A question for pro-lifers...

Pregnancy is not violent and abusive in and of itself.

Many women who get pregnant via rape opt to have the babies.
And yes, human does mean something, to those of us who value human life.
That's fine. Just be smart enough to realize that you are not logically addressing someone coming at it from the fact that "life" and the fact that it's "human" doesn't mean anything.

To many of use killing a fetus is the same thing as taking a brain dead human body off life support. If you can't address that logically, then really you aren't doing anything more than trying to troll. Which is fine by me... By all means, have a hey day. Just don't pretend you are addressing the opposition when you do it. It makes you look stupid and it devalues the stance in general if it's based off of faith.

Yes, to some people human beings are indeed commodities that can be disposed of as wanted.
And yes, human does mean something, to those of us who value human life.
That's fine. Just be smart enough to realize that you are not logically addressing someone coming at it from the fact that "life" and the fact that it's "human" doesn't mean anything.

To many of us killing a fetus is the same thing as taking a brain dead human body off life support. If you can't address that logically, then really you aren't doing anything more than trying to troll. Which is fine by me... By all means, have a hey day. Just don't pretend you are addressing the opposition when you do it. It makes you look stupid and it devalues the stance in general if it's based off of faith.

Yes, to some people human beings are indeed commodities that can be disposed of as wanted.
To many of us killing a fetus is the same thing as taking a brain dead human body off life support. If you can't address that logically, then really you aren't doing anything more than trying to troll.

Edit: With that said I'm off to bed. I'm not ignoring anybody... Just too tired/bored to continue without intelligent feedback
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Do you support abortion in the case of rape/incest victims, and can you explain why you do( if you do).

Edit to add- I'm just curious where pro-life people fall on the life scale.

as i said before and i stand on this, libs will give a murderer a second chance, but they wont give a baby that FIRST chance. Sorry that behooves me.
That's fine. Just be smart enough to realize that you are not logically addressing someone coming at it from the fact that "life" and the fact that it's "human" doesn't mean anything.

To many of us killing a fetus is the same thing as taking a brain dead human body off life support. If you can't address that logically, then really you aren't doing anything more than trying to troll. Which is fine by me... By all means, have a hey day. Just don't pretend you are addressing the opposition when you do it. It makes you look stupid and it devalues the stance in general if it's based off of faith.

Yes, to some people human beings are indeed commodities that can be disposed of as wanted.
To many of us killing a fetus is the same thing as taking a brain dead human body off life support. If you can't address that logically, then really you aren't doing anything more than trying to troll.

Edit: With that said I'm off to bed. I'm not ignoring anybody... Just too tired/bored to continue without intelligent feedback

Yes, I understand you are pretty callous about human life. No need to capitalize it.
Dennis Miller said it best, dems want entitlement from cradle to the grave, its getting to the cradle thats the hard part.
Maybe to you.

But perception does not dictate reality. And just because you believe it doesn't make it true, or right.

Reality and logic says that a fertilised egg is not a person.

Reality and logic say that? If that is true, both of those things would be able to tell me exactly when a group of cells became a person? Is it three weeks? Three months? Nine months? What, exactly, is it that makes a person a person?

The simple fact is that no one can answer that question, so no one is capable of telling me with any degree of logic, scientific certainty, or any degree of reality, that a fertilized egg is not a person.

And you're still a stupid, deceitful cow. The "desires of the mothers" has always been sacrosanct to me. Why would their choice to keep their baby's be less than that to abort, except in your narrow, cramped, almost nonexistent little soul?

I have spoken with Catholics about this, and when I ask them about the little girl who is expected to endured that pregnancy, and somehow survive it, they make it clear that they cared more about the fetus, and if the girl dies, so be it.
They have no hearts.

Have you thought about how the little girl might feel when she figures out they forced her to kill her baby?

Women who have abortions regret it but they can't change it so they become drunks to cope.

When a woman who has a "wanted" baby sees what a gift a child is and realizes that she killed this child's sibling, they suffer unbearable pain and guilt forever.

Think about that.
Do you support abortion in the case of rape/incest victims, and can you explain why you do( if you do).

Edit to add- I'm just curious where pro-life people fall on the life scale.

I support your right to it, if you cannot be persuaded out of it by your own free will.
That's fine. Just be smart enough to realize that you are not logically addressing someone coming at it from the fact that "life" and the fact that it's "human" doesn't mean anything.

To many of us killing a fetus is the same thing as taking a brain dead human body off life support. If you can't address that logically, then really you aren't doing anything more than trying to troll. Which is fine by me... By all means, have a hey day. Just don't pretend you are addressing the opposition when you do it. It makes you look stupid and it devalues the stance in general if it's based off of faith.

Yes, to some people human beings are indeed commodities that can be disposed of as wanted.
To many of us killing a fetus is the same thing as taking a brain dead human body off life support. If you can't address that logically, then really you aren't doing anything more than trying to troll.

Edit: With that said I'm off to bed. I'm not ignoring anybody... Just too tired/bored to continue without intelligent feedback

The difference would be a brain dead human body won't ever live again, a fetus will go on to be a productive human being. There is simply no comparison.
That's fine. Just be smart enough to realize that you are not logically addressing someone coming at it from the fact that "life" and the fact that it's "human" doesn't mean anything.

