A question for the anti-choice crowd.

Therefore, as it stands, those of us told to butt out of her choice are forced to support HER choice when she can't. How about those of you that think the kids she can't afford but chose to have prove to me you actually care by funding them yourself. I don't owe her or her kids a damn thing because you think she has a choice and then can't afford it.

You seem to be a tad confused. It is because you and the rest of the conservative group that don't want to help women in need that you should butt out if she wants to have an abortion. You want the woman to be forced to give birth, but if she can't afford the child, then you don't want to be involved in helping with that.

That's right, you don't owe her a damn thing, so butt out of her lawful choices. So how about those of you who want the woman to have the child when she doesn't want to, adopt the child and raise it yourself? It works both ways, bubba.

There are huge waiting lists to adopt new born of all races, you fail.

Where's your proof it's conservatives doing the adopting? You fail.

You lunatics need to make up your minds..you pretend we don't adopt at high rates, while whining that we adopt too much.

Orphan Fever: The Evangelical Movement's Adoption Obsession

Those are real Christians, that are doing adoptions, not conservatives using religion to further their hate. You're not one of those real Christians. Quit pretending you're a Christian.

Liberal Christian, the ultimate oxymoron.
I want women who made the choice to spread her legs take the responsibility for having done so. That's the real world.

By the same token, a chicken-shit man who spews his sperm should also take responsibility for having done so, if he causes a pregnancy....and we have a lot of these who spew their sperm and disappear....it goes both ways, bubba.

I agree he should. However, unless it was rape, he couldn't have done so unless she made the CHOICE to let him.
And she wouldn't have made the choice unless he was willing.

Don't think that my belief the woman should take responsibility doesn't mean the one that got her pregnant shouldn't do his part. My problem is that when the sperm spewer doesn't do his part financially that the rest of us that didn't spew sperm get the bill. Why should those of us not part of the situation have any responsibility for anything related to it, financial or otherwise?

Because the children are not to blame how and by whom they got here. If you are so in favor of the woman not having an abortion, then you should feel some empathy for the child.

Yes, hm, well tearing them apart isn't exactly "empathy", dear. In fact, it's torture. And murder. Not typically considered the actions of someone who is "empathizing" with the victim.

No, because starving them to death is so much more humane, or letting them die of some dreaded disease...........not the actions of someone who is empathizing with "real" life people.
Therefore, as it stands, those of us told to butt out of her choice are forced to support HER choice when she can't. How about those of you that think the kids she can't afford but chose to have prove to me you actually care by funding them yourself. I don't owe her or her kids a damn thing because you think she has a choice and then can't afford it.

You seem to be a tad confused. It is because you and the rest of the conservative group that don't want to help women in need that you should butt out if she wants to have an abortion. You want the woman to be forced to give birth, but if she can't afford the child, then you don't want to be involved in helping with that.

That's right, you don't owe her a damn thing, so butt out of her lawful choices. So how about those of you who want the woman to have the child when she doesn't want to, adopt the child and raise it yourself? It works both ways, bubba.

There are huge waiting lists to adopt new born of all races, you fail.

Where's your proof it's conservatives doing the adopting? You fail.

You lunatics need to make up your minds..you pretend we don't adopt at high rates, while whining that we adopt too much.

Orphan Fever: The Evangelical Movement's Adoption Obsession

Those are real Christians, that are doing adoptions, not conservatives using religion to further their hate. You're not one of those real Christians. Quit pretending you're a Christian.

You claim to be a Christian but go against what God says about the unborn being persons not just a fetus that you claim in order to justify murder.
I want women who made the choice to spread her legs take the responsibility for having done so. That's the real world.

By the same token, a chicken-shit man who spews his sperm should also take responsibility for having done so, if he causes a pregnancy....and we have a lot of these who spew their sperm and disappear....it goes both ways, bubba.

I agree he should. However, unless it was rape, he couldn't have done so unless she made the CHOICE to let him.
And she wouldn't have made the choice unless he was willing.

Don't think that my belief the woman should take responsibility doesn't mean the one that got her pregnant shouldn't do his part. My problem is that when the sperm spewer doesn't do his part financially that the rest of us that didn't spew sperm get the bill. Why should those of us not part of the situation have any responsibility for anything related to it, financial or otherwise?

