A question for pro-lifers...

50 to 60% of the population believe, though, that those are acceptable options.

If you are against abortions for any other reason in the first three months, you are in the majority.

So what is your point?

The morning after pill is contraception, not abortion. I am one hundred percent in favor of contraception, especially since half of all abortions are the result of not using contraception.

The number of actual abortions due to rape is less than one percent.

There are over one million abortions every year that have nothing to do with rape or incest, and yet every time the subject of abortion comes up, someone uses the victims of rape and incest as human shields to avoid talking about all those abortions and the irresponsible behavior behind them.

This is textbook enabling of irresponsible behavior. Using human shields to protect irresponsible behavior is one seriously fucked up mindset. You guys must be very grateful there are rape and incest victims to use so callously.

Look, I posted the link to find places that give the morning after pill. G5000 made a valid point that women can just take a bunch of regular birth control pills, although I find that a bit suspect. *shrug* I'm done arguing about the mornig after pill.

Ive already named an entire state in this thread. Mississippi.

The entire state? Does that include Jackson? Do you have any idea how many pharmacies are in Jackson? In the entire state of Mississippi?

This notion that every city in America has a planned parenthood ready to pass out free condoms, and a free clinic ready to give poor women the morning after pill is a myth.

I'm not going to go city by city, and check for hospitals that give the pill or free clinics that will. I would if I thought it would alter your perception, but you don't accept any information that goes agaisnt your world view, so I'd just be wasting my time.

The notion that Planned Parenthood is the only source of contraception in the entire fracking world is even more of a myth. Every pharmacy in the fracking country stocks the pill, and you can pick up free condoms in bars next to the cash register.

Please, go city by city, because every time you post a city where it is impossible to get something I will find a source for it in the exact same city. In fact, pick an address and I will bet I can find a source within easy commuting distance for the poorest person within walking distance of that address. Care to take the challenge?
Just so, AmyNation.

You have provided enough.

bigrebnc, koshergrl, quantam windbag, and the others do not care about the truth. They will simply keep lying because they have an idea of what they want as an outcome.

The entire state? Does that include Jackson? Do you have any idea how many pharmacies are in Jackson? In the entire state of Mississippi?

This notion that every city in America has a planned parenthood ready to pass out free condoms, and a free clinic ready to give poor women the morning after pill is a myth.

I'm not going to go city by city, and check for hospitals that give the pill or free clinics that will. I would if I thought it would alter your perception, but you don't accept any information that goes agaisnt your world view, so I'd just be wasting my time.

The truth is that Planned Parenthood does not have a monopoly on the supply of anything they provide, nor are they the only ones that provide it on a sliding scale that allows poorer people to get it for no charge. Since that is the only truth that matters you are the one that doesn't care about truth.
:lol: Hi, kg: our goober girl goobering right on goobering.

Good to see you here, because that means the other side wins hands down.

You are the opposite of the Most Interesting Person, instead the The Person Guaranteed Fail for your side. That's you. Tru dat. :lol:

You should stop drinking AmyNation's piss. She is making shit up.

Every Walgreen's in Mississippi sells the morning after pill.

Health Information - Walgreens


Any pharmacists can refuse to give the morning after pill.

Not if they work for Walgreen's.
Do you support abortion in the case of rape/incest victims, and can you explain why you do( if you do).

Edit to add- I'm just curious where pro-life people fall on the life scale.

I haven't read any of the other responses yet but decided to post my opinion back to the OP.

I personally am not fond of abortions. I do realize they won't go away though. I think there's a point where we all need to come to a compromise and decide there's a point in fetal developement when neural activity becomes significant and the fetus becomes a true human being and not just cells.

I wish a compromise could be reached to where we could regulate it. I'm pro life but I think anyone who is raped or incest or even plain taken advantage of should have the option to abort the pregnancy in a timely manner.

I think there should be rules on timeframes on when to report a rape, incest, or unwanted pregnancy. If it is past that timeframe I think the person should be made to consider adoption.

I don't like forcing my beliefs on anyone and I'm not a woman so I recognize this isn't my decision to make it's theirs alone but I think you could enough people behind rules like what I just stated to get something done about it and end the debate.

It's not ever going to go away completely.

Just my thoughts, from a noob on these boards.
Well said.

Do you support abortion in the case of rape/incest victims, and can you explain why you do( if you do).

