A question for Democrats

And you know I'm not black how?

I mean just ignoring the absurdity of it being okay for blacks to call blacks n@ggers , but not for whites to do so, how do you know I'm not black?

Chris Rock said it best

Two fat girls can joke about bein fat, but if a skinny girl does it ...it's just plain mean
Two poor people can joke about being poor, but if a rich person does it....it's just plain mean
Same applies to blacks

Now as for you, you have established yourself as a liar, a homophobe and a bigot. I'm sure those qualities helped you get through West Point and a career in the Army

You don't get to define what words I use.

I certainly have not lied here, I am not scared of gays, and I'm no bigot.

You're 0 for 3 big boy.
Sure I do Mal

I also get to judge you on how you post and how you act on this board. I have you pegged as one of those cowardly racists who hides in polite society and lurks on anonymous message boards spouting your pent up hate

And I can tell how truly concerned you are about such things by the fact that you won't go anywhere near calling Guno out for his hatred and bigotry.

It's quite clear who's being dishonest here sonny.

Guno starts calling peopl faggots and n!ggers like you are so fond to do and I will call him on it
so then you will avoid his threads....right?.....Guno calls people he doesnt like OR those who disagrees with him White Trailer Trash.....he is one of your finer asswipes.....no different than Tank or MaGarret or ShootSpeados...........
The hell I did. Are you a liar or just dense. I'll go with that. lol
deny it all you want Frankie......since i have Spanish blood in me i dont forget people like you......
I don't have any idea what you're talking about. And I've spent years in Spain and wanted to live there. Owned Bar Casa Blanca in Fuengirola- but the EU allows nothing. Spanish blood doesn't have too much to do with Mexican illegals, who I have nothing against except I'd like to slow the influx.
I don't have any idea what you're talking about.
gee im so surprised......
No idea either? I also dislike Americans saying Spanish when they mean Latin American or Mexican- which does not mean I have anything against them.
you were telling me....2 separate times that the Mexicans are bringing California down.....and you said MEXICANS......not the Illegals Frankie....if you would have said that, we would not be having this conversation.....but you said Mexicans....and i said something about that both times ....you just gave your usual shit.....sorry pal but words have meaning.....
So when I agreed with you on that, that makes me a racist lol? I'm against illegal immigration, but it was the GOP that refuses a good SS/ID card that is the only real solution, and in my opinion actually love the cheap labor, easily bullied.Whatever I said, it wasn't racist, dingbat. Mexicans are not inferior, and should not be discriminated against. We never had any argument like you describe.
I think she'll run. Whether she wins or not is a different story. She won't get my vote because I feel she is too much of a neo-con for my taste.

If anything she should be thanking Obama for beating her in 2008. All she has missed is an anemic economic recovery and the rancor on Capital Hill. In some ways she may have dodged a bullet. Either way it's going to be a wild ride.

I bet she doesn't feel that way, she DESPERATELY wants/wanted to be the first female President, you have to know that.

No doubt she was upset but it may have been a blessing in disguise regardless. If she runs again it will be hers to lose. This of course is all speculation and a lot of it also depends on whom the GOP picks for their spot.

So far I don't see ANY candidate I'm excited about

Me neither. I voted for Gary Johnson last time around because Obama and Romney did even come close to earning my vote last election.

I could probably vote for Paul if he ran, he wouldn't be my choice, but I could vote for him, POSSIBLY Christie, but noway I could vote for Cruz. in 2008 I would have voted for Clinton, but now now.
Scott Walker
Chris Rock said it best

Two fat girls can joke about bein fat, but if a skinny girl does it ...it's just plain mean
Two poor people can joke about being poor, but if a rich person does it....it's just plain mean
Same applies to blacks

Now as for you, you have established yourself as a liar, a homophobe and a bigot. I'm sure those qualities helped you get through West Point and a career in the Army

You don't get to define what words I use.

I certainly have not lied here, I am not scared of gays, and I'm no bigot.

You're 0 for 3 big boy.
Sure I do Mal

I also get to judge you on how you post and how you act on this board. I have you pegged as one of those cowardly racists who hides in polite society and lurks on anonymous message boards spouting your pent up hate

And I can tell how truly concerned you are about such things by the fact that you won't go anywhere near calling Guno out for his hatred and bigotry.

It's quite clear who's being dishonest here sonny.

