A question for the anti-choice crowd.

Your selective reading and comprehension explains why you have earned your favorite seat on the short bus.

The only implication was that thise two abortionists would likely agree with me that an abortion is comparable to a "birth" based on their brutal honesty about the fact that abortions do kill children and how they are performed.
Well, congratulations on continuing to be a presumptive retard, since there was noting in that video to suggest that either of those doctors was as retarded as you, and do not understand that a c-section, and an abortion are entirely different procedures.

So, yes, you could ask those doctors if a c-section is the same as an abortion, and they would ell you that your question is retarded.

Now, crawl back into your corner, and clean the drool off your face.

I'll take the bet on any given day that any doctor worth their salt will agree that the surgical delivery of a child from a womb (in an abortion) is comparable to any other surgical removal of a child from a womb (birth).

In either case, the woman could be the same, the child yhe same and the doctor doing the procedure could be the same.

The only real difference is the intended outcome.

An aborted child is just as born as is any other. They are simply "born" into the hands of their killers.
I'll take that bet, because the medical definition of an abortion is not "the surgical delivery of a child from the womb"

Abortion: In medicine, an abortion is the premature exit of the products of conception (the fetus, fetal membranes, and placenta) from the uterus.

Abortion has nothing to do with birth - via caesarian section, or otherwise.

Feel free to go back to your corner, and continue drooling on yourself.


Here again you try your appeal to definition fallacy even as you accuse others of doing the same.

Its hilarious how quick you are to embrace and cite definitions that you THINK support your denials but you completely disregard the ones that prove against your denials.

We dont need to look it up to know how that makes you a hypocrite.
Oh what a crock of shit! Sometimes things really do mean what they mean. When you try to call a duck a dog, and someone gives you the definition of a dog, that isn't because they are trying to "appeal to definition". it's because you are trying to redefine reality to fit your agenda!

Calling piss wine, doesn't make it wine. And when someone gives you the definition of wine, that's not attempting to "appeal to definition"; it's attempting to point out to you that you are too retarded to know the difference between piss, and wine.

Pointing out the definition of abortion isn't "appeal to definition"; it's an attempt to demonstrate that you are too retarded to know the difference between an abortion, and a birth.

Now, go back into the corner, and clean the drool off your face.

Simpleton, please ask someone you trust to draw you some pictures of what a "partial birth abortion " is and have them explain why they are called partial BIRTH abortions
Well, congratulations on continuing to be a presumptive retard, since there was noting in that video to suggest that either of those doctors was as retarded as you, and do not understand that a c-section, and an abortion are entirely different procedures.

So, yes, you could ask those doctors if a c-section is the same as an abortion, and they would ell you that your question is retarded.

Now, crawl back into your corner, and clean the drool off your face.

I'll take the bet on any given day that any doctor worth their salt will agree that the surgical delivery of a child from a womb (in an abortion) is comparable to any other surgical removal of a child from a womb (birth).

In either case, the woman could be the same, the child yhe same and the doctor doing the procedure could be the same.

The only real difference is the intended outcome.

An aborted child is just as born as is any other. They are simply "born" into the hands of their killers.
I'll take that bet, because the medical definition of an abortion is not "the surgical delivery of a child from the womb"

Abortion: In medicine, an abortion is the premature exit of the products of conception (the fetus, fetal membranes, and placenta) from the uterus.

Abortion has nothing to do with birth - via caesarian section, or otherwise.

Feel free to go back to your corner, and continue drooling on yourself.


Here again you try your appeal to definition fallacy even as you accuse others of doing the same.

Its hilarious how quick you are to embrace and cite definitions that you THINK support your denials but you completely disregard the ones that prove against your denials.

We dont need to look it up to know how that makes you a hypocrite.
Oh what a crock of shit! Sometimes things really do mean what they mean. When you try to call a duck a dog, and someone gives you the definition of a dog, that isn't because they are trying to "appeal to definition". it's because you are trying to redefine reality to fit your agenda!

Calling piss wine, doesn't make it wine. And when someone gives you the definition of wine, that's not attempting to "appeal to definition"; it's attempting to point out to you that you are too retarded to know the difference between piss, and wine.

Pointing out the definition of abortion isn't "appeal to definition"; it's an attempt to demonstrate that you are too retarded to know the difference between an abortion, and a birth.

Now, go back into the corner, and clean the drool off your face.

Simpleton, please ask someone you trust to draw you some pictures of what a "partial birth abortion " is and have them explain why they are called partial BIRTH abortions
I was waiting for that, retard. Thank you. A "Partial Birth" abortion only exists in the right-wing anti-choice rampage fest, as a label to make things sound ickier than what they are. The actual term for what you are talking about is an Intact Dilation, and Extraction. But those were really big words that wouldn't fit on a bumper sticker, and most retards, like yourself, were too retarded to understand, let alone get pissed off about, so your retarded lot came up with "Partial Birth abortion", completely ignoring the fact that a birth, and an abortion are two entirely different things. Don't bother trying to justify making up your own words, and definitions by using words, and definitions that your retarded lot made up.

Now, again, go back into your corner, and continue drooling on yourself.
I'll take the bet on any given day that any doctor worth their salt will agree that the surgical delivery of a child from a womb (in an abortion) is comparable to any other surgical removal of a child from a womb (birth).

In either case, the woman could be the same, the child yhe same and the doctor doing the procedure could be the same.

The only real difference is the intended outcome.

An aborted child is just as born as is any other. They are simply "born" into the hands of their killers.
I'll take that bet, because the medical definition of an abortion is not "the surgical delivery of a child from the womb"

Abortion: In medicine, an abortion is the premature exit of the products of conception (the fetus, fetal membranes, and placenta) from the uterus.