Edit to add- I'm just curious where pro-life people fall on the life scale.

I haven't read any of the other responses yet but decided to post my opinion back to the OP.

I personally am not fond of abortions. I do realize they won't go away though. I think there's a point where we all need to come to a compromise and decide there's a point in fetal developement when neural activity becomes significant and the fetus becomes a true human being and not just cells.

I wish a compromise could be reached to where we could regulate it. I'm pro life but I think anyone who is raped or incest or even plain taken advantage of should have the option to abort the pregnancy in a timely manner.

I think there should be rules on timeframes on when to report a rape, incest, or unwanted pregnancy. If it is past that timeframe I think the person should be made to consider adoption.

I don't like forcing my beliefs on anyone and I'm not a woman so I recognize this isn't my decision to make it's theirs alone but I think you could enough people behind rules like what I just stated to get something done about it and end the debate.

It's not ever going to go away completely.

Just my thoughts, from a noob on these boards.
One of the biggest pronouncers is pissed because she got out pronounced?

Are you kidding me?

Nope, she is as big a doofette as she appears to be.

LMAO!!!! Don't look now, Fakey made a pronouncement and thus it must be true! It's quite obvious you think more of yourself than anyone here.. Come to think of it, I've never seen anyone who actually likes you much less tolerates your incessant spew.

Wipe the drool off of your one front tooth and try to follow along.. WTF is being out pronounced?!! ROFL You're literally too stupid for words.. You remind me of the uneducated redneck who graduated from the 5th grade at 19 trying to use "BIG WORDS." STFU before you embarass yourself further..
LGS, you are a silly goofball of a doofette, and you know it, I know it, God knows it, and so does His angels and witnesses.

Your belief that all abortion is murder is doofus material, but about 1 of 6 Americans agree with you, so keep doofi'ing along, girl, because you have some company for sure,
Do you support abortion in the case of rape/incest victims, and can you explain why you do( if you do).

Edit to add- I'm just curious where pro-life people fall on the life scale.

The sex wasn't voluntary.
The woman wasn't planning on having sex and, therefore, couldn't take the necessary precautions.

Simple, really
Did I say you said that? Is English your third language?

Since you suddenly know that you saying that did not prove anything my question still stands, why mention it?
Because... I don't know anyone pro-abortion. I know plenty of people who are pro-choice.

Pro-Life: Someone who doesn't believe in abortion
Pro-Abortion: Someone who believes that fetus should be aborted.
Pro-Choice: One of the two options above. That's what choice means. To have more than one options in which to take, and then to choose one of them.

I think you confuse them.

I'd like to take the time here to point out you are basing your argument on an unproven assumption. The best you can say is that you, personally, do not know anyone you know is pro abortion. Unless you can read minds you cannot claim you know the political positions of everyone you know.

Feel free to keep posting about what you think you know about other people though, it does nothing to change my argument that there are elected representatives that are openly pro abortion.

Some people believe the morning after pill is a form of abortion, I obviously don't agree.

Catholics do. But then, they are against any form of contraception, and IVF and everything else.

After three days (the limit to when the morning after pill can be taken) there is no fetus, just a fertilised egg, which is basically the same as a chicken fetus.
Maybe to you.

But perception does not dictate reality. And just because you believe it doesn't make it true, or right.
Because a pregnancy resulting from rape or incest is in fact the result of a personal attack and as such has NOTHING to do with the woman's irresponsibility or laziness.
These cases are different than using abortion as a form of birth control which believe it or not, is what so many of us oppose.
Which is why so many women scream a collective fuck off, to those who mean to compel those they have no means to produce and no intention to support.

If you have no means to produce and no intent to support you should NEVER find yourself in a situation where you're forced to chose to kill or not to kill.

If YOU have no means to PRODUCE, and no intention to SUPPORT that which YOU mean to COMPEL, YOU should NEVER stick your big nose (or itty bitty peni) into the business of women.
Sometimes pictures help



Everybody should concern themselves with the safety of children and women. It isn't solely the *right* of women to protect, or kill, children.
Yet quite a few here are willing to put the rapist before the victim.

Its the rapists baby, remember? He might want custody of it once its born and we can't have the victim murdering it, can we?

A point made, proved, and ignored in anther thread on the same subject. Rapists DO sometimes, more often than you'd believe, seek custody, visitation, and parental rights.

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