A question for the anti-choice crowd.

Therefore, as it stands, those of us told to butt out of her choice are forced to support HER choice when she can't. How about those of you that think the kids she can't afford but chose to have prove to me you actually care by funding them yourself. I don't owe her or her kids a damn thing because you think she has a choice and then can't afford it.

You seem to be a tad confused. It is because you and the rest of the conservative group that don't want to help women in need that you should butt out if she wants to have an abortion. You want the woman to be forced to give birth, but if she can't afford the child, then you don't want to be involved in helping with that.

That's right, you don't owe her a damn thing, so butt out of her lawful choices. So how about those of you who want the woman to have the child when she doesn't want to, adopt the child and raise it yourself? It works both ways, bubba.

There are huge waiting lists to adopt new born of all races, you fail.
Let us begin with the most common premise of the anti-choice folks: A fetus is a person.

I don't know how common that is or when it became so, but I know that unless fetuses are declared as persons, the anti-abortion argument has little to no rational foundation.

So. What about her? What punishment is reasonable for a woman who contracts a medical professional to murder her unborn child?

Well, there are some pro-lifers who are okay with punishing all parties involved in abortions. I'm not a pro-lifer, but if we are going to go with legally making fetuses people, then I do think we need to prosecute the woman, the man, the doctor, the rest of the medical team, etc. who were party to the abortion. It doesn't seem to me that they all should be subject to the same charges, but they all should be subject to some pretty "hefty" ones.
I want women who made the choice to spread her legs take the responsibility for having done so. That's the real world.

By the same token, a chicken-shit man who spews his sperm should also take responsibility for having done so, if he causes a pregnancy....and we have a lot of these who spew their sperm and disappear....it goes both ways, bubba.

I agree he should. However, unless it was rape, he couldn't have done so unless she made the CHOICE to let him.

Don't think that my belief the woman should take responsibility doesn't mean the one that got her pregnant shouldn't do his part. My problem is that when the sperm spewer doesn't do his part financially that the rest of us that didn't spew sperm get the bill. Why should those of us not part of the situation have any responsibility for anything related to it, financial or otherwise?
Therefore, as it stands, those of us told to butt out of her choice are forced to support HER choice when she can't. How about those of you that think the kids she can't afford but chose to have prove to me you actually care by funding them yourself. I don't owe her or her kids a damn thing because you think she has a choice and then can't afford it.

You seem to be a tad confused. It is because you and the rest of the conservative group that don't want to help women in need that you should butt out if she wants to have an abortion. You want the woman to be forced to give birth, but if she can't afford the child, then you don't want to be involved in helping with that.

That's right, you don't owe her a damn thing, so butt out of her lawful choices. So how about those of you who want the woman to have the child when she doesn't want to, adopt the child and raise it yourself? It works both ways, bubba.

You seem to be a tad confused. I'm not talking about her having an abortion. If she chooses to do so as of today, she can have one and what I think doesn't stop her. I want the woman if she chooses to have a kid to quit expecting the rest of us to support her choice she told us to butt out of. I'm living in what IS happening today. If she chooses to have a child and there is other options, she pays. It's not anyone else's responsibility, outside of the sperm donor, to do so. If she can't, there are two options. Get people like you to voluntarily help her or tough shit.
Now, I have to admit. I posed this question on a different forum, and only one anti-choice fanatic was willing to respond...

...and his responses were both frightening, and disturbing.

Both should be tried for murder. What do you think should happen for someone who puts an innocent human being to death?
Currently, no one is forced to have a child. If they have one, it's by CHOICE.

Exactly.....so why are Republican/conservatives trying to change that?

My opposition to abortion isn't of the mindset of forcing someone to have a child. It's EXPECTING someone that CHOSE to do what it takes to create one to take RESPONSIBILITY for the results of the CHOICE they made that caused that result. You think killing the result is responsible. It's not.

Why do you bleeding heart Liberals expect, as of today, those of us not part of the process that created the child to be financially responsible for the child when the one that chose to do so isn't being financially responsible? Why are the rest of us forced to pay for a choice we were told to butt out of?
Currently, no one is forced to have a child. If they have one, it's by CHOICE. Therefore, as it stands, those of us told to butt out of her choice are forced to support HER choice when she can't. How about those of you that think the kids she can't afford but chose to have prove to me you actually care by funding them yourself.

We don't?!?! We don't pay the same taxes, used for the same government programs that you do?!?!

I don't owe her or her kids a damn thing because you think she has a choice and then can't afford it.

