A question for the anti-choice crowd.

Before we as a nation can do the moral thing we have to first remove all the stupid Libtards from the Court and other decision making positions
Yeah? How's that workin out for ya? Yet another presidential election where you have nominated someone impossible to get elected, and Hillary is going to get to pick the next Supreme Court Justice...

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Very simple...... the penalty for an abortion should be sterilization. We can discuss the specific type, but I'm in favor of complete removal of the ovaries.

If you remove a woman's ovaries, her body will require hormone replacement therapy for her entire life. It is the equivalent of cutting off a man's balls, and it's completely unnecessary to complete sterilization. Removing her uterus would have the same effect without her requiring the HRT.

But if you want to do that, I think the guy who got her pregnant should be similarly sterilized since he obviously did not use birth control either. So if the woman loses her ovaries, the man loses his balls. That way he can't get another woman pregnant either.
Now, I have to admit. I posed this question on a different forum, and only one anti-choice fanatic was willing to respond...

...and his responses were both frightening, and disturbing.

Both should be tried for murder. What do you think should happen for someone who puts an innocent human being to death?
Again, I have to say that I am impressed with the new forum that I am calling "home". The conservatives here are much more courageous than on the last forum I posted on. So, I guess my next question is, when are you guess going to start demanding that your chosen political representatives stop being pussies, and start publicly demanding this? When are you going to demand that your politicians stop going after doctors, exclusively with their legislation, and start holding women responsible for their choices?

Well I don't have a problem speaking the truth, even if I am the extreme minority. That said, I also am aware and accept, that I am the minority.

In other words, politicians do not answer to demands. Politicians hold views of their own. We choose to support politicians which hold views close to our own.

For example, my Senator here in Ohio is Rob Portman. Now I can yell at Mr Portman, but he is his own man. He's not my personal robot. And he will likely say "I don't believe in that". And that would be the end of my demands that he support whatever I want. Now he still overall, generally has similar views to my own, which is why I support him.

And with all due honesty, despite the claims by the left that politicians should just bow to the crazy whims of society, I personally wouldn't even want to vote for a politician that was spineless, and stood for nothing, and blowing in the wind to whoever is yelling the loudest.

Moreover, I am possibly a minority in another way, in that I don't believe in trying to force a minority view, on the entire society. In other words, I accept that we are not, and have not been for some time, a Christian nation. While we still have one of the largest populations of dedicated Christians, we are no longer a fundamental Christian nation.

As such, I don't believe in going around yelling at pagans, for acting like pagans. Pagans kill their young. That's what they do. Why should a pagan, who thinks murdering their child is normal, and is not murder, stop doing that because some Christian with views they don't accept, starts screaming at them?

That makes no sense. Now I'll talk to a pagan, and argue they shouldn't murder their young... and if they accept that, then I would expect them to stop. But if they don't.... why would they stop?

So while I would generally vote for anyone whose views match my own, I don't expect Rob Portman to send millions to prison for murder. At least not until the whole of society agrees that murdering your child is wrong. Since that isn't likely to happen, I don't expect anything more on the matter.

Now you might ask.... if I believe that, why did I answer your original question the way I did?

Quite simply, because you presented a hypothetical where the assumption was an acceptance that murdering children is wrong. You said "Abortion is killing a person without justification. Ergo, abortion is essentially state sanctioned murder."

With that as the premise.... where everyone accepts that as truth.... then the answer is obvious. Murder is murder. What do you do with murderers? You send them to prison.

In real life, not everyone accepts that truth. It's still true.... but the fact is people don't accept the truth. "Depends on how you define 'is'" - Bill Clinton. Right? So as long as society as a whole accepts pagans murdering their own children... I'm not going to interfere.

Think about it. Who did Jesus confront? Did he run around to the Romans who were doing all kinds of crazy things? No. You don't see Jesus yelling at Romans. He only yelled at other Jews. People who claimed to be of the faith, but were not practicing it. I'm far more likely to yell at Christians for murdering their children. But pagans.... their pagans... I don't expect them to not act like pagans.
Now, I have to admit. I posed this question on a different forum, and only one anti-choice fanatic was willing to respond...