Abortion has nothing to do with birth - via caesarian section, or otherwise.

Feel free to go back to your corner, and continue drooling on yourself.


Here again you try your appeal to definition fallacy even as you accuse others of doing the same.

Its hilarious how quick you are to embrace and cite definitions that you THINK support your denials but you completely disregard the ones that prove against your denials.

We dont need to look it up to know how that makes you a hypocrite.
Oh what a crock of shit! Sometimes things really do mean what they mean. When you try to call a duck a dog, and someone gives you the definition of a dog, that isn't because they are trying to "appeal to definition". it's because you are trying to redefine reality to fit your agenda!

Calling piss wine, doesn't make it wine. And when someone gives you the definition of wine, that's not attempting to "appeal to definition"; it's attempting to point out to you that you are too retarded to know the difference between piss, and wine.

Pointing out the definition of abortion isn't "appeal to definition"; it's an attempt to demonstrate that you are too retarded to know the difference between an abortion, and a birth.

Now, go back into the corner, and clean the drool off your face.

Simpleton, please ask someone you trust to draw you some pictures of what a "partial birth abortion " is and have them explain why they are called partial BIRTH abortions
I was waiting for that, retard. Thank you. A "Partial Birth" abortion only exists in the right-wing anti-choice rampage fest, as a label to make things sound ickier than what they are. The actual term for what you are talking about is an Intact Dilation, and Extraction. But those were really big words that wouldn't fit on a bumper sticker, and most retards, like yourself, were too retarded to understand, let alone get pissed off about, so your retarded lot came up with "Partial Birth abortion", completely ignoring the fact that a birth, and an abortion are two entirely different things. Don't bother trying to justify making up your own words, and definitions by using words, and definitions that your retarded lot made up.

Now, again, go back into your corner, and continue drooling on yourself.

In a surgical abortion, the prenatal child is removed from the mother's womb and is intentionally killed in yhe process. In a surgical delivery the (figuratively) same child, same doctor and same mother is involved. The procedure is essentially the same. . . Except, that in a wanted "birth" the removal of the child is done with no intention to harm or to kill the child.

In either case, the child is delivered from the womb. Dead or alive.

Your pissing and moaning is not going to change reality or the facts. Neither is any of your semantic arguments going to change that reality either.
I'll take that bet, because the medical definition of an abortion is not "the surgical delivery of a child from the womb"

Abortion: In medicine, an abortion is the premature exit of the products of conception (the fetus, fetal membranes, and placenta) from the uterus.

Abortion has nothing to do with birth - via caesarian section, or otherwise.

Feel free to go back to your corner, and continue drooling on yourself.


Here again you try your appeal to definition fallacy even as you accuse others of doing the same.

Its hilarious how quick you are to embrace and cite definitions that you THINK support your denials but you completely disregard the ones that prove against your denials.

We dont need to look it up to know how that makes you a hypocrite.
Oh what a crock of shit! Sometimes things really do mean what they mean. When you try to call a duck a dog, and someone gives you the definition of a dog, that isn't because they are trying to "appeal to definition". it's because you are trying to redefine reality to fit your agenda!

Calling piss wine, doesn't make it wine. And when someone gives you the definition of wine, that's not attempting to "appeal to definition"; it's attempting to point out to you that you are too retarded to know the difference between piss, and wine.

Pointing out the definition of abortion isn't "appeal to definition"; it's an attempt to demonstrate that you are too retarded to know the difference between an abortion, and a birth.

Now, go back into the corner, and clean the drool off your face.

Simpleton, please ask someone you trust to draw you some pictures of what a "partial birth abortion " is and have them explain why they are called partial BIRTH abortions
I was waiting for that, retard. Thank you. A "Partial Birth" abortion only exists in the right-wing anti-choice rampage fest, as a label to make things sound ickier than what they are. The actual term for what you are talking about is an Intact Dilation, and Extraction. But those were really big words that wouldn't fit on a bumper sticker, and most retards, like yourself, were too retarded to understand, let alone get pissed off about, so your retarded lot came up with "Partial Birth abortion", completely ignoring the fact that a birth, and an abortion are two entirely different things. Don't bother trying to justify making up your own words, and definitions by using words, and definitions that your retarded lot made up.

Now, again, go back into your corner, and continue drooling on yourself.

In a surgical abortion, the prenatal child is removed from the mother's womb and is intentionally killed in yhe process. In a surgical delivery the (figuratively) same child, same doctor and same mother is involved. The procedure is essentially the same. . . Except, that in a wanted "birth" the removal of the child is done with no intention to harm or to kill the child.

In either case, the child is delivered from the womb. Dead or alive.

Your pissing and moaning is not going to change reality or the facts. Neither is any of your semantic arguments going to change that reality either.
Nope. Still a retarded attempt to create an equivalence that does not exist. Incidentally, your so called "partial birth abortions" don't even occur in the United States any more.
They were banned as of the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003. So, you are referring to a practice that does not occur, and has no relevance to the abortion issue.

Your post is still retarded, and demonstrates that you are not even aware of current abortion law.

Now, go on back to the corner, and clean up the drool off your face.
Never said it was true in all states. I did prove it was true is SC. I suppose I could check the others but you'd ignore the proof just like you did for the proof in SC.

You lied. You asked for proof so you could verify. When it was provided, you ignored.
And you're still lying. I asked for proof that this is true in. Your. State - which is what you keep insisting. But, you won't even tell us which state you live in, so we can verify your lies that you insist are "fact". The only liar here is still you.