Because the children are not to blame how and by whom they got here. If you are so in favor of the woman not having an abortion, then you should feel some empathy for the child.

Yes, hm, well tearing them apart isn't exactly "empathy", dear. In fact, it's torture. And murder. Not typically considered the actions of someone who is "empathizing" with the victim.

No, because starving them to death is so much more humane, or letting them die of some dreaded disease...........not the actions of someone who is empathizing with "real" life people.

If a child born to a woman doesn't have what it needs, it's either woman's fault or the fault of you bleeding hearts unwilling to actually do for that child what you say should be done.

If I did a DNA test on a scrambled egg (before being cooked obviously)... would it be a chicken, or magically not?
And your point? That DNA determines personhood?

If I did a DNA test on a baby at 23 weeks, would it be human, or not?
Yes, it would be human, a human fetus, not a person, to be more accurate, just like the egg is not going to be a chicken, just because it has the DNA of a chicken.

So, when you eat a scrambled egg for breakfast, are you eating chicken?

It's always funny to watch pagans claim that science disproves 'god' but then turn right around and base all their morality on the most unscientific of positions.
I'm not a pagan, idiot. It's always funny to watch idiots name-call when they don't know anything about the person they are trying to insult. I happen to be a Christian, and believe in God, you idiot, so your comment is an epic fail. And when you find that abortion is condemned in the Bible, be sure to point it out to me.

You're no more a Christian than Care is a Catholic.

It's always funny to watch you baby killers pretend to be saved, as you advocate for the exploitation of women and the murder and abuse of women and children.

Says the psuedo Christian who worships at the Westboro Baptist Church and eats nails for breakfast. It's always funny to watch psuedo Christians like you do a disservice to Christianity with your hate speech and your pretend to care about human beings charade. You are one of Satan's helpers. When you start caring about humans that are already here on earth instead of supporting a party that would do away with all benevolence, then maybe you can call yourself a Christian. As of now, go put on your KKK cape.

Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) is an unaffiliated Baptist church known for its hate speech,

Unaffiliated, lol.

And I don't worship at or defend Westboro. You have to lie to make your points, poor sad mentally ill baby killer.

Nazis loved abortion, too. It was the best way to eliminate populations they despised.
Currently, no one is forced to have a child. If they have one, it's by CHOICE.

Exactly.....so why are Republican/conservatives trying to change that?

My opposition to abortion isn't of the mindset of forcing someone to have a child. It's EXPECTING someone that CHOSE to do what it takes to create one to take RESPONSIBILITY for the results of the CHOICE they made that caused that result. You think killing the result is responsible. It's not.
They are taking responsibility....just not the way you want to force them to. Ending a pregnancy is their choice, and just because you don't agree with that doesn't mean that the country has to do what you feel is the "right" thing. The majority of American favor abortion, so you are in the minority.


Why do you bleeding heart Liberals expect, as of today, those of us not part of the process that created the child to be financially responsible for the child when the one that chose to do so isn't being financially responsible?
Because us bleeding heart liberals are not being hypocritical when we claim we care about people. It's the children that suffer when you claim you don't want to help the poor, and obviously, you calloused conservatives (which some consider themselves to be Christian) are nothing but hypocrites. You are against abortion, but you don't give a crap about the fetus after it is born. You're not pro-life, you are pro-birth.

Republican motto: "Once you are born, you're on your own"

Why are the rest of us forced to pay for a choice we were told to butt out of?
Because you want to live in this country where the majority of Americans have a heart and have agreed to do so. If you don't like it, move to another country.

Killing a life because someone doesn't like the results of spreading her legs isn't responsibility no matter how you try to justify it.
There you go, you sexist pig. It's always just the woman's fault. She wouldn't be spreading her legs if some male with no integrity was right there ready to spew his seed. But being the conservative that you are, you always defend the men....pity the stupid women who vote Republican when sexist pigs like you are so open about your sexism.

Bleeding heart Liberals are hypocritical when they say they care. You say you are compassionate then promote someone else being forced to fund what you think should be done. If you cared, you'd get together and fund yourselves what you say needs to be funded. Since you don't, saying you care and showing you care don't match.

