A question for the anti-abortionists?

The anti-abortionists keep throwing it into the faces of the pro-choicers saying that they are killing innocent human life.

But 99% of those same anti-abortionists cannot bring themselves to call for the appropriate punishment of women who have abortions,

which would be in most cases life in prison.

If abortion were illegal, and abortion considered murder, the women getting abortions should receive voluntary manslaughter charges. Why would it be any different than the murder of a human being of any other kind?

I think if there are complications where the choice is mother or child, the Drs. need to make that call with the input from the family (if there is time for that) - because if one person or the other is going to die, you have to save the life you can.

Women I suppose would either go back to self-aborting or maybe they would just be more careful. You have to remember, before abortions were legal, it was shameful to have children out of wedlock or as a teenager. Now, it is commonplace. I don't think you would see as many "backstreet" abortions as you did prior to abortion becoming legalized.

Yes....it would be a murder charge for both the mother and the Doctor who performed it for any reason other than the life of the mother. Making a decision to save the life of the mother instead of the baby would be triage, trying to save a life. The way to help ease the problem.....free delivery and adoption services...since if the mother does not want the baby, then it would be ward of the state when it was born.

There. We are at 2 out of all the anti-abortionist on this forum who would act on what they believe. lol

The rest are frauds.
true because I am not a girl, there is no way you could throw a woman in jail for having an abortion, no matter how much one hates it.

Thank you NY.....

Great post, the best one I read on the abortion debate in 20 years on the net.
WTF does having a vagina have to do with not throwing someone in jail for murder???? You would have NO PROBLEM locking her up if she killed a 2 year old child why is it different when it is in the womb and MORE vulnerable? You sex organ is should never be a free pass to kill a human life!
The anti-abortionists keep throwing it into the faces of the pro-choicers saying that they are killing innocent human life.

But 99% of those same anti-abortionists cannot bring themselves to call for the appropriate punishment of women who have abortions,

which would be in most cases life in prison.

If abortion were illegal, and abortion considered murder, the women getting abortions should receive voluntary manslaughter charges. Why would it be any different than the murder of a human being of any other kind?

I think if there are complications where the choice is mother or child, the Drs. need to make that call with the input from the family (if there is time for that) - because if one person or the other is going to die, you have to save the life you can.

Women I suppose would either go back to self-aborting or maybe they would just be more careful. You have to remember, before abortions were legal, it was shameful to have children out of wedlock or as a teenager. Now, it is commonplace. I don't think you would see as many "backstreet" abortions as you did prior to abortion becoming legalized.

Yes....it would be a murder charge for both the mother and the Doctor who performed it for any reason other than the life of the mother. Making a decision to save the life of the mother instead of the baby would be triage, trying to save a life. The way to help ease the problem.....free delivery and adoption services...since if the mother does not want the baby, then it would be ward of the state when it was born.

There. We are at 2 out of all the anti-abortionist on this forum who would act on what they believe. lol

The rest are frauds.
true because I am not a girl, there is no way you could throw a woman in jail for having an abortion, no matter how much one hates it.

Thank you NY.....

Great post, the best one I read on the abortion debate in 20 years on the net.
WTF does having a vagina have to do with not throwing someone in jail for murder???? You would have NO PROBLEM locking her up if she killed a 2 year old child why is it different when it is in the womb and MORE vulnerable? You sex organ is should never be a free pass to kill a human life!
Do you have daughter's? Step daughter's?

I do.
So, tax payers whose drones murder should be in jail.

SeLF defense on a national level is self defense.....and if you can't tell the difference between killing enemies in combat and murdering a baby in the womb....you really need your moral compass replaced.
If abortion were illegal, and abortion considered murder, the women getting abortions should receive voluntary manslaughter charges. Why would it be any different than the murder of a human being of any other kind?

I think if there are complications where the choice is mother or child, the Drs. need to make that call with the input from the family (if there is time for that) - because if one person or the other is going to die, you have to save the life you can.

Women I suppose would either go back to self-aborting or maybe they would just be more careful. You have to remember, before abortions were legal, it was shameful to have children out of wedlock or as a teenager. Now, it is commonplace. I don't think you would see as many "backstreet" abortions as you did prior to abortion becoming legalized.

Yes....it would be a murder charge for both the mother and the Doctor who performed it for any reason other than the life of the mother. Making a decision to save the life of the mother instead of the baby would be triage, trying to save a life. The way to help ease the problem.....free delivery and adoption services...since if the mother does not want the baby, then it would be ward of the state when it was born.

