A precedent for those arguing against reparations

I think we need to become better informed as citizens of this country. There are things people here argue against with no knowledge of what they are, or even if they have ever happened before. When blacks talk about reparations it is because a precedent has been set by this government whereby they have attempted to redress wrongs their policies have created. In this case we will look at will pertain to the General Allotment Act, better known as the Dawes Act of 1887. So as we will read the many sad responses detailing why blacks should not get reparations for things when we were not alive for and how whites today should not be paid for things they did not do, realize that in 2009 the government of this country decided you would be paying Native Americans for something that happened 122 years after the fact and that none of you were alive when the Dawes Act was passed. But you are paying for it.

Personally I feel the awarded amount was not enough. But I'm using YOUR rhetoric so that you understand.

Cobell v. Salazar - Wikipedia
Cobell v. Salazar Class Action Website.
How the Cobell Case Impacted Indian Land Policies
Cobell v. Salazar Class Action Website
Cobell v. Salazar
cobell v. salazar - Yahoo Search Results

So? Send me your address, your name and a amount that you believe that I owe you...please divide it by a factor 37 million since that is how many black folks live in the USA.

My suggestion to you is to stop pissing and moaning about how you believe that those that suffered the yoke of slavery (that ended 155 years ago) entitles you and those of your ilk to even more welfare and entitlements. My great grandfather was a full blooded Natchez native American on my father's side from Alabama and I haven't received diddly squat in reparations nor have I asked for any. Get off of your fat ass and make your own way instead of wallowing in victimhood. The LBJ "War on Poverty" has only created generations of welfare seekers. The world does not owe you a "giving".

My suggestion to you is: shut up and know that whites are where they are only because of legislation.

Because you are not full blooded Natchez therefore you can't ask for reparations. So get better informed before you try arguing with me. You see, I did make my own way. It started with my degrees and continues now with 36 years of research on these matters.
I will pay you reparations JUST AS SOON as you provide evidence you were a slave.
We've been over this. Your post is full of untruths and is disingenuous as to the facts.. You have been reported. Keep going and I'll request you are banned from this thread. Try me if you want

My mother was forced to sit in the back of buses, refused entry into college because they don't allow blacks, had to get off the f•••ing sidewalks when whites were on it, had to watch a white girl spit in her sisters mouth and could not vote until she was 40. Just to name a few things. …

You are using the tint of your skin as a crutch and an excuse for not being where you want to be....rise above it already.

I'm reminded here of a point that I brought up elsewhere in regard to the subhuman filth that have been rioting in Sacramento, over the death of a petty criminal.

I have coworkers who are black, as well as who are among other minorities. These men do the same work that I do. The only difference between them and myself is the color of our skin. The difference between my block colleagues and the “protesters” is that my colleagues are honest, productive, hard-working men, like me, and not a bunch of criminals and thugs.

To paraphrase Martin Luther King, it's not about the color of one's skin, but the content of one's character. I don't doubt that IM2 is experiencing a poorer than average life outcome, but I dispute that the color of his skin has anything to do with it.
I think we need to become better informed as citizens of this country. There are things people here argue against with no knowledge of what they are, or even if they have ever happened before. When blacks talk about reparations it is because a precedent has been set by this government whereby they have attempted to redress wrongs their policies have created. In this case we will look at will pertain to the General Allotment Act, better known as the Dawes Act of 1887. So as we will read the many sad responses detailing why blacks should not get reparations for things when we were not alive for and how whites today should not be paid for things they did not do, realize that in 2009 the government of this country decided you would be paying Native Americans for something that happened 122 years after the fact and that none of you were alive when the Dawes Act was passed. But you are paying for it.

Personally I feel the awarded amount was not enough. But I'm using YOUR rhetoric so that you understand.

