A question for the anti-choice crowd.


So, you shame women into obediance to your moralistic opinion, and think you have accomplished something. Well, bully for you.

Morality starts with protecting life.

Abortion destroys life, like about a million American children each year.

A distinction you Moon Bats have a very difficult time understanding.

Using murder as a birth control method is about as despicable and immoral as it gets.
Blah, blah, blah. All your empty rhetoric is just so much bloviated blathering until you start demanding that your political candidates, and lawmakers begin to support legislation that actually aligns with your views - and that means including punishing women for seeking abortions.

But, we all know that isn't going to happen, because you bloviating blowhards know damned well that outside of the anonymity of the blogoshpere, your espoused position is a political third rail. Any politician who was stupid enough to take up your cause would immediately lose the largest voting block in American politics. Want proof? Look at Trump. He tried to take up your cause, and with just one little comment, he got so buried in criticism, and political pressure that, within a few hours, he was forced to walk his comment back, and hope that it would die without anyone remembering that he had said it.

So, hey. Take the hard line online, if it makes you feel like a "real" conservative, but don't expect any of us to actually take you seriously with your "women should be punished like murderers" bullshit, when you are not willing to take it beyond the anonymous political forums.

So, you shame women into obediance to your moralistic opinion, and think you have accomplished something. Well, bully for you.

Morality starts with protecting life.

Abortion destroys life, like about a million American children each year.

A distinction you Moon Bats have a very difficult time understanding.

Using murder as a birth control method is about as despicable and immoral as it gets.
Blah, blah, blah. All your empty rhetoric is just so much bloviated blathering until you start demanding that your political candidates, and lawmakers begin to support legislation that actually aligns with your views - and that means including punishing women for seeking abortions.

But, we all know that isn't going to happen, because you bloviating blowhards know damned well that outside of the anonymity of the blogoshpere, your espoused position is a political third rail. Any politician who was stupid enough to take up your cause would immediately lose the largest voting block in American politics. Want proof? Look at Trump. He tried to take up your cause, and with just one little comment, he got so buried in criticism, and political pressure that, within a few hours, he was forced to walk his comment back, and hope that it would die without anyone remembering that he had said it.

So, hey. Take the hard line online, if it makes you feel like a "real" conservative, but don't expect any of us to actually take you seriously with your "women should be punished like murderers" bullshit, when you are not willing to take it beyond the anonymous political forums.

Trying to explain what is wrong with the infanticide of murdering children for the sake of convenience to a stupid ass Libtard is like trying to explain what was wrong with the Holocaust to the Nazis. You just never will get it. You will always be confused about why it is wrong to kill children. That is just the kind of shitheads you are.

It is just like many other issues. You stupid Libtards never seem to get it right on anything. We have come to expect that of you turdbrains. The issue of killing children on demand for the sake of convenience is no exception.

You Libtard assholes can rejoice that you have the right to kill the children. You can party like it is 1999 and whoop and holler it up in your self righteous. Meanwhile about 100 American children are murdered each day so have fun.

So, you shame women into obediance to your moralistic opinion, and think you have accomplished something. Well, bully for you.

Morality starts with protecting life.

Abortion destroys life, like about a million American children each year.

A distinction you Moon Bats have a very difficult time understanding.

Using murder as a birth control method is about as despicable and immoral as it gets.
Blah, blah, blah. All your empty rhetoric is just so much bloviated blathering until you start demanding that your political candidates, and lawmakers begin to support legislation that actually aligns with your views - and that means including punishing women for seeking abortions.

But, we all know that isn't going to happen, because you bloviating blowhards know damned well that outside of the anonymity of the blogoshpere, your espoused position is a political third rail. Any politician who was stupid enough to take up your cause would immediately lose the largest voting block in American politics. Want proof? Look at Trump. He tried to take up your cause, and with just one little comment, he got so buried in criticism, and political pressure that, within a few hours, he was forced to walk his comment back, and hope that it would die without anyone remembering that he had said it.

So, hey. Take the hard line online, if it makes you feel like a "real" conservative, but don't expect any of us to actually take you seriously with your "women should be punished like murderers" bullshit, when you are not willing to take it beyond the anonymous political forums.

Trying to explain what is wrong with the infanticide of murdering children for the sake of convenience to a stupid ass Libtard is like trying to explain what was wrong with the Holocaust to the Nazis. You just never will get it. You will always be confused about why it is wrong to kill children. That is just the kind of shitheads you are.

It is just like many other issues. You stupid Libtards never seem to get it right on anything. We have come to expect that of you turdbrains. The issue of killing children on demand for the sake of convenience is no exception.

