A question for pro-lifers...

The only killers are those make women have births despite the danger to their lives and health.

The only immoral individuals here are those who insist that rapists and family members who impregnate women are more important than the violated women.

So women are nothing but vaginas to you....Another reason you along with the lying that makes you a scumbag
Why the innocent baby punished for the crimes of another?

Because it's not a "baby". It's a mass of tissue that wouldn't live five seconds outside the womb in the first trimester.

Only to baby killers is it just a mass of tissue.....Are you afraid it might turn out to have independent thought?

Not really, since it doesn't at that stage yet. A fetus at the point where most abortions are performed is smaller than a kidney bean...
Because it's not a "baby". It's a mass of tissue that wouldn't live five seconds outside the womb in the first trimester.

Only to baby killers is it just a mass of tissue.....Are you afraid it might turn out to have independent thought?

Not really, since it doesn't at that stage yet. A fetus at the point where most abortions are performed is smaller than a kidney bean...
Is it the fact that it is mostly black babies being killed that you support?
Only to baby killers is it just a mass of tissue.....Are you afraid it might turn out to have independent thought?

Not really, since it doesn't at that stage yet. A fetus at the point where most abortions are performed is smaller than a kidney bean...
Is it the fact that it is mostly black babies being killed that you support?

First, not true, most abortions are performed on white people. At least in this country.

Second, you asked a question about them having"thoughts", quite impossible at that stage of development.

The fact is, you pro-lifers are the biggest phonies and dupes in the world.

If anything causes abortions, it's the fact that you've gutted the middle class and made abortion the path of least resistence for the working poor.
Not really, since it doesn't at that stage yet. A fetus at the point where most abortions are performed is smaller than a kidney bean...
Is it the fact that it is mostly black babies being killed that you support?

First, not true, most abortions are performed on white people. At least in this country.

Second, you asked a question about them having"thoughts", quite impossible at that stage of development.

The fact is, you pro-lifers are the biggest phonies and dupes in the world.

If anything causes abortions, it's the fact that you've gutted the middle class and made abortion the path of least resistence for the working poor.
You of course can prove this right?
Is it the fact that it is mostly black babies being killed that you support?

First, not true, most abortions are performed on white people. At least in this country.

Second, you asked a question about them having"thoughts", quite impossible at that stage of development.

The fact is, you pro-lifers are the biggest phonies and dupes in the world.

If anything causes abortions, it's the fact that you've gutted the middle class and made abortion the path of least resistence for the working poor.
You of course can prove this right?

I have, many times... But your tiny little brain gets stuck on the "My Sky Pixie Says It's Wrong" mode and ignores it.
First, not true, most abortions are performed on white people. At least in this country.

Second, you asked a question about them having"thoughts", quite impossible at that stage of development.

The fact is, you pro-lifers are the biggest phonies and dupes in the world.

If anything causes abortions, it's the fact that you've gutted the middle class and made abortion the path of least resistence for the working poor.
You of course can prove this right?

I have, many times... But your tiny little brain gets stuck on the "My Sky Pixie Says It's Wrong" mode and ignores it.
LOL you have done nothing but try and claim the babies you support killing are not human or babies....
How would an embryo less than 20 weeks old – an entity that can neither think nor speak – petition a court to enjoin its mother from seeking an abortion?

The only way for your position to have any legal merit is to advocate a comprehensive ban of abortion, from conception to delivery.

Is that indeed your position?

Could a 6 month old baby petition to not be murdered?

That doesn’t make any sense.

A baby doesn’t depend solely on its mother at that point, it’s legally a person, unlike a fetus or embryo.

Prior to birth, should the ‘unborn’ and mother have the same rights, there’s no other choice but to force the mother to maintain a pregnancy she doesn’t want, violating her right to privacy.

There is no logical, consistent, or legal solution to the ‘unborn’ and mother having ‘equal rights’ – it’s Constitutionally impossible.

Consequently one can only assume your position is abortion should be banned by the state, from conception to birth.

How would an embryo less than 20 weeks old – an entity that can neither think nor speak – petition a court to enjoin its mother from seeking an abortion?
Then this:
Could a 6 month old baby petition to not be murdered?

What I get from this is an embryo less than 20 weeks old and a six week old baby are equally unable to think or speak.

Can we or can we not kill them both?
Thanatos believes women are only vaginas to deliver babies.

Thanatos believes men who rape and men who have sex with family women are more important than the women. Thanatos believes a woman should die so a baby can live.

You are not only immoral, you are also very dumb.

The only killers are those make women have births despite the danger to their lives and health.

The only immoral individuals here are those who insist that rapists and family members who impregnate women are more important than the violated women.

So women are nothing but vaginas to you....Another reason you along with the lying that makes you a scumbag
I he does not get it already, that events do happen, and when they do, IGetItAlready has nothing of importance to say about it, he certainly has no authority about it.

That is why women tell men like him to "fuck off."

When you realize that abortion in certain situations is legal, moral, and ethical, you will have grown up.

I've never said that "events don't happen".
In fact that's what the OP disguised this trolling thread as. A question over what to do when those "events" aka - rape and incest DO happen.