I'm not the one whining here about having to provide a miniscule amount of tax money to help the under-privileged, you are. You claim to care about the fetus, but you don't really give a crap about it once it is born. That's what is hypocritical. You support that which doesn't cost you any money, just lip service.

If the majority of Americans believe like you that only saying you care while promoting someone else funding your care, they don't have a heart. The problem with you agreeing to do so is that it's not your money that's doing it. No matter how much you try, you can't have compassion by demanding someone else be forced to pay. It doesn't work that way.

It's the way our country operates. Majority rules. If you don't like this country and the way it operates, move. And, right now, the majority of Americans want to help the underprivileged. Thank God for that. The ones that claim to be "Godly" are the ones whining about that little bit of tax they pay, while they don't mind all the money that goes to corporations. That's greed, when you help the rich because you think they can do something for you. So very Christian.

If you care, prove it by funding it. Since we both know you won't, so much for your claims you fucking liar.
I do fund it. I pay my taxes and I don't fucking whine about it like you do, sexist pig. You're the fucking liar.....acting like you give a shit about a fetus, but not giving a damn about an actual child.
Currently, no one is forced to have a child. If they have one, it's by CHOICE.

Exactly.....so why are Republican/conservatives trying to change that?

My opposition to abortion isn't of the mindset of forcing someone to have a child. It's EXPECTING someone that CHOSE to do what it takes to create one to take RESPONSIBILITY for the results of the CHOICE they made that caused that result. You think killing the result is responsible. It's not.
They are taking responsibility....just not the way you want to force them to. Ending a pregnancy is their choice, and just because you don't agree with that doesn't mean that the country has to do what you feel is the "right" thing. The majority of American favor abortion, so you are in the minority.


Why do you bleeding heart Liberals expect, as of today, those of us not part of the process that created the child to be financially responsible for the child when the one that chose to do so isn't being financially responsible?
Because us bleeding heart liberals are not being hypocritical when we claim we care about people. It's the children that suffer when you claim you don't want to help the poor, and obviously, you calloused conservatives (which some consider themselves to be Christian) are nothing but hypocrites. You are against abortion, but you don't give a crap about the fetus after it is born. You're not pro-life, you are pro-birth.

Republican motto: "Once you are born, you're on your own"

Why are the rest of us forced to pay for a choice we were told to butt out of?
Because you want to live in this country where the majority of Americans have a heart and have agreed to do so. If you don't like it, move to another country.

Killing a life because someone doesn't like the results of spreading her legs isn't responsibility no matter how you try to justify it.
There you go, you sexist pig. It's always just the woman's fault. She wouldn't be spreading her legs if some male with no integrity was right there ready to spew his seed. But being the conservative that you are, you always defend the men....pity the stupid women who vote Republican when sexist pigs like you are so open about your sexism.

Bleeding heart Liberals are hypocritical when they say they care. You say you are compassionate then promote someone else being forced to fund what you think should be done. If you cared, you'd get together and fund yourselves what you say needs to be funded. Since you don't, saying you care and showing you care don't match.

I'm not the one whining here about having to provide a miniscule amount of tax money to help the under-privileged, you are. You claim to care about the fetus, but you don't really give a crap about it once it is born. That's what is hypocritical. You support that which doesn't cost you any money, just lip service.

If the majority of Americans believe like you that only saying you care while promoting someone else funding your care, they don't have a heart. The problem with you agreeing to do so is that it's not your money that's doing it. No matter how much you try, you can't have compassion by demanding someone else be forced to pay. It doesn't work that way.

It's the way our country operates. Majority rules. If you don't like this country and the way it operates, move. And, right now, the majority of Americans want to help the underprivileged. Thank God for that. The ones that claim to be "Godly" are the ones whining about that little bit of tax they pay, while they don't mind all the money that goes to corporations. That's greed, when you help the rich because you think they can do something for you. So very Christian.

If you care, prove it by funding it. Since we both know you won't, so much for your claims you fucking liar.
I do fund it. I pay my taxes and I don't fucking whine about it like you do, sexist pig. You're the fucking liar.....acting like you give a shit about a fetus, but not giving a damn about an actual child.

