A question for pro-lifers...

There is no greater love than that of a mother. Killing a child because of the way he or she was conceived still equates to taking a life. A mother's natural reaction would be to protect her unborn child. I won't say all women feel that way who have been raped but I do know someone personally who chose to keep her little girl and loves her sooo much. Blaming and executing an innocent little girl or boy for the crime of a scumbag is as sick and twisted as executing a parent whose son was drinking and driving, killing an innocent person. Liberals will use any excuse or manner to justify evil- the slaughter of a child. I wouldn't want to stand account for the blood of babies on my hands. I am STRICTLY pro-life, period.
There are over 100 free family planning clinics in Mississippi, and they provide birth control supplies.

Family Planning - Mississippi State Department of Health


Physical Exam, including a medical history, Pap smear, clinical breast exam, height, weight and blood pressure.
Family Planning counseling and education on all contraceptive methods, including abstinence and natural family planning.
Testing for pregnancy, HIV and sexually-transmitted diseases.
Birth control supplies
Sterilization, including counseling, education and referral.
Pre-conception counseling to help plan your pregnancy.
Care coordination for certain high-risk clients.

AmyNation takes names, kicks asses, and makes far right reactionaries look stupid.

She's only making herself look stupid, and you are looking even more stupid. I've lived in Mississippi and getting birth control is as easy as spreading your legs.


Birth control is not the morning after pill. The website I provided lists places that dispense the morning after pill.
More than a million abortions a year. Half are the result of not using any birth control whatsoever, so we are looking at a serious impulse control problem.

There are more women who get abortions because they don't want to have to move into a bigger place than there are victims of rape, incest, and mothers whose lives are endangered by pregnancy put together.

So put that in your fallopian tubes and smoke it.

But you go right on trying to cover all that up with human shields. I understand your vile impulsive need to use victims in that way. Let's not look at the REAL problem. Let's deflect, deflect, and deflect some more.

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If you do not believe certain conditions require the needs of the mother be placed before that of the fetus, you are STRICTLY nonsense.

There is no greater love than that of a mother. Killing a child because of the way he or she was conceived still equates to taking a life. A mother's natural reaction would be to protect her unborn child. I won't say all women feel that way who have been raped but I do know someone personally who chose to keep her little girl and loves her sooo much. Blaming and executing an innocent little girl or boy for the crime of a scumbag is as sick and twisted as executing a parent whose son was drinking and driving, killing an innocent person. Liberals will use any excuse or manner to justify evil- the slaughter of a child. I wouldn't want to stand account for the blood of babies on my hands. I am STRICTLY pro-life, period.
If you do not believe certain conditions require the needs of the mother be placed before that of the fetus, you are STRICTLY nonsense.

There is no greater love than that of a mother. Killing a child because of the way he or she was conceived still equates to taking a life. A mother's natural reaction would be to protect her unborn child. I won't say all women feel that way who have been raped but I do know someone personally who chose to keep her little girl and loves her sooo much. Blaming and executing an innocent little girl or boy for the crime of a scumbag is as sick and twisted as executing a parent whose son was drinking and driving, killing an innocent person. Liberals will use any excuse or manner to justify evil- the slaughter of a child. I wouldn't want to stand account for the blood of babies on my hands. I am STRICTLY pro-life, period.

As if I give a good damn what you think Fakey.
No one of intelligence and seriousness and nuance takes you for anything other than a sick joke, honey. Tru dat.

If you do not believe certain conditions require the needs of the mother be placed before that of the fetus, you are STRICTLY nonsense.

There is no greater love than that of a mother. Killing a child because of the way he or she was conceived still equates to taking a life. A mother's natural reaction would be to protect her unborn child. I won't say all women feel that way who have been raped but I do know someone personally who chose to keep her little girl and loves her sooo much. Blaming and executing an innocent little girl or boy for the crime of a scumbag is as sick and twisted as executing a parent whose son was drinking and driving, killing an innocent person. Liberals will use any excuse or manner to justify evil- the slaughter of a child. I wouldn't want to stand account for the blood of babies on my hands. I am STRICTLY pro-life, period.

