Zone1 A Question For Pro-Choicers

In other words, you decide when to follow the science and when to ignore it.
No. The science does. But in this instance you could always accept the science and say that you support doing something that is wrong.
Only a person with an external locus of control would believe a woman has no choice in aborting her child.
No. It's literally a human being.
No, that's you making stuff up, redefining the language to support your corrupt politics.

Remember, you can't gaslight anyone who isn't part of your cult.

Stop denying the science.

See? That's how we know you're making it all up. "Human being" isn't a scientific definition. Claiming otherwise is historically recent pro-life revisionism. Using your own special version of the language, as pro-lifers do, is the hallmark of a cult.

Over all of the worlds and all of human history, a human being has been defined as "human, born and alive." You don't get to change that just to support your fanatical religious beliefs.
No, that's you making stuff up, redefining the language to support your corrupt politics.

Remember, you can't gaslight anyone who isn't part of your cult.
It's science.

“Landrum B. Shettles, M.D., P.h.D. was first scientist to succeed at in vitro fertilization:

“The zygote is human life….there is one fact that no one can deny; Human beings begin at conception.”
See? That's how we know you're making it all up. "Human being" isn't a scientific definition. Claiming otherwise is historically recent pro-life revisionism. Using your own special version of the language, as pro-lifers do, is the hallmark of a cult.

Over all of the worlds and all of human history, a human being has been defined as "human, born and alive." You don't get to change that just to support your fanatical religious beliefs.
“….it is scientifically correct to say that human life begins at conception.”

Dr. Micheline Matthews-Roth, Harvard Medical School
Over all of the worlds and all of human history, a human being has been defined as "human, born and alive." You don't get to change that just to support your fanatical religious beliefs.
This PRO-CHOICE guy got it. Why can't you?

Abortion ends human life. When when a woman chooses to end her pregnancy, she kills a human being, no if’s and’s or butts.
“….it is scientifically correct to say that human life begins at conception.”
Dr. Micheline Matthews-Roth, Harvard Medical School
And that's a crazy claim, so who cares?

Appeal to authority only works if your authorities don't say reality-defying stupid things.
Your sentences started out making little sense, and now they make zero sense.

It seems if you get taken off-script, you're helpless. Bad slogans are all you have.
It made perfect sense. You can admit that ending a human life is wrong and still support abortion.
It's science. It's what is taught in every embryology textbook.
Now you're just making crazy stuff up. That's expected, because you're a pro-lifer. Pro-lifers have to create an alternate reality, because the real universe treats them so badly.

Now, are you ever to explain why you think "BECAUSE I SAY SO!" logic justifies enslaving people? Probably not. You're not going to give up the control freak thrills that you get from being pro-life.
Now you're just making crazy stuff up. That's expected, because you're a pro-lifer. Pro-lifers have to create an alternate reality, because the real universe treats them so badly.

Now, are you ever to explain why you think "BECAUSE I SAY SO!" logic justifies enslaving people? Probably not. You're not going to give up the control freak thrills that you get from being pro-life.
I am telling what is taught in every embryology textbook. That is a fact.

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