Guno starts calling peopl faggots and n!ggers like you are so fond to do and I will call him on it
so then you will avoid his threads....right?.....Guno calls people he doesnt like OR those who disagrees with him White Trailer Trash.....he is one of your finer asswipes.....no different than Tank or MaGarret or ShootSpeados...........
Now you are getting just plain stupid

Why do you struggle so much with equivalencies?
I already suggested you buy a dictionary. I don't fit the definition of racist.

That's a new one

"I may call blacks n!ggers, but I ain't no racist"

Not my fault that you don't understand that words have meanings. Am I an asshole who sometimes uses derogatory language? You bet, but that doesn't fit the definition of racism.

If it does, you better tell Chris Rock he's a racist.

Blacks are allowed to call each other n!ggers...whites are not

Didn't you learn anything in the Army?

And you know I'm not black how?

I mean just ignoring the absurdity of it being okay for blacks to call blacks n@ggers , but not for whites to do so, how do you know I'm not black?

Chris Rock said it best

Two fat girls can joke about being fat, but if a skinny girl does it ...it's just plain mean
Two poor people can joke about being poor, but if a rich person does it....it's just plain mean
Same applies to blacks

Now as for you, you have established yourself as a liar, a homophobe and a bigot. I'm sure those qualities helped you get through West Point and a career in the Army

RW the US military used to be the most racist homophobic entity on the planet, and it was also the worlds greatest Military . Blacks were just as racist and homophobic as whites.

Now we have a limp wristed weanie military that might as well shift into pink uniforms. All thanks to Obama and the progressive liberal democrats. My son is active military now and tells me that it has gotten so bad that everyone he knows that is not a faggot is getting out as soon as their enlistment is up.
deny it all you want Frankie......since i have Spanish blood in me i dont forget people like you......
I don't have any idea what you're talking about. And I've spent years in Spain and wanted to live there. Owned Bar Casa Blanca in Fuengirola- but the EU allows nothing. Spanish blood doesn't have too much to do with Mexican illegals, who I have nothing against except I'd like to slow the influx.
I don't have any idea what you're talking about.
gee im so surprised......
No idea either? I also dislike Americans saying Spanish when they mean Latin American or Mexican- which does not mean I have anything against them.
you were telling me....2 separate times that the Mexicans are bringing California down.....and you said MEXICANS......not the Illegals Frankie....if you would have said that, we would not be having this conversation.....but you said Mexicans....and i said something about that both times ....you just gave your usual shit.....sorry pal but words have meaning.....
So when I agreed with you on that, that makes me a racist lol? I'm against illegal immigration, but it was the GOP that refuses a good SS/ID card that is the only real solution, and in my opinion actually love the cheap labor, easily bullied.Whatever I said, it wasn't racist, dingbat. Mexicans are not inferior, and should not be discriminated against. We never had any argument like you describe.

So when I agreed with you on that, that makes me a racist
learn English Frankie.....i said you said MEXICANS.....that means ALL of them legal and illegal...you did not distinguish between the 2.....

but it was the GOP that refuses a good SS/ID card that is the only real solution

geezus here we go again......come out here Frankie and see who will be against your fucking card.....a hint.....it wont be Republicans,it will be activist from your party.....they will say it is discriminatory against the illegals and then YOU will be called a racist and a bigot.....lets see you deal with that......

We never had any argument like you describe
oh we did not?.....ok Frankie....if you say so.....you are lucky this shitty site does not have the search feature the old site had......i would have you looking pretty foolish right now.......by the way.....the conversation we had that brought this on was about your useless SS/ID card.....
That's a new one

"I may call blacks n!ggers, but I ain't no racist"

Not my fault that you don't understand that words have meanings. Am I an asshole who sometimes uses derogatory language? You bet, but that doesn't fit the definition of racism.

If it does, you better tell Chris Rock he's a racist.

Blacks are allowed to call each other n!ggers...whites are not

Didn't you learn anything in the Army?

And you know I'm not black how?

I mean just ignoring the absurdity of it being okay for blacks to call blacks n@ggers , but not for whites to do so, how do you know I'm not black?