Dismissed. Again.

Liar. You asked for proof not knowing the State.
You're the liar. You said, repeatedly, In. My. State, and then started typing numbers out of your ass. I asked repeatedly what state you lived in, and you refused to say, all while insisting that we accept that the numbers you spewed out were accurate, even though you refused to allow us to verify them.

I have not lied, or changed my position one little bit, liar.

You, on the other hand, have done everything you can to deflect, change the subject, and attack me, all so that you do not have to provide any actual proof that anything you have said about your state is actually true.

Now, you are pointing to South Carolina, screaming, "See?!?! It's a true there!!!" as if that somehow vindicates the lies you have told about your state.

But, that's okay. You have been exposed as a liar, and a hack. So, you blather on about whatever you'd like. No one is taking you seriously.

You have already been dismissed as a joke.

You're lying now, asshole and aren't man enough to admit it.

You can't dismiss me. If you could, I wouldn't be here. Since I am, your dismissal amounts to as much as your existence. NOTHING.
Oh, but I can dismiss you. Dismissing you doesn't mean that you have to leave. It just means that I don't have to bother taking anything you blather about seriously, because you are a liar, a hack, and a joke. Your blathering is dismissed as irrelevant.

Blather on. You are dismissed.

You call what I do blathering yet you keep coming back. That tells me you're a stupid fucking piece of shit. You don't have to keep coming back for that to be true.

Still can't dismiss me figuratively or literally, for that matter. You can claim but you can't do a damn thing to back it up, figuratively or literally.
And you're still lying. I asked for proof that this is true in. Your. State - which is what you keep insisting. But, you won't even tell us which state you live in, so we can verify your lies that you insist are "fact". The only liar here is still you.

Dismissed. Again.

Liar. You asked for proof not knowing the State.
You're the liar. You said, repeatedly, In. My. State, and then started typing numbers out of your ass. I asked repeatedly what state you lived in, and you refused to say, all while insisting that we accept that the numbers you spewed out were accurate, even though you refused to allow us to verify them.

I have not lied, or changed my position one little bit, liar.

You, on the other hand, have done everything you can to deflect, change the subject, and attack me, all so that you do not have to provide any actual proof that anything you have said about your state is actually true.

Now, you are pointing to South Carolina, screaming, "See?!?! It's a true there!!!" as if that somehow vindicates the lies you have told about your state.

But, that's okay. You have been exposed as a liar, and a hack. So, you blather on about whatever you'd like. No one is taking you seriously.

You have already been dismissed as a joke.

You're lying now, asshole and aren't man enough to admit it.

You can't dismiss me. If you could, I wouldn't be here. Since I am, your dismissal amounts to as much as your existence. NOTHING.
Oh, but I can dismiss you. Dismissing you doesn't mean that you have to leave. It just means that I don't have to bother taking anything you blather about seriously, because you are a liar, a hack, and a joke. Your blathering is dismissed as irrelevant.

Blather on. You are dismissed.

You call what I do blathering yet you keep coming back. That tells me you're a stupid fucking piece of shit. You don't have to keep coming back for that to be true.

Still can't dismiss me figuratively or literally, for that matter. You can claim but you can't do a damn thing to back it up, figuratively or literally.
I keep coming back because I find it fun to make fun of, and laugh at the retards.

By all means, keep entertaining me...

Here again you try your appeal to definition fallacy even as you accuse others of doing the same.

Its hilarious how quick you are to embrace and cite definitions that you THINK support your denials but you completely disregard the ones that prove against your denials.

We dont need to look it up to know how that makes you a hypocrite.
Oh what a crock of shit! Sometimes things really do mean what they mean. When you try to call a duck a dog, and someone gives you the definition of a dog, that isn't because they are trying to "appeal to definition". it's because you are trying to redefine reality to fit your agenda!

Calling piss wine, doesn't make it wine. And when someone gives you the definition of wine, that's not attempting to "appeal to definition"; it's attempting to point out to you that you are too retarded to know the difference between piss, and wine.

Pointing out the definition of abortion isn't "appeal to definition"; it's an attempt to demonstrate that you are too retarded to know the difference between an abortion, and a birth.

Now, go back into the corner, and clean the drool off your face.

Simpleton, please ask someone you trust to draw you some pictures of what a "partial birth abortion " is and have them explain why they are called partial BIRTH abortions
I was waiting for that, retard. Thank you. A "Partial Birth" abortion only exists in the right-wing anti-choice rampage fest, as a label to make things sound ickier than what they are. The actual term for what you are talking about is an Intact Dilation, and Extraction. But those were really big words that wouldn't fit on a bumper sticker, and most retards, like yourself, were too retarded to understand, let alone get pissed off about, so your retarded lot came up with "Partial Birth abortion", completely ignoring the fact that a birth, and an abortion are two entirely different things. Don't bother trying to justify making up your own words, and definitions by using words, and definitions that your retarded lot made up.

Now, again, go back into your corner, and continue drooling on yourself.

In a surgical abortion, the prenatal child is removed from the mother's womb and is intentionally killed in yhe process. In a surgical delivery the (figuratively) same child, same doctor and same mother is involved. The procedure is essentially the same. . . Except, that in a wanted "birth" the removal of the child is done with no intention to harm or to kill the child.

In either case, the child is delivered from the womb. Dead or alive.

Your pissing and moaning is not going to change reality or the facts. Neither is any of your semantic arguments going to change that reality either.
Nope. Still a retarded attempt to create an equivalence that does not exist. Incidentally, your so called "partial birth abortions" don't even occur in the United States any more.
They were banned as of the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003. So, you are referring to a practice that does not occur, and has no relevance to the abortion issue.

