A precedent for those arguing against reparations

I think we need to become better informed as citizens of this country. There are things people here argue against with no knowledge of what they are, or even if they have ever happened before. When blacks talk about reparations it is because a precedent has been set by this government whereby they have attempted to redress wrongs their policies have created. In this case we will look at will pertain to the General Allotment Act, better known as the Dawes Act of 1887. So as we will read the many sad responses detailing why blacks should not get reparations for things when we were not alive for and how whites today should not be paid for things they did not do, realize that in 2009 the government of this country decided you would be paying Native Americans for something that happened 122 years after the fact and that none of you were alive when the Dawes Act was passed. But you are paying for it.

Personally I feel the awarded amount was not enough. But I'm using YOUR rhetoric so that you understand.

Cobell v. Salazar - Wikipedia
Cobell v. Salazar Class Action Website.
How the Cobell Case Impacted Indian Land Policies
Cobell v. Salazar Class Action Website
Cobell v. Salazar
cobell v. salazar - Yahoo Search Results

So? Send me your address, your name and a amount that you believe that I owe you...please divide it by a factor 37 million since that is how many black folks live in the USA.

My suggestion to you is to stop pissing and moaning about how you believe that those that suffered the yoke of slavery (that ended 155 years ago) entitles you and those of your ilk to even more welfare and entitlements. My great grandfather was a full blooded Natchez native American on my father's side from Alabama and I haven't received diddly squat in reparations nor have I asked for any. Get off of your fat ass and make your own way instead of wallowing in victimhood. The LBJ "War on Poverty" has only created generations of welfare seekers. The world does not owe you a "giving".

My suggestion to you is: shut up and know that whites are where they are only because of legislation.

Because you are not full blooded Natchez therefore you can't ask for reparations. So get better informed before you try arguing with me. You see, I did make my own way. It started with my degrees and continues now with 36 years of research on these matters.
Would that mean only full blooded blacks descended from slaves would be eligible?

The violations blacks would be asking reparations for go way past the days of slavery.
Thst is extremely open ended. Only full blacks?
I think we need to become better informed as citizens of this country. There are things people here argue against with no knowledge of what they are, or even if they have ever happened before. When blacks talk about reparations it is because a precedent has been set by this government whereby they have attempted to redress wrongs their policies have created. In this case we will look at will pertain to the General Allotment Act, better known as the Dawes Act of 1887. So as we will read the many sad responses detailing why blacks should not get reparations for things when we were not alive for and how whites today should not be paid for things they did not do, realize that in 2009 the government of this country decided you would be paying Native Americans for something that happened 122 years after the fact and that none of you were alive when the Dawes Act was passed. But you are paying for it.

Personally I feel the awarded amount was not enough. But I'm using YOUR rhetoric so that you understand.

Cobell v. Salazar - Wikipedia
Cobell v. Salazar Class Action Website.
How the Cobell Case Impacted Indian Land Policies
Cobell v. Salazar Class Action Website
Cobell v. Salazar
cobell v. salazar - Yahoo Search Results

So? Send me your address, your name and a amount that you believe that I owe you...please divide it by a factor 37 million since that is how many black folks live in the USA.

My suggestion to you is to stop pissing and moaning about how you believe that those that suffered the yoke of slavery (that ended 155 years ago) entitles you and those of your ilk to even more welfare and entitlements. My great grandfather was a full blooded Natchez native American on my father's side from Alabama and I haven't received diddly squat in reparations nor have I asked for any. Get off of your fat ass and make your own way instead of wallowing in victimhood. The LBJ "War on Poverty" has only created generations of welfare seekers. The world does not owe you a "giving".

My suggestion to you is: shut up and know that whites are where they are only because of legislation.

Because you are not full blooded Natchez therefore you can't ask for reparations. So get better informed before you try arguing with me. You see, I did make my own way. It started with my degrees and continues now with 36 years of research on these matters.
Would that mean only full blooded blacks descended from slaves would be eligible?

The violations blacks would be asking reparations for go way past the days of slavery.