To many of us killing a fetus is the same thing as taking a brain dead human body off life support. If you can't address that logically, then really you aren't doing anything more than trying to troll. Which is fine by me... By all means, have a hey day. Just don't pretend you are addressing the opposition when you do it. It makes you look stupid and it devalues the stance in general if it's based off of faith.

Yes, to some people human beings are indeed commodities that can be disposed of as wanted.
To many of us killing a fetus is the same thing as taking a brain dead human body off life support. If you can't address that logically, then really you aren't doing anything more than trying to troll.

Edit: With that said I'm off to bed. I'm not ignoring anybody... Just too tired/bored to continue without intelligent feedback

Now I get it, many of you ignore medical science in order to justify abortion.

The simple fact is that medical science defines a person who is brain dead as someone who will never have brain activity. Babies, on the other hand, are not classified as brain dead.
I was always pro choice, until choice stopped being more about choice than being about pro. Abortion has gone from being necessary to the desperate to a grotesque and absurd parody of whatever it started out. I regret that abortion as a solution to a rape related pregnancy ends the child's life but the rapist escapes prosecution for the death. Punishment divided among all the parties falls the lightest on the perpetrator.

Most of all, it isn't abortion or birth control that I oppose, these are ultimately matters of conscience that the woman has to answer for. It is shifting the cost of irresponsibility to those more responsible. The public should never be required to underwrite promiscuity.
Yes, to some people human beings are indeed commodities that can be disposed of as wanted.
To many of us killing a fetus is the same thing as taking a brain dead human body off life support. If you can't address that logically, then really you aren't doing anything more than trying to troll.

Edit: With that said I'm off to bed. I'm not ignoring anybody... Just too tired/bored to continue without intelligent feedback

Now I get it, many of you ignore medical science in order to justify abortion.

The simple fact is that medical science defines a person who is brain dead as someone who will never have brain activity. Babies, on the other hand, are not classified as brain dead.

To liberals an unborn child is the same as a corpse. Deny that and they will call you illogical.
I was always pro choice, until choice stopped being more about choice than being about pro. Abortion has gone from being necessary to the desperate to a grotesque and absurd parody of whatever it started out. I regret that abortion as a solution to a rape related pregnancy ends the child's life but the rapist escapes prosecution for the death. Punishment divided among all the parties falls the lightest on the perpetrator.

Most of all, it isn't abortion or birth control that I oppose, these are ultimately matters of conscience that the woman has to answer for. It is shifting the cost of irresponsibility to those more responsible. The public should never be required to underwrite promiscuity.

When you legalize any method of killing humans, at whatever stage, you are headed down a nasty and depraved road. Think of war, execution, assisted suicide and the horrific history those things have.

Then decide women should be encouraged to engage in such behavior.

It's indicative of hatred of women...and a compulsion to control them and encourage promiscuity...and children, and a desire to see certain populations reduced. Pure and simple.
And yes, human does mean something, to those of us who value human life.

It doesn't mean anything to baby killing pigs. You will think up all sorts of creative ways to de-humanize people at various stages of their lives. It's what the culture of death embraces. The only humans are between the ages of 5-49, fully functional, no disabilities, don't embrace religion, and have a college education.

The rest, meh, they're just offal and dispensable.

As opposed to Republicans, who think the only Human Beings are wealthy people...

Them poor people. Send them to Iraq. Or Iran.
^^another lie by a babykiller, intended to draw attention away from the fact they want to kill certain people.
Yes, to some people human beings are indeed commodities that can be disposed of as wanted.
To many of us killing a fetus is the same thing as taking a brain dead human body off life support. If you can't address that logically, then really you aren't doing anything more than trying to troll.

Edit: With that said I'm off to bed. I'm not ignoring anybody... Just too tired/bored to continue without intelligent feedback

The difference would be a brain dead human body won't ever live again, a fetus will go on to be a productive human being. There is simply no comparison.
See... I deal with here and now. It's more important than what might be. That's a valid argument. I just don't agree with it. Either it is a person, or it's not. What will be doesn't matter to me until there is FIRST a PERSON.
Yes, to some people human beings are indeed commodities that can be disposed of as wanted.
To many of us killing a fetus is the same thing as taking a brain dead human body off life support. If you can't address that logically, then really you aren't doing anything more than trying to troll.

Edit: With that said I'm off to bed. I'm not ignoring anybody... Just too tired/bored to continue without intelligent feedback

Now I get it, many of you ignore medical science in order to justify abortion.

The simple fact is that medical science defines a person who is brain dead as someone who will never have brain activity. Babies, on the other hand, are not classified as brain dead.
But they aren't people either. Both are bodies and nothing more. That's the point.
To many of us killing a fetus is the same thing as taking a brain dead human body off life support. If you can't address that logically, then really you aren't doing anything more than trying to troll.

Edit: With that said I'm off to bed. I'm not ignoring anybody... Just too tired/bored to continue without intelligent feedback

Now I get it, many of you ignore medical science in order to justify abortion.

The simple fact is that medical science defines a person who is brain dead as someone who will never have brain activity. Babies, on the other hand, are not classified as brain dead.

To liberals an unborn child is the same as a corpse.
That is incorrect from my standpoint. It would be the same as a brain dead body.

Deny that and they will call you illogical.
Unless you can come up with some way that it's not... *shrugs* Yes. I will call you illogical.

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