Zone1 A Question For Pro-Choicers

I'd say someone who puts the rights of a single cell above the rights of a woman is the zealot.
How does being able to perform the abortion after acknowledging they are ending a human life and paying a small fine place the rights of the life they are ending above the rights of the one ending that life?

You are such a hard liner you have lost all ability to reason.
People who don't believe abortion should at least be a misdemeanor are out of touch with reality.
Certainly you feel morally superior to and disrespect any woman who for any reason has an abortion.

It's not a remarkable bar.

Murdering an innocent human being is one of the most irredeemably immoral evils of which we are capable.

It's rather easy for one who has never had any part in a murder to credibly claim to be morally superior to anyone who has.
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It's not a remarkable bar.

Murdering an innocent human being is one of the most irredeemably immoral evils of which we are capable.

It's rather easy for one who has never had any part in a murder to credibly claim to be morally superior to anyone who has.
It’s a collection of cell at conception, not a whole human being.
Exactly the same way you hate the unborn, and defend their murders. So far, we're up to about four Nazi holocaust's worth.
How would it be possible to hate a zygote.

I acknowledge that a Girl/Women has a right to reproductive decisions.

You want your religious beliefs to deny that right.
The answer is contraception. It's what will solve all problems except for those lesser abled crazy wackos who believe we need a higher birth rate.
Keith L. Moore, The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology, 7th edition. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders, 2003. pp. 16, 2.
That's not every embryology text book. You lose again. And so do the cranks in those books who made the crazy biology-defying claims.

Sperm and egg are alive and human. They are indisputably human life. Since human life existed before conception, human life can't start at conception.

That's not debatable by any honest person. If someone says human life starts at conception, they are wrong, and laughably so, and so they can't be taken seriously.

Let's see how you run from that simple fact. It's not in question that you're going to run, it only a question of how you do it.
That's not every embryology text book. You lose again. And so do the cranks in those books who made the crazy biology-defying claims.

Sperm and egg are alive and human. They are indisputably human life. Since human life existed before conception, human life can't start at conception.

That's not debatable by any honest person. If someone says human life starts at conception, they are wrong, and laughably so, and so they can't be taken seriously.

Let's see how you run from that simple fact. It's not in question that you're going to run, it only a question of how you do it.
How many references have you provided that support your Hitler like dehumanization position from embryology textbooks?
That's the majority of the nation you're talking about.

We the sane majority, the mainstream. You're the barking loony extremist.
So you wouldn't even be willing to have abortion - which ends a human life - be a misdemeanor, right?

It's ok for you to say it.
These pro-choicers are zealots. They dehumanize human life, won't agree that abortion is a tragedy and resist all efforts to acknowledge the wrongness of abortion even if the only punishment is a small fine.

Total nut jobs.
Most infamously, the Nazis denied the humanity of large numbers of their own people, as an excuse to murder them. Exactly the same as you.
Don't forget slave owners. They saw some human beings as property to be disposed of at the will of its owner, just like Mamooth does.
I'm going to make it my mission to argue for misdemeanors for abortions just to show just how crazy and irrational these pro-choice nut jobs really are.
The Nazis held the same abortion positions you do.

Your type isn't anything new. Authoritarians always attack liberty.
I think you got that backwards. The Democratic Party wants to pay for abortions for those who can't afford them. It's in their party platform.

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