A Question For The Left Wingers On This Forum

I literally did in the OP that you didn't read.

Which is fine.

Just don't make an even bigger fool out of yourself by commenting.

Oh my word. Jump straight to the insults. Clearly you're a waste of time. Welcome to the ignore list.
Without sarcasm:

When was the last time any of you changed your mind concerning anything pertaining to Trump, or even just politics in general?

I am beginning to run into a brick wall on here where I realize none of you are interested in the truth, only playing for Team Blue.

Is this altogether surprising? Not remotely. But usually there are a few more reasonable ones in the bunch of any group. After a few months on this forum, I am not discovering that here in any capacity whatsoever.

Is the Right guilty of the same? Yes, of course, and perhaps more frequently than I would like to admit. But it still pales in comparison to the New Left.

Full disclosure for context: I used to be a Democrat up until March 2020, although I began drifting away during the Trump Presidency when I saw how insane my former Party became. How one man could drive them to abandon all the principles they supposedly believe in. Trump really lifted the veil from my eyes. Whatever you think of his personality - he definitively exposed the collusion between the corporate media, the intelligence agencies and the Democratic Party.

And then the riots and lockdowns came. And I saw tangible undeniable evidence that the very Party accusing the Right of authoritarianism were guilty of the very accusations they let fly. I could not, with all good conscience, continue to support them. Esp. when Trump began supporting things in both foreign and domestic policy that the Left once (apparently) pretended to believe in.

Do not believe in stupid wars? In 2008 you were a Democrat. Now you're a Republican.

Want to stop sending jobs overseas? In 2008 you were a Democrat, now you're a Republican.

Want higher wages for the middle class? Trump pulled it off, Obama failed.

I'm so tired of people just looking at D and R without acknowledging that they are simply labels, and political parties are fluid and inevitably always change.

I still hate Bush and Cheney. And I could swear the new MAGA Party (for the most part) now hates them more than the Democrats.

I didn't change, my Party did.

Fortunately the Republican party did as well.

OK, off the soapbox.
The way I see it, both sides are the very same.
Without sarcasm:

When was the last time any of you changed your mind concerning anything pertaining to Trump, or even just politics in general?

Not really a leftist but I do detest Trump if that qualifies.

Two incidents of significant impact changed my mind regarding Trump.

When he sold us out on the global stage in Helsinki and when he claimed we should skip due process and just take people's guns.

I am beginning to run into a brick wall on here where I realize none of you are interested in the truth, only playing for Team Blue.

What's the truth?

Is this altogether surprising? Not remotely. But usually there are a few more reasonable ones in the bunch of any group. After a few months on this forum, I am not discovering that here in any capacity whatsoever.

Is the Right guilty of the same? Yes, of course, and perhaps more frequently than I would like to admit. But it still pales in comparison to the New Left.

Full disclosure for context: I used to be a Democrat up until March 2020, although I began drifting away during the Trump Presidency when I saw how insane my former Party became. How one man could drive them to abandon all the principles they supposedly believe in. Trump really lifted the veil from my eyes. Whatever you think of his personality - he definitively exposed the collusion between the corporate media, the intelligence agencies and the Democratic Party.

And then the riots and lockdowns came. And I saw tangible undeniable evidence that the very Party accusing the Right of authoritarianism were guilty of the very accusations they let fly. I could not, with all good conscience, continue to support them. Esp. when Trump began supporting things in both foreign and domestic policy that the Left once (apparently) pretended to believe in.

Do not believe in stupid wars? In 2008 you were a Democrat. Now you're a Republican.

Want to stop sending jobs overseas? In 2008 you were a Democrat, now you're a Republican.

Want higher wages for the middle class? Trump pulled it off, Obama failed.

I'm so tired of people just looking at D and R without acknowledging that they are simply labels, and political parties are fluid and inevitably always change.

I still hate Bush and Cheney. And I could swear the new MAGA Party (for the most part) now hates them more than the Democrats.

I didn't change, my Party did.

Fortunately the Republican party did as well.

OK, off the soapbox.
Sure, fair question.

I'll give you a classic example:

When the media says Trump promoted a violent insurrection on the capital, but the video footage clearly shows him saying that the crowd should march "peacefully and patriotically".

Trump did promote a violent insurrection (thanks for admitting it was an insurection). He claimed the election was stolen; a lie based on no evidence as we ultimately saw. He lost lawsuit after lawsuit. He told his AG to just claim the election was stolen and let him and his friends in Congress do the rest, his sychophants assembled an alternate slate of electors, and then Trump sent knowingly armed people to the capital to fight for their country.

Of course he told them to march peacefully. Why would he want them to cause havoc before his mob of insurrectionists traitors even reached the capital? Duh.

Hhhmmm. One of those things is not like the other.

Of course, I don't need to watch the video again (though I've seen it multiple times), I saw the original speech live.

Yes. We all did. A president pointing an armed crowd to the capital to fight for their country...or we won't have a country anymore.