Yet you're absolutely sure it's always the man's fault oinker. You determined it's always the man. I stated that it COULD be the woman. Are you saying she couldn't?

The amount is irrelevant, bitch. If one penny goes to someone that said NOTHING they choose to do with their body is my business, that's one cent too much.

If it's such a small amount, give more voluntarily. That you don't proves you don't care.

Unless you do it voluntarily, it means nothing. Anyone can do what they're forced to do. Bleeding hearts believe doing it that way is the same thing as if you chose to do it.

It's not my responsibility to support someone else's kid they chose to have especially when the person choosing told me to butt out. I didn't make the choice like she asked. All I ask of her is to leave me and MY money alone. If she expects her requests to be honored, why isn't she honorable enough to respect mine?
I guess neither you or the OP understand what the premise of a hypothetical is. So feel free to carry on in your ignorance.
I guess neither you or the OP understand what the premise of a hypothetical is. So feel free to carry on in your ignorance.

Their is nothing hypothetical about calling an unborn a fetus....it is fact. There is nothing hypothetical about fertilized eggs being sold for consumption. And by what statement do you deduct that I don't know that a single cell organism is alive by scientific standards? Where did I say that wasn't the case? Where was "single cell organism" even mentioned in my post?

And you strayed from the OP's original hypothetical statement...so don't use that as an excuse when your ignorance is pointed out.

So you agree that any abortion kills a living developing child?
Don't be ignorant. It is not a child at 20 weeks.....geez.....I bet you scramble chickens for breakfast every morning.

BTW, whens the last time you heard of a pregnant woman being referred to as being "with fetus"?
It doesn't matter what someone wants to refer to it....the scientific name for it is fetus. You ignorant conservatives want to call a fertilized egg a person.....even before it drops down to the uterus, still doesn't make it a person.

People always refer to a woman as being "with child". But hey, you're the regressive sodomite enabler, so just keep on being you, and I'll do the same.
Ignoramus.....pregnant women who want to give birth, refer to the fetus as their baby and being with child......that doesn't make a fertilized egg a baby or a child. But keep on using semantics to try and prove your point.....science may be too difficult for you.

And, no, conservatives are the regressives.....remember, you all want to go back to the 50's.

Our Fetal Homicide Laws prove completely against your denials.
"(d) As used in this section, the term “unborn child” means a child in utero, and the term “child in utero” or “child, who is in utero” means a member of the species homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb."

So what? It is still a Fetus.

[fe´tus] (L.)
the developing young in the uterus, specifically the unborn offspring in the postembryonic period, which in humans is from the third month after fertilization until birth.

Would you care to explain the difference between "a human fetus" and "a human being that is in the fetal stage of their life, growth and development?" or can we agree they are one and the same thing?

Of course we both know that you can not afford to acknowledge the truth on that.

Just like you can not afford to admit that a child in the womb is already recognized LEGALLY as a child.
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First Roe wasn't passed by any legislature, it was decided by 7 people.
Roe v Wade was passed by the Supreme Court...so I don't understand what your point is.

All rulings issued by the Supreme Court are final, unless they are overturned by subsequent Supreme Court rulings.
The Supreme Court: the Laws of the Land

In a historic decision, the U.S. Supreme Court rules in Roe v. Wade that women, as part of their constitutional right to privacy, can terminate a pregnancy during its first two trimesters. Only during the last trimester, when the fetus can survive outside the womb, would states be permitted to regulate abortion of a healthy pregnancy.
Supreme Court legalizes abortion - Jan 22, 1973 - HISTORY.com

Second, the premise of the thread is that abortion is murder.
Murder is a crime and is punishable by law. Abortion is legal, therefore not punishable by law, ergo, not murder.

Third a baby has a heartbeat and basic brain functions as early as 6 weeks gestation and can be viable as early as 23 weeks.
It's not a baby, it is a fetus, until it is born. All of that (except viability) was considered at the time the law was passed. Viability was not that strong at 23 weeks when Roe v Wade was passed as I am sure we have made major medical advances. Most states have laws limiting elective abortions beyond 20 weeks.