There. We are at 2 out of all the anti-abortionist on this forum who would act on what they believe. lol

The rest are frauds.
true because I am not a girl, there is no way you could throw a woman in jail for having an abortion, no matter how much one hates it.

Thank you NY.....

Great post, the best one I read on the abortion debate in 20 years on the net.
WTF does having a vagina have to do with not throwing someone in jail for murder???? You would have NO PROBLEM locking her up if she killed a 2 year old child why is it different when it is in the womb and MORE vulnerable? You sex organ is should never be a free pass to kill a human life!
Do you have daughter's? Step daughter's?

I do.
Yes I do and they know life is sacred. Killing a innocent child is wrong. Just because they are female doesn't magically change that truth. My daughter knows this. Because we raised her correct.
If abortion were illegal, and abortion considered murder, the women getting abortions should receive voluntary manslaughter charges. Why would it be any different than the murder of a human being of any other kind?

I think if there are complications where the choice is mother or child, the Drs. need to make that call with the input from the family (if there is time for that) - because if one person or the other is going to die, you have to save the life you can.

Women I suppose would either go back to self-aborting or maybe they would just be more careful. You have to remember, before abortions were legal, it was shameful to have children out of wedlock or as a teenager. Now, it is commonplace. I don't think you would see as many "backstreet" abortions as you did prior to abortion becoming legalized.

Yes....it would be a murder charge for both the mother and the Doctor who performed it for any reason other than the life of the mother. Making a decision to save the life of the mother instead of the baby would be triage, trying to save a life. The way to help ease the problem.....free delivery and adoption services...since if the mother does not want the baby, then it would be ward of the state when it was born.

There. We are at 2 out of all the anti-abortionist on this forum who would act on what they believe. lol

The rest are frauds.
true because I am not a girl, there is no way you could throw a woman in jail for having an abortion, no matter how much one hates it.

Thank you NY.....

Great post, the best one I read on the abortion debate in 20 years on the net.
WTF does having a vagina have to do with not throwing someone in jail for murder???? You would have NO PROBLEM locking her up if she killed a 2 year old child why is it different when it is in the womb and MORE vulnerable? You sex organ is should never be a free pass to kill a human life!
Do you have daughter's? Step daughter's?

I do.

I have young women in the family...if they became pregnant we as a family would take care of her and the baby....sadly, the left and their political party the democrats have done all they can, according to the leftist beliefs about destroying the nuclear family, to create single teenage mothers....who have no where to turn for real help.
So, tax payers whose drones murder should be in jail.

SeLF defense on a national level is self defense.....and if you can't tell the difference between killing enemies in combat and murdering a baby in the womb....you really need your moral compass replaced.
Most liberals actually put more value on a enemy then they ever will on a baby
NY carbineer brings up a great point in this thread, what would you charge the mom with if abortion some how became illegal, the electric chair? Life in prision, if a fetus is a human being?

What the poster said......

Can we just accept that the left is never going to understand biology Page 6 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

NYcarbineerDiamond Member
The anti-abortionists keep throwing it into the faces of the pro-choicers saying that they are killing innocent human life.

But 99% of those same anti-abortionists cannot bring themselves to call for the appropriate punishment of women who have abortions,

which would be in most cases life in prison.

Why are you people pretending you believe that the fetus is a person

If you are going to call those who are against abortion anti-abortionists why don't you call "pro Choicers" pro abortionist or pro murderers?

Science has proven that a fetus is a person.
NY carbineer brings up a great point in this thread, what would you charge the mom with if abortion some how became illegal, the electric chair? Life in prision, if a fetus is a human being?

What the poster said......

Can we just accept that the left is never going to understand biology Page 6 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

NYcarbineerDiamond Member
The anti-abortionists keep throwing it into the faces of the pro-choicers saying that they are killing innocent human life.

But 99% of those same anti-abortionists cannot bring themselves to call for the appropriate punishment of women who have abortions,

which would be in most cases life in prison.

Why are you people pretending you believe that the fetus is a person

If you are going to call those who are against abortion anti-abortionists why don't you call "pro Choicers" pro abortionist or pro murderers?

Science has proven that a fetus is a person.

they are pro baby death penalty....that might make the right connection for them in heir brains, since the people who will allow a baby to be killed will fight tooth and nail to keep a convicted killer alive.....siting the chance, however remote and unrealistic, that they just might be innocent and wrongly convicted..........but do not extend that to an actual innocent baby...
The post said murdering people, not fighting against soldiers attacking one. Killing mothers holding babies in their arms in their homes, not holding arms out on the battlefield.
NY carbineer brings up a great point in this thread, what would you charge the mom with if abortion some how became illegal, the electric chair? Life in prision, if a fetus is a human being?