Most Lefties have only seen the edited version released by the treacherous "JAN 6th COMMITEE".

What was edited that you think portrayed an unfair narrative?

Though I will concede the concept of truth can be nebulous, in this case I'd say it is pretty clear cut. An that has been a consistent theme of the Trump era - as it has driven our elites into desperate madness.
Trump is a puppet for the elites. That's why Trump dismissed his tax election promises and gave them tax breaks.

Trump is at the very least culpable. Trump knows it too. You can always tell because just like his election lies his puppet minions make different statements that you listen to in your far right media outlets then they do in court...Mr. Miller for example.
Trump did promote a violent insurrection

Show us the video.

Here's mine:

"Peacefully and Patriotically make your voices heard."

And the Jan 6th committee cut that part out of the video, as did all the mainstream new media outlets that "reported" on it. (Since they accepted the Committee's version hook, line and sinker.)

That, right there, is objective truth staring you right in the face.

No charges of insurrection.


You live in a fantasy land. Period.
Show us the video.

Here's mine:

"Peacefully and Patriotically make your voices heard."

And the Jan 6th committee cut that part out of the video, as did all the mainstream new media outlets that "reported" on it. (Since they accepted the Committee's version hook, line and sinker.)

That, right there, is objective truth staring you right in the face.

No charges of insurrection.


You live in a fantasy land. Period.

I don't need to watch the video. I already addressed this point in my prior post...which I suspect you didn't read because I had other points that you are conveniently ignoring as well as repeating what I already covered...unless you are reading off a card and following along is difficult?

Sedition is similar to insurrection...perhaps worse, yet despite that, charges are not required for an insurection to have taken place.

Trump knowingly sent a group of armed protesters to the capital based on a lie and via tweet encouraged his supporters to advocate hanging his own VP. You can't make this stuff up yet here you are, defending it.

What a disgrace for America.
I don't need to watch the video.

And that, right there, sums it all up ladies and gentlemen.

As I said at the very beginning of this thread: They are not interested in the truth, they are only interested in playing for team blue.

As someone who used to be a Democrat, and had to exit my comfort zone in order to find objective truth, I find people like you to be sad casualties of the Information War we find ourselves in.

You can't even be bothered to watch an approximately one minute video.

You can't even, for a brief moment, entertain evidence and directly comment on it - instead of talking past me.

Then you proceed to repeat the same sorry lies that have been programmed into you by the Media.

It's so fucking pathetic.

You just lost all credibility.

You certainly lack one of the most basic components of being human: The capacity for individual thought.

You may as well be a robot.
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And that, right there, sums it all up ladies and gentlemen.

As I said at the very beginning of this thread: They are not interested in the truth, they are only interested in playing for team blue.

As someone who used to be a Democrat, and had to exit my comfort zone in order to find objective truth, I find people like you to be sad casualties of the Information War we find ourselves in.

You can't even be bothered to watch an approximately one minute video.

It's so fucking pathetic.

You just lost all credibility.
Cats has admitted she doesn't read or watch the news.
She gets the news from the trespassers who work for her.
At least she is honest.
And that, right there, sums it all up ladies and gentlemen.

Yeah, it does. I already addressed that point. Sorry you didn't notice.

As I said at the very beginning of this thread: They are not interested in the truth, they are only interested in playing for team blue.

As someone who used to be a Democrat, and had to exit my comfort zone in order to find objective truth, I find people like you to be sad casualties of the Information War we find ourselves in.

You can't even be bothered to watch an approximately one minute video.

You can't even, for a brief moment, entertain evidence and directly comment on it - instead of talking past me.

Then you proceed to repeat the same sorry lies that have been programmed into you by the Media.

It's so fucking pathetic.

You just lost all credibility.

You certainly lack one of the most basic components of being human: The capacity for individual thought.

You may as well be a robot.
Yawn...did you want to have a discussion or an excuse to avoid discussion?

I'm sure the intended audience that consists of your like minded tribe members, are impressed with your speech but your rant falls flat in the face of real discussion.
Trump did promote a violent insurrection (thanks for admitting it was an insurection). He claimed the election was stolen; a lie based on no evidence as we ultimately saw. He lost lawsuit after lawsuit. He told his AG to just claim the election was stolen and let him and his friends in Congress do the rest, his sychophants assembled an alternate slate of electors, and then Trump sent knowingly armed people to the capital to fight for their country.

Of course he told them to march peacefully. Why would he want them to cause havoc before his mob of insurrectionists traitors even reached the capital? Duh.

The people that first entered the Capitol were doing so before Trump even finished his speech. And if you did watch the event or video, they were all over the steps, climbing up the walls, on the window sills before they entered. Apparently they weren't even at Trump's rally because they were there quite a bit before breaking into the building.

Now we're going to talk about the American way. The American way is innocent until proven guilty. So show us where Trump told anybody to break any laws or enter the building. No ambiguous phrases, a direct order or request that anybody break any laws. Go!
I was raised Republican and voted for them up through Reagan and Bush 41.
They seemed like the “sane” party who engaged in basic conservative values

But in the mid 90s, Newt Gingrich came along paralyzing Government and empowering the radical right. It was also the time when Talk Radio emerged and took control of the party.