Chris Rock said it best

Two fat girls can joke about being fat, but if a skinny girl does it ...it's just plain mean
Two poor people can joke about being poor, but if a rich person does it....it's just plain mean
Same applies to blacks

Now as for you, you have established yourself as a liar, a homophobe and a bigot. I'm sure those qualities helped you get through West Point and a career in the Army

RW the US military used to be the most racist homophobic entity on the planet, and it was also the worlds greatest Military . Blacks were just as racist and homophobic as whites.

Now we have a limp wristed weanie military that might as well shift into pink uniforms. All thanks to Obama and the progressive liberal democrats. My son is active military now and tells me that it has gotten so bad that everyone he knows that is not a faggot is getting out as soon as their enlistment is up.

We have the most powerful military in the history of mankind. Best trained, best equipped, best doctrine and tactics

Tell you son to stop whining. We heard the same bullshit about the decline of the military when we desegregated
That's a new one

"I may call blacks n!ggers, but I ain't no racist"

Not my fault that you don't understand that words have meanings. Am I an asshole who sometimes uses derogatory language? You bet, but that doesn't fit the definition of racism.

If it does, you better tell Chris Rock he's a racist.

Blacks are allowed to call each other n!ggers...whites are not

Didn't you learn anything in the Army?

And you know I'm not black how?

I mean just ignoring the absurdity of it being okay for blacks to call blacks n@ggers , but not for whites to do so, how do you know I'm not black?

Chris Rock said it best

Two fat girls can joke about being fat, but if a skinny girl does it ...it's just plain mean
Two poor people can joke about being poor, but if a rich person does it....it's just plain mean
Same applies to blacks

Now as for you, you have established yourself as a liar, a homophobe and a bigot. I'm sure those qualities helped you get through West Point and a career in the Army

RW the US military used to be the most racist homophobic entity on the planet, and it was also the worlds greatest Military . Blacks were just as racist and homophobic as whites.

Now we have a limp wristed weanie military that might as well shift into pink uniforms. All thanks to Obama and the progressive liberal democrats. My son is active military now and tells me that it has gotten so bad that everyone he knows that is not a faggot is getting out as soon as their enlistment is up.

So, you've raised a bigot. Good job Mom. Pat yourself on the back.
Democrats who backed Obama are not lining up for Hillary. They want Warren. The Obamas want Warren. If you were a Democrat operative who supported Obama over Hillary in '08, you are on the list for paybacks. Obama was savvy enough to consider Hillary as is VP under the strategy of friends close, enemies closer, until his idea was rejected by Michelle Obama and Valerie Jarrett. Also, remember it was Camp Hillary that started the Birther Movement.
You don't get to define what words I use.

I certainly have not lied here, I am not scared of gays, and I'm no bigot.

You're 0 for 3 big boy.
Sure I do Mal

I also get to judge you on how you post and how you act on this board. I have you pegged as one of those cowardly racists who hides in polite society and lurks on anonymous message boards spouting your pent up hate

And I can tell how truly concerned you are about such things by the fact that you won't go anywhere near calling Guno out for his hatred and bigotry.

It's quite clear who's being dishonest here sonny.

Guno starts calling peopl faggots and n!ggers like you are so fond to do and I will call him on it
so then you will avoid his threads....right?.....Guno calls people he doesnt like OR those who disagrees with him White Trailer Trash.....he is one of your finer asswipes.....no different than Tank or MaGarret or ShootSpeados...........
Now you are getting just plain stupid

Why do you struggle so much with equivalencies?
im stupid?.....but yet here you are defending a fucking lowlife racist called Guno....whats the matter RW?.........why are so fucking afraid of Dean and now Guno......they cant hurt you....i promise....
Democrats who backed Obama are not lining up for Hillary. They want Warren. The Obamas want Warren. If you were a Democrat operative who supported Obama over Hillary in '08, you are on the list for paybacks. Obama was savvy enough to consider Hillary as is VP under the strategy of friends close, enemies closer, until his idea was rejected by Michelle Obama and Valerie Jarrett. Also, remember it was Camp Hillary that started the Birther Movement.

I want Sanders and Warren....yeah, that's the ticket! :eusa_clap:
who will you shove Hillary under the bus for in 2016?

In 2008 Hillary Clinton was CLEARLY the more qualified candidate, and after years of clamoring that a woman should get her chance, it looked like she finally would; and Hillary probably would have won the election over McCain. However along came Super N!gger who had essentially done NOTHING to distinguish himself as a Presidential candidate and you guys tossed Hillary aside like so much refuse.

