A Problem From Hell: Why America should prevent every single possible genocide from Rwanda to Romania, from Uganda to Uzbekistan, everywhere everytime

Also, your copy and pastes are pretty much unreadable. You realize that nobody is bothering to try to read them, don’t you?
yea LYKE reading is for suckerz LOLZLOLZ.

go play video games then. don't participate in my threads if you're not bothered to read everything
No. You’re all over the map. And you’re largely incoherent.

Try this: Premise. Premise. Supporting logic — if any. Conclusion.
i gave a summary of all the main genocides that happened as an introduction, then i started my lesson with the Armenian genocide, which influenced Polish Jew Raphael Lemkin to coin the term genocide and accurately warn of Hitler's misdeeds. see? i summarized it. pretty coherent i must say. maybe you LACK comprehension
yea LYKE reading is for suckerz LOLZLOLZ.

go play video games then. don't participate in my threads if you're not bothered to read everything
Zzz. Your copy and paste offerings (sans commentary) are unreadable and of no value. You’re lazy and, intellectually, you’re a coward.
Zzz. Your copy and paste offerings (sans commentary) are unreadable and of no value. You’re lazy and, intellectually, you’re a coward.
no, you lack comprehension. just because a text is somewhat long, doesn't make it unreadable or without commentary. i did provide commentary AND facts.
no, you lack comprehension. just because a text is somewhat long, doesn't make it unreadable or without commentary. i did provide commentary AND facts.
Wrong. You didn’t even bother to make the font size readable. And all you did do was copy and paste. You offered zero commentary to the paste job.

You genuinely suck at this.
In a long suicide note addressed to Polish president Władysław Raczkiewicz and prime minister Władysław Sikorski, Zygielbojm said that while the Nazis were responsible for the murder of the Polish Jews, "the whole of humanity" was also indirectly culpable. He accused the Western Allies of "looking on passively upon this murder of defenseless millions of tortured children, women and men," and the Polish government of not doing enough.

I cannot continue to live and to be silent while the remnants of Polish Jewry, whose representative I am, are being murdered. My comrades in the Warsaw ghetto fell with arms in their hands in the last heroic battle. I was not permitted to fall like them, together with them, but I belong with them, to their mass grave. By my death, I wish to give expression to my most profound protest against the inaction in which the world watches and permits the destruction of my people..
Wrong. You didn’t even bother to make the font size readable. And all you did do was copy and paste. You offered zero commentary to the paste job.

You genuinely suck at this.
well the content speaks for itself. i provided Facts AND COMMENTARY. you're just overwhelmed by the LARGE VOLUME of text i provided. please don't slow me down if i'm going too fast for you, i have lives to save!
Wrong. You didn’t even bother to make the font size readable. And all you did do was copy and paste. You offered zero commentary to the paste job.

You genuinely suck at this.
the font size is readable on my phone. the only thing that sucks is your computer from the stone ages
well the content speaks for itself. i provided Facts AND COMMENTARY. you're just overwhelmed by the LARGE VOLUME of text i provided. please don't slow me down if i'm going too fast for you, i have lives to save!
Nope. You’re just presenting a wall o’ words. Try to at least be clear and concise.
We all know you’re either ignorant on how to do that or your deliberately hiding behind the screen provided by other folks’ writing efforts.
the font size is readable on my phone. the only thing that sucks is your computer from the stone ages
I’m reading on my phone, kid. The font is awful and we all know you’re now just trying to justify your cowardice and laziness.
The problem with the US, or the UN, or anybody intervening in genocides and similar mass murders is that we are all bound by a false belief that keeps us from acting effectively. It's like believing that peeing in the direction of a house on fire will help fight the fire. (If enough people get really close, it might do a bit. But overall, it's a very poor strategy.)

What is that false belief that keeps us from acting effectively? Our friends on the Left put it this way: Diversity is Strength. Most Americans, including most Leftists, know little about history, and even less about other countries. If they did, they would realize that the slogan 'Diversity is Strength' could be straight out of 1984.

That is, something which is completely the reverse of the truth. The truth is, ethnic/tribal diversity leads to violent strife, civil war, genocide ... and in every case of 'genocide' what we have is 'diversity', in the form of interpenetrated peoples. Two different tribes/ethnic groups occupying the same geography. (Two if you're lucky. In Africa it could be dozens.)

There is a simple solution: separate them.

Group A gets this piece of land, Group B gets that piece of land. This is what the Turkish Army did in Cyprus in 1974. The island had been about 80% Greek, 20% Turkish, with the Greek nationalists agitating for union with Greece, and the two groups killing each other year after year.