When Bush 43 was elected, I gave him moderate support and he had my full support after 9-11. But when he abandoned the War on Terrorism to engage in a War in Iraq….he lost my support.

I welcomed Obama’s election and was appalled at the antics of the Tea Party and the control Fox News had over Republicans.

Since the 1980s I recognized Trump was a cartoon character of what a rich man was supposed to be. I never bought his act or his lack of personal integrity. I laughed when he ran for President and was shocked that this snake oil salesman had taken control of the GOP
And you still have no clue about the 55 ACCOMPLISHMENTS of the Trump administration. Where do you get your information/news ?
Without sarcasm:

When was the last time any of you changed your mind concerning anything pertaining to Trump, or even just politics in general?

I am beginning to run into a brick wall on here where I realize none of you are interested in the truth, only playing for Team Blue.

Is this altogether surprising? Not remotely. But usually there are a few more reasonable ones in the bunch of any group. After a few months on this forum, I am not discovering that here in any capacity whatsoever.

Is the Right guilty of the same? Yes, of course, and perhaps more frequently than I would like to admit. But it still pales in comparison to the New Left.

Full disclosure for context: I used to be a Democrat up until March 2020, although I began drifting away during the Trump Presidency when I saw how insane my former Party became. How one man could drive them to abandon all the principles they supposedly believe in. Trump really lifted the veil from my eyes. Whatever you think of his personality - he definitively exposed the collusion between the corporate media, the intelligence agencies and the Democratic Party.

And then the riots and lockdowns came. And I saw tangible undeniable evidence that the very Party accusing the Right of authoritarianism were guilty of the very accusations they let fly. I could not, with all good conscience, continue to support them. Esp. when Trump began supporting things in both foreign and domestic policy that the Left once (apparently) pretended to believe in.

Do not believe in stupid wars? In 2008 you were a Democrat. Now you're a Republican.

Want to stop sending jobs overseas? In 2008 you were a Democrat, now you're a Republican.

Want higher wages for the middle class? Trump pulled it off, Obama failed.

I'm so tired of people just looking at D and R without acknowledging that they are simply labels, and political parties are fluid and inevitably always change.

I still hate Bush and Cheney. And I could swear the new MAGA Party (for the most part) now hates them more than the Democrats.

I didn't change, my Party did.

The Republican party had been hijack by those who want to destroy us and end this Great Experiment. And as long the MAGANUT wing exists and the insurrectionist are welcome they are all unworthy to serve the country and should all be voted out of office.
It would never enter my mind, having no wish for that office or power. You got to be "kind of out there" to seek it. That goes for anybody, Dem, Rep, Indy, a disqualifying amount of megalomania and self conceit goes, as a given, with the desire to attain that office.
Or they could love their country enough to look at this shit show, and want to act….
Without sarcasm:

When was the last time any of you changed your mind concerning anything pertaining to Trump, or even just politics in general?

I am beginning to run into a brick wall on here where I realize none of you are interested in the truth, only playing for Team Blue.

Is this altogether surprising? Not remotely. But usually there are a few more reasonable ones in the bunch of any group. After a few months on this forum, I am not discovering that here in any capacity whatsoever.

Is the Right guilty of the same? Yes, of course, and perhaps more frequently than I would like to admit. But it still pales in comparison to the New Left.

Full disclosure for context: I used to be a Democrat up until March 2020, although I began drifting away during the Trump Presidency when I saw how insane my former Party became. How one man could drive them to abandon all the principles they supposedly believe in. Trump really lifted the veil from my eyes. Whatever you think of his personality - he definitively exposed the collusion between the corporate media, the intelligence agencies and the Democratic Party.

And then the riots and lockdowns came. And I saw tangible undeniable evidence that the very Party accusing the Right of authoritarianism were guilty of the very accusations they let fly. I could not, with all good conscience, continue to support them. Esp. when Trump began supporting things in both foreign and domestic policy that the Left once (apparently) pretended to believe in.

Do not believe in stupid wars? In 2008 you were a Democrat. Now you're a Republican.

Want to stop sending jobs overseas? In 2008 you were a Democrat, now you're a Republican.

Want higher wages for the middle class? Trump pulled it off, Obama failed.

I'm so tired of people just looking at D and R without acknowledging that they are simply labels, and political parties are fluid and inevitably always change.

I still hate Bush and Cheney. And I could swear the new MAGA Party (for the most part) now hates them more than the Democrats.

I didn't change, my Party did.

Fortunately the Republican party did as well.

OK, off the soapbox.

I am further left than anyone here, and Trump is really just a populist, latching on to whatever he thinks will get him votes.
He was probably right about China, trade, covid, etc.
He did not start any wars and started getting out of Aghanistan.
The only big problems I had with him was his stacking the SCOTUS, and his extreme anti-drug views,

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