Your post is still retarded, and demonstrates that you are not even aware of current abortion law.

Now, go on back to the corner, and clean up the drool off your face.

LoL, you are so fucking stupid that it's sometimes difficult to tell when it is simply willful ignorance, some kind if inbreeding genetic defect or both.

I challenge you to quote the post where I ever claimed that partial birth abortions are legal. You can't do it because I never made the claim. Further more, the legality of partial BIRTH abortions has nothing to do with the procedure and the NAME for the procedure itself.

You dont like the word and/or the way the term came about but tough shit. It is a legally and medically recognized term now that the BAN on "partial birth abortions" has been passed.

You don't get to change the dictionary definitions just because you don't agree with them or because you think THEY are retarded.

Your side fucking lost that debate and now the word is applicable. Whether you fucking like it or not.
Liar. You asked for proof not knowing the State.
You're the liar. You said, repeatedly, In. My. State, and then started typing numbers out of your ass. I asked repeatedly what state you lived in, and you refused to say, all while insisting that we accept that the numbers you spewed out were accurate, even though you refused to allow us to verify them.

I have not lied, or changed my position one little bit, liar.

You, on the other hand, have done everything you can to deflect, change the subject, and attack me, all so that you do not have to provide any actual proof that anything you have said about your state is actually true.

Now, you are pointing to South Carolina, screaming, "See?!?! It's a true there!!!" as if that somehow vindicates the lies you have told about your state.

But, that's okay. You have been exposed as a liar, and a hack. So, you blather on about whatever you'd like. No one is taking you seriously.

You have already been dismissed as a joke.

You're lying now, asshole and aren't man enough to admit it.

You can't dismiss me. If you could, I wouldn't be here. Since I am, your dismissal amounts to as much as your existence. NOTHING.
Oh, but I can dismiss you. Dismissing you doesn't mean that you have to leave. It just means that I don't have to bother taking anything you blather about seriously, because you are a liar, a hack, and a joke. Your blathering is dismissed as irrelevant.

Blather on. You are dismissed.

You call what I do blathering yet you keep coming back. That tells me you're a stupid fucking piece of shit. You don't have to keep coming back for that to be true.

Still can't dismiss me figuratively or literally, for that matter. You can claim but you can't do a damn thing to back it up, figuratively or literally.
I keep coming back because I find it fun to make fun of, and laugh at the retards.

By all means, keep entertaining me...

In other words, "appeal to ridicule" is all you've got.
Oh what a crock of shit! Sometimes things really do mean what they mean. When you try to call a duck a dog, and someone gives you the definition of a dog, that isn't because they are trying to "appeal to definition". it's because you are trying to redefine reality to fit your agenda!

Calling piss wine, doesn't make it wine. And when someone gives you the definition of wine, that's not attempting to "appeal to definition"; it's attempting to point out to you that you are too retarded to know the difference between piss, and wine.

Pointing out the definition of abortion isn't "appeal to definition"; it's an attempt to demonstrate that you are too retarded to know the difference between an abortion, and a birth.

Now, go back into the corner, and clean the drool off your face.

Simpleton, please ask someone you trust to draw you some pictures of what a "partial birth abortion " is and have them explain why they are called partial BIRTH abortions
I was waiting for that, retard. Thank you. A "Partial Birth" abortion only exists in the right-wing anti-choice rampage fest, as a label to make things sound ickier than what they are. The actual term for what you are talking about is an Intact Dilation, and Extraction. But those were really big words that wouldn't fit on a bumper sticker, and most retards, like yourself, were too retarded to understand, let alone get pissed off about, so your retarded lot came up with "Partial Birth abortion", completely ignoring the fact that a birth, and an abortion are two entirely different things. Don't bother trying to justify making up your own words, and definitions by using words, and definitions that your retarded lot made up.

Now, again, go back into your corner, and continue drooling on yourself.

In a surgical abortion, the prenatal child is removed from the mother's womb and is intentionally killed in yhe process. In a surgical delivery the (figuratively) same child, same doctor and same mother is involved. The procedure is essentially the same. . . Except, that in a wanted "birth" the removal of the child is done with no intention to harm or to kill the child.

In either case, the child is delivered from the womb. Dead or alive.

Your pissing and moaning is not going to change reality or the facts. Neither is any of your semantic arguments going to change that reality either.
Nope. Still a retarded attempt to create an equivalence that does not exist. Incidentally, your so called "partial birth abortions" don't even occur in the United States any more.
They were banned as of the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003. So, you are referring to a practice that does not occur, and has no relevance to the abortion issue.

Your post is still retarded, and demonstrates that you are not even aware of current abortion law.

Now, go on back to the corner, and clean up the drool off your face.

LoL, you are so fucking stupid that it's sometimes difficult to tell when it is simply willful ignorance, some kind if inbreeding genetic defect or both.

I challenge you to quote the post where I ever claimed that partial birth abortions are legal. You can't do it because I never made the claim. Further more, the legality of partial BIRTH abortions has nothing to do with the procedure and the NAME for the procedure itself.

You dont like the word and/or the way the term came about but tough shit. It is a legally and medically recognized term now that the BAN on "partial birth abortions" has been passed.

You don't get to change the dictionary definitions just because you don't agree with them or because you think THEY are retarded.

Your side fucking lost that debate and now the word is applicable. Whether you fucking like it or not.
And you continue to be a retard. There is no such thing as a partial birth abortion. There never was. That was a retarded label that anti-choice activists made up because you are all too stupid to understand Intact Dilation and Extraction. Since you anti-choice fanatics are so retarded, you needed something easy to say that sounded scary, and icky so you made up "Partial Birth Abortion".