Fourth and finally, commercial chicken eggs have not been fertilized, so no possibly to become a chicken.

Many eggs that are fertilized are sold for consumption. So, while your statement may be partially true, it is not completely true, and if you were to buy eggs directly from a farmer, you most certainly will be eating a fertilized egg.

One question floating among avid egg-eaters is if fertilized eggs are safe for consumption. The answer is yes. It is perfectly okay to eat fertilized eggs. Also, as mentioned in the previous paragraphs, once the fertilized egg is stored inside the fridge, the embryo no longer undergoes any change or development. Rest assured that you can eat your fertilized chicken eggs just fine like the unfertilized ones.
Facts about Fertilized Chicken Eggs : Fertile Chicken Eggs | Chicken Egg Incubators

We sell fertilized chicken eggs,
Fertilized eggs for hatching and eating

And finally, even a single cell organism is alive by scientific standards. What you don't appear to know could fill volumes.

Well, it appears that you don't really know as much as you think you do......would fill volumes....:)

I guess neither you or the OP understand what the premise of a hypothetical is. So feel free to carry on in your ignorance.
First Roe wasn't passed by any legislature, it was decided by 7 people.
Roe v Wade was passed by the Supreme Court...so I don't understand what your point is.

All rulings issued by the Supreme Court are final, unless they are overturned by subsequent Supreme Court rulings.
The Supreme Court: the Laws of the Land

In a historic decision, the U.S. Supreme Court rules in Roe v. Wade that women, as part of their constitutional right to privacy, can terminate a pregnancy during its first two trimesters. Only during the last trimester, when the fetus can survive outside the womb, would states be permitted to regulate abortion of a healthy pregnancy.
Supreme Court legalizes abortion - Jan 22, 1973 - HISTORY.com

Second, the premise of the thread is that abortion is murder.
Murder is a crime and is punishable by law. Abortion is legal, therefore not punishable by law, ergo, not murder.

Third a baby has a heartbeat and basic brain functions as early as 6 weeks gestation and can be viable as early as 23 weeks.
It's not a baby, it is a fetus, until it is born. All of that (except viability) was considered at the time the law was passed. Viability was not that strong at 23 weeks when Roe v Wade was passed as I am sure we have made major medical advances. Most states have laws limiting elective abortions beyond 20 weeks.

Fourth and finally, commercial chicken eggs have not been fertilized, so no possibly to become a chicken.

Many eggs that are fertilized are sold for consumption. So, while your statement may be partially true, it is not completely true, and if you were to buy eggs directly from a farmer, you most certainly will be eating a fertilized egg.

One question floating among avid egg-eaters is if fertilized eggs are safe for consumption. The answer is yes. It is perfectly okay to eat fertilized eggs. Also, as mentioned in the previous paragraphs, once the fertilized egg is stored inside the fridge, the embryo no longer undergoes any change or development. Rest assured that you can eat your fertilized chicken eggs just fine like the unfertilized ones.
Facts about Fertilized Chicken Eggs : Fertile Chicken Eggs | Chicken Egg Incubators

We sell fertilized chicken eggs,
Fertilized eggs for hatching and eating

And finally, even a single cell organism is alive by scientific standards. What you don't appear to know could fill volumes.

Well, it appears that you don't really know as much as you think you do......would fill volumes....:)

I guess neither you or the OP understand what the premise of a hypothetical is. So feel free to carry on in your ignorance.

Their is nothing hypothetical about calling an unborn a fetus....it is fact. There is nothing hypothetical about fertilized eggs being sold for consumption. And by what statement do you deduct that I don't know that a single cell organism is alive by scientific standards? Where did I say that wasn't the case? Where was "single cell organism" even mentioned in my post?

And you strayed from the OP's original hypothetical statement...so don't use that as an excuse when your ignorance is pointed out.

So you agree that any abortion kills a living developing child?
Don't be ignorant. It is not a child at 20 weeks.....geez.....I bet you scramble chickens for breakfast every morning.

BTW, whens the last time you heard of a pregnant woman being referred to as being "with fetus"?
It doesn't matter what someone wants to refer to it....the scientific name for it is fetus. You ignorant conservatives want to call a fertilized egg a person.....even before it drops down to the uterus, still doesn't make it a person.