You talk as if you, personally, are being forced to fund the raising of someone's family, by yourself, with the child support being taken directly out of your paycheck.

My God, you moralists are a melodramatic lot! How about you climb down off of your cross. No one is asking you to pay anything that the rest of us are not paying as well.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

I talk as one of many that is forced to fund a choice I was told was none of my business when it was being made. It's worse than child support. Child support is for children that are yours. In these cases, whatever the amount may be, is going to a child that isn't mine. What's worse is that the choice to have the child was one those of us paying for it were told to butt out of.

You're not asking. It's forced. If it were a question, there would be an option to say no. Do I have that option?
Okay. Now, this is a question specifically directed towards the anti-choice activists. Let us begin with the most common premise of the anti-choice folks: A fetus is a person. Abortion is killing a person without justification. Ergo, abortion is essentially state sanctioned murder. (Now, let us be clear, I Do. NOT agree with this premise, at all. However, it is the premise of nearly every anti-choice advocate. So, to follow this position to its logical conclusion, we are going to allow this premise from the outset.)

So, we have established that a fetus is a person, and abortion is equivalent to murder. Proceeding from that premise, there are actually two people involved in the planning, and executing of said murder - the doctor, and the pregnant woman. Now, the anti-choice advocates have made no secret of their contempt for the doctors who participate in abortions, Oklahoma going so far as to pass a new law criminalizing abortions, and levying heavy penalties against the doctors who participate. However, no one, including Oklahoma, seems interested in punishing, or even acknowledging, the pregnant woman's role in this action. So. What about her? What punishment is reasonable for a woman who contracts a medical professional to murder her unborn child?

That woman has completely failed in her life and should be in fact, aborted. How clueless do you have to be to accidentally "fall" on man parts repeatedly, and forget about contraception? This is even more idiotic than the average USMB regressive... The stupidity of it all can only make one wonder:


But I suppose it doesn't matter. The anti-choice libs want the responsible to have no choice but to pay for their abortions. Also, I hear that according to them the man (or the unborn child) should have no choices either.

Other than that, I have no problem with abortions.
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Now, I have to admit. I posed this question on a different forum, and only one anti-choice fanatic was willing to respond...

...and his responses were both frightening, and disturbing.

Both should be tried for murder. What do you think should happen for someone who puts an innocent human being to death?
Again, I have to say that I am impressed with the new forum that I am calling "home". The conservatives here are much more courageous than on the last forum I posted on. So, I guess my next question is, when are you guess going to start demanding that your chosen political representatives stop being pussies, and start publicly demanding this? When are you going to demand that your politicians stop going after doctors, exclusively with their legislation, and start holding women responsible for their choices?
Now, I have to admit. I posed this question on a different forum, and only one anti-choice fanatic was willing to respond...

...and his responses were both frightening, and disturbing.

Both should be tried for murder. What do you think should happen for someone who puts an innocent human being to death?
Again, I have to say that I am impressed with the new forum that I am calling "home". The conservatives here are much more courageous than on the last forum I posted on. So, I guess my next question is, when are you guess going to start demanding that your chosen political representatives stop being pussies, and start publicly demanding this? When are you going to demand that your politicians stop going after doctors, exclusively with their legislation, and start holding women responsible for their choices?

Are you aware that politicians have to actually win, too?


It's our job to hold the women responsible, not the politician's. Politicians pander to women to win.
Now, I have to admit. I posed this question on a different forum, and only one anti-choice fanatic was willing to respond...

...and his responses were both frightening, and disturbing.

Both should be tried for murder. What do you think should happen for someone who puts an innocent human being to death?
Again, I have to say that I am impressed with the new forum that I am calling "home". The conservatives here are much more courageous than on the last forum I posted on. So, I guess my next question is, when are you guess going to start demanding that your chosen political representatives stop being pussies, and start publicly demanding this? When are you going to demand that your politicians stop going after doctors, exclusively with their legislation, and start holding women responsible for their choices?

Are you aware that politicians have to actually win, too?


It's our job to hold the women responsible, not the politician's. Politicians pander to women to win.

And how do you plan to do that without going through the political process?
Now, I have to admit. I posed this question on a different forum, and only one anti-choice fanatic was willing to respond...

...and his responses were both frightening, and disturbing.

Both should be tried for murder. What do you think should happen for someone who puts an innocent human being to death?
Again, I have to say that I am impressed with the new forum that I am calling "home". The conservatives here are much more courageous than on the last forum I posted on. So, I guess my next question is, when are you guess going to start demanding that your chosen political representatives stop being pussies, and start publicly demanding this? When are you going to demand that your politicians stop going after doctors, exclusively with their legislation, and start holding women responsible for their choices?