You are the only one here trying to change dictionary definitions in order to make the world fit your agenda, retard. Look up abortion. Look up birth. They are two different things.

I love that the term came up, because it demonstrates just how retarded you, and your anti-choice fanatics are. You can't just call things what they are. You have to make shit up so that you can twist it to fit into your little retarded agenda. I'm sorry you're upset that I will not let you just make up the meanings of words as you see fit, but reality is what it is, and you need to just accept that.

Off with you, while you plan your next retarded failure of an argument...
Last edited:
You're the liar. You said, repeatedly, In. My. State, and then started typing numbers out of your ass. I asked repeatedly what state you lived in, and you refused to say, all while insisting that we accept that the numbers you spewed out were accurate, even though you refused to allow us to verify them.

I have not lied, or changed my position one little bit, liar.

You, on the other hand, have done everything you can to deflect, change the subject, and attack me, all so that you do not have to provide any actual proof that anything you have said about your state is actually true.

Now, you are pointing to South Carolina, screaming, "See?!?! It's a true there!!!" as if that somehow vindicates the lies you have told about your state.

But, that's okay. You have been exposed as a liar, and a hack. So, you blather on about whatever you'd like. No one is taking you seriously.

You have already been dismissed as a joke.

You're lying now, asshole and aren't man enough to admit it.

You can't dismiss me. If you could, I wouldn't be here. Since I am, your dismissal amounts to as much as your existence. NOTHING.
Oh, but I can dismiss you. Dismissing you doesn't mean that you have to leave. It just means that I don't have to bother taking anything you blather about seriously, because you are a liar, a hack, and a joke. Your blathering is dismissed as irrelevant.

Blather on. You are dismissed.

You call what I do blathering yet you keep coming back. That tells me you're a stupid fucking piece of shit. You don't have to keep coming back for that to be true.

Still can't dismiss me figuratively or literally, for that matter. You can claim but you can't do a damn thing to back it up, figuratively or literally.
I keep coming back because I find it fun to make fun of, and laugh at the retards.

By all means, keep entertaining me...

In other words, "appeal to ridicule" is all you've got.
No. Ridicule is all he deserves. There's a difference. I asked, repeatedly, for him to provide sources for his claims about his state, even just the state he lived in so I could fact check his claims for myself. He chose to deflect, and dodge.

So, all he deserves is ridicule, and dismissal. Not too unlike yourself.

Well, I'm bored making fun of the retards.

I'll check in later, to see if anyone with capable of an actual rational thought has posted.

Have fun drooling, and flinging poo.
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I said at some point it is legal infanticide. Go look up the word if you're having trouble... it doesn't mean the same thing as "murder."

There is no such thing as "legal" infanticide. You're now just trying to dig yourself out of a hole.
You're one of the dumbasses like Czernobog that thinks it's OK for a woman to tell you to butt out of her choices related to her body then support that same woman being able to tell you to support the kids that she had as a result of that choice. Only an idiot would let someone tell them to stay out then be willing to fund the choice when the one making it can't.

And, you're the same person that wants to force the woman to have the child, regardless if she can't afford it, then when she does, you want her to be on her own. You're also butting in to her choice and then opting out. Only an idiot would tell a woman that can't afford to have a child and wants an abortion, that she can't have one, and then refuse to help her with the child. That's hypocrisy.
the fact that abortions do kill children and how they are performed.

Abortions do not kill "children" - so quit lying. Fetuses are not children. Fetuses are still attached to the mother and therefore part of her body.

Answer this question: If a doctor tells the mother that it is either her or the fetus because carrying it will kill her, do you still believe she should be able to choose to have an abortion, or are you one of those who thinks it's tough shit for her and she shouldn't have an abortion?
Simpleton, please ask someone you trust to draw you some pictures of what a "partial birth abortion " is and have them explain why they are called partial BIRTH abortions
I was waiting for that, retard. Thank you. A "Partial Birth" abortion only exists in the right-wing anti-choice rampage fest, as a label to make things sound ickier than what they are. The actual term for what you are talking about is an Intact Dilation, and Extraction. But those were really big words that wouldn't fit on a bumper sticker, and most retards, like yourself, were too retarded to understand, let alone get pissed off about, so your retarded lot came up with "Partial Birth abortion", completely ignoring the fact that a birth, and an abortion are two entirely different things. Don't bother trying to justify making up your own words, and definitions by using words, and definitions that your retarded lot made up.

Now, again, go back into your corner, and continue drooling on yourself.

In a surgical abortion, the prenatal child is removed from the mother's womb and is intentionally killed in yhe process. In a surgical delivery the (figuratively) same child, same doctor and same mother is involved. The procedure is essentially the same. . . Except, that in a wanted "birth" the removal of the child is done with no intention to harm or to kill the child.

In either case, the child is delivered from the womb. Dead or alive.

Your pissing and moaning is not going to change reality or the facts. Neither is any of your semantic arguments going to change that reality either.
Nope. Still a retarded attempt to create an equivalence that does not exist. Incidentally, your so called "partial birth abortions" don't even occur in the United States any more.
They were banned as of the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003. So, you are referring to a practice that does not occur, and has no relevance to the abortion issue.

Your post is still retarded, and demonstrates that you are not even aware of current abortion law.

Now, go on back to the corner, and clean up the drool off your face.

LoL, you are so fucking stupid that it's sometimes difficult to tell when it is simply willful ignorance, some kind if inbreeding genetic defect or both.