People always refer to a woman as being "with child". But hey, you're the regressive sodomite enabler, so just keep on being you, and I'll do the same.
Ignoramus.....pregnant women who want to give birth, refer to the fetus as their baby and being with child......that doesn't make a fertilized egg a baby or a child. But keep on using semantics to try and prove your point.....science may be too difficult for you.

And, no, conservatives are the regressives.....remember, you all want to go back to the 50's.

I actually know all the stages of human development, from fertilized egg to birth, it's you regressives that want to dehumanize everything.

Oh and it's you regressives that want to take us back a few thousand years to Sodom and Gomorrah, you can't get more regressive than that.
Therefore, as it stands, those of us told to butt out of her choice are forced to support HER choice when she can't. How about those of you that think the kids she can't afford but chose to have prove to me you actually care by funding them yourself. I don't owe her or her kids a damn thing because you think she has a choice and then can't afford it.

You seem to be a tad confused. It is because you and the rest of the conservative group that don't want to help women in need that you should butt out if she wants to have an abortion. You want the woman to be forced to give birth, but if she can't afford the child, then you don't want to be involved in helping with that.

That's right, you don't owe her a damn thing, so butt out of her lawful choices. So how about those of you who want the woman to have the child when she doesn't want to, adopt the child and raise it yourself? It works both ways, bubba.

There are huge waiting lists to adopt new born of all races, you fail.

Where's your proof it's conservatives doing the adopting? You fail.

Feel free to point out were I claimed it was only conservatives adopting. Damn you regressive sodomite enablers are so pathetic.
Therefore, as it stands, those of us told to butt out of her choice are forced to support HER choice when she can't. How about those of you that think the kids she can't afford but chose to have prove to me you actually care by funding them yourself. I don't owe her or her kids a damn thing because you think she has a choice and then can't afford it.

You seem to be a tad confused. It is because you and the rest of the conservative group that don't want to help women in need that you should butt out if she wants to have an abortion. You want the woman to be forced to give birth, but if she can't afford the child, then you don't want to be involved in helping with that.

That's right, you don't owe her a damn thing, so butt out of her lawful choices. So how about those of you who want the woman to have the child when she doesn't want to, adopt the child and raise it yourself? It works both ways, bubba.

There are huge waiting lists to adopt new born of all races, you fail.

Where's your proof it's conservatives doing the adopting? You fail.

Well..... my parents are both extremely conservative... and I myself was adopted. And my parents founded a church, and they have always promoted adoption. Many in my parents conservative church adopted.

Dave Thomas founder of Wendy's, was a massively conservative person, and he was adopted, and he of course started the Dave Thomas foundation for adoption.

The Gift of Adoption Fund charity was stated by Christian fundamentalists. I would assume.... they were likely conservative. I don't meet many people described as fundamentalists, that are left-wing liberals.

Now as for proving all adopt is one group or another... good luck. I doubt there are any numbers either way.
Currently, no one is forced to have a child. If they have one, it's by CHOICE.

Exactly.....so why are Republican/conservatives trying to change that?

My opposition to abortion isn't of the mindset of forcing someone to have a child. It's EXPECTING someone that CHOSE to do what it takes to create one to take RESPONSIBILITY for the results of the CHOICE they made that caused that result. You think killing the result is responsible. It's not.
They are taking responsibility....just not the way you want to force them to. Ending a pregnancy is their choice, and just because you don't agree with that doesn't mean that the country has to do what you feel is the "right" thing. The majority of American favor abortion, so you are in the minority.


Why do you bleeding heart Liberals expect, as of today, those of us not part of the process that created the child to be financially responsible for the child when the one that chose to do so isn't being financially responsible?
Because us bleeding heart liberals are not being hypocritical when we claim we care about people. It's the children that suffer when you claim you don't want to help the poor, and obviously, you calloused conservatives (which some consider themselves to be Christian) are nothing but hypocrites. You are against abortion, but you don't give a crap about the fetus after it is born. You're not pro-life, you are pro-birth.