Go after the Jesuits and the Vatican! I'm right there with ya in spirit!

Saving Souls, Enslaving Bodies: The Jesuits & African Slavery in Colonial Peru, 1580-1650. - Tufts Digital Library
You don't know what reparations are if this is what you think.

No -- he's completely right. The US govt PLUNDERED the Indian Trust Fund just the way they PLUNDERED the excess FICA taxes that were supposed to be in the "Soc Sec" Trust fund.. THAT'S the CLAIM...

From your 2nd link..

4. What is this lawsuit about?
The Settlement resolves claims that the federal government violated its trust duties to individual Indian trust beneficiaries. The claims fall into three areas:

  • Historical Accounting Claims state that the federal government violated its trust duties by not providing a proper historical accounting relating to IIM accounts and other trust assets.
  • Trust Administration Claims include:
    • Fund Administration Claims state that the federal government violated its trust duties and mismanaged individual Indian trust funds.
    • Land Administration Claims state that the federal government violated its trust responsibilities for management of land, oil, natural gas, mineral, timber, grazing, and other resources.
The federal government denies all these claims. It says it has no legal responsibility for these claims and owes nothing to the Class Members.

The Fed govt put revenue from govt use of Indian Lands into a trust fund. This included Oil gas, forestry, mining, grazing operations. And they STOLE the actual money and put in IOUs. Indians making claims on those funds were routinely denied..

This IS NOT reparations for CONQUERING and stealing their lands.. If that's what you think -- you'll have to dive a LOT deeper for that connection..

Actually I don't have to dive very deep at all. And if you are saying Taz s right, you are a lost soul. But that's to be expected from you in these matters.

Can't help people who dont read and understand their own links. Maybe it's not YOUR fault. Maybe someone "in authority" SOLD you bum information. That court case was not a "discrimination or reparation" case. It was a BOOKKEEPING and govt fraud case. Show us where we're wrong. Don't try to just bellow and cast ad homs back..

The govt took it upon themselves to vet and administer all the "leases" that corporations and private entities MADE with the Indian tribes. Because the Fed govt HAS that power when dealing with a "foreign and sovereign entity". So all the payments and proceeds from those leases went thru the "trust fund". And the FEDS resolved the disputes between tribal leaders and the land holders and distributed payments out of those funds.

Who TOLD YOU this was "reparations" for past discrimination and abuse? We should all know who's lying about this..

I think we need to become better informed as citizens of this country. There are things people here argue against with no knowledge of what they are, or even if they have ever happened before. When blacks talk about reparations it is because a precedent has been set by this government whereby they have attempted to redress wrongs their policies have created. In this case we will look at will pertain to the General Allotment Act, better known as the Dawes Act of 1887. So as we will read the many sad responses detailing why blacks should not get reparations for things when we were not alive for and how whites today should not be paying for things they did not do, realize that in 2009 the government of this country decided you would be paying Native Americans for something that happened 122 years after the fact and that none of you were alive when the Dawes Act was passed. But you are paying for it.

Definition of reparation
1 a : a repairing or keeping in repair
b reparations plural : repairs
2 a : the act of making amends, offering expiation, or giving satisfaction for a wrong or injury
b : something done or given as amends or satisfaction
3 : the payment of damages : indemnification; specifically : compensation in money or materials payable by a defeated nation for damages to or expenditures sustained by another nation as a result of hostilities with the defeated nation —usually used in plural

Youo really ned to lar read what is posted I'm taing abot reparations. For example:

Agent Orange Lawsuits and Reparations

Some lawsuits have accused chemical companies of war crimes for selling Agent Orange to the military. These lawsuits generally claim that companies such as Dow, Monsanto, Hercules and Diamond Shamrock knew more than they revealed at the time about the dangers of the herbicide. In 1984, a massive class-action lawsuit was settled in U.S. court. Seven U.S. companies agreed to pay a total of $180 million to 291,000 people, mostly Vietnam War veterans [source: Glaberson]. The final settlement, including interest, was around $240 million [source: AP].