So, in 2016 which minority will a white woman get pushed aside for?

War on women!!! Ha

For the answers to all your questions, see this thread: The Democrat Dilemma A Palpable Party Rift US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You can trace all the woes of the dem party back to the fringe group providing a very substantial chunk of their funding...
Sure I do Mal

I also get to judge you on how you post and how you act on this board. I have you pegged as one of those cowardly racists who hides in polite society and lurks on anonymous message boards spouting your pent up hate

And I can tell how truly concerned you are about such things by the fact that you won't go anywhere near calling Guno out for his hatred and bigotry.

It's quite clear who's being dishonest here sonny.

Guno starts calling peopl faggots and n!ggers like you are so fond to do and I will call him on it
so then you will avoid his threads....right?.....Guno calls people he doesnt like OR those who disagrees with him White Trailer Trash.....he is one of your finer asswipes.....no different than Tank or MaGarret or ShootSpeados...........
Now you are getting just plain stupid

Why do you struggle so much with equivalencies?
im stupid?.....but yet here you are defending a fucking lowlife racist called Guno....whats the matter RW?.........why are so fucking afraid of Dean and now Guno......they cant hurt you....i promise....
OK...convince me

Show me a post by either rdean or gunno where they call people faggots or n!ggers and call blacks apes and we can talk
Otherwise that stupid tag sticks
Democrats who backed Obama are not lining up for Hillary. They want Warren. The Obamas want Warren. If you were a Democrat operative who supported Obama over Hillary in '08, you are on the list for paybacks. Obama was savvy enough to consider Hillary as is VP under the strategy of friends close, enemies closer, until his idea was rejected by Michelle Obama and Valerie Jarrett. Also, remember it was Camp Hillary that started the Birther Movement.

I want Sanders and Warren....yeah, that's the ticket! :eusa_clap:

Both will give Hillary some early competition and will drop out early
And I can tell how truly concerned you are about such things by the fact that you won't go anywhere near calling Guno out for his hatred and bigotry.

It's quite clear who's being dishonest here sonny.

Guno starts calling peopl faggots and n!ggers like you are so fond to do and I will call him on it
so then you will avoid his threads....right?.....Guno calls people he doesnt like OR those who disagrees with him White Trailer Trash.....he is one of your finer asswipes.....no different than Tank or MaGarret or ShootSpeados...........
Now you are getting just plain stupid

Why do you struggle so much with equivalencies?
im stupid?.....but yet here you are defending a fucking lowlife racist called Guno....whats the matter RW?.........why are so fucking afraid of Dean and now Guno......they cant hurt you....i promise....
OK...convince me

Show me a post by either rdean or gunno where they call people faggots or n!ggers and call blacks apes and we can talk
Otherwise that stupid tag sticks
you have reading problems i see....what did i say about Guno and what he says above?....read it......and then think about who is stupid....you know how to reach me.....
Guno starts calling peopl faggots and n!ggers like you are so fond to do and I will call him on it
so then you will avoid his threads....right?.....Guno calls people he doesnt like OR those who disagrees with him White Trailer Trash.....he is one of your finer asswipes.....no different than Tank or MaGarret or ShootSpeados...........
Now you are getting just plain stupid

Why do you struggle so much with equivalencies?
im stupid?.....but yet here you are defending a fucking lowlife racist called Guno....whats the matter RW?.........why are so fucking afraid of Dean and now Guno......they cant hurt you....i promise....
OK...convince me

Show me a post by either rdean or gunno where they call people faggots or n!ggers and call blacks apes and we can talk
Otherwise that stupid tag sticks
you have reading problems i see....what did i say about Guno and what he says above?....read it......and then think about who is stupid....you know how to reach me.....
Still waiting dude...

Why are you defending someone who calls people faggots, n!ggers and apes?
I don't have any idea what you're talking about. And I've spent years in Spain and wanted to live there. Owned Bar Casa Blanca in Fuengirola- but the EU allows nothing. Spanish blood doesn't have too much to do with Mexican illegals, who I have nothing against except I'd like to slow the influx.
I don't have any idea what you're talking about.
gee im so surprised......
No idea either? I also dislike Americans saying Spanish when they mean Latin American or Mexican- which does not mean I have anything against them.
you were telling me....2 separate times that the Mexicans are bringing California down.....and you said MEXICANS......not the Illegals Frankie....if you would have said that, we would not be having this conversation.....but you said Mexicans....and i said something about that both times ....you just gave your usual shit.....sorry pal but words have meaning.....
So when I agreed with you on that, that makes me a racist lol? I'm against illegal immigration, but it was the GOP that refuses a good SS/ID card that is the only real solution, and in my opinion actually love the cheap labor, easily bullied.Whatever I said, it wasn't racist, dingbat. Mexicans are not inferior, and should not be discriminated against. We never had any argument like you describe.