Cobell v. Salazar - Wikipedia
Cobell v. Salazar Class Action Website.
How the Cobell Case Impacted Indian Land Policies
Cobell v. Salazar Class Action Website
Cobell v. Salazar
cobell v. salazar - Yahoo Search Results

So? Send me your address, your name and a amount that you believe that I owe you...please divide it by a factor 37 million since that is how many black folks live in the USA.

My suggestion to you is to stop pissing and moaning about how you believe that those that suffered the yoke of slavery (that ended 155 years ago) entitles you and those of your ilk to even more welfare and entitlements. My great grandfather was a full blooded Natchez native American on my father's side from Alabama and I haven't received diddly squat in reparations nor have I asked for any. Get off of your fat ass and make your own way instead of wallowing in victimhood. The LBJ "War on Poverty" has only created generations of welfare seekers. The world does not owe you a "giving".

My suggestion to you is: shut up and know that whites are where they are only because of legislation.

Because you are not full blooded Natchez therefore you can't ask for reparations. So get better informed before you try arguing with me. You see, I did make my own way. It started with my degrees and continues now with 36 years of research on these matters.
Nobody here believes that you have a degree. And any research you do is fucking worthless because of your very limited vocabulary and reading comprehension skills.

You couldn't pass the 4th grade.
I think we need to become better informed as citizens of this country. There are things people here argue against with no knowledge of what they are, or even if they have ever happened before. When blacks talk about reparations it is because a precedent has been set by this government whereby they have attempted to redress wrongs their policies have created. In this case we will look at will pertain to the General Allotment Act, better known as the Dawes Act of 1887. So as we will read the many sad responses detailing why blacks should not get reparations for things when we were not alive for and how whites today should not be paid for things they did not do, realize that in 2009 the government of this country decided you would be paying Native Americans for something that happened 122 years after the fact and that none of you were alive when the Dawes Act was passed. But you are paying for it.

Personally I feel the awarded amount was not enough. But I'm using YOUR rhetoric so that you understand.

Cobell v. Salazar - Wikipedia
Cobell v. Salazar Class Action Website.
How the Cobell Case Impacted Indian Land Policies
Cobell v. Salazar Class Action Website
Cobell v. Salazar
cobell v. salazar - Yahoo Search Results

So? Send me your address, your name and a amount that you believe that I owe you...please divide it by a factor 37 million since that is how many black folks live in the USA.

My suggestion to you is to stop pissing and moaning about how you believe that those that suffered the yoke of slavery (that ended 155 years ago) entitles you and those of your ilk to even more welfare and entitlements. My great grandfather was a full blooded Natchez native American on my father's side from Alabama and I haven't received diddly squat in reparations nor have I asked for any. Get off of your fat ass and make your own way instead of wallowing in victimhood. The LBJ "War on Poverty" has only created generations of welfare seekers. The world does not owe you a "giving".

My suggestion to you is: shut up and know that whites are where they are only because of legislation.

Because you are not full blooded Natchez therefore you can't ask for reparations. So get better informed before you try arguing with me. You see, I did make my own way. It started with my degrees and continues now with 36 years of research on these matters.
Nobody here believes that you have a degree. And any research you do is fucking worthless because of your very limited vocabulary and reading comprehension skills.

You couldn't pass the 4th grade.
LOL he can not do basic math.
I think we need to become better informed as citizens of this country. There are things people here argue against with no knowledge of what they are, or even if they have ever happened before. When blacks talk about reparations it is because a precedent has been set by this government whereby they have attempted to redress wrongs their policies have created. In this case we will look at will pertain to the General Allotment Act, better known as the Dawes Act of 1887. So as we will read the many sad responses detailing why blacks should not get reparations for things when we were not alive for and how whites today should not be paid for things they did not do, realize that in 2009 the government of this country decided you would be paying Native Americans for something that happened 122 years after the fact and that none of you were alive when the Dawes Act was passed. But you are paying for it.

Personally I feel the awarded amount was not enough. But I'm using YOUR rhetoric so that you understand.