How Agent Orange Worked

You racists want so badly to talk your stupid shot that you miss facts. You guts don't know how much your asses are paying in reparations but you damn sure don't want blacks to get any. That's because you are racsts.
Reparations were given to survivors...same with what was given to survivors of Japanese-American internment. Not their decendents. That is appropriate. If it hasnt been done reparations should be given to suvivors of the Tuskeegee experiment. Those are where crimes and reparations are clearly defined and there are survivors.

Human rights violations are crimes and are clearly defined.
I think we need to become better informed as citizens of this country. There are things people here argue against with no knowledge of what they are, or even if they have ever happened before. When blacks talk about reparations it is because a precedent has been set by this government whereby they have attempted to redress wrongs their policies have created. In this case we will look at will pertain to the General Allotment Act, better known as the Dawes Act of 1887. So as we will read the many sad responses detailing why blacks should not get reparations for things when we were not alive for and how whites today should not be paid for things they did not do, realize that in 2009 the government of this country decided you would be paying Native Americans for something that happened 122 years after the fact and that none of you were alive when the Dawes Act was passed. But you are paying for it.

Personally I feel the awarded amount was not enough. But I'm using YOUR rhetoric so that you understand.

Cobell v. Salazar - Wikipedia
Cobell v. Salazar Class Action Website.
How the Cobell Case Impacted Indian Land Policies
Cobell v. Salazar Class Action Website
Cobell v. Salazar
cobell v. salazar - Yahoo Search Results

So? Send me your address, your name and a amount that you believe that I owe you...please divide it by a factor 37 million since that is how many black folks live in the USA.

My suggestion to you is to stop pissing and moaning about how you believe that those that suffered the yoke of slavery (that ended 155 years ago) entitles you and those of your ilk to even more welfare and entitlements. My great grandfather was a full blooded Natchez native American on my father's side from Alabama and I haven't received diddly squat in reparations nor have I asked for any. Get off of your fat ass and make your own way instead of wallowing in victimhood. The LBJ "War on Poverty" has only created generations of welfare seekers. The world does not owe you a "giving".

My suggestion to you is: shut up and know that whites are where they are only because of legislation.

Because you are not full blooded Natchez therefore you can't ask for reparations. So get better informed before you try arguing with me. You see, I did make my own way. It started with my degrees and continues now with 36 years of research on these matters.
Would that mean only full blooded blacks descended from slaves would be eligible?

The violations blacks would be asking reparations for go way past the days of slavery.
Thst is extremely open ended. Only full blacks?

No it's not. Plessy v Ferguson, the case that set the standard for Aparthied in America, was based on a man who was 1/8th black.
From your first link: "The plaintiffs claim that the U.S. government has incorrectly accounted for the income from Indian trust assets, which are legally owned by the Department of the Interior, but held in trust for individual Native Americans (the beneficial owners)."

So it had nothing to do with reparations. Please try again.

You don't know what reparations are if this is what you think.

No -- he's completely right. The US govt PLUNDERED the Indian Trust Fund just the way they PLUNDERED the excess FICA taxes that were supposed to be in the "Soc Sec" Trust fund.. THAT'S the CLAIM...

From your 2nd link..

4. What is this lawsuit about?
The Settlement resolves claims that the federal government violated its trust duties to individual Indian trust beneficiaries. The claims fall into three areas:

  • Historical Accounting Claims state that the federal government violated its trust duties by not providing a proper historical accounting relating to IIM accounts and other trust assets.
  • Trust Administration Claims include:
    • Fund Administration Claims state that the federal government violated its trust duties and mismanaged individual Indian trust funds.
    • Land Administration Claims state that the federal government violated its trust responsibilities for management of land, oil, natural gas, mineral, timber, grazing, and other resources.
The federal government denies all these claims. It says it has no legal responsibility for these claims and owes nothing to the Class Members.

The Fed govt put revenue from govt use of Indian Lands into a trust fund. This included Oil gas, forestry, mining, grazing operations. And they STOLE the actual money and put in IOUs. Indians making claims on those funds were routinely denied..