What the poster said......

Can we just accept that the left is never going to understand biology Page 6 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

NYcarbineerDiamond Member
The anti-abortionists keep throwing it into the faces of the pro-choicers saying that they are killing innocent human life.

But 99% of those same anti-abortionists cannot bring themselves to call for the appropriate punishment of women who have abortions,

which would be in most cases life in prison.

Why are you people pretending you believe that the fetus is a person

If you are going to call those who are against abortion anti-abortionists why don't you call "pro Choicers" pro abortionist or pro murderers?

Science has proven that a fetus is a person.
So you have the heart to throw a scared 16 year old little girl in jail for murder?
I am anti abortion but abortion is something the women who choose to get one have to live with. And trust me that's punishment for many women. Especially when they have their "wanted" baby. They live with regret.

The ones who are crack heads and have 10 abortions usually end up in prison anyway.

Some women who choose to have abortions are unable to have children afterwards.

The punishment is the abortion and it manifests itself in many ways.

The best thing is to not get pregnant with an unwanted child.
NY carbineer brings up a great point in this thread, what would you charge the mom with if abortion some how became illegal, the electric chair? Life in prision, if a fetus is a human being?

What the poster said......

Can we just accept that the left is never going to understand biology Page 6 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

NYcarbineerDiamond Member
The anti-abortionists keep throwing it into the faces of the pro-choicers saying that they are killing innocent human life.

But 99% of those same anti-abortionists cannot bring themselves to call for the appropriate punishment of women who have abortions,

which would be in most cases life in prison.

Why are you people pretending you believe that the fetus is a person

It should be the same charges that were thrown at Dr. Gosnell. You remember him, he was killing viable babies as well as their mothers in some cases
In most cases, the pregnancy is preventable. So, prevent it.
NY carbineer brings up a great point in this thread, what would you charge the mom with if abortion some how became illegal, the electric chair? Life in prision, if a fetus is a human being?

What the poster said......

Can we just accept that the left is never going to understand biology Page 6 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

NYcarbineerDiamond Member
The anti-abortionists keep throwing it into the faces of the pro-choicers saying that they are killing innocent human life.

But 99% of those same anti-abortionists cannot bring themselves to call for the appropriate punishment of women who have abortions,

which would be in most cases life in prison.

Why are you people pretending you believe that the fetus is a person

If you are going to call those who are against abortion anti-abortionists why don't you call "pro Choicers" pro abortionist or pro murderers?

Science has proven that a fetus is a person.
So you have the heart to throw a scared 16 year old little girl in jail for murder?
You wouldn't? What makes her diffrent then a 16 year old boy who commits murder????? You sexism is disturbing .
Living responsibly would be the ideal.
How can young women be expected to be the sole societal exception?
The post said murdering people, not fighting against soldiers attacking one. Killing mothers holding babies in their arms in their homes, not holding arms out on the battlefield.

When the muslim terrorists hide among civilians and use them as shields innocent civilians are going to by hurt and killed, as they are in all wars. Would you prosecute the soldiers who liberated the concentration camps in Germany?
Living responsibly would be the ideal.
How can young women be expected to be the sole societal exception?

They aren't......if anyone else murders a baby they go to jail. And they can simply deliver the baby and send the child for adoption, which is better for everyone and does not require murder.

But you guys want women to be in that position...to have murdered their child......it separates them from everyone else....and puts them in your club....women who you have managed to compromise......
NY carbineer brings up a great point in this thread, what would you charge the mom with if abortion some how became illegal, the electric chair? Life in prision, if a fetus is a human being?

What the poster said......

Can we just accept that the left is never going to understand biology Page 6 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

NYcarbineerDiamond Member
The anti-abortionists keep throwing it into the faces of the pro-choicers saying that they are killing innocent human life.

But 99% of those same anti-abortionists cannot bring themselves to call for the appropriate punishment of women who have abortions,

which would be in most cases life in prison.

Why are you people pretending you believe that the fetus is a person

If you are going to call those who are against abortion anti-abortionists why don't you call "pro Choicers" pro abortionist or pro murderers?

Science has proven that a fetus is a person.
So you have the heart to throw a scared 16 year old little girl in jail for murder?
You wouldn't? What makes her diffrent then a 16 year old boy who commits murder????? You sexism is disturbing .
What sexism because I am a dad and you are a horn dog?

No what's disturbing to me is you don't get it.

You really have the heart to lock up women that have abortions ?

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