A question for pro-lifers...

Do you support abortion in the case of rape/insest victims, and can you explain why you do( if you do).

Morning after pill.

What if your local hospital or chemist refuses to dispense it, citing religious beliefs?

You get it from someone else. It's widely available and easily acquired, however much you leftist nitwits like to pretend it's some rare, semi-mythical quest item.
Do you know everyone in the city you live in?
Actually... Yes. LOL


If the answer to anyone of those questions is no, why do you think what you said proves anything?
Did I say they didn't exist? Is English your first language?

Did I say you said that? Is English your third language?

Since you suddenly know that you saying that did not prove anything my question still stands, why mention it?
Because... I don't know anyone pro-abortion. I know plenty of people who are pro-choice.

Pro-Life: Someone who doesn't believe in abortion
Pro-Abortion: Someone who believes that fetus should be aborted.
Pro-Choice: One of the two options above. That's what choice means. To have more than one options in which to take, and then to choose one of them.

I think you confuse them.
Do you support abortion in the case of rape/incest victims, and can you explain why you do( if you do).

Edit to add- I'm just curious where pro-life people fall on the life scale.
I am pro life but I do support abortion in the first trimester on these those who have been raped or incest. ONLY the 1st trimester 12 weeks is long enough to decided even if you find out at 5 weeks you have time to decide before the 12 week part. I also support abortion if the life of the mother is in danger or the baby 100 percent sure will die because of abnormality. This does not include down syndrome .. I am saying babies with no brain or other things that will they will die by birth
Actually... Yes. LOL


Did I say they didn't exist? Is English your first language?

Did I say you said that? Is English your third language?

Since you suddenly know that you saying that did not prove anything my question still stands, why mention it?
Because... I don't know anyone pro-abortion. I know plenty of people who are pro-choice.

Pro-Life: Someone who doesn't believe in abortion
Pro-Abortion: Someone who believes that fetus should be aborted.
Pro-Choice: One of the two options above. That's what choice means. To have more than one options in which to take, and then to choose one of them.

I think you confuse them.

I'd like to take the time here to point out you are basing your argument on an unproven assumption. The best you can say is that you, personally, do not know anyone you know is pro abortion. Unless you can read minds you cannot claim you know the political positions of everyone you know.

Feel free to keep posting about what you think you know about other people though, it does nothing to change my argument that there are elected representatives that are openly pro abortion.
Morning after pill.

What if your local hospital or chemist refuses to dispense it, citing religious beliefs?

You get it from someone else. It's widely available and easily acquired, however much you leftist nitwits like to pretend it's some rare, semi-mythical quest item.

Not every city in America is NY. There are places where it's very difficult for poor women to have access to the morning after pill.
What if your local hospital or chemist refuses to dispense it, citing religious beliefs?

You get it from someone else. It's widely available and easily acquired, however much you leftist nitwits like to pretend it's some rare, semi-mythical quest item.

Not every city in America is NY. There are places where it's very difficult for poor women to have access to the morning after pill.

Name one.
Name one.

Ive already named an entire state in this thread. Mississippi.

The entire state? Does that include Jackson? Do you have any idea how many pharmacies are in Jackson? In the entire state of Mississippi?

This notion that every city in America has a planned parenthood ready to pass out free condoms, and a free clinic ready to give poor women the morning after pill is a myth.

I'm not going to go city by city, and check for hospitals that give the pill or free clinics that will. I would if I thought it would alter your perception, but you don't accept any information that goes agaisnt your world view, so I'd just be wasting my time.
Ive already named an entire state in this thread. Mississippi.

The entire state? Does that include Jackson? Do you have any idea how many pharmacies are in Jackson? In the entire state of Mississippi?

This notion that every city in America has a planned parenthood ready to pass out free condoms, and a free clinic ready to give poor women the morning after pill is a myth.

I'm not going to go city by city, and check for hospitals that give the pill or free clinics that will. I would if I thought it would alter your perception, but you don't accept any information that goes agaisnt your world view, so I'd just be wasting my time.

You fucking idiot, you don't have to get it from PLANNED PARENTHOOD. That's been pointed out to you about half a dozen times now, and you continue to equate the morning after pill with PP.

Unless you are maintaining that mississippi doesn't have pharmacies?

Or county health departments? (which also provide such services)
Just so, AmyNation.

You have provided enough.

bigrebnc, koshergrl, quantam windbag, and the others do not care about the truth. They will simply keep lying because they have an idea of what they want as an outcome.

Ive already named an entire state in this thread. Mississippi.

The entire state? Does that include Jackson? Do you have any idea how many pharmacies are in Jackson? In the entire state of Mississippi?

This notion that every city in America has a planned parenthood ready to pass out free condoms, and a free clinic ready to give poor women the morning after pill is a myth.

I'm not going to go city by city, and check for hospitals that give the pill or free clinics that will. I would if I thought it would alter your perception, but you don't accept any information that goes agaisnt your world view, so I'd just be wasting my time.
Dont you love how these scumbags say if you dont support killing babies you support rape?They are pathetic.

Which is ironic, since the #1 purpose of abortion is to protect promiscuity, sexual abuse, and rape by removing the obvious consequences of such, thus preventing the perps from being brought to light and justice.

They also screech about requirements that parents be notified when kids get pregnant and seek abortions...it has something to do with protecting the people who abuse children.
Just so, AmyNation.

You have provided enough.

bigrebnc, koshergrl, quantam windbag, and the others do not care about the truth. They will simply keep lying because they have an idea of what they want as an outcome.

The entire state? Does that include Jackson? Do you have any idea how many pharmacies are in Jackson? In the entire state of Mississippi?

This notion that every city in America has a planned parenthood ready to pass out free condoms, and a free clinic ready to give poor women the morning after pill is a myth.

I'm not going to go city by city, and check for hospitals that give the pill or free clinics that will. I would if I thought it would alter your perception, but you don't accept any information that goes agaisnt your world view, so I'd just be wasting my time.

Jake, you're a laughingstock. You know that, right? A pathetic loon who is despised even by the lefty weirdoes.
There are over 100 free family planning clinics in Mississippi, and they provide birth control supplies.

Family Planning - Mississippi State Department of Health


Physical Exam, including a medical history, Pap smear, clinical breast exam, height, weight and blood pressure.
Family Planning counseling and education on all contraceptive methods, including abstinence and natural family planning.
Testing for pregnancy, HIV and sexually-transmitted diseases.
Birth control supplies
Sterilization, including counseling, education and referral.
Pre-conception counseling to help plan your pregnancy.
Care coordination for certain high-risk clients.

AmyNation takes names, kicks asses, and makes far right reactionaries look stupid.

She's only making herself look stupid, and you are looking even more stupid. I've lived in Mississippi and getting birth control is as easy as spreading your legs.

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