I challenge you to quote the post where I ever claimed that partial birth abortions are legal. You can't do it because I never made the claim. Further more, the legality of partial BIRTH abortions has nothing to do with the procedure and the NAME for the procedure itself.

You dont like the word and/or the way the term came about but tough shit. It is a legally and medically recognized term now that the BAN on "partial birth abortions" has been passed.

You don't get to change the dictionary definitions just because you don't agree with them or because you think THEY are retarded.

Your side fucking lost that debate and now the word is applicable. Whether you fucking like it or not.
And you continue to be a retard. There is no such thing as a partial birth abortion. There never was. That was a retarded label that anti-choice activists made up because you are all too stupid to understand Intact Dilation and Extraction. Since you anti-choice fanatics are so retarded, you needed something easy to say that sounded scary, and icky so you made up "Partial Birth Abortion".

You are the only one here trying to change dictionary definitions in order to make the world fit your agenda, retard. Look up abortion. Look up birth. They are two different things.

I love that the term came up, because it demonstrates just how retarded you, and your anti-choice fanatics are. You can't just call things what they are. You have to make shit up so that you can twist it to fit into your little retarded agenda. I'm sorry you're upset that I will not let you just make up the meanings of words as you see fit, but reality is what it is, and you need to just accept that.

Off with you, while you plan your next retarded failure of an argument...

Denial is not an argument.

Under the 14th Amendment and especially whith the "born alive infant protection act" and with the bans we have against "partial BIRTH abortions" in place. . . What do you call a child who is accidentally delivered alive during an abortion attempt?

If you answer with anything other than "born citizen" you are an even bigger fucking moron than I thought.
Where do you get such ridiculous notions? Choice clearly means there is more than one option - to have an abortion, or not to have an abortion. I do not purport to favour either option above the other. You keep trying to assign to me a preference that I have never expressed. That is a presumption on your part.

I would agree with you that pro-abortion advocates would, likely, think the way you suggest. Since I am not pro-abortion nor have I ever claimed to be, I cannot understand why you would continue to presume that has anything to do with my position.

I have never posted the beliefs that you keep assigning to me, and I challenge you to quote where I have.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Again. You lie about what you represent in order to make it palatable.

You don't advocate for *choice*. The babies don't get a choice. And in most cases, neither do the mothers.

A Twisted Form of Domestic Abuse

Bite me. I don't lie. I state my position. Just because it does not fit nicely into some pigeron-hole that will allow me to be labeled as you see fit, that is your problem, not mine.

Do you support MY choice of not having to support women and their children SHE chose to have after telling me to butt out of what she did with her body?

It's a simple yes/no answer and we both know your answer since you've expressed it more than once.
Sure. So long as you support the fact that it is her decision to make, and you should "butt out". I'm glad we could come to an agreement.

Now, I'll be curious to see how you incorporate that particular restriction into the welfare system.

How do you go about singling out women who chose not to have abortions?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

It is her decision to make and if she makes a decision to have a child she can't afford, she should STFU about those of us she told to butt out paying for it when she can't. The problem is there are plenty like you that say it IS her choice but don't support telling her "no" to someone else's money when she can't afford her choice.

For the most part, someone having an abortion pays for it herself although many insurance plans on the Obamacare exchanges have provisions to fund it. If you know how insurance works, those on the plans that don't support abortion pay the costs of having that coverage with the way insurance works and how premium costs are determined. With those that choose to have children they can't afford, taxes taken from one fund the support of someone else's kids.

Life is about making choices. If you choose to do something that you can't afford, you're the last person that needs to demand someone else do it for you especially when you told those paying to butt out of your choice.

I don't have a problem helping those who truly can't work/support themselves or who are in a place not of their own doing. However, if you won't work or your place is based on your bad choice, fuck off. I didn't make the choices which means the results are not my place to help offset.
The majority of woken who get abortions have been coerced. Death cultists could care less about women's right to choose, or they would address that. Instead they move heaven and earth to make sure they can be coerced unimpeded by any clinic oversights or basic protection against abuses...oversight and protection that exists in every other medical facility of any type in the us.
Again. You lie about what you represent in order to make it palatable.

You don't advocate for *choice*. The babies don't get a choice. And in most cases, neither do the mothers.

A Twisted Form of Domestic Abuse

Bite me. I don't lie. I state my position. Just because it does not fit nicely into some pigeron-hole that will allow me to be labeled as you see fit, that is your problem, not mine.

Do you support MY choice of not having to support women and their children SHE chose to have after telling me to butt out of what she did with her body?

It's a simple yes/no answer and we both know your answer since you've expressed it more than once.
Sure. So long as you support the fact that it is her decision to make, and you should "butt out". I'm glad we could come to an agreement.

Now, I'll be curious to see how you incorporate that particular restriction into the welfare system.

How do you go about singling out women who chose not to have abortions?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

It is her decision to make and if she makes a decision to have a child she can't afford, she should STFU about those of us she told to butt out paying for it when she can't. The problem is there are plenty like you that say it IS her choice but don't support telling her "no" to someone else's money when she can't afford her choice.

For the most part, someone having an abortion pays for it herself although many insurance plans on the Obamacare exchanges have provisions to fund it. If you know how insurance works, those on the plans that don't support abortion pay the costs of having that coverage with the way insurance works and how premium costs are determined. With those that choose to have children they can't afford, taxes taken from one fund the support of someone else's kids.

Life is about making choices. If you choose to do something that you can't afford, you're the last person that needs to demand someone else do it for you especially when you told those paying to butt out of your choice.

