A Perfect World

That's never a solution. I know you are more of a fighter than that Anathema

That is definitely a solution. The Cosmic Reset Button.

Well just hope that you are right. Ever consider you might be wrong?
I'm not debating (really) that men should be dominant, that is how God created things.
But, I also don't think God intended for men to be manipulative, corrupt, greedy and sex maniacs.
Well just hope that you are right. Ever consider you might be wrong?
I'm not debating (really) that men should be dominant, that is how God created things.
But, I also don't think God intended for men to be manipulative, corrupt, greedy and sex maniacs.

If I'm wrong, then this world holds no value for me and death is a better option than continued life here. Realize that I'm not Christian. The Divine I refer to is NOT your Abrahamic "GOD".
Well just hope that you are right. Ever consider you might be wrong?
I'm not debating (really) that men should be dominant, that is how God created things.
But, I also don't think God intended for men to be manipulative, corrupt, greedy and sex maniacs.

If I'm wrong, then this world holds no value for me and death is a better option than continued life here. Realize that I'm not Christian. The Divine I refer to is NOT your Abrahamic "GOD".

You believe what you want to believe.
Most people do.
Understood. You believe what you want to believe. Most people do.

As people should. To bring this vack to the original topic..... When society separates from one's beliefs far enough there are four options..... Revolution, Hermitism, Escape or Death. Your OP didn't seem to leave the other three as options.
I want a man that finds me interesting and fascinating.

I can tel if they are faking it
Understood. You believe what you want to believe. Most people do.

As people should. To bring this vack to the original topic..... When society separates from one's beliefs far enough there are four options..... Revolution, Hermitism, Escape or Death. Your OP didn't seem to leave the other three as options.

It was a very rough draft idea - open to further refinement....
Understood. You believe what you want to believe. Most people do.

As people should. To bring this vack to the original topic..... When society separates from one's beliefs far enough there are four options..... Revolution, Hermitism, Escape or Death. Your OP didn't seem to leave the other three as options.

Lighten up. It was just a fun little what if. Nobody is proposing anything like that actually happening. Get the stick out and be intentionally silly occasionally, instead of the accidental way you usually do it.
are you with me here... here it is:

women run the world.
men are caged and used for one purpose: procreation
they are given TV, beer and a La-Z-Boy.

We have staff on hand to make them handsome and sexy.
A regimen to keep them in shape.
If they deviate from our wants and needs, they are deprived of sex and TV etc and put in solitary depending on the severity of the offense.

If we need men to help us, they will be Eunichs.
Gays may be involved in the free community but will be strictly tested, polygraphed and under surveillance for a period of not less than 6 months.

God I would love to be a married man is Saudi Arabia. Id come home every night from work and ask which wife wants to give me head. Or maybe one is better than the others so it's always her. Lol
It was a very rough draft idea - open to further refinement....

Wuth due respect, let's refine it this way..... Compare/Contrast this idea against each of tbe other significant Matriarchal Societies of modern western civilization..... Gee, there don't seem to be any. I wonder why not.
are you with me here... here it is:

women run the world.
men are caged and used for one purpose: procreation
they are given TV, beer and a La-Z-Boy.

We have staff on hand to make them handsome and sexy.
A regimen to keep them in shape.
If they deviate from our wants and needs, they are deprived of sex and TV etc and put in solitary depending on the severity of the offense.

If we need men to help us, they will be Eunichs.
Gays may be involved in the free community but will be strictly tested, polygraphed and under surveillance for a period of not less than 6 months.

God I would love to be a married man is Saudi Arabia. Id come home every night from work and ask which wife wants to give me head. Or maybe one is better than the others so it's always her. Lol

Just get yourself a few blow up dolls! :lol: Your "harem."
Bo-Bo, about to get laid. Look how happy he is! She's hot, right Bo-Bo?

are you with me here... here it is:

women run the world.
men are caged and used for one purpose: procreation
they are given TV, beer and a La-Z-Boy.

We have staff on hand to make them handsome and sexy.
A regimen to keep them in shape.
If they deviate from our wants and needs, they are deprived of sex and TV etc and put in solitary depending on the severity of the offense.

If we need men to help us, they will be Eunichs.
Gays may be involved in the free community but will be strictly tested, polygraphed and under surveillance for a period of not less than 6 months.


Before I answer

Exactly how much beer?

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