A question for the Holocaust deniers

Why does it matter to Americans? We helped end it, we did not perpetrate it. If anyone needs to know about it it is the Germans and those that helped them, like the Ukrainians.
Back it up or SHUT UP!

My my, you sure get touchy defending anti-Semites and holocaust deniers...


The newly sworn-in Democratic congresswoman tweeted the headline of Walker's book "Hard times require furious dancing" last week, in support of Rep. Ocasio-Cortez, after a video of Ocasio-Cortez dancing in her time in college unearthed and turned into a news item.

Walker has caused many controversies with her virulently antisemitic views. Her latest expression of these views came in mid-December, when the author was featured in The New York Times' “By the Book” column. She said she was reading and recommending "And the Truth Shall Set You Free" by David Icke.

The book is a known antisemitic tract, which denies the Holocaust and claims Jews are to blame for antisemitism, among other conspiracy theories.}

My my, you sure get touchy defending anti-Semites and holocaust deniers...


The newly sworn-in Democratic congresswoman tweeted the headline of Walker's book "Hard times require furious dancing" last week, in support of Rep. Ocasio-Cortez, after a video of Ocasio-Cortez dancing in her time in college unearthed and turned into a news item.

Walker has caused many controversies with her virulently antisemitic views. Her latest expression of these views came in mid-December, when the author was featured in The New York Times' “By the Book” column. She said she was reading and recommending "And the Truth Shall Set You Free" by David Icke.

The book is a known antisemitic tract, which denies the Holocaust and claims Jews are to blame for antisemitism, among other conspiracy theories.}

You are truely insane! She apologised. She was not aware of the implications!! I love the smell of desparation in the morning
You are truely insane! She apologised. She was not aware of the implications!! I love the smell of desparation in the morning

I don't give a fuck if she apologized - she's a holocaust denier and an anti-Semite - and you support her because she is a Nazi - and you hold your Reich above all else.

That's the thing with you Nazis - you are a hive - there are no individuals - you defend any Nazi no matter how vile and repugnant because Uber Alles democrat.
I don't give a fuck if she apologized - she's a holocaust denier and an anti-Semite - and you support her because she is a Nazi - and you hold your Reich above all else.

That's the thing with you Nazis - you are a hive - there are no individuals - you defend any Nazi no matter how vile and repugnant because Uber Alles democrat.
Thank you for once again proving that your abysmal level of emotional maturity and intelectual disability allows you to do nothing more than childishly call people who you don't approve of Nazis
Thank you for once again proving that your abysmal level of emotional maturity and intelectual disability allows you to do nothing more than childishly call people who you don't approve of Nazis

A lot of people say that if the Republicans ever want to take the nation back from you Nazi scum, we have to behave like you.

But what it the point of Republicans if we have to adopt evil and be like you democrat scum?
A lot of people say that if the Republicans ever want to take the nation back from you Nazi scum, we have to behave like you.

But what it the point of Republicans if we have to adopt evil and be like you democrat scum?
Yeah, no one but an actually insane rapper and some leftards in congress deny that it happened.

Hitler murdered 14 million captive civillians.

6 million of them were Jews. The other 8 million he murdered matter too.
hitler did not do that. he made some speeches, ok. but that does not mean hitler is responsible for what his followers did. they just wanted to make germany great again.

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