...and his responses were both frightening, and disturbing.

Both should be tried for murder. What do you think should happen for someone who puts an innocent human being to death?
Again, I have to say that I am impressed with the new forum that I am calling "home". The conservatives here are much more courageous than on the last forum I posted on. So, I guess my next question is, when are you guess going to start demanding that your chosen political representatives stop being pussies, and start publicly demanding this? When are you going to demand that your politicians stop going after doctors, exclusively with their legislation, and start holding women responsible for their choices?

Well I don't have a problem speaking the truth, even if I am the extreme minority. That said, I also am aware and accept, that I am the minority.

In other words, politicians do not answer to demands. Politicians hold views of their own. We choose to support politicians which hold views close to our own.

For example, my Senator here in Ohio is Rob Portman. Now I can yell at Mr Portman, but he is his own man. He's not my personal robot. And he will likely say "I don't believe in that". And that would be the end of my demands that he support whatever I want. Now he still overall, generally has similar views to my own, which is why I support him.

And with all due honesty, despite the claims by the left that politicians should just bow to the crazy whims of society, I personally wouldn't even want to vote for a politician that was spineless, and stood for nothing, and blowing in the wind to whoever is yelling the loudest.

Moreover, I am possibly a minority in another way, in that I don't believe in trying to force a minority view, on the entire society. In other words, I accept that we are not, and have not been for some time, a Christian nation. While we still have one of the largest populations of dedicated Christians, we are no longer a fundamental Christian nation.

As such, I don't believe in going around yelling at pagans, for acting like pagans. Pagans kill their young. That's what they do. Why should a pagan, who thinks murdering their child is normal, and is not murder, stop doing that because some Christian with views they don't accept, starts screaming at them?

That makes no sense. Now I'll talk to a pagan, and argue they shouldn't murder their young... and if they accept that, then I would expect them to stop. But if they don't.... why would they stop?

So while I would generally vote for anyone whose views match my own, I don't expect Rob Portman to send millions to prison for murder. At least not until the whole of society agrees that murdering your child is wrong. Since that isn't likely to happen, I don't expect anything more on the matter.

Now you might ask.... if I believe that, why did I answer your original question the way I did?

Quite simply, because you presented a hypothetical where the assumption was an acceptance that murdering children is wrong. You said "Abortion is killing a person without justification. Ergo, abortion is essentially state sanctioned murder."

With that as the premise.... where everyone accepts that as truth.... then the answer is obvious. Murder is murder. What do you do with murderers? You send them to prison.

In real life, not everyone accepts that truth. It's still true.... but the fact is people don't accept the truth. "Depends on how you define 'is'" - Bill Clinton. Right? So as long as society as a whole accepts pagans murdering their own children... I'm not going to interfere.

Think about it. Who did Jesus confront? Did he run around to the Romans who were doing all kinds of crazy things? No. You don't see Jesus yelling at Romans. He only yelled at other Jews. People who claimed to be of the faith, but were not practicing it. I'm far more likely to yell at Christians for murdering their children. But pagans.... their pagans... I don't expect them to not act like pagans.
So, behind all of the subtle insults, and moral judgements, am I to understand that politically you are pro-choice?
Guess what? None of those are human beings.
Neither is a fetus. A being is a separate, biologically independent organism. A fetus depends entirely on it's host for it's functions.

Look. The bottom line is that the personhood of a fetus is a matter of opinion, based on one's personal moral code, be it religious or otherwise. You will never convince me of your position. Likewise, I will never convince you of mine.

I would not support any legislation that would require you to behave in accordance with my moral view. Likewise I will never support any legislation that requires me, or anyone else, to behave in accordance with yours.
A fetus isn't a.parasite, and it has it's own nervous and circulatory systems. Functioning kidneys, heart, brain.
Guess what? None of those are human beings.
Neither is a fetus. .....