Cobell v. Salazar - Wikipedia
Cobell v. Salazar Class Action Website.
How the Cobell Case Impacted Indian Land Policies
Cobell v. Salazar Class Action Website
Cobell v. Salazar
cobell v. salazar - Yahoo Search Results

So? Send me your address, your name and a amount that you believe that I owe you...please divide it by a factor 37 million since that is how many black folks live in the USA.

My suggestion to you is to stop pissing and moaning about how you believe that those that suffered the yoke of slavery (that ended 155 years ago) entitles you and those of your ilk to even more welfare and entitlements. My great grandfather was a full blooded Natchez native American on my father's side from Alabama and I haven't received diddly squat in reparations nor have I asked for any. Get off of your fat ass and make your own way instead of wallowing in victimhood. The LBJ "War on Poverty" has only created generations of welfare seekers. The world does not owe you a "giving".

My suggestion to you is: shut up and know that whites are where they are only because of legislation.

Because you are not full blooded Natchez therefore you can't ask for reparations. So get better informed before you try arguing with me. You see, I did make my own way. It started with my degrees and continues now with 36 years of research on these matters.
Nobody here believes that you have a degree. And any research you do is fucking worthless because of your very limited vocabulary and reading comprehension skills.

You couldn't pass the 4th grade.
LOL he can not do basic math.

I offered to send her a check...all she had to do was figure out what she believed she was entitled to and divide it by 37 million for my part.......perhaps she hasn't had the time to get to Office Depot and get a calculator?
If you thought about this with some common sense instead of race baited thinking, you would see this is the perfect solution. If blacks are awarded reparations and we piss it away with no improvements, we have nothing more to complain about as whites would have done all they could do to make up for the wrongs done..

Unless angry whites decide to burn down prosperous black communities and projects again.
I think we need to become better informed as citizens of this country. There are things people here argue against with no knowledge of what they are, or even if they have ever happened before. When blacks talk about reparations it is because a precedent has been set by this government whereby they have attempted to redress wrongs their policies have created. In this case we will look at will pertain to the General Allotment Act, better known as the Dawes Act of 1887. So as we will read the many sad responses detailing why blacks should not get reparations for things when we were not alive for and how whites today should not be paid for things they did not do, realize that in 2009 the government of this country decided you would be paying Native Americans for something that happened 122 years after the fact and that none of you were alive when the Dawes Act was passed. But you are paying for it.

Personally I feel the awarded amount was not enough. But I'm using YOUR rhetoric so that you understand.

Cobell v. Salazar - Wikipedia
Cobell v. Salazar Class Action Website.
How the Cobell Case Impacted Indian Land Policies
Cobell v. Salazar Class Action Website
Cobell v. Salazar
cobell v. salazar - Yahoo Search Results

So? Send me your address, your name and a amount that you believe that I owe you...please divide it by a factor 37 million since that is how many black folks live in the USA.

My suggestion to you is to stop pissing and moaning about how you believe that those that suffered the yoke of slavery (that ended 155 years ago) entitles you and those of your ilk to even more welfare and entitlements. My great grandfather was a full blooded Natchez native American on my father's side from Alabama and I haven't received diddly squat in reparations nor have I asked for any. Get off of your fat ass and make your own way instead of wallowing in victimhood. The LBJ "War on Poverty" has only created generations of welfare seekers. The world does not owe you a "giving".

My suggestion to you is: shut up and know that whites are where they are only because of legislation.

Because you are not full blooded Natchez therefore you can't ask for reparations. So get better informed before you try arguing with me. You see, I did make my own way. It started with my degrees and continues now with 36 years of research on these matters.
Nobody here believes that you have a degree. And any research you do is fucking worthless because of your very limited vocabulary and reading comprehension skills.

You couldn't pass the 4th grade.

I had to report much of this ignorance the moderator can' delete all of it in one day. So I going to give the moderator a break.