You Libtard assholes can rejoice that you have the right to kill the children. You can party like it is 1999 and whoop and holler it up in your self righteous. Meanwhile about 100 American children are murdered each day so have fun.
"Blah, blah, blah...Libtard...blah, blah, blah...Libtard....blah, blah, blah...Libtard..."

You, and your ilk are a joke. You know that you will never accomplish your authoritarian utopia where you get to dictate everyone's behaviour, so all you have is hurling insults, and resting on your perceived moral superiority as if you are relevant.

Thank you for playing. Have a nice day. Do feel free to pick up your parting gifts on the way out.

"Blah, blah, blah...Libtard...blah, blah, blah...Libtard....blah, blah, blah...Libtard..."

You, and your ilk are a joke. You know that you will never accomplish your authoritarian utopia where you get to dictate everyone's behaviour, so all you have is hurling insults, and resting on your perceived moral superiority as if you are relevant.

Thank you for playing. Have a nice day. Do feel free to pick up your parting gifts on the way out.

You Nazis that enjoy killing as a final solution to irresponsibility can't get any more authoritative than the eugenic infanticide that you love so much.

"Blah, blah, blah...Libtard...blah, blah, blah...Libtard....blah, blah, blah...Libtard..."

You, and your ilk are a joke. You know that you will never accomplish your authoritarian utopia where you get to dictate everyone's behaviour, so all you have is hurling insults, and resting on your perceived moral superiority as if you are relevant.

Thank you for playing. Have a nice day. Do feel free to pick up your parting gifts on the way out.

You Nazis that enjoy killing as a final solution to irresponsibility can't get any more authoritative than the eugenic infanticide that you love so much.
And, you fail. Godwin's law. When you have nothing rational left to say, compare your opponent to the NAZIs. Bye, bye.

Meanwhile, with the single question posed by the OP, you have been exposed for the hypocritical purveyor of pus that you are, sanctimoniously spewing your authoritarian hatred of anyone who does not bow to your opinions on an anonymous forum where it is safe to do so, but refusing to actually demand that your political candidates, and lawmakers to endorse your views out in the real world, because you know that you will never be able to get popular support for your authoritarian desires.

Feel free to spew whatever self-righteous retaliation you feel will make you feel better, I will not bother responding, as you have already failed, and we both know it.

Buh bye

"Blah, blah, blah...Libtard...blah, blah, blah...Libtard....blah, blah, blah...Libtard..."

You, and your ilk are a joke. You know that you will never accomplish your authoritarian utopia where you get to dictate everyone's behaviour, so all you have is hurling insults, and resting on your perceived moral superiority as if you are relevant.

Thank you for playing. Have a nice day. Do feel free to pick up your parting gifts on the way out.

You Nazis that enjoy killing as a final solution to irresponsibility can't get any more authoritative than the eugenic infanticide that you love so much.
Baby killer is a more concise reply.
Wow, the OP is really dumb...

So, why are you not for advocating Marxism? Shouldn't democrats do just that?

Oh, because it isn't very popular, even if many left wing candidates are commies. The liberal hypocrisy is unreal. Every politician is in the game first to win... without that your principles mean jack shit... so you pick and choose the battles according to what is actually important.

The democrats especially know this, given that their tactic is to bribe the voters with free stuff. You have no legs to stand on.

"Blah, blah, blah...Libtard...blah, blah, blah...Libtard....blah, blah, blah...Libtard..."

You, and your ilk are a joke. You know that you will never accomplish your authoritarian utopia where you get to dictate everyone's behaviour, so all you have is hurling insults, and resting on your perceived moral superiority as if you are relevant.

Thank you for playing. Have a nice day. Do feel free to pick up your parting gifts on the way out.

You Nazis that enjoy killing as a final solution to irresponsibility can't get any more authoritative than the eugenic infanticide that you love so much.
Baby killer is a more concise reply.
A new voice heard from. Before sniping from the side-lines, how about you answer the question from the OP?

"Blah, blah, blah...Libtard...blah, blah, blah...Libtard....blah, blah, blah...Libtard..."

You, and your ilk are a joke. You know that you will never accomplish your authoritarian utopia where you get to dictate everyone's behaviour, so all you have is hurling insults, and resting on your perceived moral superiority as if you are relevant.

Thank you for playing. Have a nice day. Do feel free to pick up your parting gifts on the way out.

You Nazis that enjoy killing as a final solution to irresponsibility can't get any more authoritative than the eugenic infanticide that you love so much.
Baby killer is a more concise reply.
A new voice heard from. Before sniping from the side-lines, how about you answer the question from the OP?
I answered that. I said don't call it murder, unless you are willing to punish it as murder.

"Blah, blah, blah...Libtard...blah, blah, blah...Libtard....blah, blah, blah...Libtard..."