Is a two year old child a human?
Yeah. it is. And do you know what a two-year-old isn't? A fetus. That's why they call it a baby, or a child, not a fetus. See, no one says, "Hey, guys! Look at these pictures of my two-year-old fetus!"

Look, like I said, we are never going to agree. What we can - I hope - agree on, and should is that it is not proper for anyone to pass any legislation that forces another individual to behave in accordance with someone else's moral code.
Sorry, not when it comes to the exploitation and murder of vulnerable people. If your moral code doesn't provide for themprotection of the vulnerable and weak, too bad, we're going to protect them anyway. Move.to China. They love baby killing there. It's state sanctioned by golly...mandatory.
Guess what? None of those are human beings.
Neither is a fetus. .....

Is a two year old child a human?
Yeah. it is. And do you know what a two-year-old isn't? A fetus. That's why they call it a baby, or a child, not a fetus. See, no one says, "Hey, guys! Look at these pictures of my two-year-old fetus!"

Look, like I said, we are never going to agree. What we can - I hope - agree on, and should is that it is not proper for anyone to pass any legislation that forces another individual to behave in accordance with someone else's moral code.
Sorry, not when it comes to the exploitation and murder of vulnerable people. If your moral code doesn't provide for themprotection of the vulnerable and weak, too bad, we're going to protect them anyway. Move.to China. They love baby killing there. It's state sanctioned by golly...mandatory.

Go easy on the over generalization.
Guess what? None of those are human beings.
Neither is a fetus. .....

Is a two year old child a human?
Yeah. it is. And do you know what a two-year-old isn't? A fetus. That's why they call it a baby, or a child, not a fetus. See, no one says, "Hey, guys! Look at these pictures of my two-year-old fetus!"

Look, like I said, we are never going to agree. What we can - I hope - agree on, and should is that it is not proper for anyone to pass any legislation that forces another individual to behave in accordance with someone else's moral code.
Sorry, not when it comes to the exploitation and murder of vulnerable people. If your moral code doesn't provide for themprotection of the vulnerable and weak, too bad, we're going to protect them anyway. Move.to China. They love baby killing there. It's state sanctioned by golly...mandatory.
So, when are you going to start expecting your chosen political candidates to publicly endorse your position - including punishment for women who seek abortions?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Guess what? None of those are human beings.
Neither is a fetus. .....

Is a two year old child a human?
Yeah. it is. And do you know what a two-year-old isn't? A fetus. That's why they call it a baby, or a child, not a fetus. See, no one says, "Hey, guys! Look at these pictures of my two-year-old fetus!"

Look, like I said, we are never going to agree. What we can - I hope - agree on, and should is that it is not proper for anyone to pass any legislation that forces another individual to behave in accordance with someone else's moral code.
Sorry, not when it comes to the exploitation and murder of vulnerable people. If your moral code doesn't provide for themprotection of the vulnerable and weak, too bad, we're going to protect them anyway. Move.to China. They love baby killing there. It's state sanctioned by golly...mandatory.
So, when are you going to start expecting your chosen political candidates to publicly endorse your position - including punishment for women who seek abortions?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Oh look, a baby killer engaging in logical fallacy based hackery. We've never seen THAT before.
Guess what? None of those are human beings.
Neither is a fetus. A being is a separate, biologically independent organism. A fetus depends entirely on it's host for it's functions.

Look. The bottom line is that the personhood of a fetus is a matter of opinion, based on one's personal moral code, be it religious or otherwise. You will never convince me of your position. Likewise, I will never convince you of mine.

I would not support any legislation that would require you to behave in accordance with my moral view. Likewise I will never support any legislation that requires me, or anyone else, to behave in accordance with yours.
A fetus isn't a.parasite, and it has it's own nervous and circulatory systems. Functioning kidneys, heart, brain.
So do parasites. Learn what one is?
Guess what? None of those are human beings.
Neither is a fetus. A being is a separate, biologically independent organism. A fetus depends entirely on it's host for it's functions.