White boy calling yourself muhammed, you can't out debate me. What you don't believe is irrelevant.
I think we need to become better informed as citizens of this country. There are things people here argue against with no knowledge of what they are, or even if they have ever happened before. When blacks talk about reparations it is because a precedent has been set by this government whereby they have attempted to redress wrongs their policies have created. In this case we will look at will pertain to the General Allotment Act, better known as the Dawes Act of 1887. So as we will read the many sad responses detailing why blacks should not get reparations for things when we were not alive for and how whites today should not be paid for things they did not do, realize that in 2009 the government of this country decided you would be paying Native Americans for something that happened 122 years after the fact and that none of you were alive when the Dawes Act was passed. But you are paying for it.

Personally I feel the awarded amount was not enough. But I'm using YOUR rhetoric so that you understand.

Cobell v. Salazar - Wikipedia
Cobell v. Salazar Class Action Website.
How the Cobell Case Impacted Indian Land Policies
Cobell v. Salazar Class Action Website
Cobell v. Salazar
cobell v. salazar - Yahoo Search Results

So? Send me your address, your name and a amount that you believe that I owe you...please divide it by a factor 37 million since that is how many black folks live in the USA.

My suggestion to you is to stop pissing and moaning about how you believe that those that suffered the yoke of slavery (that ended 155 years ago) entitles you and those of your ilk to even more welfare and entitlements. My great grandfather was a full blooded Natchez native American on my father's side from Alabama and I haven't received diddly squat in reparations nor have I asked for any. Get off of your fat ass and make your own way instead of wallowing in victimhood. The LBJ "War on Poverty" has only created generations of welfare seekers. The world does not owe you a "giving".

My suggestion to you is: shut up and know that whites are where they are only because of legislation.

Because you are not full blooded Natchez therefore you can't ask for reparations. So get better informed before you try arguing with me. You see, I did make my own way. It started with my degrees and continues now with 36 years of research on these matters.
I will pay you reparations JUST AS SOON as you provide evidence you were a slave.

You will pay reparations when the government finally does what is right. Because it's not just about slavery. But you are dumb.
My mother was forced to sit in the back of buses, refused entry into college because they don't allow blacks, had to get off the f•••ing sidewalks when whites were on it, had to watch a white girl spit in her sisters mouth and could not vote until she was 40. Just to name a few things. …

You are using the tint of your skin as a crutch and an excuse for not being where you want to be....rise above it already.

I'm reminded here of a point that I brought up elsewhere in regard to the subhuman filth that have been rioting in Sacramento, over the death of a petty criminal.

I have coworkers who are black, as well as who are among other minorities. These men do the same work that I do. The only difference between them and myself is the color of our skin. The difference between my block colleagues and the “protesters” is that my colleagues are honest, productive, hard-working men, like me, and not a bunch of criminals and thugs.

To paraphrase Martin Luther King, it's not about the color of one's skin, but the content of one's character. I don't doubt that IM2 is experiencing a poorer than average life outcome, but I dispute that the color of his skin has anything to do with it.

I really must laugh at dumb asses like you. Even as you are posting up racism you actually think you can violate the words of Dr. Kings and clam how race doesn't matter. LOL!
I think we need to become better informed as citizens of this country. There are things people here argue against with no knowledge of what they are, or even if they have ever happened before. When blacks talk about reparations it is because a precedent has been set by this government whereby they have attempted to redress wrongs their policies have created. In this case we will look at will pertain to the General Allotment Act, better known as the Dawes Act of 1887. So as we will read the many sad responses detailing why blacks should not get reparations for things when we were not alive for and how whites today should not be paid for things they did not do, realize that in 2009 the government of this country decided you would be paying Native Americans for something that happened 122 years after the fact and that none of you were alive when the Dawes Act was passed. But you are paying for it.

Personally I feel the awarded amount was not enough. But I'm using YOUR rhetoric so that you understand.