Republican motto: "Once you are born, you're on your own"

Why are the rest of us forced to pay for a choice we were told to butt out of?
Because you want to live in this country where the majority of Americans have a heart and have agreed to do so. If you don't like it, move to another country.

Killing a life because someone doesn't like the results of spreading her legs isn't responsibility no matter how you try to justify it.
There you go, you sexist pig. It's always just the woman's fault. She wouldn't be spreading her legs if some male with no integrity was right there ready to spew his seed. But being the conservative that you are, you always defend the men....pity the stupid women who vote Republican when sexist pigs like you are so open about your sexism.

Bleeding heart Liberals are hypocritical when they say they care. You say you are compassionate then promote someone else being forced to fund what you think should be done. If you cared, you'd get together and fund yourselves what you say needs to be funded. Since you don't, saying you care and showing you care don't match.

I'm not the one whining here about having to provide a miniscule amount of tax money to help the under-privileged, you are. You claim to care about the fetus, but you don't really give a crap about it once it is born. That's what is hypocritical. You support that which doesn't cost you any money, just lip service.

If the majority of Americans believe like you that only saying you care while promoting someone else funding your care, they don't have a heart. The problem with you agreeing to do so is that it's not your money that's doing it. No matter how much you try, you can't have compassion by demanding someone else be forced to pay. It doesn't work that way.

It's the way our country operates. Majority rules. If you don't like this country and the way it operates, move. And, right now, the majority of Americans want to help the underprivileged. Thank God for that. The ones that claim to be "Godly" are the ones whining about that little bit of tax they pay, while they don't mind all the money that goes to corporations. That's greed, when you help the rich because you think they can do something for you. So very Christian.

If you care, prove it by funding it. Since we both know you won't, so much for your claims you fucking liar.
I do fund it. I pay my taxes and I don't fucking whine about it like you do, sexist pig. You're the fucking liar.....acting like you give a shit about a fetus, but not giving a damn about an actual child.

A child in the womb is an ACTUAL CHILD too.

Do you give a damn about them and their rights too?
Exactly.....so why are Republican/conservatives trying to change that?

My opposition to abortion isn't of the mindset of forcing someone to have a child. It's EXPECTING someone that CHOSE to do what it takes to create one to take RESPONSIBILITY for the results of the CHOICE they made that caused that result. You think killing the result is responsible. It's not.
They are taking responsibility....just not the way you want to force them to. Ending a pregnancy is their choice, and just because you don't agree with that doesn't mean that the country has to do what you feel is the "right" thing. The majority of American favor abortion, so you are in the minority.


Why do you bleeding heart Liberals expect, as of today, those of us not part of the process that created the child to be financially responsible for the child when the one that chose to do so isn't being financially responsible?
Because us bleeding heart liberals are not being hypocritical when we claim we care about people. It's the children that suffer when you claim you don't want to help the poor, and obviously, you calloused conservatives (which some consider themselves to be Christian) are nothing but hypocrites. You are against abortion, but you don't give a crap about the fetus after it is born. You're not pro-life, you are pro-birth.

Republican motto: "Once you are born, you're on your own"

Why are the rest of us forced to pay for a choice we were told to butt out of?
Because you want to live in this country where the majority of Americans have a heart and have agreed to do so. If you don't like it, move to another country.

Killing a life because someone doesn't like the results of spreading her legs isn't responsibility no matter how you try to justify it.
There you go, you sexist pig. It's always just the woman's fault. She wouldn't be spreading her legs if some male with no integrity was right there ready to spew his seed. But being the conservative that you are, you always defend the men....pity the stupid women who vote Republican when sexist pigs like you are so open about your sexism.

Bleeding heart Liberals are hypocritical when they say they care. You say you are compassionate then promote someone else being forced to fund what you think should be done. If you cared, you'd get together and fund yourselves what you say needs to be funded. Since you don't, saying you care and showing you care don't match.

I'm not the one whining here about having to provide a miniscule amount of tax money to help the under-privileged, you are. You claim to care about the fetus, but you don't really give a crap about it once it is born. That's what is hypocritical. You support that which doesn't cost you any money, just lip service.