Look. The bottom line is that the personhood of a fetus is a matter of opinion, based on one's personal moral code, be it religious or otherwise. You will never convince me of your position. Likewise, I will never convince you of mine.

I would not support any legislation that would require you to behave in accordance with my moral view. Likewise I will never support any legislation that requires me, or anyone else, to behave in accordance with yours.
A fetus isn't a.parasite, and it has it's own nervous and circulatory systems. Functioning kidneys, heart, brain.
So do parasites. Learn what one is?
I know what a parasite is. I was responding to the comment that the fetus was totally dependent for all functions. Not true. Learn to read, baby killer.
Guess what? None of those are human beings.
Neither is a fetus. A being is a separate, biologically independent organism. A fetus depends entirely on it's host for it's functions.

Look. The bottom line is that the personhood of a fetus is a matter of opinion, based on one's personal moral code, be it religious or otherwise. You will never convince me of your position. Likewise, I will never convince you of mine.

I would not support any legislation that would require you to behave in accordance with my moral view. Likewise I will never support any legislation that requires me, or anyone else, to behave in accordance with yours.
A fetus isn't a.parasite, and it has it's own nervous and circulatory systems. Functioning kidneys, heart, brain.
So do parasites. Learn what one is?
I know what a parasite is. I was responding to the comment that the fetus was totally dependent for all functions. Not true. Learn to read, baby killer.
Baby killer? Like your God, who lets half of all conceptions die?

We invented Induced Abortion, He invented Spontaneous Abortion. He performs many times as many as we do.
Guess what? None of those are human beings.
Neither is a fetus. A being is a separate, biologically independent organism. A fetus depends entirely on it's host for it's functions.

Look. The bottom line is that the personhood of a fetus is a matter of opinion, based on one's personal moral code, be it religious or otherwise. You will never convince me of your position. Likewise, I will never convince you of mine.

I would not support any legislation that would require you to behave in accordance with my moral view. Likewise I will never support any legislation that requires me, or anyone else, to behave in accordance with yours.
A fetus isn't a.parasite, and it has it's own nervous and circulatory systems. Functioning kidneys, heart, brain.
So do parasites. Learn what one is?
I know what a parasite is. I was responding to the comment that the fetus was totally dependent for all functions. Not true. Learn to read, baby killer.
Baby killer? Like your God, who lets half of all conceptions die?

We invented Induced Abortion, He invented Spontaneous Abortion. He performs many times as many as we do.
Nonsense, baby killing anti Christian loon. Obviously you, like most progressive death cultists, cannot conceive of the difference between death by natural causes, and murder. Your failure to mark the difference is what identifies you as a disgusting mentally ll sociopath who should be.locked.up...for your own safety, and the.safety of others.
Neither is a fetus. A being is a separate, biologically independent organism. A fetus depends entirely on it's host for it's functions.

Look. The bottom line is that the personhood of a fetus is a matter of opinion, based on one's personal moral code, be it religious or otherwise. You will never convince me of your position. Likewise, I will never convince you of mine.

I would not support any legislation that would require you to behave in accordance with my moral view. Likewise I will never support any legislation that requires me, or anyone else, to behave in accordance with yours.
A fetus isn't a.parasite, and it has it's own nervous and circulatory systems. Functioning kidneys, heart, brain.
So do parasites. Learn what one is?
I know what a parasite is. I was responding to the comment that the fetus was totally dependent for all functions. Not true. Learn to read, baby killer.
Baby killer? Like your God, who lets half of all conceptions die?

We invented Induced Abortion, He invented Spontaneous Abortion. He performs many times as many as we do.
Nonsense, baby killing anti Christian loon. Obviously you, like most progressive death cultists, cannot conceive of the difference between death by natural causes, and murder. Your failure to mark the difference is what identifies you as a disgusting mentally ll sociopath who should be.locked.up...for your own safety, and the.safety of others.
You cry for the fetuses we terminate, but not for those killed by your God, which number many times more?