Cobell v. Salazar - Wikipedia
Cobell v. Salazar Class Action Website.
How the Cobell Case Impacted Indian Land Policies
Cobell v. Salazar Class Action Website
Cobell v. Salazar
cobell v. salazar - Yahoo Search Results

So? Send me your address, your name and a amount that you believe that I owe you...please divide it by a factor 37 million since that is how many black folks live in the USA.

My suggestion to you is to stop pissing and moaning about how you believe that those that suffered the yoke of slavery (that ended 155 years ago) entitles you and those of your ilk to even more welfare and entitlements. My great grandfather was a full blooded Natchez native American on my father's side from Alabama and I haven't received diddly squat in reparations nor have I asked for any. Get off of your fat ass and make your own way instead of wallowing in victimhood. The LBJ "War on Poverty" has only created generations of welfare seekers. The world does not owe you a "giving".

My suggestion to you is: shut up and know that whites are where they are only because of legislation.

Because you are not full blooded Natchez therefore you can't ask for reparations. So get better informed before you try arguing with me. You see, I did make my own way. It started with my degrees and continues now with 36 years of research on these matters.
Nobody here believes that you have a degree. And any research you do is fucking worthless because of your very limited vocabulary and reading comprehension skills.

You couldn't pass the 4th grade.
LOL he can not do basic math.

I offered to send her a check...all she had to do was figure out what she believed she was entitled to and divide it by 37 million for my part.......perhaps she hasn't had the time to get to Office Depot and get a calculator?

The US government is who will pay.
I think we need to become better informed as citizens of this country. There are things people here argue against with no knowledge of what they are, or even if they have ever happened before. When blacks talk about reparations it is because a precedent has been set by this government whereby they have attempted to redress wrongs their policies have created. In this case we will look at will pertain to the General Allotment Act, better known as the Dawes Act of 1887. So as we will read the many sad responses detailing why blacks should not get reparations for things when we were not alive for and how whites today should not be paid for things they did not do, realize that in 2009 the government of this country decided you would be paying Native Americans for something that happened 122 years after the fact and that none of you were alive when the Dawes Act was passed. But you are paying for it.

Personally I feel the awarded amount was not enough. But I'm using YOUR rhetoric so that you understand.

Cobell v. Salazar - Wikipedia
Cobell v. Salazar Class Action Website.
How the Cobell Case Impacted Indian Land Policies
Cobell v. Salazar Class Action Website
Cobell v. Salazar
cobell v. salazar - Yahoo Search Results

So? Send me your address, your name and a amount that you believe that I owe you...please divide it by a factor 37 million since that is how many black folks live in the USA.

My suggestion to you is to stop pissing and moaning about how you believe that those that suffered the yoke of slavery (that ended 155 years ago) entitles you and those of your ilk to even more welfare and entitlements. My great grandfather was a full blooded Natchez native American on my father's side from Alabama and I haven't received diddly squat in reparations nor have I asked for any. Get off of your fat ass and make your own way instead of wallowing in victimhood. The LBJ "War on Poverty" has only created generations of welfare seekers. The world does not owe you a "giving".

My suggestion to you is: shut up and know that whites are where they are only because of legislation.

Because you are not full blooded Natchez therefore you can't ask for reparations. So get better informed before you try arguing with me. You see, I did make my own way. It started with my degrees and continues now with 36 years of research on these matters.
Nobody here believes that you have a degree. And any research you do is fucking worthless because of your very limited vocabulary and reading comprehension skills.

You couldn't pass the 4th grade.
LOL he can not do basic math.

LOL! My math is fine, your logic is non existent.
So? Send me your address, your name and a amount that you believe that I owe you...please divide it by a factor 37 million since that is how many black folks live in the USA.

My suggestion to you is to stop pissing and moaning about how you believe that those that suffered the yoke of slavery (that ended 155 years ago) entitles you and those of your ilk to even more welfare and entitlements. My great grandfather was a full blooded Natchez native American on my father's side from Alabama and I haven't received diddly squat in reparations nor have I asked for any. Get off of your fat ass and make your own way instead of wallowing in victimhood. The LBJ "War on Poverty" has only created generations of welfare seekers. The world does not owe you a "giving".

