A question for pro-lifers...

And, PS, "as it has been proved in another thread" is about the lamest of the lame, lol. Provide stats to show how frequently rapists get custody of the children born of their crime.

Children you think should be killed..despite, apparently, the desires of the mothers who chose to have them.
I suppose that makes some sort of sense to you loons, but to reasonable people it just comes across as gibbering.
Do you support abortion in the case of rape/incest victims, and can you explain why you do( if you do).

Edit to add- I'm just curious where pro-life people fall on the life scale.

I dont support abortion under any circumstance other than if carrying the baby to term would kill the mother. And even under that circumstance I really dont approve of it to be honest.
QUOTE=koshergrl;5964187]And, PS, "as it has been proved in another thread" is about the lamest of the lame, lol. Provide stats to show how frequently rapists get custody of the children born of their crime.

Children you think should be killed..despite, apparently, the desires of the mothers who chose to have them.[/QUOTE]


And you're still a stupid, deceitful cow. The "desires of the mothers" has always been sacrosanct to me. Why would their choice to keep their baby's be less than that to abort, except in your narrow, cramped, almost nonexistent little soul?
Do you support abortion in the case of rape/incest victims, and can you explain why you do( if you do).

Edit to add- I'm just curious where pro-life people fall on the life scale.

I dont support abortion under any circumstance other than if carrying the baby to term would kill the mother. And even under that circumstance I really dont approve of it to be honest.

because the baby doesn't need anyone to protect it from those who would consider it a drain on society. :thanks:
Morning after pill.

I will take that as a no.

Do you consider the morning after pill a form of abortion? I know some people do.

If the morning after pill prevents the egg from being fertilized then it is nothing like an abortion because the life was never created to begin with.
No... It does not prevent fertilization. Well... Actually... I suppose it COULD prevent fertilization but it's very unlikely that it does so. It mainly stops the fertilized egg from implanting onto the mother. Essentially starving it of nutrients.

And you're still a stupid, deceitful cow. The "desires of the mothers" has always been sacrosanct to me. Why would their choice to keep their baby's be less than that to abort, except in your narrow, cramped, almost nonexistent little soul?

I have spoken with Catholics about this, and when I ask them about the little girl who is expected to endured that pregnancy, and somehow survive it, they make it clear that they cared more about the fetus, and if the girl dies, so be it.

They have no hearts.
Do you support abortion in the case of rape/incest victims, and can you explain why you do( if you do).

Edit to add- I'm just curious where pro-life people fall on the life scale.

While I do not condone rape or incest in any way, neither do I condone the murder of an unborn and per definition innocent child. There is no justification to murder the child because it was conceived as the result of a crime or immoral act.

Abortion should only be legal in the rare cases where the contuination of the pregnancy poses too great a risk to the mother's life.
Maybe to you.

But perception does not dictate reality. And just because you believe it doesn't make it true, or right.

Reality and logic says that a fertilised egg is not a person.

Reality and science say that a fertilised human egg is NOT a chicken, but a human.
A human isn't necessarily a person. So... That statement doesn't really matter.

Listen... If your position is based in faith... That's great. More power to you I certainly wouldn't want to sway your opinion if it is. There are some that will, who are just as rabid as some religious people are on this topic.

However to argue against someone who is using logic... You're going to actually have to use logic. And that ain't it. Human doesn't mean anything. Being a person does.
I did use logic. It's illogical to say a fertilized egg is the same as a chicken, that's idiotic.
And yes, human does mean something, to those of us who value human life.

It doesn't mean anything to baby killing pigs. You will think up all sorts of creative ways to de-humanize people at various stages of their lives. It's what the culture of death embraces. The only humans are between the ages of 5-49, fully functional, no disabilities, don't embrace religion, and have a college education.

The rest, meh, they're just offal and dispensable.
Do you support abortion in the case of rape/incest victims, and can you explain why you do( if you do).

Edit to add- I'm just curious where pro-life people fall on the life scale.

You know, I am completely pro-life. I was a cop for 20 years and two of my children were adopted. Both after almost being murdered by their biological 'parents' after incredible periods of abuse. My wife and I were foster parents and in addition to the two babies that we adopted, we must have had at least fifty children come and go through our house. I've seen brutal rapes, cases of unspeakable incest and other situations that were so completely sad that describing them here would not do them justice. Babies that were addicted to crack, heroin and other drugs required us to get up in the middle of the night and give them their medicine so they could be slowly weened off of the drugs their mother was using.

I do not believe in abortion. You go out on Saturday night, get toasted, and hook up for a one-nighter, you better have birth control (And NO, I'm not paying for it either - Sandra Fluke can kiss my ass). But I do believe in abortion for rape, incest and the time when either the mother or the child is in danger.

In the case of rape and incest, the act itself is an exercise of brutal power over another human being. Therefore, the results of that act (the child), even though it is in itself innocent, is still a reoccurrance of that brutal force. I do not believe that women should be required to submit themselves to 9 months plus an entire lifetime of a reoccurring criminal act. I also know first hand, that a child of either a rape or incest, WILL be severly psychologically damaged when the circumstances are determined.

I support the use of the morning after pill in this case and also the use of abortion, IF a woman comes forward later (they sometimes take 6 months to report the act). In the case of a woman or baby that is in real medical danger, I also support the parents right to make a decision on whether to carry the baby to term. I have known women who have spent eight months in bed hoping everyday to deliver a healthy baby, only to see them crushed when the baby does not make it. I know that after my son passed away after being 41 days old, it has NEVER stopped affecting me.

By calling it a 'fetus' you try and sterilize what grows inside a woman's body so it becomes easier to kill it. It didn't get there magically and if a man is really a man, he will take care of what is his. We as a nation and as a society have lost something... there is no requirements for a man to take responsibility and there is no requirements for a woman to do the same.

It is sad... very sad.
And yes, human does mean something, to those of us who value human life.
That's fine. Just be smart enough to realize that you are not logically addressing someone coming at it from the fact that "life" and the fact that it's "human" doesn't mean anything.

To many of us killing a fetus is the same thing as taking a brain dead human body off life support. If you can't address that logically, then really you aren't doing anything more than trying to troll. Which is fine by me... By all means, have a hey day. Just don't pretend you are addressing the opposition when you do it. It makes you look stupid and it devalues the stance in general if it's based off of faith.
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