Sure thing.

And like most pro-choice people, I would be perfectly happy if the only abortions we did were the ones we had to. It's why I'd hand out birth control like candy, but you oppose that as well, right?
A fetus isn't a.parasite, and it has it's own nervous and circulatory systems. Functioning kidneys, heart, brain.
So do parasites. Learn what one is?
I know what a parasite is. I was responding to the comment that the fetus was totally dependent for all functions. Not true. Learn to read, baby killer.
Baby killer? Like your God, who lets half of all conceptions die?

We invented Induced Abortion, He invented Spontaneous Abortion. He performs many times as many as we do.
Nonsense, baby killing anti Christian loon. Obviously you, like most progressive death cultists, cannot conceive of the difference between death by natural causes, and murder. Your failure to mark the difference is what identifies you as a disgusting mentally ll sociopath who should be.locked.up...for your own safety, and the.safety of others.
You cry for the fetuses we terminate, but not for those killed by your God, which number many times more?

Sure thing.

And like most pro-choice people, I would be perfectly happy if the only abortions we did were the ones we had to. It's why I'd hand out birth control like candy, but you oppose that as well, right?
You have proof that God is killing people?

Of course not. You're just another mentally ill hysteric who gets off.on the thought of vulnerable.women with their feet in the stirrups, getting their uteruses scraped by dirty tools.
So do parasites. Learn what one is?
I know what a parasite is. I was responding to the comment that the fetus was totally dependent for all functions. Not true. Learn to read, baby killer.
Baby killer? Like your God, who lets half of all conceptions die?

We invented Induced Abortion, He invented Spontaneous Abortion. He performs many times as many as we do.
Nonsense, baby killing anti Christian loon. Obviously you, like most progressive death cultists, cannot conceive of the difference between death by natural causes, and murder. Your failure to mark the difference is what identifies you as a disgusting mentally ll sociopath who should be.locked.up...for your own safety, and the.safety of others.
You cry for the fetuses we terminate, but not for those killed by your God, which number many times more?

Sure thing.

And like most pro-choice people, I would be perfectly happy if the only abortions we did were the ones we had to. It's why I'd hand out birth control like candy, but you oppose that as well, right?
You have proof that God is killing people?

Of course not. You're just another mentally ill hysteric who gets off.on the thought of vulnerable.women with their feet in the stirrups, getting their uteruses scraped by dirty tools.
Proof? Of course I have proof.

Vast numbers of what would have been a baby cruelly flushed from their mothers' wombs, by the inventor of abortion, God, who could make all of that go away.

There's a Baby Killer around alright, but based on the numbers it ain't mankind. It is the inventor of abortion, God.
I know what a parasite is. I was responding to the comment that the fetus was totally dependent for all functions. Not true. Learn to read, baby killer.
Baby killer? Like your God, who lets half of all conceptions die?

We invented Induced Abortion, He invented Spontaneous Abortion. He performs many times as many as we do.
Nonsense, baby killing anti Christian loon. Obviously you, like most progressive death cultists, cannot conceive of the difference between death by natural causes, and murder. Your failure to mark the difference is what identifies you as a disgusting mentally ll sociopath who should be.locked.up...for your own safety, and the.safety of others.
You cry for the fetuses we terminate, but not for those killed by your God, which number many times more?

Sure thing.

And like most pro-choice people, I would be perfectly happy if the only abortions we did were the ones we had to. It's why I'd hand out birth control like candy, but you oppose that as well, right?
You have proof that God is killing people?

Of course not. You're just another mentally ill hysteric who gets off.on the thought of vulnerable.women with their feet in the stirrups, getting their uteruses scraped by dirty tools.
Proof? Of course I have proof.

Vast numbers of what would have been a baby cruelly flushed from their mothers' wombs, by the inventor of abortion, God, who could make all of that go away.

There's a Baby Killer around alright, but based on the numbers it ain't mankind. It is the inventor of abortion, God.
You have proof that God exists??