To say that an intelligent adult human ended up pregnant and was NOT the victim of incest or rape and then to take stupid to a new level and attempt to claim that she got that way through no fault of her own is beyond childish.
And I don't believe for a minute that your idiocy is the sentiment of MOST women.
Now you can attempt to take your infantile jabs implying that women are as a whole uninterested in me or you can take your own useless advice and grow the phukk up one time.
Thanatos believes women are only vaginas to deliver babies.

Thanatos believes men who rape and men who have sex with family women are more important than the women. Thanatos believes a woman should die so a baby can live.

You are not only immoral, you are also very dumb.

The only killers are those make women have births despite the danger to their lives and health.

The only immoral individuals here are those who insist that rapists and family members who impregnate women are more important than the violated women.

So women are nothing but vaginas to you....Another reason you along with the lying that makes you a scumbag
You are a lying piece of shit....Thats all that has to be said about your absurd posts .......
Do you support abortion in the case of rape/incest victims, and can you explain why you do( if you do).

Edit to add- I'm just curious where pro-life people fall on the life scale.
Why the innocent baby punished for the crimes of another?

Because it's not a "baby". It's a mass of tissue that wouldn't live five seconds outside the womb in the first trimester.

what's the big difference between day 90 and day 91.....?

obviously no big diff to Obama....he's for killing the child even if it's born alive...
Thanatos believes women are only vaginas to deliver babies.

Thanatos believes men who rape and men who have sex with family women are more important than the women. Thanatos believes a woman should die so a baby can live.

You are not only immoral, you are also very dumb.

So women are nothing but vaginas to you....Another reason you along with the lying that makes you a scumbag
You are a lying piece of shit....Thats all that has to be said about your absurd posts .......

Jake's desperate attacks remind me of my kids the way they nearly automatically blurt out the first thing to pop into to their minds when confronted.
Kind of cute sometimes when my kids do it. Embarrassing to see a full grown adult attempt it.
So, maybe the central question is whether or not a fetus should have the same right to life before it is born as it will after. Some say no. Question for them: Do we want to permit an abortion 10 minutes before birth? That's kinda hard to swallow for me. No, you say, that would be murder and barbaric. I agree, but at what point then do we say that an unborn fetus loses it's right to life? What's different then from 5 minutes later when it now has that right?

How about my very unscientific method. If a Dr can hear two heartbeats with his stethoscope, one of them is the mother and the other is a baby. One heartbeat, abortion OK.

Just my opinion as a man who cannot ever get pregnant.
You of course can prove this right?

I have, many times... But your tiny little brain gets stuck on the "My Sky Pixie Says It's Wrong" mode and ignores it.
LOL you have done nothing but try and claim the babies you support killing are not human or babies....

well, yeah, that too, but that wasn't the argument you were making.

Fact of the matter is- when you gut the middle class and shred the safety net, you will have more abortions. Period.

In the Philippines, abortion is illegal, but 500,000 abortions a year are performed. The country is dirt poor, and people can't afford it. Per Capita, they have as many abortions as the United States does.

In France, abortion is legal, the government pays for them, but the government also pays for health care and child care. They have half as many abortions per capita as we have.

So- put on your thinking cap here... which approach would reduce the actual number of abortions.

1) Laws that people will ignore.


2) Policies that give women help if they have the baby.

now, which approach to you support? Betcha it's 1).
You will not be allowed to deflect.

You have no moral, ethical, or legal position to judge a woman's right to have an abortion if she is rape, the victim of incest, or her life is in danger.

You simply will not be allowed to deflect.

I he does not get it already, that events do happen, and when they do, IGetItAlready has nothing of importance to say about it, he certainly has no authority about it.

That is why women tell men like him to "fuck off."

When you realize that abortion in certain situations is legal, moral, and ethical, you will have grown up.

I've never said that "events don't happen".
In fact that's what the OP disguised this trolling thread as. A question over what to do when those "events" aka - rape and incest DO happen.

To say that an intelligent adult human ended up pregnant and was NOT the victim of incest or rape and then to take stupid to a new level and attempt to claim that she got that way through no fault of her own is beyond childish.
And I don't believe for a minute that your idiocy is the sentiment of MOST women.
Now you can attempt to take your infantile jabs implying that women are as a whole uninterested in me or you can take your own useless advice and grow the phukk up one time.
Thanatos cannot deny that he believes that women are only baby factories and have no right of decision whether to abort in case of rape, incest, or health.

Thanatos believes women are only vaginas to deliver babies.

Thanatos believes men who rape and men who have sex with family women are more important than the women. Thanatos believes a woman should die so a baby can live.

You are not only immoral, you are also very dumb.

So women are nothing but vaginas to you....Another reason you along with the lying that makes you a scumbag
You are a lying piece of shit....Thats all that has to be said about your absurd posts .......
You don't get to deflect that you have had nothing worthwhile to say about a woman's right to have an abortion in case of rape, incest, or endangerment of life or health.

Jake's desperate attacks remind me of my kids the way they nearly automatically blurt out the first thing to pop into to their minds when confronted. // Kind of cute sometimes when my kids do it. Embarrassing to see a full grown adult attempt it.

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