You, and your ilk are a joke. You know that you will never accomplish your authoritarian utopia where you get to dictate everyone's behaviour, so all you have is hurling insults, and resting on your perceived moral superiority as if you are relevant.

Thank you for playing. Have a nice day. Do feel free to pick up your parting gifts on the way out.

You Nazis that enjoy killing as a final solution to irresponsibility can't get any more authoritative than the eugenic infanticide that you love so much.
Baby killer is a more concise reply.
A new voice heard from. Before sniping from the side-lines, how about you answer the question from the OP?
I answered that. I said don't call it murder, unless you are willing to punish it as murder.
I agree with that. And what do you call it? I mean you just called those of us who support choice "baby killers". Sounds like you consider it murder to me...

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

"Blah, blah, blah...Libtard...blah, blah, blah...Libtard....blah, blah, blah...Libtard..."

You, and your ilk are a joke. You know that you will never accomplish your authoritarian utopia where you get to dictate everyone's behaviour, so all you have is hurling insults, and resting on your perceived moral superiority as if you are relevant.

Thank you for playing. Have a nice day. Do feel free to pick up your parting gifts on the way out.

You Nazis that enjoy killing as a final solution to irresponsibility can't get any more authoritative than the eugenic infanticide that you love so much.
Baby killer is a more concise reply.
A new voice heard from. Before sniping from the side-lines, how about you answer the question from the OP?
I answered that. I said don't call it murder, unless you are willing to punish it as murder.
I agree with that. And what do you call it?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Abortion, hopefully legal, and early.
You Nazis that enjoy killing as a final solution to irresponsibility can't get any more authoritative than the eugenic infanticide that you love so much.
Baby killer is a more concise reply.
A new voice heard from. Before sniping from the side-lines, how about you answer the question from the OP?
I answered that. I said don't call it murder, unless you are willing to punish it as murder.
I agree with that. And what do you call it?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Abortion, hopefully legal, and early.
Yet you just referred to those of us who support choice "baby killers".

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Baby killer is a more concise reply.
A new voice heard from. Before sniping from the side-lines, how about you answer the question from the OP?
I answered that. I said don't call it murder, unless you are willing to punish it as murder.
I agree with that. And what do you call it?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Abortion, hopefully legal, and early.
Yet you just referred to those of us who support choice "baby killers".

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
I was helping him be more concise.
A new voice heard from. Before sniping from the side-lines, how about you answer the question from the OP?
I answered that. I said don't call it murder, unless you are willing to punish it as murder.
I agree with that. And what do you call it?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Abortion, hopefully legal, and early.
Yet you just referred to those of us who support choice "baby killers".

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
I was helping him be more concise.
Now, I'm confused. Are you pro- or anti-choice?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
I answered that. I said don't call it murder, unless you are willing to punish it as murder.
I agree with that. And what do you call it?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Abortion, hopefully legal, and early.
Yet you just referred to those of us who support choice "baby killers".

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
I was helping him be more concise.
Now, I'm confused. Are you pro- or anti-choice?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Pro-legal, safe, and hopefully rare abortion.
I agree with that. And what do you call it?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Abortion, hopefully legal, and early.
Yet you just referred to those of us who support choice "baby killers".

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
I was helping him be more concise.
Now, I'm confused. Are you pro- or anti-choice?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Pro-legal, safe, and hopefully rare abortion.
Okay. I can live with that. I'm not personally pro-abortion. I am, however, pro-choice. :)
Abortion, hopefully legal, and early.
Yet you just referred to those of us who support choice "baby killers".

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
I was helping him be more concise.
Now, I'm confused. Are you pro- or anti-choice?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Pro-legal, safe, and hopefully rare abortion.
Okay. I can live with that. I'm not personally pro-abortion. I am, however, pro-choice. :)
No one is pro-abortion. Even the ones providing it would happily not. An ugly thing but at times necessary.
Pro-legal, safe, and hopefully rare abortion.

There can be no such thing as a safe abortion. Every successful abortion results in the death of a human being. By definition, this is unsafe.
So, when are you going to start demanding that your chosen political candidates, and lawmakers endorse your position - including holding women criminally accountable for seeking abortions?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

I answered that. I said don't call it murder, unless you are willing to punish it as murder.

It is murder plain and simple. Murder for the sake of convenience.

It should be dealt with in the justice system as murder.

However, the filthy ass Supreme Court had the Roe v Wade case that prevented justice for the children.

Imagine how stupid the Court was to say that a mother's right not have to be bothered with the child is paramount to the child's life? They were real idiots, weren't they?

Before we as a nation can do the moral thing we have to first remove all the stupid Libtards from the Court and other decision making positions and reestablish the Liberty concept of life and that the State cannot give another person the right to kill you just because you may be a bother to them.

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