Zone1 A Question For Pro-Choicers

That is not what I SAID AND YOU KNOW IT.

Well I’ve come up with a solution. Since abortion is a legal form of birth control, if the mother, who can’t afford to have a child in the first place, had one. Jail her for non support and put the child up for adoption. Kinda like they do to men even though men have no choice in whether the clump of cells is aborted or not.
" Challenged By Shit House Political Intellect "

* Highly Confused About Self Ownership And Self Determination *

Well I’ve come up with a solution. Since abortion is a legal form of birth control, if the mother, who can’t afford to have a child in the first place, had one. Jail her for non support and put the child up for adoption. Kinda like they do to men even though men have no choice in whether the clump of cells is aborted or not.
Does your scheme also include controlling the self ownership by enforcing licensing requirements on procreation , that could include coerced abortion , or sterilization , for those with a low intelligence quotient , or for those at risk of genetic anomalies , or for those already having chosen to have an abortion ?
" Challenged By Shit House Political Intellect "

* Highly Confused About Self Ownership And Self Determination *

Does your scheme also include controlling the self ownership by enforcing licensing requirements on procreation , that could include coerced abortion , or sterilization , for those with a low intelligence quotient , or for those at risk of genetic anomalies , or for those already having chosen to have an abortion ?

Nah, thats just stupid.
A Question For Pro-Choicers 231015
ding Oct’23 Saqfpc: What's the tragedy for the mother? •¥•
Is it anything like this? •¥¥•
View attachment 843381
This picture of Aborted Babies shows what remains of a baby destroyed by a suction aspiration abortion. Suction aspiration, or “vacuum curettage,” is the abortion technique used in most first trimester abortions. A powerful suction tube with a sharp cutting edge is inserted into the womb through the dilated cervix. The suction dismembers the body of the developing baby and tears the placenta from the wall of the uterus, sucking blood, amniotic fluid, placental tissue, and fetal parts into a collection bottle. First 12 weeks of pregnancy. •¥¥¥• dvng 231015 Saqfpc00617

Is this the last time Saint Ding used white Christian nationalist dehumanizing propaganda against pro-choice defenders of individual freedom and liberty from state government infringement of those natural rights given by Natures God.

nfbw 240221 Vaqfpc01065
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A Question For Pro-Choicers 231015
ding Oct’23 Saqfpc: What's the tragedy for the mother? •¥•
Is it anything like this? •¥¥•
View attachment 843381
This picture of Aborted Babies shows what remains of a baby destroyed by a suction aspiration abortion. Suction aspiration, or “vacuum curettage,” is the abortion technique used in most first trimester abortions. A powerful suction tube with a sharp cutting edge is inserted into the womb through the dilated cervix. The suction dismembers the body of the developing baby and tears the placenta from the wall of the uterus, sucking blood, amniotic fluid, placental tissue, and fetal parts into a collection bottle. First 12 weeks of pregnancy. •¥¥¥• dvng 231015 Saqfpc00617

Is this the last time Saint Ding used white Christian nationalist dehumanizing propaganda against pro-choice, defenders of individuals, freedom, and liberty?

The tragedy for the mother is that she cannot afford to carry or raise this child because the American economy values profits more than families.

Follow up studies on women who tried and failed to obtain an abortion 5 years later showed the NONE of the families were thriving or even better off than they were before the woman became pregant. Many were homeless or suffering from mental health problems. The children they had before they became pregnant are also suffering.

Contary to the picture painted of wanton single teenagers heartlessly terminating the results of "sowing their wild oats", the majority of women seeking abortions for other than medical reasons, are living in poverty, or just above the poverty line, married or in committed relationships, and already have one or more children.

The tragedy is that in nations with universal health care, mandated maternity leave, and subsidized child care, the abortion rates are half that of the USA. Abortion isn't a moral problem, it's a financial problem which you could easily solve with better employment laws that support low income families.

The USA has made the choice to demonize and punish poor women for having sex with their husbands. So much for being the "Land of the free".
You can't.

So abortions obviously don't.

Case closed.
Biologically speaking, that child is certainly alive. Biologically speaking, non-living things do not and CANNOT grow or develop, while an unborn child does both. I thought we were supposed to revere and follow science.
Biologically speaking, that child is certainly alive. Biologically speaking, non-living things do not and CANNOT grow or develop, while an unborn child does both. I thought we were supposed to revere and follow science.

They also continue to grow after being born.
They also continue to grow after being born.
There is no way to credibly claim that an unborn child is not a living human being. Once that's established, we can talk about the relative value of that life, but we need to be clear about what we're killing.

Personhood is a legal concept, and we understand that a newborn child is not a person until the Lawyer Fairy consults with the mother (not the father, he doesn't count), sprinkles his magic dust and declares the child to be a person, but biology states the developing child is a human being at an early stage of development.
There is no way to credibly claim that an unborn child is not a living human being.

I never argued there was so................................

Once that's established, we can talk about the relative value of that life, but we need to be clear about what we're killing.

Personhood is a legal concept, and we understand that a newborn child is not a person until the Lawyer Fairy consults with the mother (not the father, he doesn't count), sprinkles his magic dust and declares the child to be a person, but biology states the developing child is a human being at an early stage of development.

Just a rant to detract from what I said.
What do anti abortion people intend to do with all those unwanted children? I do not see them lining up to adopt them.

By the way, I am not pro choice. I am in favor of government financed abortion at any stage of pregnancy.

I am not pro life either. I am an enthusiast for capital punishment.
I'm a pro-choicer and a pro-lifer.

I believe everyone should have a choice and make that choice before conceiving.

I believe they should have to keep the life they made, it's not the fault of the foetus that it's future parents couldn't understand basic sex education.
If so called "pro life" people would really were pro life they would be in favor of socialized medicine.

Look where that is now clearly leading in Canaduh. MAID, they call it. Medical Assistance In Dying. Those that the government deems unworthy of continued medical care are being encouraged to end their lives prematurely. It's nominally voluntary for now, but how long do you think that will last?
Look where that is now clearly leading in Canaduh. MAID, they call it. Medical Assistance In Dying. Those that the government deems unworthy of continued medical care are being encouraged to end their lives prematurely. It's nominally voluntary for now, but how long do you think that will last?
Without socialized medicine they would die much sooner.

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