My suggestion to you is: shut up and know that whites are where they are only because of legislation.

Because you are not full blooded Natchez therefore you can't ask for reparations. So get better informed before you try arguing with me. You see, I did make my own way. It started with my degrees and continues now with 36 years of research on these matters.
Nobody here believes that you have a degree. And any research you do is fucking worthless because of your very limited vocabulary and reading comprehension skills.

You couldn't pass the 4th grade.
LOL he can not do basic math.

I offered to send her a check...all she had to do was figure out what she believed she was entitled to and divide it by 37 million for my part.......perhaps she hasn't had the time to get to Office Depot and get a calculator?

The US government is who will pay.
I want reparations for my poor ancestors who fought and died to free the slaves.
My suggestion to you is: shut up and know that whites are where they are only because of legislation.

Because you are not full blooded Natchez therefore you can't ask for reparations. So get better informed before you try arguing with me. You see, I did make my own way. It started with my degrees and continues now with 36 years of research on these matters.
Nobody here believes that you have a degree. And any research you do is fucking worthless because of your very limited vocabulary and reading comprehension skills.

You couldn't pass the 4th grade.
LOL he can not do basic math.

I offered to send her a check...all she had to do was figure out what she believed she was entitled to and divide it by 37 million for my part.......perhaps she hasn't had the time to get to Office Depot and get a calculator?

The US government is who will pay.
I want reparations for my poor ancestors who fought and died to free the slaves.

LOL! What human rights violations did they suffer for being free, white and choosing to fight in a war? Because they damn sure didn't.fight to free the slaves no matter how many times you repeat this lie. .
Nobody here believes that you have a degree. And any research you do is fucking worthless because of your very limited vocabulary and reading comprehension skills.

You couldn't pass the 4th grade.
LOL he can not do basic math.

I offered to send her a check...all she had to do was figure out what she believed she was entitled to and divide it by 37 million for my part.......perhaps she hasn't had the time to get to Office Depot and get a calculator?

The US government is who will pay.
I want reparations for my poor ancestors who fought and died to free the slaves.

LOL! What human rights violations did they suffer for being free, white and choosing to fight in a war? Because they damn sure didn't.fight to free the slaves no matter how many times you repeat this lie. .
They died for your dumb ass. I can only imagine how that must make them feel....SICK.

Show me the MONEY!!!
I really must laugh at dumb asses like you. Even as you are posting up racism you actually think you can violate the words of Dr. Kings and clam how race doesn't matter. LOL!

That was pretty much the whole point of Mr. King's famous “I have a dream” speech; that one should be judged by the content of one's character rather than by the color of one's skin.

Your position that race does matter is the very definition of racism.
So the Op wants a lawsuit to give out funds to all blacks in this country because once upon a time their was slavery and a War.............LOL

The Indian case was about the Federal Gov't taking lands that under TREATY were allocated to the Indian Tribes.........Apples to Oranges OP.
im2 wants $10 trillion or ~ $250,000 for each black person alive today.

do I need to say how ridiculous this is?
Do I need to explain the economic devastation to the people this will be collected from?
Do I need to explain how much unmitigated hate that would generate?
does the op count the thousands of Americans that fought to free them as part of the payment?

You don't know what reparations are if this is what you think.
Treaty obligations. Not the same thing. Where's your black treaty?

It is the same thing.
No it's not, you must be having another psychotic episode.

Actually it s. But you are dumb. And because you are, you think reparations are only when you think blacks are asking whites for money.
No, reparations are also food stamps and welfare, as well as AA...

If that is the case, why do white people receive food stamps and welfare, and why has white women benefited more from AA than blacks?

Oops....I guess there goes your WN talking point....
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