Awesome. Let me call the.pope. He isntw going to believe this.
Neither is a fetus. .....

Is a two year old child a human?
Yeah. it is. And do you know what a two-year-old isn't? A fetus. That's why they call it a baby, or a child, not a fetus. See, no one says, "Hey, guys! Look at these pictures of my two-year-old fetus!"

Look, like I said, we are never going to agree. What we can - I hope - agree on, and should is that it is not proper for anyone to pass any legislation that forces another individual to behave in accordance with someone else's moral code.
Sorry, not when it comes to the exploitation and murder of vulnerable people. If your moral code doesn't provide for themprotection of the vulnerable and weak, too bad, we're going to protect them anyway. Move.to China. They love baby killing there. It's state sanctioned by golly...mandatory.
So, when are you going to start expecting your chosen political candidates to publicly endorse your position - including punishment for women who seek abortions?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Oh look, a baby killer engaging in logical fallacy based hackery. We've never seen THAT before.
What logical fallacy? You insist that you think abortion is murder, and that women seeking abortion should be punished equally with the doctors who perform them. There is not a single political candidate who is supporting that position. there was one, and he suffered such immediate, and furied backlash that he walked his position back within a matter of hours.

The only ones involved in hackery here are you, and your fake conservative thug friends who hypocritically, and cowardly have no problem taking a hard line position on abortion right to its logical conclusion when you're nmice, and safe behind an anonymous forum, but when out in the real world, with real political consequences? Oh no!!!! Never will you expect an actual political candidate to endorse that position. Because you know that in the real world your absurdly stupid position would be political suicide.

So what ever can you do? Oh! Insult the guy who is exposing your hypocrisy and cowardice. Thank you for playing. Have a nice day. Do feel free to pick up your parting gifts on the way out.
Guess what? None of those are human beings.
Neither is a fetus. A being is a separate, biologically independent organism. A fetus depends entirely on it's host for it's functions.

Look. The bottom line is that the personhood of a fetus is a matter of opinion, based on one's personal moral code, be it religious or otherwise. You will never convince me of your position. Likewise, I will never convince you of mine.

I would not support any legislation that would require you to behave in accordance with my moral view. Likewise I will never support any legislation that requires me, or anyone else, to behave in accordance with yours.
A fetus isn't a.parasite, and it has it's own nervous and circulatory systems. Functioning kidneys, heart, brain.
So do parasites. Learn what one is?
I know what a parasite is. I was responding to the comment that the fetus was totally dependent for all functions. Not true. Learn to read, baby killer.
Actually, for, at least, the first 13 weeks, it is. Even then it is not self-functioning until at least 23 weeks. Did you finish high school? If you did, I'd sue them for failing to educate you.
So do parasites. Learn what one is?
I know what a parasite is. I was responding to the comment that the fetus was totally dependent for all functions. Not true. Learn to read, baby killer.
Baby killer? Like your God, who lets half of all conceptions die?

We invented Induced Abortion, He invented Spontaneous Abortion. He performs many times as many as we do.
Nonsense, baby killing anti Christian loon. Obviously you, like most progressive death cultists, cannot conceive of the difference between death by natural causes, and murder. Your failure to mark the difference is what identifies you as a disgusting mentally ll sociopath who should be.locked.up...for your own safety, and the.safety of others.
You cry for the fetuses we terminate, but not for those killed by your God, which number many times more?

Sure thing.

And like most pro-choice people, I would be perfectly happy if the only abortions we did were the ones we had to. It's why I'd hand out birth control like candy, but you oppose that as well, right?
You have proof that God is killing people?

Of course not. You're just another mentally ill hysteric who gets off.on the thought of vulnerable.women with their feet in the stirrups, getting their uteruses scraped by dirty tools.
Vulnerable women?!?!? My god what a self-righteous, troll you are! You get that these women having abortion chose to do so, right? I mean, it's not like abortion clinics are drugging these women, and dragging them into perform abortions berfore they even know what's happening! They are making. A. Choice.

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