Finally there was a coup by rightwing Greeks who wanted union with Greece, which would have meant death or expulsion for the Turkish minority. So the Turks invaded, drove all the Greeks out of the northern part of the island, with Turks in the South fleeing to the North -- and each side killing each other on the way. And there has been peace ever since.

The tribal differences can be religious, as in Northern Ireland or Iraq. (Hats off to Joe Biden, who proposed separating the Shia's and Sunni's of Iraq into two different countries. It still would have been difficult, because they're interpenetrated, especially in Baghdad, but it was the right idea. And there would have been fights over who gets the oil. Not to mention the Kurds.)

BUT .... no one wants to leave his home. So this doesn't happen peacefully. And the US, the UN, etc. don't want to be involved in 'ethnic cleansing' by force. So it happens chaotically, with people being killed, and you end up with Serbs in Serbia and Croats in Croatia. The result being determined by what the Russians call 'the relationship of forces'.

Where there is not complete ethnic cleansing, as in Kosovo, which the kind and gentle Albanians control but which has a Serb minority, then the killing is just put off until one side or the other starts it up again ... as in Northern Ireland, Sri Lanka, almost every African country, many Asian countries. And as may be happening in Kosovo right now.

WWII meant lots of ethnic cleansing in Europe: Ukrainians slaughtered tens of thousands of Poles and Jews, Poles and Germans and Croats and practically everybody slaughtered Jews, Croats slaughtered Serbs (Croats did things even the Germans were appalled at), the Germans were killed or driven out at the end of the war, and by and large the ethnic cleansing is now over.

Except in Ukraine, which is one of the main factors in the current war.

The most the US can do is to offer humanitarian aid: blankets and water and coffins, perhaps take a few refugees, and that's it. If we get involved, we inevitably end up getting dragged in and taking sides ... a bad idea.

The next time a naive earnest Lefty gushes "Diversity is Strength!", do be polite and stifle your laughter.
Nope. You’re just presenting a wall o’ words. Try to at least be clear and concise.
We all know you’re either ignorant on how to do that or your deliberately hiding behind the screen provided by other folks’ writing efforts.
so i'm not allowed to quote "other folks"? that's a new one. i'd like to see you hold everyone here to that standard! go for it!
The problem with the US, or the UN, or anybody intervening in genocides and similar mass murders is that we are all bound by a false belief that keeps us from acting effectively. It's like believing that peeing in the direction of a house on fire will help fight the fire. (If enough people get really close, it might do a bit. But overall, it's a very poor strategy.)

What is that false belief that keeps us from acting effectively? Our friends on the Left put it this way: Diversity is Strength. Most Americans, including most Leftists, know little about history, and even less about other countries. If they did, they would realize that the slogan 'Diversity is Strength' could be straight out of 1984.

That is, something which is completely the reverse of the truth. The truth is, ethnic/tribal diversity leads to violent strife, civil war, genocide ... and in every case of 'genocide' what we have is 'diversity', in the form of interpenetrated peoples. Two different tribes/ethnic groups occupying the same geography. (Two if you're lucky. In Africa it could be dozens.)

There is a simple solution: separate them.

Group A gets this piece of land, Group B gets that piece of land. This is what the Turkish Army did in Cyprus in 1974. The island had been about 80% Greek, 20% Turkish, with the Greek nationalists agitating for union with Greece, and the two groups killing each other year after year.

Finally there was a coup by rightwing Greeks who wanted union with Greece, which would have meant death or expulsion for the Turkish minority. So the Turks invaded, drove all the Greeks out of the northern part of the island, with Turks in the South fleeing to the North -- and each side killing each other on the way. And there has been peace ever since.

The tribal differences can be religious, as in Northern Ireland or Iraq. (Hats off to Joe Biden, who proposed separating the Shia's and Sunni's of Iraq into two different countries. It still would have been difficult, because they're interpenetrated, especially in Baghdad, but it was the right idea. And there would have been fights over who gets the oil. Not to mention the Kurds.)

BUT .... no one wants to leave his home. So this doesn't happen peacefully. And the US, the UN, etc. don't want to be involved in 'ethnic cleansing' by force. So it happens chaotically, with people being killed, and you end up with Serbs in Serbia and Croats in Croatia. The result being determined by what the Russians call 'the relationship of forces'.

Where there is not complete ethnic cleansing, as in Kosovo, which the kind and gentle Albanians control but which has a Serb minority, then the killing is just put off until one side or the other starts it up again ... as in Northern Ireland, Sri Lanka, almost every African country, many Asian countries. And as may be happening in Kosovo right now.

WWII meant lots of ethnic cleansing in Europe: Ukrainians slaughtered tens of thousands of Poles and Jews, Poles and Germans and Croats and practically everybody slaughtered Jews, Croats slaughtered Serbs (Croats did things even the Germans were appalled at), the Germans were killed or driven out at the end of the war, and by and large the ethnic cleansing is now over.