Are you aware that politicians have to actually win, too?


It's our job to hold the women responsible, not the politician's. Politicians pander to women to win.

And how do you think laws get passed that will "hold women responsible"? You do get that it's the politicians who become the law makers right?

So, I ask again, when are you going to demand that your politicians stop being pussies, and campaign on this idea of holding women responsible?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Currently, no one is forced to have a child. If they have one, it's by CHOICE. Therefore, as it stands, those of us told to butt out of her choice are forced to support HER choice when she can't. How about those of you that think the kids she can't afford but chose to have prove to me you actually care by funding them yourself.

We don't?!?! We don't pay the same taxes, used for the same government programs that you do?!?!

I don't owe her or her kids a damn thing because you think she has a choice and then can't afford it.

You talk as if you, personally, are being forced to fund the raising of someone's family, by yourself, with the child support being taken directly out of your paycheck.

My God, you moralists are a melodramatic lot! How about you climb down off of your cross. No one is asking you to pay anything that the rest of us are not paying as well.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

I talk as one of many that is forced to fund a choice I was told was none of my business when it was being made. It's worse than child support. Child support is for children that are yours. In these cases, whatever the amount may be, is going to a child that isn't mine. What's worse is that the choice to have the child was one those of us paying for it were told to butt out of.

You're not asking. It's forced. If it were a question, there would be an option to say no. Do I have that option?
Again, get off your cross. You're talking about taxes. Guess what, Petunia? Everyone has to pay taxes, and there are programs, and budget expenses that everyone disagrees with. This isn't a menu list that you get to choose from. You pay your fucking taxes, and the government budgets the money accordingly. So long as there are poor, the majority of rational people will continue to believe that any government "...for the people..." means it works for all the people, protecting, and serving all of the people - including the poorest among us. So, suck it up, buttercup. Pay your fucking taxes, and quit bitching.
Now, I have to admit. I posed this question on a different forum, and only one anti-choice fanatic was willing to respond...

...and his responses were both frightening, and disturbing.

Both should be tried for murder. What do you think should happen for someone who puts an innocent human being to death?
Again, I have to say that I am impressed with the new forum that I am calling "home". The conservatives here are much more courageous than on the last forum I posted on. So, I guess my next question is, when are you guess going to start demanding that your chosen political representatives stop being pussies, and start publicly demanding this? When are you going to demand that your politicians stop going after doctors, exclusively with their legislation, and start holding women responsible for their choices?

Are you aware that politicians have to actually win, too?


It's our job to hold the women responsible, not the politician's. Politicians pander to women to win.

And how do you think laws get passed that will "hold women responsible"? You do get that it's the politicians who become the law makers right?

So, I ask again, when are you going to demand that your politicians stop being pussies, and campaign on this idea of holding women responsible?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

"My politicians", I don't own no politicians. But I am not going to ask anyone to start campaigning on a vote losing idea, especially not if it concerns an insignificant issue that no one cares about, such as abortion.
Currently, no one is forced to have a child. If they have one, it's by CHOICE. Therefore, as it stands, those of us told to butt out of her choice are forced to support HER choice when she can't. How about those of you that think the kids she can't afford but chose to have prove to me you actually care by funding them yourself.

We don't?!?! We don't pay the same taxes, used for the same government programs that you do?!?!

I don't owe her or her kids a damn thing because you think she has a choice and then can't afford it.

You talk as if you, personally, are being forced to fund the raising of someone's family, by yourself, with the child support being taken directly out of your paycheck.

My God, you moralists are a melodramatic lot! How about you climb down off of your cross. No one is asking you to pay anything that the rest of us are not paying as well.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

I talk as one of many that is forced to fund a choice I was told was none of my business when it was being made. It's worse than child support. Child support is for children that are yours. In these cases, whatever the amount may be, is going to a child that isn't mine. What's worse is that the choice to have the child was one those of us paying for it were told to butt out of.

You're not asking. It's forced. If it were a question, there would be an option to say no. Do I have that option?
Again, get off your cross. You're talking about taxes. Guess what, Petunia? Everyone has to pay taxes, and there are programs, and budget expenses that everyone disagrees with. This isn't a menu list that you get to choose from. You pay your fucking taxes, and the government budgets the money accordingly. So long as there are poor, the majority of rational people will continue to believe that any government "...for the people..." means it works for all the people, protecting, and serving all of the people - including the poorest among us. So, suck it up, buttercup. Pay your fucking taxes, and quit bitching.

