A pathetic Teabaggers attempt at spinning a pathetic stunt…


Jeffersonian Liberal
May 22, 2010

(Boston Herald)- U.S. Rep. Barney Frank’s longtime partner Jim Ready meant “no harm whatsoever” to Sean Bielat when he taunted him after a recent debate and will continue to attend campaign events, a spokesman for the congressman said.
Ready, an “amateur photographer,” got into a heated tete-a-tete with Bielat during which Ready called him “dude,” mocked the Republican candidate’s jokes and told him to “get used to” having his picture taken. The flap, which occurred last week after a debate at WGBH-TV studios in Brighton, was caught on tape in an exclusive Herald video.
“I don’t think he meant any harm whatsoever,” Frank spokesman Harry Gural said of Ready. “I’m not sure where it kind of went off track.”
Ready did not return calls seeking comment. Gural said Ready, who is not paid by the campaign for his photos, will continue to hit the stump with Frank and may be at other events with Bielat.
“Jimmy takes photos of campaign events and all kinds of things. He’s an amateur photographer,” Gural said.
Gural provided the Herald with a photo of Bielat taken by Ready moments before the two bickered.
“The photo he took of Sean Bielat is actually quite flattering,” Gural said.
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Barney Frank - now there's a guy that could benefit from belonging to one of those 12-Steps for Idiots Programs.
if Franks is so far ahead. Why mess with the other guy? the media can be so childish.

(Boston Herald)- U.S. Rep. Barney Frank’s longtime partner Jim Ready meant “no harm whatsoever” to Sean Bielat when he taunted him after a recent debate and will continue to attend campaign events, a spokesman for the congressman said.
Ready, an “amateur photographer,” got into a heated tete-a-tete with Bielat during which Ready called him “dude,” mocked the Republican candidate’s jokes and told him to “get used to” having his picture taken. The flap, which occurred last week after a debate at WGBH-TV studios in Brighton, was caught on tape in an exclusive Herald video.
“I don’t think he meant any harm whatsoever,” Frank spokesman Harry Gural said of Ready. “I’m not sure where it kind of went off track.”
Ready did not return calls seeking comment. Gural said Ready, who is not paid by the campaign for his photos, will continue to hit the stump with Frank and may be at other events with Bielat.
“Jimmy takes photos of campaign events and all kinds of things. He’s an amateur photographer,” Gural said.
Gural provided the Herald with a photo of Bielat taken by Ready moments before the two bickered.
“The photo he took of Sean Bielat is actually quite flattering,” Gural said.
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My, what a cute couple! Bet they strike a great Brokeback pose, huh? Smile for the camera, girls!
Dude on the left definately looks like he enjoys a good tea bagging. Just sayin........
Is it customary for photographers to heckle candidates?

Or is that just something the boyfriend of Barney Frank would do?

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