes.

Those countries which were not on the gold standard when the Great Depression hit did not suffer as badly as those that were on the gold standard. And those countries which went off the gold standard soonest recovered the soonest from the Great Depression.
Nor does she know any history about FDR,

I doubt you know or care that it was FDR who extended the Great Depression by Seven Years! How long did the Great Depression of 1921?

Please read what you posted and fix what is wrong.

What has the year 1921 to do with the Crash in '29 and the failure of all efforts by Hoover to stem the tide?

Hoover was a central planner Progressive, together he and FDR turned the crash into a worldwide Depression.

The 1921 Recession ended in under 18 months because people who respected the market, let assets, liabilities and wages reprice
1921 was not 1929 in order of magnitude

The hands off approach that worked in 1921 allowed the 1929 recession to become the Great Depression

1. Listen, you lying low-life.....even FDR claimed that Harding's plan worked, and would have worked.....
...but FDR wanted a nice long crisis....so he engineered one.

2. The basis of FDR's 1932 campaign to win the presidency from Herbert Hoover was his emphatic promise to the suffering American people, that he would balance the budget.
American Founders | The Heritage Foundation

3.The part about balancing the budget had a certain resonance as President Harding had veered sharply away from federal spending and solved as big a recession in about one year. Certainly Franklin Roosevelt knew this, as he hammered away at Hoover's spending. October 19, 1932, he nailed Hoover, observing that in recent years federal expenses had increased by $1 billion "and that I may add, is the most reckless and extravagant past that I have been able to discover in the statistical record of any peacetime Government anywhere, any time." http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/?pid=88399

a. Roosevelt went further! The cause: "It arises from one cause only and that is the unbalanced budget at he continued failure of this administration to take effective steps to balance it! If that budget had been fully and honestly balanced in 1930, some of the 1931 troubles would have been avoided. Even if it had been balanced in 1931, much of the extreme dip in 1932 would have been obviated. Every financial man in the country knows why this is true." http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/?pid=88399

b. And this: "... carrying out the plain precept of our Party, which is to reduce the cost of current Federal Government operations by 25 percent." Ibid.

Can we let that sink in? Franklin Delano Roosevelt...budget wonk....balance the budget....stop the deficits....do what Republican Harding did!!!

I think I have the vapors!

What a good fiscal conservative this guy would have been!!

Then he was elected....a fatal development.

Know what 'mendacity' means?

Take a moment....look it up.

Now....scurry on back under that rock.
b. "The Great Depression (1929-39) was the deepest and longest-lasting economic downturn in the history of the Western industrialized world. In the United States, ..."The Great Depression - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com
That quote is not in that link.

As a matter of fact, the Great Depression was NOT the longest lasting downturn. The Long Depression was.

Before we went off the gold standard, the U.S. had more frequent and longer lasting economic crashes.

Those countries which were not on the gold standard when the Great Depression hit did not suffer as badly as those that were on the gold standard. And those countries which went off the gold standard soonest recovered the soonest from the Great Depression.

Haven't you learned never to doubt me, bomb-expert????

"....the Great Depression (1929-39), the deepest and longest-lasting economic downturn in the history of the Western industrialized world up to that time."
Stock Market Crash of 1929 - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com

If you ever get around to reading....

And, as usual, you have been unable to find anything therein with which you are capable of refuting.

Even more excellent.

I'll put you in the column of those who
a. hate America
No one on this site posts more anti-American hateful threads than PoliticalChic. And that is saying a lot. She constantly disparages and complains about America and Americans.
OK I'll help. murka( lost the A in a downgrade) is the worlds first fourth world country. You have everything.....yet you have nothing........ other than flags and unemployable military meatheads and bombsRus for sale. You idiots can't even make a TV set !
It's time to analyze what the Founders gave us....and where the elites are bound to take American.....to extinction.

Here, an enlightening...and, for those of us who love America, a frightening elucidation.

Not exact quotes from the 20-minute video....but the meaning:

1. The mission of the President is to faithfully enforce the laws....he cannot make them, and can only veto the ones he doesn't agree with. Only Congress can change the law. If you think that that is mean, or unfair.....write to your Congressman. If you want to live in a constitutional democracy, nothing is more important. The alternative is called a dictatorship.

2. Democrat politicians believe that their power is more important than the rule of law: for them, mass immigration means more potential for new and reliable Democrat voters, supported out of the fisc provided by working Americans, hence, more power for said politicians.

a. Subverting the law is pro forma...in many states, politicians boast about ignoring the law....they declare federal statutes invalid in their cities....they bar ICE agents ....they give drivers' licenses and instate tuition to those here illegally....they refuse to prosecute immigrants for crimes that have nothing to do with immigration, giving preference to illegals over their own citizens.

3. In 2012, Obama simply flouted the law by creating DACA

He sold the idea by pretending that it was for people who came he so young that they couldn't remember ever living in any country but this one. Of course, those who came here at 15 were just as eligible for amnesty under DACA as those who'd arrived as infants.

4. DACA beneficiaries were not supposed to receive benefits.....but this was also propaganda lie, too: in New York, DACA recipients qualify for both Medicaid and cash assistance.

5. This represent a far larger problem: the globalist have sunk their teeth into the idea of borders, sovereignty, and citizenship...and the rule of law.

Chants from rallies...

"No Borders....No Nations...No F******g Deportations"

And... 'No Trump! No Wall! No USA At All!'

John Kerry to college graduates: "You're about to graduate into a borderless world"

Hillary Clinton in 2013 said she dreams of a “common market with open trade and open borders,” Hillary Clinton dreams of ‘open borders’: leaked speech excerpts

Our political system is binary.....when you vote Democrat....and, sadly, often Republican as well.....the above is what you are voting for.

the only people bemoaning America's demise are the people, like you, who are trying to destroy everything it stands for.

now go run your ignorant mouth.

Did you find anything in the OP with which you can dispute.....or, refute?


Sooo...you're simply simple, and dread having to acknowledge the failures of Liberalism, the antithesis of Americanism.

Do drop by when you have more time for the spanking you so deserve.

Other posters have repeatedly challenged your OP comments and you have failed to answer those challenges. Why are you insisting that this particular challenge responds to your nonsense when you have ignored others? You seem to be trying to deflect away from the fact that you have not answered the other challengers to you fraudulent claims. Fact is, you have not responded to the many criticisms and challenges that have been made about your postings.

Whining "Is not, issssss nooottttttt!!!!" is hardly a. refutation.

Get it, you windbag?

The only windbag that is whining in this thread is you, dunce. Asking you to answer specific questions is not whining. You complaining you are being treated unfairly is whining.

she's a trumptard victim.

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