This IS NOT reparations for CONQUERING and stealing their lands.. If that's what you think -- you'll have to dive a LOT deeper for that connection..

Actually I don't have to dive very deep at all. And if you are saying Taz s right, you are a lost soul. But that's to be expected from you in these matters.

Can't help people who dont read and understand their own links. Maybe it's not YOUR fault. Maybe someone "in authority" SOLD you bum information. That court case was not a "discrimination or reparation" case. It was a BOOKKEEPING and govt fraud case. Show us where we're wrong. Don't try to just bellow and cast ad homs back..

The govt took it upon themselves to vet and administer all the "leases" that corporations and private entities MADE with the Indian tribes. Because the Fed govt HAS that power when dealing with a "foreign and sovereign entity". So all the payments and proceeds from those leases went thru the "trust fund". And the FEDS resolved the disputes between tribal leaders and the land holders and distributed payments out of those funds.

Who TOLD YOU this was "reparations" for past discrimination and abuse? We should all know who's lying about this..

I think we need to become better informed as citizens of this country. There are things people here argue against with no knowledge of what they are, or even if they have ever happened before. When blacks talk about reparations it is because a precedent has been set by this government whereby they have attempted to redress wrongs their policies have created. In this case we will look at will pertain to the General Allotment Act, better known as the Dawes Act of 1887. So as we will read the many sad responses detailing why blacks should not get reparations for things when we were not alive for and how whites today should not be paying for things they did not do, realize that in 2009 the government of this country decided you would be paying Native Americans for something that happened 122 years after the fact and that none of you were alive when the Dawes Act was passed. But you are paying for it.

Definition of reparation
1 a : a repairing or keeping in repair
b reparations plural : repairs
2 a : the act of making amends, offering expiation, or giving satisfaction for a wrong or injury
b : something done or given as amends or satisfaction
3 : the payment of damages : indemnification; specifically : compensation in money or materials payable by a defeated nation for damages to or expenditures sustained by another nation as a result of hostilities with the defeated nation —usually used in plural

You really need to learn to read what is posted. I'm talking about reparations. For example:

Agent Orange Lawsuits and Reparations

Some lawsuits have accused chemical companies of war crimes for selling Agent Orange to the military. These lawsuits generally claim that companies such as Dow, Monsanto, Hercules and Diamond Shamrock knew more than they revealed at the time about the dangers of the herbicide. In 1984, a massive class-action lawsuit was settled in U.S. court. Seven U.S. companies agreed to pay a total of $180 million to 291,000 people, mostly Vietnam War veterans [source: Glaberson]. The final settlement, including interest, was around $240 million [source: AP].

How Agent Orange Worked

You racists want so badly to talk your stupid shit that you miss facts. You guys don't know how much your asses are paying in reparations but you damn sure don't want blacks to get any. That's because you are racsts.

Tell me what you think THE REMEDY and PURPOSE of the Dawes Act were.. Because by NO long stretch was it REPARATIONS.. It was a heavy handed attempt to force Tribal integration into society. And to FORCE the tribes to allot tribal land to INDIVIDUALS -- not the tribe. It was yet another abuse of Indian Sovereignty.. Don't you get that?

Again... WhereTF are you getting this mangled propaganda from?? They need to be set right.
Last edited:
I think we need to become better informed as citizens of this country. There are things people here argue against with no knowledge of what they are, or even if they have ever happened before. When blacks talk about reparations it is because a precedent has been set by this government whereby they have attempted to redress wrongs their policies have created. In this case we will look at will pertain to the General Allotment Act, better known as the Dawes Act of 1887. So as we will read the many sad responses detailing why blacks should not get reparations for things when we were not alive for and how whites today should not be paid for things they did not do, realize that in 2009 the government of this country decided you would be paying Native Americans for something that happened 122 years after the fact and that none of you were alive when the Dawes Act was passed. But you are paying for it.

Personally I feel the awarded amount was not enough. But I'm using YOUR rhetoric so that you understand.