In other words, you believe the bitch having kids she can't support is justified in expecting those of us she told to butt out to be forced to support the little bastards she had.

Typical lefty. No concept of personal responsibility. You enable freeloaders to be freeloaders. How sad your existence must be. Perhaps it's because you're one of those little bastards.
Now, I have to admit. I posed this question on a different forum, and only one anti-choice fanatic was willing to respond...

...and his responses were both frightening, and disturbing.

Both should be tried for murder. What do you think should happen for someone who puts an innocent human being to death?
Again, I have to say that I am impressed with the new forum that I am calling "home". The conservatives here are much more courageous than on the last forum I posted on. So, I guess my next question is, when are you guess going to start demanding that your chosen political representatives stop being pussies, and start publicly demanding this? When are you going to demand that your politicians stop going after doctors, exclusively with their legislation, and start holding women responsible for their choices?

Are you aware that politicians have to actually win, too?


It's our job to hold the women responsible, not the politician's. Politicians pander to women to win.

And how do you think laws get passed that will "hold women responsible"? You do get that it's the politicians who become the law makers right?

So, I ask again, when are you going to demand that your politicians stop being pussies, and campaign on this idea of holding women responsible?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

"My politicians", I don't own no politicians. But I am not going to ask anyone to start campaigning on a vote losing idea, especially not if it concerns an insignificant issue that no one cares about, such as abortion.
Really? no one cares? If "no one cares" why should it be a "losing idea"? If "no one cares", you could encourage your politicians - as in,m the politicians that hold your ideological viewpoints, and for whom you intend to vote - could take the stand that you espouse, and, in your words, "No. One. Would. Care." Now, since you know that is not the case, you know that people clearly do care about the question of abortion - particularly women.
Currently, no one is forced to have a child. If they have one, it's by CHOICE. Therefore, as it stands, those of us told to butt out of her choice are forced to support HER choice when she can't. How about those of you that think the kids she can't afford but chose to have prove to me you actually care by funding them yourself.

We don't?!?! We don't pay the same taxes, used for the same government programs that you do?!?!

I don't owe her or her kids a damn thing because you think she has a choice and then can't afford it.

You talk as if you, personally, are being forced to fund the raising of someone's family, by yourself, with the child support being taken directly out of your paycheck.

My God, you moralists are a melodramatic lot! How about you climb down off of your cross. No one is asking you to pay anything that the rest of us are not paying as well.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

I talk as one of many that is forced to fund a choice I was told was none of my business when it was being made. It's worse than child support. Child support is for children that are yours. In these cases, whatever the amount may be, is going to a child that isn't mine. What's worse is that the choice to have the child was one those of us paying for it were told to butt out of.

You're not asking. It's forced. If it were a question, there would be an option to say no. Do I have that option?
Again, get off your cross. You're talking about taxes. Guess what, Petunia? Everyone has to pay taxes, and there are programs, and budget expenses that everyone disagrees with. This isn't a menu list that you get to choose from. You pay your fucking taxes, and the government budgets the money accordingly. So long as there are poor, the majority of rational people will continue to believe that any government "...for the people..." means it works for all the people, protecting, and serving all of the people - including the poorest among us. So, suck it up, buttercup. Pay your fucking taxes, and quit bitching.

In other words, you believe the bitch having kids she can't support is justified in expecting those of us she told to butt out to be forced to support the little bastards she had.

Typical lefty. No concept of personal responsibility. You enable freeloaders to be freeloaders. How sad your existence must be. Perhaps it's because you're one of those little bastards.
Okay. You have convinced me. Let's pass laws that ban abortion, nation-wide. Then you no longer get to bitch about "supporting the little bastards", as you are no longer being told to "butt out"? Sound good?
Both should be tried for murder. What do you think should happen for someone who puts an innocent human being to death?
Again, I have to say that I am impressed with the new forum that I am calling "home". The conservatives here are much more courageous than on the last forum I posted on. So, I guess my next question is, when are you guess going to start demanding that your chosen political representatives stop being pussies, and start publicly demanding this? When are you going to demand that your politicians stop going after doctors, exclusively with their legislation, and start holding women responsible for their choices?

Are you aware that politicians have to actually win, too?


It's our job to hold the women responsible, not the politician's. Politicians pander to women to win.

And how do you think laws get passed that will "hold women responsible"? You do get that it's the politicians who become the law makers right?