I don't have a problem helping those who truly can't work/support themselves or who are in a place not of their own doing. However, if you won't work or your place is based on your bad choice, fuck off. I didn't make the choices which means the results are not my place to help offset.
The majority of woken who get abortions have been coerced. Death cultists could care less about women's right to choose, or they would address that. Instead they move heaven and earth to make sure they can be coerced unimpeded by any clinic oversights or basic protection against abuses...oversight and protection that exists in every other medical facility of any type in the us.

You are spot on about the coercion. Nothing benefits or enables an abusive male predator like legalized abortion does.

All the abusive male need do is to parrot the same denials that the proaborts do, get the bitch(sic) to terminate and voila! He's not only absolved himself of any kind of child support for 18 or more years. . . He can now leave the bitch (sic) to deal with the aftermath on her own while he moves on to his next victim.
Our laws already define and recognize the fact that a human being in the fetal stage of their life is a child and is a human being.

You deniers lost that debate. So. If you ever want me to share in your denial of the facts? It's not going to happen. Your side lost. Get over it or change the law. Just like this side has to deal with Roe v Wade.
I was waiting for that, retard. Thank you. A "Partial Birth" abortion only exists in the right-wing anti-choice rampage fest, as a label to make things sound ickier than what they are. The actual term for what you are talking about is an Intact Dilation, and Extraction. But those were really big words that wouldn't fit on a bumper sticker, and most retards, like yourself, were too retarded to understand, let alone get pissed off about, so your retarded lot came up with "Partial Birth abortion", completely ignoring the fact that a birth, and an abortion are two entirely different things. Don't bother trying to justify making up your own words, and definitions by using words, and definitions that your retarded lot made up.

Now, again, go back into your corner, and continue drooling on yourself.

In a surgical abortion, the prenatal child is removed from the mother's womb and is intentionally killed in yhe process. In a surgical delivery the (figuratively) same child, same doctor and same mother is involved. The procedure is essentially the same. . . Except, that in a wanted "birth" the removal of the child is done with no intention to harm or to kill the child.

In either case, the child is delivered from the womb. Dead or alive.

Your pissing and moaning is not going to change reality or the facts. Neither is any of your semantic arguments going to change that reality either.
Nope. Still a retarded attempt to create an equivalence that does not exist. Incidentally, your so called "partial birth abortions" don't even occur in the United States any more.
They were banned as of the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003. So, you are referring to a practice that does not occur, and has no relevance to the abortion issue.

Your post is still retarded, and demonstrates that you are not even aware of current abortion law.

Now, go on back to the corner, and clean up the drool off your face.

LoL, you are so fucking stupid that it's sometimes difficult to tell when it is simply willful ignorance, some kind if inbreeding genetic defect or both.

I challenge you to quote the post where I ever claimed that partial birth abortions are legal. You can't do it because I never made the claim. Further more, the legality of partial BIRTH abortions has nothing to do with the procedure and the NAME for the procedure itself.

You dont like the word and/or the way the term came about but tough shit. It is a legally and medically recognized term now that the BAN on "partial birth abortions" has been passed.

You don't get to change the dictionary definitions just because you don't agree with them or because you think THEY are retarded.

Your side fucking lost that debate and now the word is applicable. Whether you fucking like it or not.
And you continue to be a retard. There is no such thing as a partial birth abortion. There never was. That was a retarded label that anti-choice activists made up because you are all too stupid to understand Intact Dilation and Extraction. Since you anti-choice fanatics are so retarded, you needed something easy to say that sounded scary, and icky so you made up "Partial Birth Abortion".

You are the only one here trying to change dictionary definitions in order to make the world fit your agenda, retard. Look up abortion. Look up birth. They are two different things.

I love that the term came up, because it demonstrates just how retarded you, and your anti-choice fanatics are. You can't just call things what they are. You have to make shit up so that you can twist it to fit into your little retarded agenda. I'm sorry you're upset that I will not let you just make up the meanings of words as you see fit, but reality is what it is, and you need to just accept that.

Off with you, while you plan your next retarded failure of an argument...

Denial is not an argument.

Under the 14th Amendment and especially whith the "born alive infant protection act" and with the bans we have against "partial BIRTH abortions" in place. . . What do you call a child who is accidentally delivered alive during an abortion attempt?

If you answer with anything other than "born citizen" you are an even bigger fucking moron than I thought.
Absolutely it is a person, because it is born. Do you know when it wasn't a person? When it was still in utero. The only thing that the "Born Alive Infant Protection Act" - which is one of the most horribly written, and retarded pieces of legislation ever passed; George W. Bush, go figure - does is affirm that an infant that is alive is...well...alive. But, it in no way shape or form confers personhood to an in utero fetus. Wow. We certainly needed a law to tell us that an infant that is alive is alive.

But, then again...we're dealing with retards like yourself, so...I guess maybe we actually do. That might have been news to you, and you needed a law to make it so.
In a surgical abortion, the prenatal child is removed from the mother's womb and is intentionally killed in yhe process. In a surgical delivery the (figuratively) same child, same doctor and same mother is involved. The procedure is essentially the same. . . Except, that in a wanted "birth" the removal of the child is done with no intention to harm or to kill the child.

In either case, the child is delivered from the womb. Dead or alive.

Your pissing and moaning is not going to change reality or the facts. Neither is any of your semantic arguments going to change that reality either.
Nope. Still a retarded attempt to create an equivalence that does not exist. Incidentally, your so called "partial birth abortions" don't even occur in the United States any more.
They were banned as of the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003. So, you are referring to a practice that does not occur, and has no relevance to the abortion issue.

Your post is still retarded, and demonstrates that you are not even aware of current abortion law.

Now, go on back to the corner, and clean up the drool off your face.