Cobell v. Salazar - Wikipedia
Cobell v. Salazar Class Action Website.
How the Cobell Case Impacted Indian Land Policies
Cobell v. Salazar Class Action Website
Cobell v. Salazar
cobell v. salazar - Yahoo Search Results

So? Send me your address, your name and a amount that you believe that I owe you...please divide it by a factor 37 million since that is how many black folks live in the USA.

My suggestion to you is to stop pissing and moaning about how you believe that those that suffered the yoke of slavery (that ended 155 years ago) entitles you and those of your ilk to even more welfare and entitlements. My great grandfather was a full blooded Natchez native American on my father's side from Alabama and I haven't received diddly squat in reparations nor have I asked for any. Get off of your fat ass and make your own way instead of wallowing in victimhood. The LBJ "War on Poverty" has only created generations of welfare seekers. The world does not owe you a "giving".

My suggestion to you is: shut up and know that whites are where they are only because of legislation.

Because you are not full blooded Natchez therefore you can't ask for reparations. So get better informed before you try arguing with me. You see, I did make my own way. It started with my degrees and continues now with 36 years of research on these matters.
Would that mean only full blooded blacks descended from slaves would be eligible?

The violations blacks would be asking reparations for go way past the days of slavery.

Good luck with that. I'd really like Egypt and Babylonia to pay for putting my ancestors in bondage. Not because I need reparations -- but just to make them sweat.
I think we need to become better informed as citizens of this country. There are things people here argue against with no knowledge of what they are, or even if they have ever happened before. When blacks talk about reparations it is because a precedent has been set by this government whereby they have attempted to redress wrongs their policies have created. In this case we will look at will pertain to the General Allotment Act, better known as the Dawes Act of 1887. So as we will read the many sad responses detailing why blacks should not get reparations for things when we were not alive for and how whites today should not be paid for things they did not do, realize that in 2009 the government of this country decided you would be paying Native Americans for something that happened 122 years after the fact and that none of you were alive when the Dawes Act was passed. But you are paying for it.

Personally I feel the awarded amount was not enough. But I'm using YOUR rhetoric so that you understand.

Cobell v. Salazar - Wikipedia
Cobell v. Salazar Class Action Website.
How the Cobell Case Impacted Indian Land Policies
Cobell v. Salazar Class Action Website
Cobell v. Salazar
cobell v. salazar - Yahoo Search Results

So? Send me your address, your name and a amount that you believe that I owe you...please divide it by a factor 37 million since that is how many black folks live in the USA.

My suggestion to you is to stop pissing and moaning about how you believe that those that suffered the yoke of slavery (that ended 155 years ago) entitles you and those of your ilk to even more welfare and entitlements. My great grandfather was a full blooded Natchez native American on my father's side from Alabama and I haven't received diddly squat in reparations nor have I asked for any. Get off of your fat ass and make your own way instead of wallowing in victimhood. The LBJ "War on Poverty" has only created generations of welfare seekers. The world does not owe you a "giving".

My suggestion to you is: shut up and know that whites are where they are only because of legislation.

Because you are not full blooded Natchez therefore you can't ask for reparations. So get better informed before you try arguing with me. You see, I did make my own way. It started with my degrees and continues now with 36 years of research on these matters.

Would Obama have to pay himself half?
How does this work?
So? Send me your address, your name and a amount that you believe that I owe you...please divide it by a factor 37 million since that is how many black folks live in the USA.

My suggestion to you is to stop pissing and moaning about how you believe that those that suffered the yoke of slavery (that ended 155 years ago) entitles you and those of your ilk to even more welfare and entitlements. My great grandfather was a full blooded Natchez native American on my father's side from Alabama and I haven't received diddly squat in reparations nor have I asked for any. Get off of your fat ass and make your own way instead of wallowing in victimhood. The LBJ "War on Poverty" has only created generations of welfare seekers. The world does not owe you a "giving".

My suggestion to you is: shut up and know that whites are where they are only because of legislation.