So when I agreed with you on that, that makes me a racist
learn English Frankie.....i said you said MEXICANS.....that means ALL of them legal and illegal...you did not distinguish between the 2.....

but it was the GOP that refuses a good SS/ID card that is the only real solution

geezus here we go again......come out here Frankie and see who will be against your fucking card.....a hint.....it wont be Republicans,it will be activist from your party.....they will say it is discriminatory against the illegals and then YOU will be called a racist and a bigot.....lets see you deal with that......

We never had any argument like you describe
oh we did not?.....ok Frankie....if you say so.....you are lucky this shitty site does not have the search feature the old site had......i would have you looking pretty foolish right now.......by the way.....the conversation we had that brought this on was about your useless SS/ID card.....
YOU are always saying illegals are bringing California down. I just want to pass the Schumer/Lindsay Graham bill which would be fair to worthy illegals and have a GOOD SS/ID card for EVERYONE, thus not racist. I don't remember any Mexican vs illegal argument with you, and I certainly have nothing against Mexicans if they're part of the system as they would be under Schumer/Graham. It's political, not personal at all. I ehjoy speaking spanish with illegal migrant workers aroud here- WHATEVER.

So that ancestry you speak of is what? From Spain?

Link to these idiot activists? I suggest you mean they feel that way without passage of Shumer/Graham first....and I would agree, OF COURSE.

BTW, Shumer/Graham is ANOTHER example of greedy idiot Pubs mindlessly allowing NO compromise or daring to vote with Dems.
so then you will avoid his threads....right?.....Guno calls people he doesnt like OR those who disagrees with him White Trailer Trash.....he is one of your finer asswipes.....no different than Tank or MaGarret or ShootSpeados...........
Now you are getting just plain stupid

Why do you struggle so much with equivalencies?
im stupid?.....but yet here you are defending a fucking lowlife racist called Guno....whats the matter RW?.........why are so fucking afraid of Dean and now Guno......they cant hurt you....i promise....
OK...convince me

Show me a post by either rdean or gunno where they call people faggots or n!ggers and call blacks apes and we can talk
Otherwise that stupid tag sticks
you have reading problems i see....what did i say about Guno and what he says above?....read it......and then think about who is stupid....you know how to reach me.....
Still waiting dude...

Why are you defending someone who calls people faggots, n!ggers and apes?
who the fuck am i defending?...:dunno:......geezus RW....get the reading skills down......NOW go back and tell me where i even mentioned the words ... faggots, n!ggers and apes......ill be waiting.....and while you are looking,go up top and see what i said Guno said......some of the people here are right about you i guess.....slipping into foolishness.....no wonder why Frankie thanked you.....you and him are starting to bond....
Now you are getting just plain stupid

Why do you struggle so much with equivalencies?
im stupid?.....but yet here you are defending a fucking lowlife racist called Guno....whats the matter RW?.........why are so fucking afraid of Dean and now Guno......they cant hurt you....i promise....
OK...convince me

Show me a post by either rdean or gunno where they call people faggots or n!ggers and call blacks apes and we can talk
Otherwise that stupid tag sticks
you have reading problems i see....what did i say about Guno and what he says above?....read it......and then think about who is stupid....you know how to reach me.....
Still waiting dude...

Why are you defending someone who calls people faggots, n!ggers and apes?
who the fuck am i defending?...:dunno:......geezus RW....get the reading skills down......NOW go back and tell me where i even mentioned the words ... faggots, n!ggers and apes......ill be waiting.....and while you are looking,go up top and see what i said Guno said......some of the people here are right about you i guess.....slipping into foolishness.....no wonder why Frankie thanked you.....you and him are starting to bond....

You are one of the biggest pussies on the board. With your constant whining of........but....but......they do it too

The OP is a fucking racist and deserves to be condemned for it. Save me from your bullshit

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