If the majority of Americans believe like you that only saying you care while promoting someone else funding your care, they don't have a heart. The problem with you agreeing to do so is that it's not your money that's doing it. No matter how much you try, you can't have compassion by demanding someone else be forced to pay. It doesn't work that way.

It's the way our country operates. Majority rules. If you don't like this country and the way it operates, move. And, right now, the majority of Americans want to help the underprivileged. Thank God for that. The ones that claim to be "Godly" are the ones whining about that little bit of tax they pay, while they don't mind all the money that goes to corporations. That's greed, when you help the rich because you think they can do something for you. So very Christian.

If you care, prove it by funding it. Since we both know you won't, so much for your claims you fucking liar.
I do fund it. I pay my taxes and I don't fucking whine about it like you do, sexist pig. You're the fucking liar.....acting like you give a shit about a fetus, but not giving a damn about an actual child.

A child in the womb is an ACTUAL CHILD too.

Do you give a damn about them and their rights too?

People like Mertex don't see it as a child. That's the only way she can justify killing it for convenience.
People like Mertex don't see it as a child. That's the only way she can justify killing it for convenience.
Which of these are a child and which are simply animals?

So, you want to permanently mutilate women's bodies for daring to not do as you command them? And, the anti-choice crowd wonders why the rest of us perceive them as hating women….

It's not about mutilation. It's about responsibility and the consequences of choices. I adore women. I have no use for Feminists. Unfortunately we have far more of the latter than the former in this country.
What about the men? Shouldn't the father be castrated too?
People like Mertex don't see it as a child. That's the only way she can justify killing it for convenience.
Which of these are a child and which are simply animals?


They are all the child of the parents who created them. Are you asking which one is human?
Only one is human, the others are not. None are children nor are they a "child". The human fetus would have to grow more to become a child.
So, you want to permanently mutilate women's bodies for daring to not do as you command them? And, the anti-choice crowd wonders why the rest of us perceive them as hating women….

It's not about mutilation. It's about responsibility and the consequences of choices. I adore women. I have no use for Feminists. Unfortunately we have far more of the latter than the former in this country.
What about the men? Shouldn't the father be castrated too?
He is the ISIS, of rights for women.
I want women who made the choice to spread her legs take the responsibility for having done so. That's the real world.

By the same token, a chicken-shit man who spews his sperm should also take responsibility for having done so, if he causes a pregnancy....and we have a lot of these who spew their sperm and disappear....it goes both ways, bubba.

I agree he should. However, unless it was rape, he couldn't have done so unless she made the CHOICE to let him.
And she wouldn't have made the choice unless he was willing.

Don't think that my belief the woman should take responsibility doesn't mean the one that got her pregnant shouldn't do his part. My problem is that when the sperm spewer doesn't do his part financially that the rest of us that didn't spew sperm get the bill. Why should those of us not part of the situation have any responsibility for anything related to it, financial or otherwise?

Because the children are not to blame how and by whom they got here. If you are so in favor of the woman not having an abortion, then you should feel some empathy for the child.

You don't know what choice she made other than to spread her legs.
You're an idiot. There is no sense trying to talk to an idiot.

It could have as easily been her whoring around. Since you don't know, saying you do is an invalid claim.
Yeah, right, because men don't usually want to have sex, they have to be forced....bwahahaha, you're such an idiot.

The rest of us are not to blame nor should we be responsible either. We didn't pick by whom they got here. Difference is you demand we accept responsibility for something we had no say in.
You have no say because you live in country where majority rules and most Americans are not tightwads like you. You're probably one of the few "old white men" with bigoted views that are left in America still hanging on to their draconian views.

What I should do? If you don't want me saying what a woman does with her body, don't tell me what I should do with my money. That's at the heart of the issue. You say a woman should be able to make whatever choice she wants and the rest of us say nothing when she can't afford it. Not how it works. If it's her choice, it's MY money. I don't give shit about her because she damn sure doesn't give a shit about me.

I don't tell you what to do, moron.....you live in the United States.....the IRS based on the majority of Americans tells you what to pay. I don't like my money going to corporations, but your party seems to coddle them and you're too ignorant to see that they get much more than poor people, but stupid old white men, they are finally dying off, thank God.

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