Because you are not full blooded Natchez therefore you can't ask for reparations. So get better informed before you try arguing with me. You see, I did make my own way. It started with my degrees and continues now with 36 years of research on these matters.
Would that mean only full blooded blacks descended from slaves would be eligible?

The violations blacks would be asking reparations for go way past the days of slavery.
Thst is extremely open ended. Only full blacks?

No it's not. Plessy v Ferguson, the case that set the standard for Aparthied in America, was based on a man who was 1/8th black.

The purpose and REMEDY in Plessy v Ferguson was NOT reparations again. It was to end the CURRENT POLICY of segregation. Essentially MAKING new law. Not a form of compensation for damage. The damage award would be equivalent to Affirmative Action and EOC regulations that came later..
The average price of an acre of land is about $8000.
So 40 acres would be worth about $320,000.
So each "full black" American would get $320,000
But they already have their mule.

looney left 3121231323.jpg

Obama would only get $180,000 and half a mule.
I think we need to become better informed as citizens of this country. There are things people here argue against with no knowledge of what they are, or even if they have ever happened before. When blacks talk about reparations it is because a precedent has been set by this government whereby they have attempted to redress wrongs their policies have created. In this case we will look at will pertain to the General Allotment Act, better known as the Dawes Act of 1887. So as we will read the many sad responses detailing why blacks should not get reparations for things when we were not alive for and how whites today should not be paying for things they did not do, realize that in 2009 the government of this country decided you would be paying Native Americans for something that happened 122 years after the fact and that none of you were alive when the Dawes Act was passed. But you are paying for it.

Personally I feel the awarded amount was not enough. But I'm using YOUR rhetoric so that you understand.

Cobell v. Salazar - Wikipedia
Cobell v. Salazar Class Action Website.
How the Cobell Case Impacted Indian Land Policies
Cobell v. Salazar Class Action Website
Cobell v. Salazar
cobell v. salazar - Yahoo Search Results
Would each new generation of Black Americans also get reparations or just the present generation?
I think we need to become better informed as citizens of this country. There are things people here argue against with no knowledge of what they are, or even if they have ever happened before. When blacks talk about reparations it is because a precedent has been set by this government whereby they have attempted to redress wrongs their policies have created. In this case we will look at will pertain to the General Allotment Act, better known as the Dawes Act of 1887. So as we will read the many sad responses detailing why blacks should not get reparations for things when we were not alive for and how whites today should not be paying for things they did not do, realize that in 2009 the government of this country decided you would be paying Native Americans for something that happened 122 years after the fact and that none of you were alive when the Dawes Act was passed. But you are paying for it.

Personally I feel the awarded amount was not enough. But I'm using YOUR rhetoric so that you understand.

Cobell v. Salazar - Wikipedia
Cobell v. Salazar Class Action Website.
How the Cobell Case Impacted Indian Land Policieso thinks it is better in Africa a one way plane ticket there.
Cobell v. Salazar Class Action Website
Cobell v. Salazar
cobell v. salazar - Yahoo Search Results
Sticketh it up your asseth!!! Negroes are paid more than enough just by being here. (They should all be sent back!) I am a poor person. So I don't have the money. But if I did, I would be willing to buy any negro who thinks that living in Africa would be better a one way plane ticket there. Plus 1000 dollars. Which would probably be worth about $100,000 over there. They would also have to renounce their U.S. citizenship. How many takers do you think I would get.
Also, slavery to this day STILL exists in Africa! So who in the fu*k are they to bitch about some Americans having made them slaves in the past. Not only that, most negroes were better off as slaves. Where they were looked after. Unlike after emancipation where they had to fend for themselves.
Get this. It is the negroes who should be repaying us!!! Another thing is that cannibalism still exists in Africa. And most of the blacks over there think that their bad luck is caused by witches casting hexes on them. So don't give me any crap about how bad Whites treated them in the past. (or today)
As for the injuns, we don't owe them anything. For the most part, Whites treated them better than many indian tribes treated each other.
So? Send me your address, your name and a amount that you believe that I owe you...please divide it by a factor 37 million since that is how many black folks live in the USA.