Except in Ukraine, which is one of the main factors in the current war.

The most the US can do is to offer humanitarian aid: blankets and water and coffins, perhaps take a few refugees, and that's it. If we get involved, we inevitably end up getting dragged in and taking sides ... a bad idea.

The next time a naive earnest Lefty gushes "Diversity is Strength!", do be polite and stifle your laughter.
genocide can destroy a precious people and a precious culture in one instant, like a fire can destroy an entire castle. it's up to AMERICA to put out that fire!
Getting past the muddled “thinking” which is barely spelled out by Bakedbromide, the question actually becomes much more complicated.

If we cannot support the alleged “justification” for shedding our blood and treasure to assist random victims of foreign atrocities, then our people aren’t very likely to buy the claim that we have any such such “responsibility.”

And what if there are multiple atrocities occurring in different regions of the planet at the same time? How do we perform triage? What exactly is the standard by which we can measure who gets the benefit of our intervention vs who doesn’t? (Limited resources is a bitch.)

If we decide that some African dictator methodically killing some civilians requires us to respond, that might impede our ability to respond as world police in a different crisis elsewhere. I’d say we need a standard.
The problem with the US, or the UN, or anybody intervening in genocides and similar mass murders is that we are all bound by a false belief that keeps us from acting effectively. It's like believing that peeing in the direction of a house on fire will help fight the fire. (If enough people get really close, it might do a bit. But overall, it's a very poor strategy.)

What is that false belief that keeps us from acting effectively? Our friends on the Left put it this way: Diversity is Strength. Most Americans, including most Leftists, know little about history, and even less about other countries. If they did, they would realize that the slogan 'Diversity is Strength' could be straight out of 1984.

That is, something which is completely the reverse of the truth. The truth is, ethnic/tribal diversity leads to violent strife, civil war, genocide ... and in every case of 'genocide' what we have is 'diversity', in the form of interpenetrated peoples. Two different tribes/ethnic groups occupying the same geography. (Two if you're lucky. In Africa it could be dozens.)

There is a simple solution: separate them.

Group A gets this piece of land, Group B gets that piece of land. This is what the Turkish Army did in Cyprus in 1974. The island had been about 80% Greek, 20% Turkish, with the Greek nationalists agitating for union with Greece, and the two groups killing each other year after year.

Finally there was a coup by rightwing Greeks who wanted union with Greece, which would have meant death or expulsion for the Turkish minority. So the Turks invaded, drove all the Greeks out of the northern part of the island, with Turks in the South fleeing to the North -- and each side killing each other on the way. And there has been peace ever since.

The tribal differences can be religious, as in Northern Ireland or Iraq. (Hats off to Joe Biden, who proposed separating the Shia's and Sunni's of Iraq into two different countries. It still would have been difficult, because they're interpenetrated, especially in Baghdad, but it was the right idea. And there would have been fights over who gets the oil. Not to mention the Kurds.)

BUT .... no one wants to leave his home. So this doesn't happen peacefully. And the US, the UN, etc. don't want to be involved in 'ethnic cleansing' by force. So it happens chaotically, with people being killed, and you end up with Serbs in Serbia and Croats in Croatia. The result being determined by what the Russians call 'the relationship of forces'.

Where there is not complete ethnic cleansing, as in Kosovo, which the kind and gentle Albanians control but which has a Serb minority, then the killing is just put off until one side or the other starts it up again ... as in Northern Ireland, Sri Lanka, almost every African country, many Asian countries. And as may be happening in Kosovo right now.

WWII meant lots of ethnic cleansing in Europe: Ukrainians slaughtered tens of thousands of Poles and Jews, Poles and Germans and Croats and practically everybody slaughtered Jews, Croats slaughtered Serbs (Croats did things even the Germans were appalled at), the Germans were killed or driven out at the end of the war, and by and large the ethnic cleansing is now over.

Except in Ukraine, which is one of the main factors in the current war.

The most the US can do is to offer humanitarian aid: blankets and water and coffins, perhaps take a few refugees, and that's it. If we get involved, we inevitably end up getting dragged in and taking sides ... a bad idea.

The next time a naive earnest Lefty gushes "Diversity is Strength!", do be polite and stifle your laughter.
the theory of the master race needs to be replaced by the theory of master morality, my friend
so i'm not allowed to quote "other folks"? that's a new one. i'd like to see you hold everyone here to that standard! go for it!
Nobody said you aren’t allowed to quote others, you hack. The point is that providing a mere wall of words in small font without any commentary is bullshit.

Make a point. Quote a snippet of some other article if you think it’s helpful. Provide the link. Man up.

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