As if I give a good damn what you think Fakey.
No, what is true is that about right now AmyNation is wishing you'd stop "helping" her.

No credibility. No substance. That's our Jake.
:lol: Hi, kg: our goober girl goobering right on goobering.

Good to see you here, because that means the other side wins hands down.

You are the opposite of the Most Interesting Person, instead the The Person Guaranteed Fail for your side. That's you. Tru dat. :lol:
:lol: Hi, kg: our goober girl goobering right on goobering.

Good to see you here, because that means the other side wins hands down.

You are the opposite of the Most Interesting Person, instead the The Person Guaranteed Fail for your side. That's you. Tru dat. :lol:

You should stop drinking AmyNation's piss. She is making shit up.

Every Walgreen's in Mississippi sells the morning after pill.


No one of intelligence and seriousness and nuance takes you for anything other than a sick joke, honey. Tru dat.

If you do not believe certain conditions require the needs of the mother be placed before that of the fetus, you are STRICTLY nonsense.

As if I give a good damn what you think Fakey.

LMAO!!!! Don't look now, Fakey made a pronouncement and thus it must be true! It's quite obvious you think more of yourself than anyone here.. Come to think of it, I've never seen anyone who actually likes you much less tolerates your incessant spew.
:lol: Hi, kg: our goober girl goobering right on goobering.

Good to see you here, because that means the other side wins hands down.

You are the opposite of the Most Interesting Person, instead the The Person Guaranteed Fail for your side. That's you. Tru dat. :lol:

You should stop drinking AmyNation's piss. She is making shit up.

Every Walgreen's in Mississippi sells the morning after pill.

Health Information - Walgreens


Any pharmacists can refuse to give the morning after pill.
Deal with her claim before you drag a red herring across the trail, hmmm.
:lol: Hi, kg: our goober girl goobering right on goobering.

Good to see you here, because that means the other side wins hands down.

You are the opposite of the Most Interesting Person, instead the The Person Guaranteed Fail for your side. That's you. Tru dat. :lol:

You should stop drinking AmyNation's piss. She is making shit up.

Every Walgreen's in Mississippi sells the morning after pill.

Health Information - Walgreens

One of the biggest pronouncers is pissed because she got out pronounced?

Are you kidding me?

Nope, she is as big a doofette as she appears to be.

LMAO!!!! Don't look now, Fakey made a pronouncement and thus it must be true! It's quite obvious you think more of yourself than anyone here.. Come to think of it, I've never seen anyone who actually likes you much less tolerates your incessant spew.
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Look, I posted the link to find places that give the morning after pill. G5000 made a valid point that women can just take a bunch of regular birth control pills, although I find that a bit suspect. *shrug* I'm done arguing about the mornig after pill.
Do you support abortion in the case of rape/incest victims, and can you explain why you do( if you do).

Edit to add- I'm just curious where pro-life people fall on the life scale.

Absolutely, I even support Abortion for selfish Person Reasons because of my Respect for the Constitution, But that does not mean I have to like them, or want to help pay for them. I am labeled Pro Life and "conservative" on this issue even though I don't want to take away a the Right to choose, because I have the Nerve to Point out that people that Abuse it, and use Abortion as belated Birth Control, Or even worse to Terminate simply because they wanted the other sex, or have Multiple Abortions, Disgust me.
The morning after pill is contraception, not abortion. I am one hundred percent in favor of contraception, especially since half of all abortions are the result of not using contraception.

The number of actual abortions due to rape is less than one percent.

There are over one million abortions every year that have nothing to do with rape or incest, and yet every time the subject of abortion comes up, someone uses the victims of rape and incest as human shields to avoid talking about all those abortions and the irresponsible behavior behind them.

This is textbook enabling of irresponsible behavior. Using human shields to protect irresponsible behavior is one seriously fucked up mindset. You guys must be very grateful there are rape and incest victims to use so callously.

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