My suggestion to you is to stop pissing and moaning about how you believe that those that suffered the yoke of slavery (that ended 155 years ago) entitles you and those of your ilk to even more welfare and entitlements. My great grandfather was a full blooded Natchez native American on my father's side from Alabama and I haven't received diddly squat in reparations nor have I asked for any. Get off of your fat ass and make your own way instead of wallowing in victimhood. The LBJ "War on Poverty" has only created generations of welfare seekers. The world does not owe you a "giving".

My suggestion to you is: shut up and know that whites are where they are only because of legislation.

Because you are not full blooded Natchez therefore you can't ask for reparations. So get better informed before you try arguing with me. You see, I did make my own way. It started with my degrees and continues now with 36 years of research on these matters.
Would that mean only full blooded blacks descended from slaves would be eligible?

The violations blacks would be asking reparations for go way past the days of slavery.
Thst is extremely open ended. Only full blacks?

No it's not. Plessy v Ferguson, the case that set the standard for Aparthied in America, was based on a man who was 1/8th black.
Oh...so mixed native Americans are not entitled but mixed race blacks are? How about those who immigrated after slavery ended?
I think we need to become better informed as citizens of this country. There are things people here argue against with no knowledge of what they are, or even if they have ever happened before. When blacks talk about reparations it is because a precedent has been set by this government whereby they have attempted to redress wrongs their policies have created. In this case we will look at will pertain to the General Allotment Act, better known as the Dawes Act of 1887. So as we will read the many sad responses detailing why blacks should not get reparations for things when we were not alive for and how whites today should not be paying for things they did not do, realize that in 2009 the government of this country decided you would be paying Native Americans for something that happened 122 years after the fact and that none of you were alive when the Dawes Act was passed. But you are paying for it.

Personally I feel the awarded amount was not enough. But I'm using YOUR rhetoric so that you understand.

Cobell v. Salazar - Wikipedia
Cobell v. Salazar Class Action Website.
How the Cobell Case Impacted Indian Land Policieso thinks it is better in Africa a one way plane ticket there.
Cobell v. Salazar Class Action Website
Cobell v. Salazar
cobell v. salazar - Yahoo Search Results
Sticketh it up your asseth!!! Negroes are paid more than enough just by being here. (They should all be sent back!) I am a poor person. So I don't have the money. But if I did, I would be willing to buy any negro who thinks that living in Africa would be better a one way plane ticket there. Plus 1000 dollars. Which would probably be worth about $100,000 over there. They would also have to renounce their U.S. citizenship. How many takers do you think I would get.
Also, slavery to this day STILL exists in Africa! So who in the fu*k are they to bitch about some Americans having made them slaves in the past. Not only that, most negroes were better off as slaves. Where they were looked after. Unlike after emancipation where they had to fend for themselves.
Get this. It is the negroes who should be repaying us!!! Another thing is that cannibalism still exists in Africa. And most of the blacks over there think that their bad luck is caused by witches casting hexes on them. So don't give me any crap about how bad Whites treated them in the past. (or today)
As for the injuns, we don't owe them anything. For the most part, Whites treated them better than many indian tribes treated each other.
Don’t be such an idiot. If slavery is so great, please feel free to migrate.
No -- he's completely right. The US govt PLUNDERED the Indian Trust Fund just the way they PLUNDERED the excess FICA taxes that were supposed to be in the "Soc Sec" Trust fund.. THAT'S the CLAIM...

From your 2nd link..

4. What is this lawsuit about?
The Settlement resolves claims that the federal government violated its trust duties to individual Indian trust beneficiaries. The claims fall into three areas:

  • Historical Accounting Claims state that the federal government violated its trust duties by not providing a proper historical accounting relating to IIM accounts and other trust assets.
  • Trust Administration Claims include:
    • Fund Administration Claims state that the federal government violated its trust duties and mismanaged individual Indian trust funds.
    • Land Administration Claims state that the federal government violated its trust responsibilities for management of land, oil, natural gas, mineral, timber, grazing, and other resources.
The federal government denies all these claims. It says it has no legal responsibility for these claims and owes nothing to the Class Members.