So, I ask again, when are you going to demand that your politicians stop being pussies, and campaign on this idea of holding women responsible?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

"My politicians", I don't own no politicians. But I am not going to ask anyone to start campaigning on a vote losing idea, especially not if it concerns an insignificant issue that no one cares about, such as abortion.
Really? no one cares? If "no one cares" why should it be a "losing idea"? If "no one cares", you could encourage your politicians - as in,m the politicians that hold your ideological viewpoints, and for whom you intend to vote - could take the stand that you espouse, and, in your words, "No. One. Would. Care." Now, since you know that is not the case, you know that people clearly do care about the question of abortion - particularly women.

You got it right. Indeed NO ONE cares... NOT ONE. Get it?

Enough with the retards who clearly have some work to do with interpreting text.
Currently, no one is forced to have a child. If they have one, it's by CHOICE. Therefore, as it stands, those of us told to butt out of her choice are forced to support HER choice when she can't. How about those of you that think the kids she can't afford but chose to have prove to me you actually care by funding them yourself.

We don't?!?! We don't pay the same taxes, used for the same government programs that you do?!?!

I don't owe her or her kids a damn thing because you think she has a choice and then can't afford it.

You talk as if you, personally, are being forced to fund the raising of someone's family, by yourself, with the child support being taken directly out of your paycheck.

My God, you moralists are a melodramatic lot! How about you climb down off of your cross. No one is asking you to pay anything that the rest of us are not paying as well.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

I talk as one of many that is forced to fund a choice I was told was none of my business when it was being made. It's worse than child support. Child support is for children that are yours. In these cases, whatever the amount may be, is going to a child that isn't mine. What's worse is that the choice to have the child was one those of us paying for it were told to butt out of.

You're not asking. It's forced. If it were a question, there would be an option to say no. Do I have that option?
Again, get off your cross. You're talking about taxes. Guess what, Petunia? Everyone has to pay taxes, and there are programs, and budget expenses that everyone disagrees with. This isn't a menu list that you get to choose from. You pay your fucking taxes, and the government budgets the money accordingly. So long as there are poor, the majority of rational people will continue to believe that any government "...for the people..." means it works for all the people, protecting, and serving all of the people - including the poorest among us. So, suck it up, buttercup. Pay your fucking taxes, and quit bitching.

In other words, you believe the bitch having kids she can't support is justified in expecting those of us she told to butt out to be forced to support the little bastards she had.

Typical lefty. No concept of personal responsibility. You enable freeloaders to be freeloaders. How sad your existence must be. Perhaps it's because you're one of those little bastards.
Okay. You have convinced me. Let's pass laws that ban abortion, nation-wide. Then you no longer get to bitch about "supporting the little bastards", as you are no longer being told to "butt out"? Sound good?

For most it would be enough if women paid for their own mistakes themselves. My wallet, my choice.... Her body, her choice... but apparently my responsibility.
Again, I have to say that I am impressed with the new forum that I am calling "home". The conservatives here are much more courageous than on the last forum I posted on. So, I guess my next question is, when are you guess going to start demanding that your chosen political representatives stop being pussies, and start publicly demanding this? When are you going to demand that your politicians stop going after doctors, exclusively with their legislation, and start holding women responsible for their choices?

Are you aware that politicians have to actually win, too?


It's our job to hold the women responsible, not the politician's. Politicians pander to women to win.

And how do you think laws get passed that will "hold women responsible"? You do get that it's the politicians who become the law makers right?

So, I ask again, when are you going to demand that your politicians stop being pussies, and campaign on this idea of holding women responsible?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

"My politicians", I don't own no politicians. But I am not going to ask anyone to start campaigning on a vote losing idea, especially not if it concerns an insignificant issue that no one cares about, such as abortion.
Really? no one cares? If "no one cares" why should it be a "losing idea"? If "no one cares", you could encourage your politicians - as in,m the politicians that hold your ideological viewpoints, and for whom you intend to vote - could take the stand that you espouse, and, in your words, "No. One. Would. Care." Now, since you know that is not the case, you know that people clearly do care about the question of abortion - particularly women.

You got it right. Indeed NO ONE cares... NOT ONE. Get it?

Enough with the retards who clearly have some work to do with interpreting text.
The only retard here is the brain trust who says - in the same fucking post - that no one cares about abortion, AND that taking the position he endorses would cost politicians the very important women's vote, acknowledging that women would very much care.

You're either a complete moron, or a liar. Which is it?

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