LoL, you are so fucking stupid that it's sometimes difficult to tell when it is simply willful ignorance, some kind if inbreeding genetic defect or both.

I challenge you to quote the post where I ever claimed that partial birth abortions are legal. You can't do it because I never made the claim. Further more, the legality of partial BIRTH abortions has nothing to do with the procedure and the NAME for the procedure itself.

You dont like the word and/or the way the term came about but tough shit. It is a legally and medically recognized term now that the BAN on "partial birth abortions" has been passed.

You don't get to change the dictionary definitions just because you don't agree with them or because you think THEY are retarded.

Your side fucking lost that debate and now the word is applicable. Whether you fucking like it or not.
And you continue to be a retard. There is no such thing as a partial birth abortion. There never was. That was a retarded label that anti-choice activists made up because you are all too stupid to understand Intact Dilation and Extraction. Since you anti-choice fanatics are so retarded, you needed something easy to say that sounded scary, and icky so you made up "Partial Birth Abortion".

You are the only one here trying to change dictionary definitions in order to make the world fit your agenda, retard. Look up abortion. Look up birth. They are two different things.

I love that the term came up, because it demonstrates just how retarded you, and your anti-choice fanatics are. You can't just call things what they are. You have to make shit up so that you can twist it to fit into your little retarded agenda. I'm sorry you're upset that I will not let you just make up the meanings of words as you see fit, but reality is what it is, and you need to just accept that.

Off with you, while you plan your next retarded failure of an argument...

Denial is not an argument.

Under the 14th Amendment and especially whith the "born alive infant protection act" and with the bans we have against "partial BIRTH abortions" in place. . . What do you call a child who is accidentally delivered alive during an abortion attempt?

If you answer with anything other than "born citizen" you are an even bigger fucking moron than I thought.
Absolutely it is a person, because it is born. Do you know when it wasn't a person? When it was still in utero. The only thing that the "Born Alive Infant Protection Act" - which is one of the most horribly written, and retarded pieces of legislation ever passed; George W. Bush, go figure - does is affirm that an infant that is alive is...well...alive. But, it in no way shape or form confers personhood to an in utero fetus. Wow. We certainly needed a law to tell us that an infant that is alive is alive.

But, then again...we're dealing with retards like yourself, so...I guess maybe we actually do. That might have been news to you, and you needed a law to make it so.

Er..no, you can be convicted of murder for killing an infant in utero, and murder is the unlawful killing of a person.

Not that anybody but those who want to exploit women and kill children (and anybody else who isn't up to snuff) has ever made the distinction between a "live human" and "person".

Well maybe slave owners, and of course the Nazis...and those people in our country who decided it would be a good idea to perform lobotomies and sterilizations on incarcerated people. And you...and all those who fight for the right to exploit and abuse women, provide them with only substandard care, and kill babies.
Nope. Still a retarded attempt to create an equivalence that does not exist. Incidentally, your so called "partial birth abortions" don't even occur in the United States any more.
They were banned as of the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003. So, you are referring to a practice that does not occur, and has no relevance to the abortion issue.

Your post is still retarded, and demonstrates that you are not even aware of current abortion law.

Now, go on back to the corner, and clean up the drool off your face.

LoL, you are so fucking stupid that it's sometimes difficult to tell when it is simply willful ignorance, some kind if inbreeding genetic defect or both.

I challenge you to quote the post where I ever claimed that partial birth abortions are legal. You can't do it because I never made the claim. Further more, the legality of partial BIRTH abortions has nothing to do with the procedure and the NAME for the procedure itself.

You dont like the word and/or the way the term came about but tough shit. It is a legally and medically recognized term now that the BAN on "partial birth abortions" has been passed.

You don't get to change the dictionary definitions just because you don't agree with them or because you think THEY are retarded.

Your side fucking lost that debate and now the word is applicable. Whether you fucking like it or not.
And you continue to be a retard. There is no such thing as a partial birth abortion. There never was. That was a retarded label that anti-choice activists made up because you are all too stupid to understand Intact Dilation and Extraction. Since you anti-choice fanatics are so retarded, you needed something easy to say that sounded scary, and icky so you made up "Partial Birth Abortion".

You are the only one here trying to change dictionary definitions in order to make the world fit your agenda, retard. Look up abortion. Look up birth. They are two different things.

I love that the term came up, because it demonstrates just how retarded you, and your anti-choice fanatics are. You can't just call things what they are. You have to make shit up so that you can twist it to fit into your little retarded agenda. I'm sorry you're upset that I will not let you just make up the meanings of words as you see fit, but reality is what it is, and you need to just accept that.

Off with you, while you plan your next retarded failure of an argument...

Denial is not an argument.

Under the 14th Amendment and especially whith the "born alive infant protection act" and with the bans we have against "partial BIRTH abortions" in place. . . What do you call a child who is accidentally delivered alive during an abortion attempt?

If you answer with anything other than "born citizen" you are an even bigger fucking moron than I thought.
Absolutely it is a person, because it is born. Do you know when it wasn't a person? When it was still in utero. The only thing that the "Born Alive Infant Protection Act" - which is one of the most horribly written, and retarded pieces of legislation ever passed; George W. Bush, go figure - does is affirm that an infant that is alive is...well...alive. But, it in no way shape or form confers personhood to an in utero fetus. Wow. We certainly needed a law to tell us that an infant that is alive is alive.

But, then again...we're dealing with retards like yourself, so...I guess maybe we actually do. That might have been news to you, and you needed a law to make it so.

Er..no, you can be convicted of murder for killing an infant in utero, and murder is the unlawful killing of a person.


4 tha Win!

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