The Fed govt put revenue from govt use of Indian Lands into a trust fund. This included Oil gas, forestry, mining, grazing operations. And they STOLE the actual money and put in IOUs. Indians making claims on those funds were routinely denied..

This IS NOT reparations for CONQUERING and stealing their lands.. If that's what you think -- you'll have to dive a LOT deeper for that connection..

Actually I don't have to dive very deep at all. And if you are saying Taz s right, you are a lost soul. But that's to be expected from you in these matters.

Can't help people who dont read and understand their own links. Maybe it's not YOUR fault. Maybe someone "in authority" SOLD you bum information. That court case was not a "discrimination or reparation" case. It was a BOOKKEEPING and govt fraud case. Show us where we're wrong. Don't try to just bellow and cast ad homs back..

The govt took it upon themselves to vet and administer all the "leases" that corporations and private entities MADE with the Indian tribes. Because the Fed govt HAS that power when dealing with a "foreign and sovereign entity". So all the payments and proceeds from those leases went thru the "trust fund". And the FEDS resolved the disputes between tribal leaders and the land holders and distributed payments out of those funds.

Who TOLD YOU this was "reparations" for past discrimination and abuse? We should all know who's lying about this..

I think we need to become better informed as citizens of this country. There are things people here argue against with no knowledge of what they are, or even if they have ever happened before. When blacks talk about reparations it is because a precedent has been set by this government whereby they have attempted to redress wrongs their policies have created. In this case we will look at will pertain to the General Allotment Act, better known as the Dawes Act of 1887. So as we will read the many sad responses detailing why blacks should not get reparations for things when we were not alive for and how whites today should not be paying for things they did not do, realize that in 2009 the government of this country decided you would be paying Native Americans for something that happened 122 years after the fact and that none of you were alive when the Dawes Act was passed. But you are paying for it.

Definition of reparation
1 a : a repairing or keeping in repair
b reparations plural : repairs
2 a : the act of making amends, offering expiation, or giving satisfaction for a wrong or injury
b : something done or given as amends or satisfaction
3 : the payment of damages : indemnification; specifically : compensation in money or materials payable by a defeated nation for damages to or expenditures sustained by another nation as a result of hostilities with the defeated nation —usually used in plural

Youo really ned to lar read what is posted I'm taing abot reparations. For example:

Agent Orange Lawsuits and Reparations

Some lawsuits have accused chemical companies of war crimes for selling Agent Orange to the military. These lawsuits generally claim that companies such as Dow, Monsanto, Hercules and Diamond Shamrock knew more than they revealed at the time about the dangers of the herbicide. In 1984, a massive class-action lawsuit was settled in U.S. court. Seven U.S. companies agreed to pay a total of $180 million to 291,000 people, mostly Vietnam War veterans [source: Glaberson]. The final settlement, including interest, was around $240 million [source: AP].

How Agent Orange Worked

You racists want so badly to talk your stupid shot that you miss facts. You guts don't know how much your asses are paying in reparations but you damn sure don't want blacks to get any. That's because you are racsts.
Reparations were given to survivors...same with what was given to survivors of Japanese-American internment. Not their decendents. That is appropriate. If it hasnt been done reparations should be given to suvivors of the Tuskeegee experiment. Those are where crimes and reparations are clearly defined and there are survivors.

Human rights violations are crimes and are clearly defined.
Yes. But they don’t apply to events that occurred prior to the existence of such laws.
Bob, slavery was not the end of the atrocities. If you cannot post about the 100 years after slavery, leave. This will be the last post I will respond to about slavery. If you post another, you will be reported.

Go ahead and report me, then, mute donkey.

You have no authority to demand that I leave this thread.

You have no authority to dictate what points relevant to this thread I may bring up.

I invite you to depart, and apply repeated impacts to fine mineral particles.


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